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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. The inline drill & the roentgen engine are not loading - they are returning the "Cannot clone model '<path>' as model does not exist" error when partcompiler tries to load them. EDIT: the problem with the roentgen: the path for the model seems to be case-sensitive. In the 1.7 .cfg, the path was changed to 'Rontgen' instead of 'RONTGEN'. changing it back to all-caps fixed that. This is not the case with the Mk2 drill. Not sure what is going on there. Found another part that this is occurring with: Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/RCS/Cblock (ctrl+f'ed for "Cannot clone model").
  2. that might be my fault from the MK2 integration patches... I kept running into problems with random part pack X having its own set of MM patches for MFT, IFS or FS, which caused conflicts with my generic IFS patch set - unless there is a way to dynamically alter placement (i.e. 'run after/before any other patch that alters module X, except for First/Final) I have no other way to garauntee that other than use of FIRST & LAST
  3. ah - excellent! That was actually a fix I had not yet tested, and put in the release by accident... Festivus miracle, I guess! Or the Great Spaghetti Kraken touched our spaceplanes with its green, noodly, rocket-fuel drenched appendages.
  4. With regard to that the Air-Augmented SRB's seem to have issues with getting enough IntakeAtm - I noticed that some of the intake configs don't have that (relatively) new machCurve{} thing - specifically those SRBs, the Mk2 Shock Cone Intake, Mk2 Adapter Air Intake, and the Two-State Aerospace Intake. EDIT: Nevermind, found this comment in the Squad Shock-Cone Intake, which lacks a machCurve: // Isentropic, so left at default efficiency (1.0) at all Mach on the other hand, if nothing else helps, maybe the AASRB's could be written with an intake efficiency bonus at some spread of mach values.
  5. 8.9.1: Perfectly Ultimate Great SuperGiant Panthera leo is up. There was an issue with my droptank patch, now fixed. Kerbalstuff is currently timing out for me, until I can upload it to there (and CKAN can grab it) you can also grab it manually from github
  6. Just a note, the current version support Skunkwork's drop-tanks with IFS (you can install them via CKAN under 'wing drop tanks' - note that CKAN has BDarmory as a dependency, though (my patch will remove the BDarmory module if it is not installed, though)). The next version will add a second set of them with MFT, and change the scaling to make sense (so hold off on any long-term ship for the moment). EDIT: Said update, 8.9.0: Perfectly Ultimate Great SuperGiant Panthera tigris, is live.
  7. The Air-Augmented Solid Boosters burn through their fuel really fast - they might need either a lower starting thrust or a larger part model with more fuel (or just those larger alternatives).
  8. If this mod is going to be developed again - first of all: Awesome!!! Second, I had an idea (based on Star Trek & Wars) that would need procedural wings: There is some canon in Star Trek, and at least fanon in Star Wars, that starships that execute atmospheric travelings (the millenium falcon is hardly aerodynamically sound, for example) use their deflector shields to act as [virtually invisible] wings while in atmosphere. I think that would be pretty cool for KSP (especially as one who runs KSPI & went to the trouble of integrating it into mk2-form parts for my hyper-advanced spaceplanes). My vision based on that is a procedural wing part, with a toggle for the wing, with a shield generator model flush along the line of the base of the wing... I am unsure how feasible, if at all, that is from the existing code. I hope it sounds like a good/cool idea though... I would imagine that an electric-y texture would look so cool for the wing (kind of like the animation from this part: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/30929-bussard-ramjet/)
  9. Basically: Standard means that for any pair of antennas, the maximum range they can communicate at the least of the two ranges. So if you have a 10km and a 100km, the max range is only 10km. Root means that for any pair of antennas, the maximum range they can communicate is the standard range + Square Root (range1 x range2). It caps the increase from "Square Root (range1 x range2)" to 100 times the standard range (for omnis) or 1000 times (for dish). This is more realistic, in reality, probes have relatively low-power antenna, and we rely on having very powerful earth-based antennas to send & receive. Realism Overhaul changes the ranges of the various antennas, as well as those settings, to create a reasonable approximation of that RL setup. If you change it back to Standard, it would be harder than RL - which is quite insane enough as it is!
  10. hmmm... I then that is a property of H2 in atmosphere with the underlying KSPI plugin. That should be taken up on that thread (unless this only happens with my VASIMR)
  11. hmmmm... could you post or PM me your list of installed mods? (it should show up somewhere towards the beginning of the MM stuff in the ksp.log) I'll replicate your build, I think. Also - is the magnetic nozzle working, though?
  12. In the case that RF of MFT is installed, IFS is added to exactly the parts with only LiquidFuel. For example, for the Mk2 parts, the Rocket Fuel Tanks are left untouched (and get MFT) and the LF-only versions of each model get IFS. On another note, if there are any parts that get only IFS or MFT, (ie they don't have two different part versions like the Mk2 fuel tanks), and you would like to have both, let me know and I will add a specific +part for it.
  13. *clear throat, adopt Prof. Farnsworth voice* Good news, everyone! I'll start putting together configs for those two for the KSPI ISRU
  14. awesome! I'll start working on KSPI configs for those parts.
  15. 8.8.1: Perfectly Ultimate Great SuperGiant Neofelis nebulosa - probably fixed issues with Magnetic Nozzle & Thermal Turbojet (respectively, the ModuleEnginesWarp was being replaced with ModuleEnginesRF by Realfuels (bandaided w/ a FINAL patch & ModuleSurfaceFX was pointing at the wrong module index #)
  16. I just looked through his configs - he has IFS as built-in fueltank within the part .cfg as such, there is no resource node for my mod to latch on to - the IFS you see there is the MKIV default one. If there is a way to configure MM to pull specific data off of a list, I can make a special patch for that stuff (by pulling off the first resource amount from the list, and proceeding as usual). will look into it. You can manually set it up by deleting the IFS nodes in his configs and inserting resource node for LF w/ proper amount... - it modifies [some of ] the existing parts to have the fuel switch thing for KSPI (exactly what it does depends on your exact set-up) - it adds some parts (mainly the reactors & generators) - it modifies a number of the engines to be various KSPI engines. -- one of those is indeed the atmospheric engine w/ built-in nuclear reactor.
  17. Automatically modifies via formula - the parts it touches depends on what other mods you have installed: If you have at least one of Realfuels, Community Resource Pack, or WarpPlugin (KSPI) installed, the tanks this adds will have an expanded resource list, covering many resources. Otherwise, the tanks will have only pure LF, pure Oxidizer, LFO, Mono, & XenonGas options. If you have RealFuels installed, the tanks' resource amounts will be scaled appropriately, also Kerosene will replace the pure Liquidfuel option. If you have Realfuels or Modular Fueltanks installed, my tanks will be added to exactly the fueltanks that have ONLY LiquidFuel. A few parts from the MK2-extended also get my fueltanks. The LFO (including the stock mk2 rocket-fuel tanks) are left alone, that way for every part-model you have both the MFT/RF option and the IFS option. If you have neither RF nor MFT, it will be added to every fueltank. TL;DR - it will modify them automatically, exactly how depends on what else you have installed. Keep in mind that sometimes, the mod-maker has MM patches included for IFS or MFT, and they do not always have checks in them to prevent double-moduling. If that is the case, let me know, I will contact that mod-maker to fix the conflict.
  18. working on it... it looks like tweakscale is getting added to the engine *somewhere* - the mk2 shouldn't have it, but that also shouldn't make any of its modules go crazy...
  19. ahhh I see what is happening - Necrobones patch is not checking to see if the part it is modifying already has an IFS module. My code is set up the way it is because it has several different configurations, depending on exactly what mods are installed. the FIRSTS and stuff are in place to minimize file size and runtime of the MM patches, as well as to make the various modifications modular, for easy updating on my end and customization on the user end.
  20. OK. Could you post your list of installed mods? I'll replicate your set-up and try to find the problem. It might be happening with a specific config.
  21. I agree. I need to teach myself modelling first, so that's a relatively long way off.
  22. I'll take a look. Sorry it so long to get back to you, I did not realize that the forum upgrade removed all my subscriptions. EDIT: Affected engines are the MK2 Vista, Thermal Turbojet (but not the one with a built-in reactor), and the Magnetic nozzle. I am dumping the MM files to examine them.
  23. Has anyone been able to get any version after 8.5 from CKAN? The new metadata was autogenerated as always, & ckan sees the 8.71 release, but it is not offering to update... EDIT: I uninstalled (version 8.5), then installed (both via CKAN), it installed the latest one. no idea why.
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