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Everything posted by ctbram

  1. can I create and execute multiple node with the flight computer?
  2. okay it was something about the craft file itself. I have been moving craft files between game folders and something about that craft file was causing rt2 flight computer to go insane. I just rebuilt that section (the transfer stage) of the ship and now rt2 flight computer is behaving. What bewilders me is how MJ was able to control it just fine but the rt2 flight computer just made it spin like a top.
  3. No FAR. Running Stock. Now it appears to be something to do with my ship?? I tried a couple test ships and the nav computer pointed to node and killed rotation just fine. But when I go back to my sat deployer the nav computer loses it's mind. I press node or kill and the ship just starts spinning like a top! mechjeb node and kill work fine. If I try to use the rt2 node or kill the ship spins out of control. I have stripped the craft file down to the minimum. It still requires the B-3K batttery from near future propulsion, and the TVR-300L tri 1.25m adapter and to be honest I do not know what mod that 3x1.25 adapter comes from. Here is a link to the craft file could someone please test it and see if it spazis out when you try to use the rt2 flight computer "node" or "kill" controls. Just extend the com32 on the side of the main tank, put it into orbit, nad press rt2 kill button for me it then spins like a top along the longitudinal axis. Same behavior if I create a node and then press the node button. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5501128/rt2_bug/ctb%20-%203%20way%20dep%20SR%20commsat%20rt2bug.craft
  4. okay this appears to be a mod conflict after all. I went and cooled off a bit came back and then just rolled back to vanilla and added only RT2. when I use the flight computer and "node" it points to the node properly and does not do the spin around the longitudinal axis. My next steps will be to roll my mods back in binary fashion until I find the one causing the problem. I will focus on mech jeb and mechjebandengineerforall.cfg first. When I find the culprit I will post so that others don't have to go through this hell.
  5. I am having an issue when I select "Node" or "Kill" the ship just starts spinning around the longitudinal axis. Also, if I do press "Exec" to execute the node I get the message that the signal delay is to high to transmit the command?!? To high? I am literally 100km above the ksc! What is the signal delay to there a picosecond? I have stripped all mods but rt2 and it just keeps with the same bazaar behavior. What could be the cause? I have banged my head on this for over 4 hours now and I am really frustrated. If anyone could give me a possible cause and solution I'd appreciate it. I would be happy to provide my craft file and even make a camtasia video of the issue if it would help. RT2 is completely useless to me if I cannot resolve this issue.
  6. There are a couple antenna's (not sure if there are dishes) but they do not appear to be compatible with remotetech 2. Is there any chance someone can make a remote .cfg file for the communications components in chaka?
  7. Thanks. Seriously as constructive feedback that button is really confusing. I cannot tell you how many times I inadvertently press it then end up banging my head for a very long time to get the get that window back. I don't really even understand the purpose of hiding this window. If I need to get to the non-numbered actions all I need to do is press the AG button again and the stock pop out appears with those entries. I am guessing that I just don't fully understand the intended work flow using this mod. Maybe a small youtube video demonstrating each of the functions and their intended use would be helpful.
  8. I pressed auto-hide and a panel - A VERY CRITICAL PANEL - with all the assignment slots turns off. How the bloody hell do I get it back! Every time I press thius button by mistake I spend a ton of time trying to recover the panel and in the end I have to restart the game in frustration!
  9. Seems to be causing some crashes in the VAB and SPH for me. Trying to narrow down the problem to something repeatable. The symptom is that I pull parts off my ship and they are greyed out but if I pick them it picks the grey part and the entire ship like the grey part has become the root. Attach points on the ship go away. Leaving and returning to the vab / sph does not fix it. I eventually just have to abandon all my work and restart the game. I have removed the mod and have not had the problem reappear. I will try to drill it down to something more specific. I will have to remove all mods but edext and see if it's just edext or some interaction with another mod.
  10. Having problems since upgrading to 3.0. 1. launch clamps are not releasing 2. radial decouplers are not decoupling Is there a way I can get the previous version that worked back?
  11. Is there a way please to turn off auto-resizing? It is really more annoying then helpful. If I want to resize things then I want to do it. It's like the auto-spelling in microsoft or my cell phone it drives me nuts!
  12. is there a reason why all my ships cannot be loaded now after updating tweakscale. It says they are all missing parts. I sure wish there was a way to see what parts the loader thiks are missing. I have so many mods and have been updating them so much I have no idea what has gotten gimped
  13. A friend just skyped me that 0.90 of RT2 is released. I just checked kerbalstuff, and curse and it's still the 0.25 version. Can someone please confirm if it's ported to 0.90 and if so where the heck is it hiding?
  14. Cannot get this working for me in 0.90. Not even just doing the base steps. I think 1. intall core apps (eve 7-4, etc), 2. overwrite boulderco, 3. ovewrite boulderco. skip all the remaining steps to just try and get the base install working. ksp goes through the entire load cycle then goes to launch and CRASHES. I have tried like a dozen times now loading various alternate bits or following more steps and trying to load the optional stuff. But it just crashes every time. I think I will wait for a stable 0.90 version.
  15. Yes I also agree. If you are taking over the mod you should create a new thread. I would also suggest posting the mod to kerbalstuff. It is far better then curse in that users can follow the mod and will get automatic emails whenever the mod is updated. Trying to search through over 500 posts to see if and when a mod is updated is a burden and when you consider users have more then one mod it only takes a couple where you have to hunt for updates buried in the bowls of a thousand posts before they just give up on that mod.
  16. Is there a 0.90 version and if so why is it not in the OP first post?
  17. What version of the game is this working for? There is no version even in the OP first post? Is this working for 0.90?
  18. does not seem to be working with 0.90. It does not show any powre generation for panels and it's computing the drain for antenna's incorrectly. If you wish I can grab some screen shots.
  19. Yeah that would be a good option as well. But I'd still like to turn them on and of individually. The more I think about an interface like haystack or targetron or even the remotech interface would be good and then have the option to toggling visibility, and changing ship name and category without having to physically switch to the ship would be great.
  20. No not really. More categories would get messy and sometimes I want to hide a subset of ships within a category say commsat probes. You could add a category commsats. But now what if I want to hide all the commsats but the ones orbiting kerbin? Now I am back to switching to every commsat not orbiting kerbin and giving them a new arbitrary unused category and then hiding all ships of that category. It would be very easy to have another gui windows accessible that looks like the tracking station windowi. Next to each vessel you have a show/hide radio button. You could also add a change ship naame and change ship type button there as well so you could rename a ship or change a ships category without having to physically switch to the ship. I don't see how that would be difficult.
  21. Please add a way to show / hide ships per vessel in addition to by category in the map view. When you get a large complex commsat network up and have lots of probes the map become unreadable especially with remotetech installed. What I have to do now is go to each ship I want to hide change its category to something not being used and then hide all the ships of that type. This is bad because each time you switch to ship it consumes a small amount of memory that appears to never get back to the memory pool and I run myself out of memory if I have to show and hide ships a lot. I would see something like the com center display and when you click on each ship you can show/hide it on the map. Heck why not change the ship name as well from there rather then once again switching to each ship to change it's name. I mean wouldn't a ship ID change be sent to the probe from mission control anyway?
  22. Needs some tutorial videos with actual narration rather then twirling the mouse point over stuff. Like trying to teach someone brain surgery with hand gestures. Looks interesting though
  23. Can you add a manual on how to add parts from other mods please? What I need is to add the ScanSAT "Been There Done That" component to the attachable items I can put in a container. I have put a bunch of sats in orbit and would like to add this part to all of them without having to relauch, reposition, rephase all of them.
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