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  1. So... I have BDArmory but I noticed it never gets updated anymore. Was it abandoned? Will anyone pick it up? Any answer is helpful.
  2. Essential Mods ModPack For KSP 1.1.3 Hello, my name is Gustavo but you can call me HardZiin, today i brought to you a modpack with all my favorite mods. In this modpack you will find spacecraft mods, visual mods and another kinds of mods. This modpack use the 1.1.3 version of Kerbal Space Program (Still not tested in another version). Lets start with the list: SpaceCraft (General) Mods Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Inventory System Kerbal Engineer Redux Kerbal Planetary Base System Near Future Propulsion Near Future Solar Near Future Eletrical Near Future Spacecraft Parts Near Future Construction Easy Vessel Switch SpaceY Heavy Lifters Docking Port Alignment Infernal Robotics Infernal Robotics Rework Chatterer Modular Rocket Systems Station Science Visual Mods (Optional) Reentry Particle Effects Environmental Visual Efects Planet Shine Distant Objects Enhancement Renaissance Compilation Other Mods Show Fps Module Mananger Texture Replacer
  3. Essential Mods ModPack
  4. Hi Guys, I got a new computer which doesn't have any mods and I'm looking for a specific one. http://imgur.com/gallery/x1Qys - The thing that I'm looking for is the extra tabs on the left under utilities. If anybody knows which mod that is it would be much appreciated. Daniel
  5. Hello, guys! On the older versions of Kerbal Space Program it always worked to install Environmental Visual Enhancements. Now it somehow doesn't work. I see no clouds showing up or anything related to that and I did the same thing like you always do. Please help!
  6. Hello Guys! I've started playing KSP again some coupple days ago and I have ran into a problem when I tried to work with Probes. I have an Image that is self explainatory: http://imgur.com/gallery/zUKll . But just in case, I can't send any command to my probes, I put a deployed omni antenna, have electricity, I'm in the lounchpad, the letters in the top left are green, the antennae say "Status: connected". So I don't understand what is wrong, it may be caused by some mod, since I have a lot installed -they are listed below-. The problem solves when I desactivate RemoteTech, and doesn't occur with CommNet. HELP ME PLEASE!!! The game version is: 1.2.1 Mods installed (as appear in gamedata folder): [x]-science 000_FilterExtensions 000_FilterExtensions Configs 000_Toolbar 000_USITools 0PinlineFairings AllYAll B9PartSwitch CactEye CameraFocusChanger Chatterer CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack CommunityTeachTree ContractConfigurator ContractPacks CryoTanks CTTP CxAerospace DeadlyReentry DMagicOrbitalScience DMagicScienceAnimate DMagicUtilities DockingPortAlignmentIndicator ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads Firespitter FuelTanksPlus Impact InterstellarFuelSwitch KAS-1.0 KerbalAtomics KerbalEngineer KerbalFlightIndicators KerbalJointReinforcement KIS Kopernicus ksp-precisenode-1.2.4 KWRocketry LETech MagicSmokeIndustries ModularFlightIntegrator NavyFish NearFutureConstruction NearFutureSolar NearFutureElectrical NearFutureProps NearFuturePropulsion NearFutureSpacecraft OPM PartCommanderContinued PlantaryBaseInc PreciseManeuver ProceduralFairings ProceduralParts RealChute RemoteTech REPOSoftTech SCANsat SETIcontracts SETIgreenhouse spacetux SpaceY-Expanded SpaceY-Lifters StageRecovery SurfaceExperimentPackage TarsierSpaceTech ThunderAerospace Trajectories TriggerTech UmbraSpaceIndustries UniversalStorage WaypointManager ModuleManager.2.7.5
  7. KSP VF-1 Valkyrie It is a plane that transforms and it is very awesome They also fly in Space You are seeing it right. Yep, I Made a Valkyrie in Kerbal Space Program and this is not just some static model or statue. This craft is able to Transform just like the actual thing! Old Version New Version About the VF-1 Three Mode Variable Fighter G.E.R.W.A.L.K MODE http://imgur.com/yw7gLei It is not as stupid as it looks Press 5 to turn into Gerwalk Mode. High-Speed high maneuverability VTOL. Can walk (theoretically). Legs are formed by the plane's Engines bending down and the arms and Gunpod are folded forward to resemble a chicken walker. Tail folds up to reveal several thrusters. No really BATTROID MODE Press 6 to turn into a fully articulated mecha. All the joints work but you don't have any real way to control them. It took me 15 minutes to get that pose right http://imgur.com/8yaAgIB FIGHTER MODE Press 4 to turn into a plane. You should know what is a plane by now. Actual Testing Footage Download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ook40vresbpj2cv/AAABh0UoCRBLIC01jzHBcNWwa?dl=0 Mods included. 1.1.3 Only Warning the modular manager cheat config changes all parts mass to 0.5 and makes all engine parts physicless. Just wanted to make that clear.
  8. Whenever I try to open KSP, via Steam, after the loading screen it crashes Crash Details: I have no idea what any of that means so an explanation and diagnosis would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Whenever I have GPP installed, the game takes an extremely long time to load. Is there anything I can do?
  10. KSP freezes launching at the last second, when module manager is on the final patch. I've tried removing the mod that the patch was appliying to, but it just happens agian with the next remaining mod. Please help?
  11. Hello, Ive been playing ksp over a month now and have give up on the new campaign as i'm finding the money a bit hard for a noob player, so i'm using science and sadnbox to test different designs and to get better at flying and figures out how different parts work properly. ive started using mods and in my own personal quest want to make my won versions of the thunderbirds from scratch, i have tried installing the mk4 mod to make tb2 but i don't seem to be getting any fuel or cargo options for the craft only the engines the cockpits and the service hatch. i have done my best to follow guides about putting in the game data folder but nothing seems to happen, can anyone helps a noob out as i'm struggling to get it to all appear in sandbox mode.
  12. My computer can't run scatterer and I only want some nice looking sunflares instead of the ugly stock ones. Is there any mod out there that will allow me to just have sun flares?
  13. I was playing KSP one day, and I tried to install VesselMover which didn't work because I'm on 1.2.1. I got rid of the VesselMover files but when I tried to go to 'resume saved game', I had no saves anymore! I started a new game but when I came back the next day, it was missing! My mods are: -Infernal Robotics -Konstruction -BDarmory -Tweakscale -ModuleManager -KAS Please note: even though nothing shows up in the resume game tab, when I try to make a new game with the same name, KSP states that the save already exists and I will need to over wright it. Please help me access my old saves! Also I play on KSP 64 bit
  14. So I've noticed that there is no main thread for people searching for specific mods. This really didn't seem right as I've been searching for certain mods in the past and had no where to turn to. As a result I'm starting this thread in the hopes that it takes off and offers people a place to ask what certain mods are. And for the start of this thread I'll ask: what mod are these solar panels from? Link - http://m.imgur.com/TiDdtLC?r
  15. Hey all! I just started a new career mode series with the Galileo Planet Pack (which is great because my dog is named Galileo). The first two videos are up on youtube, and I hope you guys will check it out! We don't get too far yet, but I plan to explore all the planets and moons in the planet pack and get up to some interesting missions and maybe even some livestreams in the future. See you all there!
  16. Basically, as the title says. The normal textures are OK and the graphics are kinda meh. Gameplay is fine at the moment but I'd like to see something more appealing so are there any mods for this?
  17. hi first of all i thanks all the developers of different mods you guys are doing a great job and also the one who make ckan you make our live easy i want to say some mods are working great on 1.2.2 (if manually installed) but ckan says it is incompatible why this happen any idea.
  18. Hi Guys, I'm having some issues with mechjeb. I have the majority of features that are available, but as of a few days ago the delta V calculator has disappeared. This has significantly affected gameplay and I'm wondering what the cause would be. I'll link to a list of my mods - http://imgur.com/gallery/dDAJB. Thanks Daniel
  19. The first of a two-part tribute to SpaceY Heavy-Lifter Parts and SpaceY Expanded, a set of KSP mods for making massive rockets, by Necrobones. If this seems particularly silly, I blame sleep deprivation -- which, incidentally, makes for particularly silly rockets.
  20. What is your favorite mod? BahamutoD's Armory, Kerbal Attachment system, or the Kerbal inventory system? Hope to see the top (Top dollar/fund, or the best) mod. The best will be Advertised in my next gameplay video!!
  21. Hi guys let's do a little fun survey.. Name your best top 10 addons (in order from the best to less good) that you can't play without this year. One more thing, module manager doesn't count coz it's required by most mods to run properly. Ok, here goes my list: 1. KIS (+module manager obviously) 2. Kerbal Engineer Redux (KER) 3. Atomic Age (nuclear engines + some parts) 4. Modular Fuel Tanks 5. Radar Altimeter (dark side landing? No problem) 6. Precise Maneuver (maneuver node fine-tuner) 7. Time Control (coz my RL time is precious) 8. Tweakscale 9. Planet Shine 10. Mechjeb 2
  22. Hello again. I have been trying to install a mod called the "Interstellar Expanded" mod (it was something like that). The only problem is that it won't work with KSP version 1.2.2 and it only works with 1.2.1 How do I downgrade my version by 1? Extra info- I installed KSP using steam, and it only allows me to go back to version 1.1.3 and 1.1.0, which don't work.
  23. I just downloaded DMP (Dark Multiplayer) to play KSP with some friends. After installing the mod (copy/pasting a file into DMP's GameData folder) and launching the game, KSP tells me that there are some incompatible save files, and it is the one that DMP creates. How do I solve this, or will I just have to deal with it? Thanks!
  24. Hi, So I started playing Real Solar System yesterday and I quickly discovered the stock parts weren't powerful enough to launch anything that weighs more than a few tonnes to LEO. That's why I would like to hear some suggestions for mods I should use. By the way I'm playing version 1.2.1. Thank you.
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