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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. probably would break that craft - I was asking because if that worked in FAR it would be god-mode *incredible*.
  2. huh. yeah.. the current version is not editing the mk2Ramjet, so it probably isn't me...
  3. yeah, I only thought to check because manley mentioned it.
  4. the new version, 3.8 is now up. It fixes all compatibility problems with OPT, except for the new ones that will likely pop into being as a result of the fixes. Also, some other miscellaneous fixes, streamlining, and other catch-and-fix conflicts stuff. EDIT: V 3.9 fixed the new ones that popped into being as a result of the fixes.
  5. I will go with build-on-Astur (in New Horizons) - or on Minmus in stock. Space building requires too much hassle with launching supplies, TBH.
  6. neither fuel switch module, nor MFT, is capable of turning itself off via part menu - I am not the maker of any of those. If someone is just running the stock-ish stuff, my patch set will only give options of Liquidfuel/LFO/XenonGas. People running MFT and stock fuel systems only generally would not get an advantage from getting the fuelswitch - they can already assign tank space as needed, just only in the VAB. my patch set is really intended for a mod-heavy build with proceduralparts - then every cylinder fuel-tank is obsoleted and removed, so there is a lot of room (both memory-wise and too-many-parts-wise) to add more funny-shaped stuff.
  7. I am planning on adding support for these parts in my patch set [http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131806-Starlion-Industries-KSPI-patches-for-stock-parts-modpacks-CKAN]. As long as InterstellarFuelSwitch (standalone, available from kerbalstuff & CKAN) is installed, it acts as the old FS fuel switch, except newer, updated, etc. it adds further functionality for realfuels, NearFuture, or KSPI if CommunityResourcePack is installed. Out of curiosity - of the LFO-bearing parts, in installs with RealFuels or ModularFuelTanks installed, would you [plural] prefer me to make a duplicate of each part to have InterstellarFuelSwitch, with the original one having the RF or MFT tank, or remove ModuleFuelTanks from some or all in favor of InterstellarFuelSwitch?
  8. ok, I am downloading the OPT pack to look at that part - since only it is throwing the error, something funny might be happening with it or a built-in patch EDIT: yeah, his FSFuelswitch (and RealFuels) patch adds the respective modules, and deletes all present resources - so when when the rest of my patch runs, it can't find the LF resource amount to base the tank size off of. I pmed the creator with a fix for this... In the meantime, you can delete GameData\OPT\mm_config\OPT_FS.cfg to remove the firespitter patch and fix this. Alternately, you could open that cfg, find the node of 'opt_wing_a' and delete that node if you want the rest of the file (same goes for realfuels if you (or another) have it).
  9. Stupid question - at about what reputation level should I expect to start receiving explore-body contracts for out-of-Sonnah bodies?
  10. Freethinker - I think that you're ahead of the curve http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/15/08/25/2025237/fusion-progress-superheated-gas-kept-stable-for-5-milliseconds
  11. ctrl+f for 'GameData/StarLionIndustries/Mk2_Extended_KSPI_Integration/mk2_KSPI_fuel_tanks.cfg' - somewhere in the file, before that summary, it will have a more detailed description, when the error occurs. in particular, it will say which node inside of the file threw the error.
  12. Ah, yeah the texture thing didn't work - meant to remove it before uploading, but I was sleepy:confused:. I think I will just leave it with the regular texture until I figure this out. Ah - right now the standard pre-coolers are having the fuel stripped out of them... I guess after they have the IFS patch applied. I'll fix that. - - - Updated - - - Version 3.5 with those fixes will be uploaded within a few minutes (of 8:56 @gmt -5)
  13. Version 3.4 Added Mk2 antimatter storage tank Added Antimatter Reactor Added Mk2 form-factor Pre-cooler CP Generator shortened to 60% of length to match cylindrical CP generator (TP generator length matches to a difference of 0, +/- 0.0625 meters Fixed new? issue with the Thermal Turbojet (Enriched Uranium resource still being added for some reason when RF is installed)
  14. Github repository for this has been created at https://github.com/ABZB/Mk2_Extended_KSPI_Integration If you make or have an account, you can submit bugs or [using pull requests] offer fixes.
  15. Thank you! Fixed: RCS fixed ESTOC thank you for finding this: I *had* put in the appropriate nodes for that... in the wrong part cfg Pre-cooler: was happening because my mod was seeing the stock part's liquidfuel before the KSPI patch removed it. It now removes the IFS and resources from any part with a pre-cooler Wing Radiators: This seems to be due to the way I was searching for wings (and excluding lifting bodies). Now it searches for parts with one of the lift modules, and has 'bulkheadProfiles = srf'. The wings are not meant to be sufficient on their own as a radiator - just as a supplement. They *are* useful on their own early in career mode, with the lowest-end fission reactor capable of spaceplane useage, before the high-end radiators are unlocked. My fuelswitch patch targeted parts LiquidFuel with no fuelswitchmodule at all (it removes MFT or RF from those parts). It now will also overwrite the parts with a fuelswitch patch from mk2-E 's own patch [by editing them first ]. To be done: Generator length: the parts are supposed to be more-or-less 1.561 scale. I will measure the length vs a closely scaled generator with PP and adjust accordingly. Antimatter Reactor: Yeah - kind of forgot about that. will be added. Mk2 antimatter storage tank: Will Do. Mk2 form-factor Pre-cooler: A genius you are. Every time I build a plane I think that, somehow managed to not think 'hey, I can fix that!' - - - Updated - - - Version 3.3 with the above fixes is now up.
  16. sudden image of Cayleb (Safehold) saying that
  17. oh, sorry I have to agree - the left-hand one looks a little uncomfortably spindly for the lithobraking it will be called upon to perform
  18. Could I check what version of my patch you have installed? That should have been fixed as of several versions ago... If it is a current one I will take further measures to fix the conflict.
  19. errmermerme..... both are awesome, the legs have the advantage that ATM every spaceplane I build has to finagle those in somehow, or use the wheels. On balance, I would have to say the legs.
  20. The issue seems to be that KSPI was being compiled with ModuleRCSFX referenced - i.e. that KSPI was being compiled to know about and interface directly with the additional features of RCSFX. The problem is that when ModuleRCSFX is updated, KSPI needs to be recompiled with the new version in order to know how to work with the new .dll file that will now be in the ModuleRCSFX folder. CKAN is not the place where the problem is occurring. My explanation might be somewhat off, as I am not so experienced with this myself, but I hope I got the gist of it.
  21. V 3.2 - switched Tritium & Helium-3 back to full tank amount, having confirmed that there no longer seems to be an issue of the negative part price bug if launched empty. - Finally located & fixed MM errors that occur when RealFuels is not installed.
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