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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. mmm - it is B9's version of it then - I have the smokescreen installed from CKAN, and am having no problems*. *that I know of
  2. I've been bumping up a major number every time I change the file structure and make the new version impossible to just install over the old one, or alter configs in a ship=breaking manner. - - - Updated - - - 8.1.1: Neutron Neofelis nebulosa - slightly increased mass of generators
  3. Version 8.1.0 Neutron Panthera pardus changed entry costs to 4000 (assuming also unlock 'base' reactors, 4000 is mk2 'shape conversion' cost. minor changes to fusion and Pebble bed/dusty plasma reactors to reflect fixed typo/KSPI change (buffed somewhat). moved thermal turbojet to correct tech tree node changed thermal turbojet thrust multiplier to 1 (reflect KSPI change)
  4. I seem to have found the error, update 8.0.0 is posted - - - Updated - - - awww, thanks - - - Updated - - - Is it not working at all, or showing incorrect values? I believe that there are ongoing issues with it that lie in the code of the mod, not in the reactor cfgs WRT the VAB stuff not displaying the fully upgraded version stats. I intend to create a table with the stats of all my mk2 reactors for general use.
  5. Version 7.0.0 SuperGiant Panthera leo for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.4 Added first wave of MK3 Expanded integration. File structure changed, delete old folder before installing. - - - Updated - - - Good Idea. - - - Updated - - - What is not working?
  6. Looking at the reactor-fuel config, it looks like you changed the way the reactors know what fuels they can use? I haven't booted up KSP yet, so if the code works, then the cfg should work. - - - Updated - - - 6.0.0: SuperGiant Panthera tigris implemented R4-D* "Sievert" Lightbulb TurboJet alternator, engine rebalancing to match KSPI's, updated reactor cfgs.
  7. - oh yeah, I forgot about that. I uninstalled it back, I think, due to some wierd bug, and I never got around to to re-installing... - Yes. I have done it myself for personal use. If animations are desired for the various experiments, there is an optional field in the science experiment thing to select which animation that particular experiment should run, IIRC.
  8. ahhhh - the wings don't have it added - I'll drop the modulecrossfeed into the radiator cfg as well.
  9. R4-D "Rontgen" Atomic Thermal TurboJet - Now featuring built-in Air Intake (KSPI module update allowed me to add a good-for-one-intake precooler to an engine part (previously this was terribly bugged) so I restored the air intake from the base part cfg) R4-D* "Sievert" Lightbulb TurboJet - New part, much like the Rontgen, except now possesing a built-in Fission Reactor. - Also includes new air intake feature. - Supplies no power to generators. A future KSPI update will allow them to generate reasonable current when the engine is idle. In the meantime, for this purpose, only .01% (about .2 (theoretical) MW when fully upgraded) of the reactor's power gets to the generator. - Much heavier and more expensive. Fuel Switch Patch - Now, if neither RealFuels nor MFT is installed, all parts with any of LF, Oxidizer, XenonGas, and monoprop will be converted to IFS (If RF is not present, IFS options now include the proper LFO mixture). - - - Updated - - - ModuleCrossFeed's been in for a few versions. Currently only the wings with pre-existing fuel tanks have been given IFS. Not sure if I should go with adding [small] tanks to the small wings. It seems that our forums' polls cannot be edited... - - - Updated - - - For my current release, I have the thermalpowerefficiency at .0001, which would work out to a theoretical max of .2 MW... As I am imagining it, this would be useful for Life support, as you mentioned, as well as for [eventually] starting a fusion reactor [for the ISRU, for example]. EDIT: I forgot to test the updates (fasting makes silly errors happen). If anyone has a problem, sorry, and let me know at https://github.com/ABZB/Mk2_Extended_KSPI_Integration/issues if possible (just easier to refernce, when, for example, I make the same coding error next week).
  10. On the other hand, you *could* make a generic science part that has all the stock experiments available at once? maybe a lab integrated with them? that would be convenient... (as in one doesn't have to use up an action group or desperately try to find where one placed everything to do science in the 5 seconds before everything explodes )
  11. Maybe a mk3 part that is compatible with Universal Storage System? Then all the pieces are ready-made for insertion
  12. first guess is that that module can't handle spaces in that field, try getting rid of the space in ':$: ,Alum....' Also, you have 'LqdHelium' in twice.
  13. That is to be the plan. The first version had exactly that, and it was removed due to the generator/nozzle combo not working then.
  14. The part Freethinker added to KSPI is a fission reactor/thermal turbojet that has a built-in reactor, and amazing ISP, but does not have the ability to supply power to a generator (is realistic). This will let me do exactly what I wanted to do with that the mk2 thermal turbojet. Tonight is the start of the jewish new year, I will probably be unavailable for most of today, and I won't be back until Tuesday night, so if you don't see that update today, it will have to wait until Wednesday.
  15. I will supply that kind of thing via my KSPI integration patch once the stockish mk3 engines are out.
  16. found one of those scripts - basically, the SITUATION field on (one?) of the craft becomes 'DOCKED' (as seen in the sfs files).
  17. that does sound like it is some kind of [hopefully easily fixable] not-recalculating issue
  18. a massive patch set, all with NEEDS[uSI,WarpPlugin] would do that, without having to mess with the base forms of each
  19. This is a very convenient answer: http://www.greenoptimistic.com/gary-rubloff-supercapacitor-20090318/#.VfAq-xFViko - that's an experimental capacitor as of 2009, giving 1 MW/s per kilogram - so mass of .04 in KSP terms.
  20. the latter might be less realistic - consider this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercapacitor Considering that the near-future not-yet-possible stuff, a discharge time on the order of weeks or months seems reasonable - and would be perfect for KSPI. It might even be usable as a separate part unto itself (even for a solar-powered probe that might have a large short-term power draw (wait, that's basically the NFE one)) in any event, it would make sense for a capacitor part to have a (n optionally activated) bit that would briefly re-start de-activated fusion reactors to recharge when the capacitor would be unable to restart if it waited for an additional [some small, but margin of error time unit]. If it automatically draws MJ (at low priority) from other sources (solar panels, fission, etc.) it would (probably) not need to be optional, as it would not re-start fusion at all in that case.
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