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Everything posted by Woodstar

  1. Do I need to keep the orbiter emis tga and the orbiter tga to have the lights skinned and not just white?
  2. If there is a broken version and an unbroken version of the skylab, why leave the broken in it?
  3. OK IDK if the .24.1 patch did it or I just had something out of whack, but I can click the cse's now and assign AG. I running 64bit KSP with no ATM and everything flys right, now to test with FAR and DREC. EDIT: DREC works fine lots of splosions! But still the same with far, I cant seem to get any lift or drag off of the shuttle so yea reentry @ 2200m/s not so good.
  4. I'm also running it 64bit and no ATM everything is fine except I can not click the CSE's to assign them to an action group, have you tried doing that, does it work?
  5. I'm running this NO ATM and kso phase 1 parts deleted with the far config posted here in the forums. I only have one problem I can't click the CSE's to assign them an action group, can someone help me with this? EDIT- Forgot to mention I'm running x64 also.
  6. You ever get the feeling that somewhere Scott Manley is judging you? <----- EPIC!
  7. Has anyone made a FAR config for the super 25? I though for sure some one posted one in this thread I can't seem to find it. Edit- found it.
  8. Can some one please link me to the MechJeb part Helldiver created? I've surfed this thread and am having trouble finding it.
  9. Mines not showing in toolbar and which dll's do i delete for mod statistics, This one ModStatistics-1.0.3.dll and the graph? or do i leave the graph?
  10. AHH I liked the Display that gave me Info, guess it's back to FAR lol, but other than that I loved the mod it does make FAR simpler.
  11. NEAR isn't showing up in my toolbar, is there a hot key I need to press? Edit: I see there is no toolbar dll in it how can I add this to toolbar?
  12. I never noticed this bug. Guess I'll check it out tonight, I'm running 64bit exe also.
  13. I don't want it tracking ANYTHING i do on my computer, Including playing KSP. I do agree modders should have an opt-in option.
  14. I know when I seen that I felt like a stalker that just got noticed! LOL'd so hard.
  15. MY EYES, OMG that is pretty sick can't wait to fly it.
  16. We the players just can't handle not having ALL the great and cool stuff you create helldiver, I still don't see why squad hasn't offered you a job yet. Great work on all the mods you've made.
  17. I need a copy of the LE texture, I accidentally deleted mine while updating to 3.08.
  18. .24 can not get here fast enough, DO WANT of course I will have all the mods after.24 MUWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAAWAAWWA!
  19. Ahhh I was doing everything right it's just the front landing gear showed ablative because I was using a pre-existing craft going to try again with the new file.
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