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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. I know - that's the worst! - - - Updated - - - Version 8.7.0_Perfectly_Ultimate_Great_SuperGiant_Felis - deprecated my stopgap precooler (category none for now) - added patch to add KSPI's precooler module to the mk2 part packs new precooler part Update to the new Mk2 Expansion pack first!
  2. The zip folder itself also needs to be named GameData.zip, unless you specify otherwise in a custom netkan (as Olympic mentioned)
  3. CKAN only pulls downloads from kerbalstuff when the uploaded file is the zipped Gamedata folder - if the uploaded folder is not named GameData.zip, containing the GameData folder, it will not recognize it. I think they did this to make figuring out what folders to put where easier for them. That rule threw me for a loop when I uploaded at first.
  4. as of now, yes EDIT: Just manual-downloaded from Kerbalstuff - it looks like the problem is that the uploaded .zip is not GameData, like CKAN likes.
  5. I should figure out something similar, make a mk2 in line part...
  6. at least hydrazine won't hang around for millenia... although I would imagine it might do bad things to the ozone layer if you spew enough there...
  7. New version 8.6.0 Perfectly Ultimate Great Main Sequence Panthera leo Mk3 KSPI Engines initial release (requires latest Mk3 pre-release for MK3 engines) - Reduced Plasma Thruster (MPD) max power, was too high - Corrected RealFuels thrust values for Mk3 engines - Mk3 Plasma thruster - MK3 VASIMR Thruster Other engines to follow. - - - Updated - - - Looking through your log file, it looks like you don't have RealFuels installed, but somewhere you have a cfg file with "FOR[RealFuels]", so ModuleManager patches that check for it think that you have it installed. I don't know if that is the only problem. Looking at the list of installed mods, they are all available off of CKAN (I think). I would recommend backing up your gamedata folder (to a zip file) and re-download and install all of your mods (one reason for the zip is that for the ones with internal settings files, you can go back and Copy-paste your settings right back in). That should get rid of that, at least, if not everything else. I recommend CKAN, as that makes it easier (if you do not already use it). CKAN still thinks RealFuels conflicts with IFS (I think). What I have done is install everything else including the dependencies of Realfuels, using CKAN, and then I did a regular download & install of Realfuels (its dependencies are managed by the same who does RealFuels, and they update in tandem, so I know when to check).
  8. Ooc, do you have realfuels installed? Must be one of the other mods I have installed rhats crashing if it's not KSPI
  9. Perfect. I will look into this. Also, 1.0.5 is out, and I did not back up my 1.0.4 before Steam installed it, so I will be unable to properly test things here until the mods I depend on update to functionality.
  10. http://www.examiner.com/article/british-spaceplane-skylon-could-revolutionize-space-travel?cid=db_articles I love living in the future!
  11. I like it the way it is, for that reason. hmm - at the moment, it sounds like KSPI is changing the max thrust when you change the throttle - is it possible to report the max theoretical thrust independently of the throttle (i.e. assuming the max thrust/min ISP setting), and change the actual ISP & the current thrust when the throttle changes? Wait, is the throttle to thrust function even linear? that would be a separate problem to solve... Furthermore, perhaps the engine module's menu could have some kind of sliders to restrict the permitted engine states to a certain range of ISP? That would prevent mechjeb (and players by accident) from going full throttle and burning the fuel less efficiently than desired. wait, the thrust limiter thing basically does that anyway. nevermind.
  12. BUT they do - a lot of the KSPI engines have some inverse relationship between thrust and isp, and the max thrills the per physics tick changes as a function of a number of factors. If3chjeb is indeed working as you described, what is needed is a special KSPI modul to handle PIDs for these wngines e, like they have for FAR or that gimbal module. That would need some collaboration between here and the mechjeb people -why don't you suggest it to them on their thread?
  13. If you could upload your log file (I need the one from the root folder) to your dropbox and PM or post the link, that would be easiest. Alternately, if you Ctrl+f for: ERROR in that log file, and find the chunk of lines where the file path is mine (i.e. [whatever]/StarlionIndustries/[etc.], and copy and paste all or a few of those lines, and either post them here or PM them to me. Basically, there is some thing that my patch is doing based on your exact setup that is wrong (there are many possible combinations that it tries to account for, there is likely something I missed). Once I know exactly what property it is trying to write when it hangs up, I can trace back what is going on.
  14. My patch set [http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131806-Starlion-Industries-KSPI-IFS-Compatibility-Patches-for-Fueltanks-Spaceplanes-more-CKAN] currently does that for WarpPlugin. I guess I could add a set for Near Future (with appropriate NEEDS arrangement...) I don't use it myself, so I will have to do a bit of research first.
  15. Not sure which way you're asking. If you mean that the download rate dropped, I would guess midterms, maybe? I myself have had very little time on KSP the last few week, I've been [non-midterm-related] unusually busy myself.
  16. http://news.sciencemag.org/physics/2015/10/feature-bizarre-reactor-might-save-nuclear-fusion
  17. Huh. Humans. I'll take down the old versions (all versions will remain available on Github, though)
  18. I recommend making it ALL_VESSEL, but having PUMP = None (so that the tanks can't be refilled, at least).
  19. 8.4.1: Perfectly Ultimate Great Main Sequence Neofelis nebulosa Fixed (hopefully) Roentgen overheating issue
  20. This is not a planet pack... you would want kopernicus, along with OPM or kerbalgalaxy. Either is awesome with this mod
  21. Got it. One more question - to clarify - each subsequent part multiples again by its thermalcost value? so if I have two parts interceding, each with .5, I have a .25 multiplier?
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