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  1. Good afternoon all, Im coming across and issue with docking. I am unable to dock 2 clamp-o-tron together. they are both the same size. I recently added KJR due to the mass and shape of my station and this will be the third time docking since adding the mod. no issues either previous time. Is there a bug that appears with this mod some times? Do the ports need to be "top to top" and ive just been really lucky with hitting it each time?(station has a total of 6 attachments, this will be 7). by top to top i mean (using nav ball as an example) North to north?. Here is a screen shot for proof of size and lack of magnetism. Should i roll my ship? is my build causing issue? any advice would be great! thanks.
  2. I have tried everything I know but m.o.l.e is missing most parts no matter what I do and yes I followed the instructions and downloaded dependices
  3. So, I've had my career going for about a week now and i have unlocked most of the tech up to the 500 limit that a level 2 research. This has unlocked a bunch of plane parts that i have noticed on a lot of the designs people come up with, But i will be honest i suck at building planes and my rockets are all asparagus launched and the average cost to me is 130k. The module im returning with is only worth 6k, I losing alot in my launch staging. Anyone know how i can help with that will SSTO or space planes help that much with recoverable costs? I'm trying to save up for the Research level upgrade but its slow going when any contracts i take up i need 130k to get me in the air. If you have a guide on building SSTO or maybe even how to save my twin boar asparagus rockets would be good cause that where alot of my money goes. I have 4 Twin boars at 17k a unit. Then a main sail and Rockomax 64 tanks which gets me mostly circular before i have to use a Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank or Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank depending on my mission (mun or Minmus) this teams to a Skipper or poodle engine (Again whatever i think is more efficient for the mission). (i will post a pic when i get home). This may be overkill really but i tend to use up alot of DV especially when i go to the Mun. (its the landing stage that i struggle with. Although MechJeb has helped ( i don't crash as often). SO yeah y'all Kerbonauts, Any helpful tips or tricks?
  4. Hi! This is my first topic, so Welcome! I was playing KSP with the Outer Planets mod the other day and the framerate got form 35 to 10 in two seconds! I tried even REINSTALLING the game and it did not work. Do any of you people know how to get better performance? Good Luck and Take Care: Rex
  5. I have installed The Malemude rover pack and the feline industries. I can see the Mods being loaded in the Loading screen, However when I go onto my Sandbox world I cannot see them and I cannot access the parts and I cannot see them. I think it is because it is not creating a new tab for the parts. Does anyone know how to fix it?
  6. Hello I'm wondering if someone can help me, my RCS controls seem to have got messed up when you go EVA and use the RCS thrusters, the Kerbal used to orientate himself to the direction I press but that doesn't seem to be happening anymore. Can anyone give me any advice? Think I may have found the answer activating SAS while in EVA will hopefully fix this. Not at a PC right now but I will report back.
  7. Hello! I am currently in the process of refurbishing my dome. I created a brand-new model, along with a custom collider mesh made out of triangular prisms. Here are the screenshots from Unity, where everything appears to be fine: However, in-game the dome looks like this (the size is correct, it's supposed to be 10m in diameter): ^ Proof that it's the collision mesh that's messing things up for me, and not the actual texture(s) that I'm using. I am really confused as to what I should do at this point. I tried everything, including moving the colliders up and down the hierarchy, applying the mesh renderer and applying an empty texture to it, and a bunch of other things, only to end up with the same result. What should I do? Am I doing something wrong?
  8. Okay, I have a weird problem, but one that is very annoying. When I try to do a rendezvous I get an encounter, usually <1 km, but when I go out of map mode and look around for it I can't see it, it usually tells me the distance between our ships, but it didn't, I used the navball to point at it, and lined my camera up with it I couldn't see it, I tried getting closer the retrograde vector to slow down then burning towards it, so I got my encounter down to .1 km, but when I finally was able to see it it still wouldn't show me the distance. I only have MechJeb installed, so I tried uninstalling it but it still wouldn't work. It worked up until I installed MechJeb. I'm worried that it overwrote some file that gives me the distance, but I don't want to reinstall it and lose all my saves, although I could just copy the save file, but that might be the corrupted part. I haven't been able to do any rendezvous and dock. Please Help.
  9. hi i just got ksp as a gift and its works fine its just sometime it says something about how i dont have any control and wont be able to control the craft but i have everything on there but then other times it works fine i paid a good price for this game and i cant play 60 percent of the time because every single aircraft including the ready made ones says this massage i going to get annoyed if i dont get an answer or a solution. thanks.
  10. I'm pretty sure I installed it correctly, it just doesn't work though, the actual group that has the parts in it does not show up. Help please.
  11. I am having problems with KSP lately, my spacecrafts wont launch anymore after loading it just floats away sloaly. after some time the craft shakes and explodes. I have video and logs, but cant seem to upload it here
  12. KSP freezes launching at the last second, when module manager is on the final patch. I've tried removing the mod that the patch was appliying to, but it just happens agian with the next remaining mod. Please help?
  13. I need help with the docking tutorial in the game. I was trying to complete them all and I've done them all up to the docking one where I get stuck. So the part I am having issue with is I get the orbit right. Then I have to get my transfer orbit within 5km of the other ship. That's tough but I have done it before. Now comes the real kicker. So I need to slow down so I don't miss it. It says you should start slowing down when you are under 15 km. So I have two questions 1st. How do I know when I am under 15 km. 2nd. When I do start slowing down my separation between the two they become so far apart it is impossible to catch back up to without speeding up again. I've been looking at videos of tutorials and can't seem to find any info on helping me and I have only found 1 video of someone completing this tutorial. Please any help would be really appreciated, thank you.
  14. 5052


    I have played KSP for quite a while now but just started in the forums. Does anybody know why when I try to access the Realism Overhaul thread it shows an error can not find? Also the link at the end of the topic is blocked saying I don't have permission when I'm signed in. Hello everybody though!
  15. Hello! I'm quite a beginner to the game but has gotten as far as orbiting Kerbin. Now, im trying to get to the mun with a lander, the landers i've come up with are pretty big since i want a bit of everything with me. So my real question is, my spaceship turs too heavy at the top and tips at 10k meters. What do i need to do prevent this? I'll post pictures if anyone wants them
  16. Hello, I am currently trying to create a landing leg but the only tutorial I can find is this one Since it is almost 3 years old it is very out of date and not relevant anymore for most of it. (I think). I was wondering if anyone can give me some help on creating a landing leg, I have the item in game but it will not animate and I do not know if I have it properly setup in unity. Any help or being pointed towards a newer tutorial will be appreciated. This is the landing leg as well, just simple up and down.
  17. My computer can't run scatterer and I only want some nice looking sunflares instead of the ugly stock ones. Is there any mod out there that will allow me to just have sun flares?
  18. I've got a question: I know that everyone's talking about the main BD team's baby, (BDArmoury), but I've got a big question for you guys at the team; Adjustable landing gear. I know that you've gotten BDA to work for 1.2 (I think) but the last time I checked, Adjustable Landing Gear is only for 1.0... right? So I've got just 1 question? Could you at least update the mod to 1.0.3? maybe even 1.2? If you could I would love it. Thanks, Dark
  19. So, hi! I got a contract about going to the mun. Seemed pretty easy, from what I did in tutorial, I tried pretty hard, until thought about finishing the tutorial! But every time I can't complete it, because of this phrase: "I suggest you start ASAP!" I don't understand what he means by that, but what do i do, when he says that? Do I wait for the manuever or do something else?
  20. I was looking to make a rover for tracking across Kerbin in. I don't want it to be able to fly with thrusters but it can have thrusters to move it faster. So far, these are the parts I plan to take Kerbal stock tires (6 of them) Remote controlling system (disk) Battery (disk) Solar Panels (like Mark Watney) RTG's Fuel (mono and liquid) (disk) Thrusters (aiming down for downforce on hills) small rocket (for extra speed on flats) landing struts (Self-righting system for flipping myself) Mining drill Raw material to fuel converter communication system If anyone has any ideas on what else to add or how to put all these on a rover, please tell me
  21. So I recently got a new gaming computer with windows 10 on it, and i was trying to install mods for ksp, but they would not actually install. I extracted the mod folders, and put them in the gamedata folder but it still did not add, all the mods are updated to the 1.2 version too. Does anyone know why this will not work?
  22. So I'm going to Eeloo, I launched my drive stage, launched my crew, docked, and after 30 something minutes of burning I'm now on my way to Eeloo. Only problem is I forgot to put an antenna on because I'm not used to the update (haven't played since 1.1). Is there any way I can cheat to turn off the antenna signals? Or some way to get an antenna on there? I really don't feel like starting all over and I don't really care about cheating at this point.
  23. Hi! I accidently deleted the Squad folder in the Gamedata folder when I was installing mods. I own the GoG version of the game. When I launch KSP from GoG it works fine but my mods don't get loaded. But when I launch the game from the Ksp.exe my mods load but no parts etc. I would be super grateful if anyone helps me with this issue. Thanks!
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