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Everything posted by Horus

  1. Hi bac9! Really appreciate your work. The mod becomes a real wings pearl for the game. Just wanted to ask - is there any roadmap for the project? I mean what do you have more in your plans before final (quite unusual word for KSP & mods...) release?
  2. Nereid, just go and have a rest I'm recovering the mission that was corrupted with the last save After that I'll try the fix Reverting to the older mod version with the saves that were affected with the latest (not 0.6.4-689) version of the mod caused client crash. So, I've found (lucky!!!) a lucky quicksave (was done yesterday) & recovered from it using the previous version of your mod. Playing nicely now.
  3. I don't panic Just making fun of myself - a pro who's not backing up
  4. The save was corrupted with the recent version & rolling back to previous mod version doesn't work Now, I'm f**ked And learned to backup. - - - Updated - - - Is it safe just to remove the mod with a save file created when the mod was there?
  5. Hi Nereid. Well, thanks for update, but...: [LOG 18:41:39.350] FF: EventObserver:: OnGameStateCreated 21344.4050382061, game status: ONGOING, scene MAINMENU [LOG 18:41:39.352] FF: loading hall of fame [LOG 18:41:39.354] FF: hall of fame loaded in 0ms [LOG 18:41:39.354] FF: hall of fame loaded (0 logbook entries) [WRN 18:41:39.356] FF: no entry for kerbal Jebediah Kerman found ...60+ more lines of similar warning [LOG 18:41:39.450] FF: EventObserver:: OnGameStateCreated 67.0400000000038, game status: ONGOING, scene MAINMENU [LOG 18:41:39.451] FF: loading hall of fame [WRN 18:41:39.451] FF: no data node 'FinalFrontierHallOfFameRoot' found [LOG 18:41:39.451] FF: hall of fame loaded in 0ms [WRN 18:41:39.452] FF: loading hall of fame from halloffame.ksp [EXC 18:41:39.453] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Nereid.FinalFrontier.Persistence.Load (.Game game, Nereid.FinalFrontier.HallOfFame hallOfFame) Nereid.FinalFrontier.EventObserver.OnGameStateCreated (.Game game) EventData`1[Game].Fire (.Game data) Game..ctor (.ConfigNode root) GamePersistence.LoadGame (System.String filename, System.String saveFolder, Boolean haltIfIncompatible, Boolean suppressErrorMessage) MainMenu.LoadGame () TextButton3D+.MoveNext () Result: cannot start game at all. halloffame.ksp does not exist in saves (even with previous version) Extra info: Playing career What am I doing wrong?
  6. Seems that it was connected with previous version save. Created a new save & the issue is gone. Hope that will be fixed at some time The planes became really much more beautiful with these wings Thanks you very much
  7. While FAR is quite complicated for newbies - there can be made a series of easy tutorials & explanations for it, so non-aviation pros could understand how to use simulations & build proper aerodynamics crafts. KSP is also about education in its' way. anyways
  8. You need to place batch file to GameData directory & run it from there. NOT within this mod directory. Works like a charm.
  9. If you are using FAR - check for the latest version. Also, check node size of a part facing prograde while descending - the lower node value the less drag it produces. You can decelerate by additional drag chutes, deceleration engines, etc.
  10. @How2FoldSoup: These engines are stock replaced with mod: Stock Part Revamp
  11. bac9, you are fetching releases faster than I can test Tested against 0.6. Digged deeper into FAR usage. Wings are ok, flaps & spoilers are also quite stable. But this was mostly because of stable craft. Testing with different craft types - maneuverable, super-sonic, etc. Funny "feature": when you attach anything to a wing tip & then change wings span - the attached part stays in mid-air - - - Updated - - - 0.7: - Procedural Wing: Side A (type) & Side B (type) do not change texture. Visually. - Procedural Control Surface: Material A, Material B do not change texture. - - - Updated - - - 0.7: While playing around with these wings in SPH noticed that memory builds up little by little while constructing. After some time was out of memory & client crashed. 0.7: FAR. Testing control surface with different flaps setups revealed some strange stalling effect at lift off position for flaps. The very same settings for stock elevons worked perfectly nice without this effect.
  12. Sorry for a stupid question\request: Is it possible to return CoL force vector indicator in SPH/VAB? Sometimes it's quite inconvenient without it.
  13. I wish I could be more useful with that. It's a personal experience. I'm not FAR pro user, alas. Used latest FAR.
  14. Expanded control surface to span 5, moved it along wing edge and when released it for placement - the span size changed to 4. Same thing happens when the wing position with attached control surface was changed. UPD: also, I guess showing wing or controls surface settings in context menu while in flight is not really necessary. UPD2: flight revert also causes surface texture switching to a different one than it was set before. UPD3: not stable with FAR at the moment. Just a note, not a blame
  15. Many thanks for your work. Following issues are there: 1. KineTechAnimation throws errors like: [EXC 18:30:12.989] IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\KSP_0.9_Test\GameData\KineTechAnimation\Plugins\PluginData\KineTechAnimation\Documentation\KModuleAnimateMass.cfg". System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path, Boolean append, System.Text.Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize) System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path, Boolean append, System.Text.Encoding encoding) System.IO.File.WriteAllText (System.String path, System.String contents, System.Text.Encoding encoding) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) KConfigDocumentationGenerator.WriteConfig (System.Text.StringBuilder& working, System.String& filePath) KConfigDocumentationGenerator.GenerateAssemblyDocumentation (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) KConfigDocumentationGenerator.Generate () KConfigDocumentationGenerator.OnLevelWasLoaded (Int32 level) [EXC 18:30:13.000] IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\KSP_0.9_Test\GameData\KineTechAnimation\Plugins\PluginData\KineTechAnimation\Documentation\KModuleAnimateMass.cfg". System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path, Boolean append, System.Text.Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize) System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path, Boolean append, System.Text.Encoding encoding) System.IO.File.WriteAllText (System.String path, System.String contents, System.Text.Encoding encoding) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) KConfigDocumentationGenerator.WriteConfig (System.Text.StringBuilder& working, System.String& filePath) KConfigDocumentationGenerator.GenerateAssemblyDocumentation (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) KConfigDocumentationGenerator.Generate () KConfigDocumentationGenerator.OnLevelWasLoaded (Int32 level) This can be worked around by taking the corresponding "Documentation" durectory from previous (0.25) package & placing in proper place. 2. Context menu (on RMB) of Sabre intakes brings... errr... too much info...
  16. Now, it's time to review spaces & props one more time ))) Beale, awesome as usual )
  17. There's one more thing that is quite ambiguous. I presume it's a known issue, but still remind about it. When a mining craft that has a Jaw part and Rock tanks on it attaches an asteroid and starts mining - the rock tanks have an advantage before asteroid container & begin filling with mined rock with no possibility to convert the actual mined space (the available space is not increasing). The workaround for this issue is to lock all rock tanks attached to an asteroid before starting the mining.
  18. @MrChumley, seems that the only problem now is incorrect display of Total Space. Empty space allocation doesn't work with small numbers. Try space greater than 100 or 1000. Do not remember exactly.
  19. Haha, Beale Can't believe it's finally solved Congrats! You're the man )
  20. Do really like using the KW, but seems it's not working properly now. Scrolled through half of the thread and found no resolution for shrouds problem. Proly, I've missed it. Could anyone point me to it? Would be really nice to post such critical solutions in OP. EDIT: sorry for a message in a hurry - some shrouds are working. Will try to fix the non working.
  21. Waiting patiently for an update The game aero experience is nothing without B9. Too bad to have several uncontrollable dependencies...
  22. Just do not Alt+click for copy of existing wheels with their on setup. Pull a new instance from parts list.
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