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Everything posted by Horus

  1. It's not that I'm too picky, but it becomes really something similar to HGR's pods. I do like Tantares for its' design - stylish, plain, minimalist, nice. It's really to my taste. Btw. would be nice to be able to build unmanned transportation ship (Progress-M like).
  2. The pods and other parts are already really nice to my taste as they are - clean & neat. Maybe, additional props would be nice. But seriously they are already nice
  3. I suppose CV Spica Crew jettison cover (aeroshell) can be the cause of the issue.
  4. Tested both with decoupler separated & directly connected to PF. Here's visuals
  5. CV Spica seems to have collider issue (CV Crew Module I presume) when put onto Procedural Fairing base. Receiving an error to debug: [Error]: Ignore collision failed. Both colliders need to be activated when calling this IgnoreCollision After some height camera begins shifting down & a vessel can be destroyed.
  6. SCANSat 7 has some issues with RPM: 1. When scansat launched on a central monitor (tested on Mk1 Lander Can) - you cannot switch modes on the other monitors. 2. Same situation and when coming from a save - the other monitors show "gray-something". Both situations are fixed by switching central monitor to some other RPM data (not scan sat) 3. Scanned area not dispayed on scansat rpm monitor. I'd suggest to stay on stable SCANSat 6 for now (with Mihara's recent scansat rpm).
  7. Recently added cargo module (Advanced Computing Orbital Module... computing what btw.?) could be extended with KAS support: MODULE { name = KASModuleContainer maxSize = 80 } !NB: link to 1.875 rescale is invalid
  8. Checked today Mihara's release of RasterProp Monitor (0.17). Seems it breaks ALCOR IVA. Waiting for props fix )) Sorry for being too lazy & fixing it myself
  9. RealChutes mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-0-23-x-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-Presets!-v1-1-0-1-27-04-14 MM config patch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y4dqwm926ejbnx9/Tantares_RealChute_MM.cfg
  10. Nice mod. Is it possible to make the parachute RealChutes compatible? EDIT: nevermind. done an MM patch myself.
  11. Holy...! How come that I missed this thread?... This is PURE AWESOME! First, capsule (yes, still enjoying it a lot), now this. It becomes a complete space exploration & conquest set ))) Great work! Great as always, man!
  12. Nice to see Bobcat come back. Configs are a bit messed here and there, but hope it'll be fixed later. Keep it up, folks!
  13. Totally marvelous idea to integrate scansat with resource mods (kethane)! Thanks for your efforts!
  14. I have a little issue when using dish antennae: when I'm selecting "Mission control" as a target - it displays "No target" for target. The connection still works. It's only a matter of info displaying. Many thanks for this mod support! The updated antenna angle markers are super!
  15. A weird bug occurs when trying removing a parts with a IR part (single or parts chain) attached to it - the Servo Configuration popup window still contains previously added IR parts & becomes blank on mouse over. Debug console throws: [Exception]: NullReferenceException [Error]: GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced) Only VAB cleanup or craft reload helps.
  16. Downloaded an update on april, 1st, but didn't play till yesterday... damn... now you owe me a keyboard and a monitor (can send the one with a crater in the middle) ))
  17. Seems that it's my fault again. For, now I cannot reproduce the issue. Proly, I didn't set "Reorient from Part" or else. A bit ambiguous though.
  18. I did really as you said. But still riding even on smaller slopes causes the error described above. It still works perfectly for horizontal plains.
  19. @theSpeare: It's really easier for me just to drop the broken install I'll try on a working install now (it's not 0.23.5 compatible at all - 0.23 only and with a bunch of mods...). Noticed that slopes influence bearing unpredictable, see images: http://imgur.com/a/p4mRu#0 You can see that at a rather small distance bearing changes significantly. Though, the distance is pretty large.
  20. @theSpeare, yes, I've noticed a bunch of exceptions. The install is a testing sandbox with a bunch of mods installed/uninstalled. Clean install works good. So, no real bother )
  21. @theSpeare, here's a link to archived log I'll try on a clean install.
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