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  1. W.I.P. ver. 1.3.1. First part of a exploration Vessel from the NASA. Nautilus Exploration Starsystem for travel. Command Modul : Reactor : Tank Modul : Atomic Engine : Complete Vessel
  2. I'm new in ksp. I really don't know were to download mods for this game. Curse Forge was the first suggestion I get in google. Are there other sites offering more mods?
  3. Hello fellow kerbaliers! Thank you for taking a moment to help this poor kerbonaut So here comes the topic itself, i was playing 1.3.1 with a set of mods (all about BD armory and army stuff) and i was doing a test with my new stealth plane, to see what distance the AESA radar takes to detect me; I made an anti-aircraft s-400 based vehicle with some interceptor missiles, the AESA radar and other stuff, i moved it to the island next to kerbin main base (the one that has a dirty runway), I moved my stealth plane to like 15 km behind kerbin, that's when the weird things started happening... Literrally set up the autoengage on the ground-air went back to my craft using the ''['' and '']'' keys as always, i aproached the s-400 and i noticed that in the ''vs'' window of bd armory the s-400 was gone, it went to another dimension?!?! I tried again and the same, so i realised than when i get more far away from the ground vessel than over 10km it dissapears without any reason My face when i realised was like :roto2: EDIT: I forgot :roto2: was a spanish meme, here you have a pic of him so you can imagine my face
  4. I want to make a fighter jet for a competition but I can't without BD Armory. does it work?
  5. Ok so I'm running 1.4.2 with a bunch of mods and the game loads ridiculously slow. I started a load, went out to dinner for a couple of hours, and came back with game still loading with minimal progress. Mods listed below and there are a bunch but I've done loads twice the size in 1.3.1 with load times of a few minutes. My PC resources are nowhere near pegging out and the app itself responds spot tingly to window moves and such. Any similar problems in the community? Any advice? Thanks in advance. cybermeister KSP: 1.4.2 (Win64) - Unity: 2017.1.3p1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit 000_AT_Utils - 1.5.1 Filter Extensions - 3.2.1 TexturesUnlimited - Toolbar - UI Core - 1.0.1 ToolbarControl - Zero-Point Inline Fairings - 1.0.2 ABCors - 0.5 Adjustable Mod Panel - 1.4 AtmosphereAutopilot - 1.5.10 B9 Animation Modules - 1.1 B9 Part Switch - 2.2.1 B9 Aerospace - 6.4 B9 Aerospace - 6.4 B9 Aerospace HX Parts - 6.4 B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.50 BD Animation Modules - CritterCrawlerRetractingVectoringEngines - Better Science Labs Continued - CactEye Telescopes - Camera Focus Changer - 1.0.4 CameraTools - 1.10 ClickThroughBlocker - Community Trait Icons - 1.0 Contract Configurator - 1.24.4 StructuralTubingRestructured - 1.0.7 DMagic Orbital Science - EVA Transfer - Ferram Aerospace Research - Firespitter - 7.9 Flexible Docking - 1.0.6 GPOSpeedFuelPump - 1.8.12 HullcamVDSContinued - 0.1.9 Impact - ImprovedChaseCamera - 1.6.2 Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.13.1 JanitorsCloset - 0.3.4 JSIAdvTransparentPods - 0.1.16 RasterPropMonitor - 0.30 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.4 Camera Mode Persistence - 1.0.4 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.3 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.3 Feline Utility Rover - 1.2.4 KerbNet Controller - 1.0.4 Stork - 0.2.6 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.10.6640.40620 KSP-AVC Plugin - KSPDev LogConsole - 0.17.40068.6640 KSPLogger - 0.4.6 KSP Logitech RGB Control - 1.1 KSPWheel - Kube - 0.0.5 Kurrikane - LCA_Project - 0.1.2 Lithobrake Exploration Technologies - 0.4 LLL-Continued - 1.0.2 Infernal Robots - 2.0.14 Maeneuver Node Evolved - 1.0.4 Kerbal Dust Experiment - Modular Rocket Systems - 1.13.2 ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.5 ZZZRadioTelescope - NearFutureProps - 0.3.1 NE-KEES - NE-Kemini - NE-KLS - NE-MPP - NE-Common - NE-OMS - NovaPunch Continued - Overdrive - 1.1 PanzerLabs AreoSpace K-Sat Series - 1.1.1 PAPIPluginContinued - 0.4.8 Part Angle Display - PartCommanderContinued - PartWizardContinued - 1.3.7 PatchManager - 0.0.15 PAWS - QuickExit - 2.1.3 Recovery Controller - 0.0.2 IONRCS - 0.1.8 ResearchBodies - 1.9.7 RLA_Recontinued - 14.1 US and Soviet Solar Panels Pack - 1.5 SETI-ProbeParts - SETI-RebalanceMaterialsGoo - 1.3 SettingsMaster - Simple Adjustable Fairings - Plugin - 1.0.1 Simple Adjustable Fairings - KW Rocketry Pack - 1.0.1 Simple Construction - 3.4.6 Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.9 SolverEngines - 3.6 RecycledParts - Spacetux - MicroSat - 0.1.1 StageRecovery - 1.8 StationKeeping - StationScienceContinued - 2.4.1 TAC Fuel Balancer - 2.17 Cargo Transportation Solutions - 0.5.3 TarsierSpaceTechnology - 7.3 TextureReplacerReplaced - 0.5.4 ThrottleControlledAvionics - 3.5.1 ToadicusToolsContinued - 0.22.2 Tracking Station Evolved - 1.0.3 Trajectories - 2.2 TweakableEverything - 0.1.23 TweakScale - 2.3.10 UbioWeldingLtd-Continued - 2.5.3 Undockinator - 0.6 Unmanned before Manned - UpgradesGUI - 1.5 Waypoint Manager - 2.7.2 World Stabilizer - 0.9.1 ZeroMiniAVC - 1.0.5
  6. I was playing ksp when I noticed that some of the b9 aerospace parts were grey. solid grey, no textures. I was wondering if you guys had any idea how to fix this?
  7. I'm using Realism Overhaul and RP-0, along with a whole host of other mods for this playthrough. I do have Mission Control and the Tracking Station upgraded to level 2. Yet for some reason maneuver nodes are unavailable to me. For a brief time while ascending through the atmosphere I can click on my blue line flightpath and place a node, but once I get high enough and transition to space, my flightpath line turns pink and I can no longer click on it. Also, I cannot right-click on other ships, moons, or planets to make them targets. I can't rendezvous with anything, or leave Earth orbit. Essentially, I can't play the game. I'm not sure if this is MechJeb, Principia, or some other mod that's blocking it, or perhaps a setting I haven't found yet, or a genuine bug. Please help. Many thanks and appreciation to you all.
  8. 1)it's very useful the auto-checker system but sometimes when I use a lot of mods its very boring to manually download and install those mods at folders all the time so is there any way to automatically download the newer version of mods directly into a folder? 2)ksp 1.4.2whatever when I reach 1000 m+ altitude suddenly my framerate drops down to 10 fps is there any way to fix that? .i use lots of mods so tell me if one of those has a bug causing this problem or has an update patch here is the list of the mods that I correctly use (i will send you a reply if I add more mods) and also even happens with a simple stock vessel like jumping flea but only on kerbin
  9. This problem has never happened to me before; while I was doing an interplanetary burn to Duna, I turned around and the sunflare wasn't aligned. Mods: Scatterer (atmosphere folders deleted, shouldn't be the problem) Near Future Electrical Near Future Solar B9 Part Switch Near Future Propulsion Community Resource Pack SCANsat Mechjeb EVE (Para sci high peformance pack) -BoulderCo Making History (Squad Expansion) Tracking Station Evolved NOTE: The flares seem to only move along the Y axis, relative to the camera. Images:
  10. Hello. I play Kerbal Space Program on Steam, and use Steam on an iMac. I run OS X Sierra. I cannot understand how to download spacecraft or mods. I would greatly appreciate anyone who would help me with this issue. Thanks! An Imperial-II class Star Destroyer
  11. Hi! This is actually my first post... be nice for my sake! So i've been playing KSP for about a year now and have devoted a lot of that time to finding decent mods. I have a relatively powerful iMac (2013-14) so the size of capabilities of the mods don't matter. Right now I only have two installed: TweakScale MechJeb I would like to find a mod that is easy to understand and useful as well. Thanks in advance!
  12. Hello all! Recently I installed BDAc and when I install two or more different types of machine gun class weapons (i.e. .50 cal and Vulcan) I can fire the first, switch to the second fire it as well but when I switch back to the first it will only fire one round and not work after that. Does anyone have any ideas what might cause this or is there a better thread for this type of issue?
  13. Hello all! Recently I installed BDAc and when I install two or more different types of machine gun class weapons (i.e. .50 cal and Vulcan) I can fire the first, switch to the second fire it as well but when I switch back to the first it will only fire one round and not work after that. Does anyone have any ideas what might cause this or is there a better thread for this type of issue?
  14. So, I've started this thing that's similar to Scott Manley's Galileo Conquest series, where you try to expand to the very edges of an unfamiliar modded system, made even less familiar by mods such as Research Bodies. The modlist is slightly different, and instead of Galileo's Planet Pack as the modded system, we have Kerbal Star Systems by @StarCrusher96 as the main focus of the challenge, a system which, if you include the stock bodies, contains a total of 125 carefully designed bodies! The challenge? Construct a base as self-sufficient as possible on each land-able body with specific mods and gameplay settings (I shall provide the specifics soon). As for me, I will record each day with anything worth noting in the spoiler below, including mission launches, mission endings, mission failures, etc.
  15. I am currently running version 1.2.2 and haven't updated in a while to keep my mods operating in a compatible manner. From what I understand I have a lot of mods, but I am also not sure how many of them I am using. But I am having some compatibility problems and am looking at upgrading to a more current version potentially looking at getting the DLC. The big issue is that I have been running a career mode where I have several off-world colonies, bases and research facilities that I would like to carry forward. What I would like from people is feedback on what difficulties and resources work with this. I have 2 installs (1.3.1 and 1.4.1) that I have been trying to get mods updated to run my setup and I am getting loads of notices that mod x or y is a different version. I have tried using Ckan but even Ckan seems to install mods that are not compatible and I am having a harder time finding the best compatible older versions. It isn't the end of the world to use the F12 menu to rebuild incompatible relays or probes or even empty rovers and sending them back to location, but doing that a lot or when dealing with active bases is a lot more difficult.
  16. The Xepher Labs Modified Stock Parts Pack, contains 2 modified stock parts, The God Battery (Mk.0 Liquid Fuel Tank), and the Electric God Booster (Separton I) The God Booster The God Battery: One Good Benefit Of These Small Godlike Parts Is That They Aren't Big, So They Take Up Virtually No Space At All! Download The Xepher Labs Modified Stock Parts Here!
  17. Hello I'm Crawcik. This mod is did not come out. Come back later But I show you the prototype for testing mod:
  18. I am interested in creating a mod. I want to to create a part/ parts pack mod and a contract mod. i have heard that it is best to start with contract configurator when starting with modding. I would like to know the best tips and tricks on starting with modding.
  19. I've been seeing conflicting things in regard to kerbal engineer redux and kerbal alarm clock. On spacedock, it says that kerbal alarm clock does not work in 1.4, but i have seen many people use it in 1.4, and the same goes for KER. do they work or not?
  20. I use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement... or I did. It's stopped working, I assume because of the new version. I prefer to fly rockets rather than slinkies. Can anyone suggest an alternative mod that works with 1.4?
  21. As the title says. I'm certain it's a mod problem, and at first I thought it was planet shine but I deleted it and the problem persisted. The other visual mods I have are scatterer, EVE, and Stock Visual Enhancement.
  22. Hello! I'm having a problem that's maing the game pretty much unplayable (unless you're crazy enough to play only with SRBs and the twin boar that for some reason does work). All stock fuel tanks (be it liquid fuel+oxidizer, only LF, monopropelant or xeon gas) apear as purely structural/ornamental parts. Idon't know if it's a mod that causing it (didn't open the game before installing mods) or what. This is a fresh instalation (new PC stopped working, had to go back to old one that didn't had KSP installed). Images of whats happening: https://imgur.com/gallery/rUELK The mods list, add kopernicus (it didn't fit): https://imgur.com/gallery/oKV4K The game is pretty damn hard without liquid fuel Oh, also Strategia is showing me the Kerbal system strategies and I have installed the Galileo´s Planet Pack.
  23. Are there any working telescope mods that anyone knows of? I know Tarsier used to have one that was OK but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work, or at least the forums post about it seems dated. I'd like to build a Kubble, or James Kebb telescope that actually functions (for asteroids, planets, moons). Even having a ground based one would be cool. Thanks for any help!
  24. hallo und sorry, ich bin seit Tagen am brechen, möchte gern die besten Grafik mit Wolken, Lichtern, entfenten Objekten usw. und bekomme es einfach nicht mehr hin. Habe Version 1.3.1 und es funktionierte alles bis mein alter PC streikte. Sitze jetzt ne Woche dran und kriege nichts zum laufen. Wer ist von euch so nett mir zu helfen???? nehme auch Teamviewer13 lg der Verzweifler
  25. As I understand it, the new Mission Builder in Making History allows for making missions that require mods. I suggest making a sub-forum to the Making History Missions forum dedicated to missions that require mods. This way it would be easier to find missions suited for a vanilla game or a modded game to suit your install. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/98-making-history-missions/
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