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Dr. Jet

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Everything posted by Dr. Jet

  1. Explain please. Questionably useful... for now. Electrolyser, Sabatier reactor and Pyroliser cover all needed conversions between H2O, CO2, O2 and CH4. CO usefullness is questionable until RF will treat it as legitimate fuel and RISRU reach the point of operating asteroid resources. Then there will be a choice between synthezing CH4 for fuel or saving that precious hydrogen for drinkable water and burn ineffective CO instead. Most pyrolisers are the same. Gas fraction pyroliser is even simpler in construction. It looks a good idea to have a general pyroliser unit for all reactions of that type. Why not to pyrolise Hydrazine when you lack Nitrogen for example? It has something to do with ISRU? Hydrogen peroxide is decomposing by itself with a small amount of heat or light or you can just dip something silver into it for reaction start. HTP is pretty crappy monopropellant (ISP = 161s) and not very stable oxidizer. Useless without molecular sieves or PSA/VPSA unit or cryogenic separator. BTW we already have some in stock. I already wrote about molecular sieves and you don't like the idea of cryogenic separator that ouputs liquid products, so.. we have a choice between PSA/VPSA unit with it's own air intake and PSA/VPSA unit without that, relying on MM-modified stock air intakes. More realistic is something like this NASA regolith excavator concept is some subtype of general rotor excavator. Why two? It's just a powerful fridge, no difference for variety of gases. But I surely want to know which parts of each assembly should be modelled and which may be omitted, how they look and what are their relative dimensions. Reasonable.
  2. It's quadruple length or even bigger. US wedges are VEEEERY tiny. If we want central part to host kerbal-passable tube it should not be smaller then it is now. 1m is the smallest dimension for kerbal to pass through.
  3. US is nice but 1) wedges are too small to be realistic 2) noone open wedges when playing with US except for DMagic ones. Speaking about modular, I meant something like this: Internal hexagon with capability to host 1 capsule tank or 2 spherical tanks or passable tube and 6 segment cages to be strapped onto it. Each segment willl hold some type of ISRU unit or additional tank. Whole assembly is 2m tall and 2.4m wide (to fit into fairings). Size and shape are discussable, it's just a draft. Foreseen trouble: right-clicking on core tank will be really tricky if segment colliders will be made solid.
  4. I wouldn't call it "simple". On the picture - Elektron system assembled for usage. Well... if we could somehow exclude all that pipes... then it could be called more or less simple. BTW, detailed high-poly replicas are nice... ONLY if you have working 64-bit client. We don't have it now and there is no ETA for when it will be available. Maybe some kerbalized look-a-like simplification? Also, let's discuss the form-factor. 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m, surface attached or something modular like Universal Storage? Modular looks quite promising IMO. Central part will be either a tank, passable tube or huge battery, side parts (4 to 8) will be chemical reactor assemblies, radiators or tanks.
  5. Affirmative. Have you found a way to kill that bug other then deinstalling TE? I need both to fine-tune my Duna expedition of 5 vehicles.
  6. Then let's discuss modeling equipment for reactions already included in mod. How should it look like?
  7. Principia... That would call for development of some VERY powerful ingame instruments to play with. There is absolutely no fun to fight against real n-body physics without MechJeb to help or reworked patched conics calculator at least. A border between playable game and boring scientific project with plenty of calculations is not so wide... Returning to the previous question. Why do you think that gas giant satellite may not have free oxygen in atmosphere? Ok, for lifeless worlds it's almost impossible... Ok, Laythe is too far from Kerbol to recieve enough light for photosynthesis... But we are playing with aliens! Alien biology! Why can't we for example have radiosynthetic algae that uses local radiation to power CO2 conversion? It's plausible. Some species of real world microbes have much wierder biochemistry. Same about EVE oceans. Noone says that they consist of water. With such THICK atmosphere and so close to Kerbol Eve must have the same "greenhouse" problem as real Venus, so... molten lead for example is one of plausible components to form Eve oceans.
  8. It does not. Kethane and Karbonite are "Unicorn Poops", MKS is focused on biological life support rather then direct chemical reactions and EL is just ore->...->build_everything_you_want_everywhere. In terms of HARDCORE realism... KSP is incapable. Totally incapable. Even with RO/RSS. You cannot even use Lagrange points, not mentioning you have to play green skinned noseless (and often brainless) alien creatures for your spacemen. Comparing to that Kerbol system is kinda plausible.
  9. You make me sad. I put a lot of effort into that big bold red warning on the skycrane arms... "DEPLOY BEFORE USE!" refers to RCSBuildAid also. You must deploy the skycrane in VAB to see both engines and exhaust vectors point down and thrust vector point up. Same for MechJeb and KER - they won't calculate dV for undeployed skycrane.
  10. I installed KWR from CKAN. So I believe all dependencies were installed automatically. Now since you've mentioned it... No, they weren't. BTW, what is the point of using SolverEngine plugin for simple heat animation? Stock ModuleAnimateHeat does it's job pretty well.
  11. If you want to "interoperate with TACLS" - the only way to do it properly - is using TACLS resource converters. 1) They work correctly with insanely small rates (realistically slow conversion speeds). 2) They properly work in background.
  12. That's just an option. GOOD option for those who hate to wait for RO/RSS or just like Kerbol system as it is. Having two configs is not much harder then having one. Why separate when you can integrate? On the other hand PSA/VPSA processes are best realistic non-cryogenic I can think of for atmospheric ISRU. One can use molecular sieves to remove CO2 from breatjing air for smallest light vehicles like drop pod, but for large scale procession it's a no-no IMHO. Not very good idea realistic-wize... considering how much heat some of processes need or produce. Inline 2.5-3.75m parts with radially attached radiators look more plausible. Strange. There are three easy ways to do engine bells in Blender I think of immediately: - vertex-sculpt from cylinder after hollowing it by boolean modifier (fast and easy) - grow from circle by extruding regions (moderate time and effort) - twisting curves that should match inner and outer walls (extra fast but you'll need good imagination... or blueprint) Linear production is fine IF it can be negative. Endo/Exothermic reactions are pretty linear themself in terms of heat production/consumption per unit of mass reacted. It can be a problem with varible mass and stock system, but we can pretend that reaction chamber is comparatively small and always 100% fed. Then exothermic reaction steadily produce constant amount of heat and endothermic one steadily consume constant amount of heat - fully stock compatible. - - - Updated - - - That's the main point people try to write such mod. We hate unicorn poops. Resources already used are strictly REAL.
  13. Uh... It was a part of RFStockalike. Automatic conversion of ALL LF/Ox tanks to "Default" MFT type. RFStockalike is not a dependency, right? So I should keep a separate config for my tanks for the case RFStockalike is not installed. Does this engine config look OK? @PART[dskycrane*]:NEEDS[RealFuels] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {} !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {} PROPELLANT { name = UDMH ratio = 47.823219 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = NTO ratio = 52.176781 } } MODULE { name = ModuleEngineConfigs type = ModuleEngines techLevel = 5 origTechLevel = 5 engineType = O configuration = UDMH+NTO modded = false CONFIG { name = UDMH+NTO heatProduction = 95 PROPELLANT { name = UDMH ratio = 0.47823219 DrawGauge = True %flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH } PROPELLANT { name = NTO ratio = 0.52176781 %flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH } IspSL = 0.95 IspV = 0.95 throttle = 0 MODULE { name = ModuleEngineIgnitor ignitionsAvailable = 24 autoIgnitionTemperature = 800 ignitorType = Electric useUllageSimulation = true IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0.03 } } } CONFIG { name = MMH+NTO heatProduction = 95 PROPELLANT { name = MMH ratio = 0.50366459 DrawGauge = True %flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH } PROPELLANT { name = NTO ratio = 0.49633541 %flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH } IspSL = 0.9600 IspV = 0.9600 throttle = 0 MODULE { name = ModuleEngineIgnitor ignitionsAvailable = 24 autoIgnitionTemperature = 800 ignitorType = Electric useUllageSimulation = true IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0.03 } } } CONFIG { name = Aerozine50+NTO heatProduction = 95 PROPELLANT { name = Aerozine50 ratio = 50.17301038062284 DrawGauge = True %flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH } PROPELLANT { name = NTO ratio = 49.82698961937716 %flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH } IspSL = 0.9600 IspV = 0.9500 throttle = 0 MODULE { name = ModuleEngineIgnitor ignitionsAvailable = 24 autoIgnitionTemperature = 800 ignitorType = Electric useUllageSimulation = true IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0.03 } } } CONFIG { name = Hydrazine PROPELLANT { name = Hydrazine ratio = 1 DrawGauge = True %flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH } IspSL = 0.2740 IspV = 0.7200 throttle = 0 MODULE { name = ModuleEngineIgnitor ignitionsAvailable = 24 autoIgnitionTemperature = 800 ignitorType = Electric useUllageSimulation = true IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0.03 } } } } }
  14. Don't neglect the stock, please. Kerbol system is quite playable with FAR, RT, RF while RSS seems to be always under construction. So... You are about implementing PSA/VPSA units? They look almost the same except for not being able to output liquified gases. http://www.uigi.com/noncryo.html Molecular sieve membranes (filters) on the other hand, despite being much lighter, are not the way to go for ISRU systems due to their limited life cycle. Yep. Though I wouldn't call C-class "water-rich". They have SOME and that's much better than nothing. Abusing C-class asteroids for fuel will call for implementation of CO+O2 engines IRL, as carbon is much more abundant in them than hydrogen/water (oxygen is plentiful in ANY type of asteroids). Just give me some descriptions or sketches or photos of what it should look like. Modelling is comparatively fast and easy... what can't be told about texturing... Blender is recommended. Most sane controls I ever saw in 3D-editors plus easy volume calculation and *.mu import support. Answer is simple: heat. Exothermic processes produce heat, endothermic processes consume it. Electrolysis is more "physical" process than "chemical". Hm-m-m... Can Regolith converter heat production values be negative? If they can - it may be used to simulate endothermic reactions. That's a hard one... Stirling engine or thermoelectric generator may use that heat, but only part of. Most heat will just dissipate. A good idea, however... Abusing stock heat conduction mechanics to generate electricity.
  15. Possible Bug: Laythe (Kerbol system) DOES have enough oxygen in atmosphere for jets to work. Titan (Sol system) does not. Part proposal: "Atmospheric Processor". Uses cryogenical processes to separate gases from planet atmosphere (real prototypes exist). Also can be used to liquify them. I see it as 2.5m assembly of 2-4 comparatively small tanks and some covered aparatus with animated fan intake and "steam" emitting cryogenous exhaust. Question: Are there any plans about dividing asteroids to C, S, M types? Question: Any way I can be of help? May devote my weekends to model something. - - - Updated - - - Solved two problems with current (substitute) tanks: - RealFuels overriding contents with empty MFT - needing CrossFeedEnabler to work Tank configs should look like this: +PART[rcsTankRadialLong]:BEFORE[RealFuels]:FOR[RealISRU] { @name = tempTank_Water @category = Utility @title = ISRU Water Tank @description = !RESOURCE,* {} RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 0 maxAmount = 250 } fuelCrossFeed = True } "fuelCrossFeed = True" might be also needed for surface-mounted ISRU units.
  16. Glad to see one of my favorite mods is back! I have some questions though: 1) Former RCS tanks are set to "insulated pressurized", capable of holding cryogenic fuels. Is that intended behavior? 2) Stock ISRU part is still configured to produce stock LiquidFuel, Monopropellant and Oxidizer. Any chances for RealISRU project to be started? 3) Is it OK to rely on RealFuels/Fuel_Conversions.cfg to autoconfigure my tanks into non-insulated pressurised, capable of holding hydrazine and/or hypergolic mixes? 4) Is it OK to TOTALLY SKIP adding MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] for monopropellant/hypergolic engine in config? Or should it be some kind of "endless" catalytic ignition? 5) Where can I read about how boiloff works in new version?
  17. Science container in antenna? What a weird, weird thing... I'm not sure I want to support it. Is there any reason of actually using AR instead of making proper relay networks with RT?
  18. Shrunken RTG Rover body? Very strange. Right now I see the same weirdness, though neither model nor size config haven't been changed since october 2014. Fast patch: 1) go to /GameData/ChopShop/Rovers/RTGRover/RTGrover.cfg 2) comment out or delete line "rescaleFactor = 1"
  19. Update 0.7.2 - New LTS-2 landing tank system. - Fixed RemoteTech support. - Few minor bugfixes. Upper stage consists of toroidal tank and capsule tank. Lower stage consists of 8 capsule tanks and legs mounting railings. Pretty good for landing/returning Mk2 Lander Can anywhere except Eve and Tylo.
  20. A-ah... I see now. New RT builds stopped using wildcards to assign ModuleSPU and integrated omnis. And my config was relying on that. Will fix soon, thanks for feedback.
  21. Engines? Apart from jets and aerospike resizes (under "Engines"), the only part with engines in ChopShop is SkyCrane and it should be properly located under "Pods", since it's a kind of integrated probe system. Engines under "C&C" must be a result of some third-party MM configs. SETI modpack is OK, it supports my mod fine. Should be something else, I'm unaware of. - - - Updated - - - What the problem is exactly? Rover bodies and SkyCranes should get integrated omnis from RT stock config, as it changes ALL the probes. DAS-1 and Nose Dronecone are configured to have proper RT antennas, other parts should not have RT configs at all.
  22. That's not my fault that Squad always messed rover orientation, concidering that FRONT is pointing UPWARDS rather then actually front (and that made MechJeb crazy when trying to pilot such rovers). My mod fixes that, so that front is front and top is top. Of course any rovers built without that fix will seem "broken". You are free to delete corresponding config (/ChopShop/Rovers/PimpMyRover/pmr_StockRover.cfg) if you don't want to have proper navball orientation and MJ compatibility on your Probodobodyne-using rovers. As for RemoteTech - no config in my mod touches it - except for DAS-1 and Drone Nosecone support. Search elsewhere.
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