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  1. Hello, is there a way to play KK‘s launcher SpaceX mod with RO and RSS so that the rockets have the right configuration including size and fuel? And is it also possible to optimize Tundra‘s exploration with RSS and RO too? A instruction with the right KSP version and the settings/codes of mod would be really cool! Thanks and greetings from germany!
  2. Journal on my DeviantART
  3. Here's a graphical recording of my first RSS/RO/RP-1 play through, mainly as a record of my mistakes so I won't repeat them. Phase one: "I love the smell of RP-1 in the morning" Early sounding rockets. The Stratos Series was initially launched from Lelystad, the Netherlands until I discovered that it has no radio coverage. At Madrid it worked a bit better but only from 3km up. I decided to start over in Kourou.
  4. Hey guys, I have a good working RSS/RO modpack for the Version 1.10.1 Everything is fine only the fact that something seems wrong with the delta V maybe i am also just not good with RSS But the thing is I have a Rocket that uses 42000kN thrust for a payload of 18tons... that should end in an orbit 400KM aboth earth. SpaceX needs only about 10.000 kN thrust for 21Tons. But it makes also nearly no difference with the deltaV if I am on the surface of the earth or somewhere in space it changes only 1000 deltaV. I am new with Real Solar System so maybe it should be like that and I am just building wrong... I have uploaded my Modpack and the craft-file on Mega so you can check it out. I dont know if I am allowed to show the link to everyone for Copyright reasons but you can ask me to [email protected] hopefully you can help me
  5. Journal on my DeviantART
  6. Journal on my DeviantART.
  7. Hello everyone! I have decided to start a long term project of adding parts to RP-0 and creating RO patches. I will update this thread as I edit and add new files. Any feedback on RP-0 pricing or tips you can give me is welcomed! I know there is an RP-0 Part Configuration tool however, I like the idea of using MM patches so it will allow people to run a stock setup if they please and/or remove parts from the patch if they want to. As parts are updated the filenames will reflect the version and date so if you want to rollback you can. If you like the part and want to add it to the Configuration Parts App before I do please do just make sure you post in this thread so I can check it off the list. All of these patches were created and tested on KSP 1.8.1, RO 12.8.1, and RP-0 1.7. Releases: 01/18/2021: AJE, AJEE, Aviation Light, and B9 Aerospace Engines (B9 Aero is a WIP). 01/25/2021: MK-33, USI Exploration (Airbags and Floats), EDB/Raiz Space In Progress: RP-0: B9 Aerospace, Near Future Construction, random engines, and structural parts (un-fueled). RO: B9 Aerospace Instructions: Download the files at the following link and add to your GameData folder. I recommend creating a new folder called /000_RP0_RO_Patches and copying the files there in order to keep things nice and organized. DOWNLOAD HERE Note: No original files have been modified, removed, renamed, or moved from their original location. All released files are MM patches. If you are the original creator of any mod listed and would like to add my patches to your release(s) or you would like to edit/redistribute these patches; feel free to do so just give me a shoutout!
  8. In a parallel universe, the country of Hatsunia (初音国) had taken a very different path compared to Japan, its counterpart in our world. Instead of hundreds of years of feudal isolation, the society became used to foreign contact and social reform. Unlike Japan, its international relations in the late 19th and early 20th centuries mostly involved diplomacy and trade with its neighbors instead of brutal militaristic conquest. During the Second World War, Hatsunia joined the Allied Powers and formed the Honolulu Pact with the United States in 1941 against a China that had been taken over by fascists in this timeline. The Allies achieved victory several years later, and with Hatsunia not being on the defeated side, its aerospace industry would not be obstructed by treaties, constitutional articles, or ruined infrastructure. At the beginning of the space age, Hatsunia did not have the native resources to directly compete with the Soviet Union or United States in spaceflight achievements, but had just enough to invest in small rockets and the cultivation of electronics and computing industries. As time went on, Hatsunia's economy would take advantage of post-war international trade networks and the digital revolution, and its space industry would eventually become the forefront of capability and affordability in the 21st century. For more information about Hatsunia, visit this page and the wiki. This is a pseudo-alternate history in a parallel universe that wasn't meant to be fully realistic. Like Japan, there is more to Hatsunia than anime. If you're wondering, "why a space program inspired by Hatsune Miku?" please read this. (not everything will be Miku-related) The Hatsunia Aerospace Science and Development Agency (初音国宇宙航空科学開発機関) was established in 1958. [Japan used to have three aerospace agencies: ISAS (scientific space probes), NASDA (practical satellites/human spaceflight), and NAL (mostly aeronautics). They were merged to become JAXA in 2003. In Hatsunia, their responsbilities were merged since the beginning.] This is an alternate history-like self-roleplay which will be depicted with modified versions of the Real Solar System and Realism Overhaul mods (and Zorg's TUFX configs). The Realistic Progression 1 (RP-1) career mode mod is also used to give structure to the missions, but it will not be a legitimate playthrough as progression through the tech tree is dependent on gathering science points from the moon and other planets as soon as possible. Thus, technologies will be manually unlocked at a pace according to their respective times. The TestFlight (engine failure) mod will also not be used. Custom contracts will also be made. Think of it as part career, part sandbox. Table of Contents (Video playlist) Phase 1 (1952-1961) Phase 2 (1962-1976) Phase 3 (1977-1986) Phase 4 (1987-) Phase 1 - 01 In Minamikushi Prefecture, the Hatsunia Science and Technology Agency constructed a facility on the island of Negishima, named after the green onion that the island was coincidentally shaped like (and was on the Hatsunese flag). Parts of the agency focused on the development of rocketry for scientific purposes, while the Hatsunia Defense Forces also saw its potential value for military applications. Professor Hidemi Utagawa of the University of Minamikushi led the development of Hatsunia's first sounding rocket. This sounding rocket was the Negi-1, and was similar to the American WAC Corporal rocket. The vehicle was composed of two stages. The upper stage, or sustainer, was composed of steel and was powered by the LE-01 liquid rocket engine. It used a simple pressure-fed design and was fueled by a toxic mixture of aniline, furfuryl alcohol, and inhibited red fuming nitric acid, which required careful handling but could be stored for long periods of time. The LE-01 was the first in a series of liquid rocket engines developed by Mikubishi Heavy Industries, which previously manufactured ships and aircraft. At the top of the stage was a nose cone and an additional cylindrical compartment carrying a payload of scientific measuring instruments, including a thermometer and barometer. Fins, twisted by a fraction of a degree, provided flight stability through rotation. The lower stage, or booster, resembled the American "Tiny Tim" rocket and was known as the "Pencil," containing solid nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose propellant. Its purpose was to provide a short burst of thrust and acceleration so that the second stage's fins could stabilize effectively. The diagram below compares its size to a modern interpretation of Hatsune Miku, a mythical singer originating from ancient Hatsunese folklore. On 1952 August 31, the first Negi-1 was on the launch pad after several weeks of construction. The launch platform was slightly tilted to the east so that the rocket would not crash into any populated areas. (Captions provided by the Historian mod with my custom config)
  9. I'm running KSP 1.8.1 from Steam with a fair number of mods: Realism Overhaul and all its dependencies, Real Solar System and its dependencies, MechJeb2, and Principia. My problem is that I can load my worlds (albeit slowly) and open the launchpad and set a target in map view, but the moment I try engaging the autopilot in MechJeb (or pausing the game—that seems to cause the same problem) the game freezes and I have to force close it. I'm running it from Steam with the -force-glcore launch option so the game doesn't run out of memory (I have 16gb RAM and my PC's specs should not be a bottleneck). I've attached my Player.log, KSP.log, and a video with the replication steps here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z8024cpf160fjlq/AABq_k5UnXyunaHYc75tk_cKa?dl=0. (Note that the video has like entire minutes of nothing happening; this was actually during the loading screens. Sorry for the choppy video. It didn't look that bad from my end.) I'm trying to launch Raidernick's Luna 13 into Earth orbit at the lunar plane of orbit. I'm confused because this worked before (about a month ago) without major issues, but trying it now the game pretty much always freezes up. Even funnier is that the one time I record my screen to show it, it actually doesn't freeze the first time around! It did freeze when I disengaged and re-engaged the autpilot though, so the problem really is still there. I know I'm not running out of RAM or anything because when I open the task manager nothing is excessively full (the RAM sits around 70% full when the game is running). I'd really appreciate it if you guys could give me a hand with getting my game functional again. I know RO works for the people who use it so I'm kinda sad that it doesn't seem to be working for me.. Thanks in advance!
  10. One day when I went out to launch a satellite, I found an asteroid rushing towards the earth all the way... Launch an interceptor and destroy it decisively√ (To tell a horror story, the asteroid in KSP has a crash speed, which may be 3000m/s (Tell another horror story, after the asteroid is destroyed, it will disappear directly... In the real solar system, this kind of little guy of about 4000dv can only deploy in the Earth-Moon system, and generally can only intercept asteroids that hit the ground for 120 hours. The long-range asteroid redirection mission must be done as a serious aerospace project. Original video is embeded with Chinese subtitle on bilibili, I translate it and upload to youtube. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1EZ4y1g79m
  11. Please sit back with a cup of tea, and relax as I try to take Britain to the stars. I have taken data from prototype, developed and planned British engines, mixed it with a bit of British design and decided to see just how well could they do if post war Britain had thrown a little bit of money at the problem instead of just the innate creativity mixed with sticky tape and hope that usually happens... Will Britain expand into a Vertical Empire?
  12. When I installed it correctly, it started make parts looks weir is it a a bug or I install too many mods (Real plume, Tundra exploration, Kerbal planetary base, and scatters)
  13. in this playthrough with rss/ro/rp-1 I will be playing as the USA, and try to launch a man to the moon. Settings: Normal Start location: Brownsville I will do 1 year at a time, and try to post once every 2 weeks, but times may vary.
  14. I proudly present to you my latest project. A manned grand tour of the Uranus system. The time has come... The year is 1992, the main goal of the Othrys program - landing humans on the moons of Saturn - has just been accomplished. A new, even more ambitious goal has just been set for NASA. Landing astronauts on each of the 5 moons of Uranus: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. Coelus Program just began... Modlist in the description.
  15. Hey guys, I changed now to RSS/RO and I like the realistic mechanic BUT I have some problems. First of all the rocketbuilding center. When I want to seset something with "ctrl" and "z" parts remove change their place and also hover in air.... and often the nodepoints disappear. Second I have installed RSSVE but the clouds and citylights are not there. The texture is red see picture: And third when I load a save data while I am in flight veeeeerrry strange things happen im not able to control anymore and the camera view is not avaible anymore. See also Picture the ship is there but in stage settings left many parts are gone..... I use for this Mod KPS version 1.8.1 I hope someone can help me or can somebody give me a good working package to download via drop box or sth else mabye also in a higher KSP version ? Best regards Muddyblack
  16. i have recently started playing RO/RSS and wondering if they are any other mods that are not officially supported by RO/RSS but work or have configs.
  17. After a couple days of research and understanding the Real Solar System files, I've finally figured out how to change the date in RSS DateTimeFormatter. It's not too complicated and just takes a few minutes. The first thing you need to do is go into your Kerbal Space Program file (with your GameData and whatnot) and type into your file explorer's search bar, "persistent.sfs". Depending on how many saved games you already have, there will be the same number of these "persistent" files. Choose any because what this will do is going to affect all your saved games (if you don't want your other games to have a different date, take them out of the KSP saves folder). Once the .sfs file is opened, you need to scroll down until you see "UT" which itself is under "FLIGHTSTATE". Next to UT is a set of numbers. For those that don't understand what these numbers mean, they represent the number of seconds since the start of the game. This is what you need to change to have the save game set to a different date. Now you must figure out the number to replace the current one. Go to this website and, depending if your desired is before or after, put 1/1/1951 (the default date in Real Solar System) in Start Date or End Date. Then put the desired date in the opposite date section. For an example, I will use the beginning of 1942 as the replacement date. Click Calculate Duration and look for the large bolded text saying the number of days in between (3,287 days as per the example year). Now it's time for some quick maths. Multiply the number of days by 4 (as Kerbin days are 1/4 of an Earth day) then multiply that number by 6 and multiply again by 3,600 (found that out here). You now have your replacement number. Go back to your persistent.sfs file and delete the number already in UT and type in the new calculated number (of course not with commas). If your wanted date comes before 1/1/1951, then put a dash in front of it to make it a negative number. When done, save the file and close out of it. There you go. But before you go back in the game, there's one more thing you will need to do. What this is going to do will just make the planets and moons correctly aligned accurately according to the new date. Go into the Real Solar System file that you have in GameData and look for "RSSKopernicusSettings.cfg". Within it, scroll down (but not really because it's close to the top) until you see "Epoch". It will also have a set of numbers next to it. Epoch, in astronomical terms, is a fixed date that is relative to planetary/stellar measurements. The number you will see (-31542641.784) is the epoch for midnight, January 1, 1951. You need to replace this epoch with another that is accurate to your new in-game date. Use this website to find the epoch by typing in the date that you had replace the default earlier (just type in 12:00 A.M. for the time and keep it at GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) as that it the time zone RSS uses) and clicking Human Date to Timestamp. Your epoch replacement (-883612800 for the 1942 example) will be next to Epoch Timestamp. Copy the number (if it has a dash to make it a negative number, keep this) and go back to RSSKopernicusSettings.cfg. Select the epoch number and then paste (Ctrl and V at the same time) to replace it while also deleting it at the same time. Save the .cfg file and close out of it. You've now fully completed the new in-game RSS DateTimeFormatter date. Go to your KSP save game that has the changed date and you can see now that the date is, in fact, changed. Head into the Tracking Station and look to see the different planet alignments. Unless you have a clever eye, and you probably won't be able to tell anyway, but the planets really have moved since you changed the epoch.
  18. I love Principia but find it too time consuming to constantly switch around to do 'orbit maintenance' when there is long term precise requirements. Real satellites have a delta-v budget, ion/rcs engine and a team of people dedicated to this. Anyone know of any mods that will maintain my n-body orbits for me (obviously only until my fuel is used up)?
  19. I've been trying to install the rp-1 modpack for 1.8.1 and i followed the guide closely "https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/RO-&-RP-1-Installation-for-1.8.1" but after starting a new save i noticed that all procedural tanks have pitch black textures, i tried to install manually and change versions of the textures unlimited mod that is listed as a possible cause for this problem but nothing changed, so i decided to come here and ask for help :) . if u guys need anything from me to help solve the problem i will be happy to assist.
  20. 3 months in the making, I present to you my masterpiece. Hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by! (YT really doesn't like dark scenes btw)
  21. Someone would have or could make a configuration of Tantares for RSS / RO 1.6.1, I would like to be playing with the N1 but the mod that I usually used for some reason is pulling a lot of ram, anyway this is another problem, but then I remembered from Tantares and I thought it worked on RSS I tested it and found out that I need to change the mod settings to work, could someone do that?
  22. The pttachment point is on the sde is this normal I only just started with ro with rp-1 and have been having alot of fun with but this is stopping me from making anything. Thankyou in advance.
  23. Here's a video i made of my manned mission to mars and its two moons i did recently it took 3 days to do.
  24. Hi @pap1723, hi forum I started a new RSS + RO + RP1 career on KSP 1.6.1 recently and followed the installation description for RO / RP1. They suggested, amongst other mods, RO Tanks. The RO Tank I should have max 560~ liters. When I downsize the diameter to 400mm, the maximum length of the tank i can setup is 600mm which is about 46 liters. Is it as intented to have that ratio? Thanks and kind regards PatSch
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