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  1. Kozak


    Breaking news! Jacksepticeye is playing KSP again! he sucks at it but he's doing it again! In other news: KSP suddenly boosts in popularity by a LOT.
  2. I want a Mission Control room for launching spacecrafts like as in Houston Control Room. People are waiting for this for a long time. Hope Squad starts working in this thing. We want the Control room to be something like this. If anybody can help please do so.
  3. If you're having trouble building a space plane check out my video! Hope it helps!
  4. I have started a space program called KiSS. The space station is fully made of stock parts. I had done the ascent and rendezvous myself but I got messed up during docking. So I installed MechJeb for the docking purpose. Currently the space station comprises of 2 parts:KSS1(the crew habitat)and a KSS-node(for docking other parts of the space station). Stay tuned I will be uploading the images soon. You can reply me if you want the save game or give me some innovative ideas.
  5. [Removed by the moderation team]
  6. When i start KSP i have tried to install KW Rocketry 2.7 and when i go to start the game it freezes at the loading bar when all game content is loading as seen in the screenshot below, its quite odd and i cant seem to figure out the problem tried fresh install moving around folders everything but to no avail, if someone could help it would be greatly appreciated. Ive put the image in a url below. http://tinypic.com/r/1sb2hi/9
  7. Is there any mod which adds lightning proctection towers around the launch pad as present in the French Guiana Launch pad. I am talking about the four towers surrounding the launch pad. Please help me I need those towers as they look nice. If there is any mod available please comment below or if possible somebody please make this mod. Thanks in advance.
  8. Made a discord server for KSP. https://discord.gg/0plET3ioce3czFgO You're all welcome to stay, though
  9. I'm a new streamer with a pretty decent Space Shuttle, that i'll be using in accordance with my Proton replica to build the ISS just as it was built. Including accurate docking, arm maneuvers, station function and station IVA's! This is why I made the shuttle, after all. Day 2, lets do this! http://twitch.tv/spitfireacademy
  10. Greetings! I am new to the USI Koloization Mod, and honestly fairly new to the game. I am having two glaring issues with the Kolonization mod. These are issues that I have not been able to find any forums on or even videos on how to fix. Issue #1: The parts and modules that I have to build with look entirely different than what I am seeing in the creators website and on videos I have seen of people using this mod altogether. Meaning, I have paid attention to how many modules users have and I am seeing I have way less. I have a total of four modules and one or two bases Furthermore, the modules don't have the cool colors and such, just simple black and grey. Case and point, I do have as many cool modules, bases, and other USI Kolonization pieces as I am seeing other people have in their tutorials, videos, and photos. Issue #2: With expandable tubes, when I am building my modules and ships, the expandable tubes do not seem to lock in place on the modules when you try to attach them to the doors of the bases. I am able to get them to turn green indicating they will be attached yet they don't "lock" to the green dot and when I test connecting the tube to another module base it simply goes through the second module as if it's not even there. If I wanted (and I don't) to connect the tube to the top of the module it will "lock" to the green dot, but not when I connect it to the doors of any of my modules or bases. Advice for both issues would be appreciated. I am new to the forum, I tried to attach images for both issues but did not see anywhere to insert a photo other than from another website link.
  11. I have an idea about integrating telescopes in ksp, to scout stars and other planets hundreds of light years away these planets not supposed to be an real physical bodies (you never can interact with them) just replicas of real star/planet systems, the purpose to be scouted by telescopes. by watching them u can get some info about them. some of them just space rocks others really interesting glass rain planets
  12. When installing an addon for the BD armory mod, do you put the addon inside of the BD armory folder or the game data folder?
  13. As requested, I changed the song to this video. Enjoy! Subscribe to keep this channel going Once again, feedback is appreciated so I can make these videos better.
  14. Hey guys, I am definitely not new to Kerbal Space Program, but I am new to this update. I have always played the alpha version of the game, and I was quite impressed. As you can imagine, I am quite overwhelmed with all the new features in 1.0.whatever it is. So, anyway, what are your thoughts on all these new things? Good or Bad? What are you confused by? What do you understand and wish to share with us? And, what are your ideas? PIS1211 (Pharaohs in Space)
  15. I have decided to drive the hype train because I have not seen anyone else do it anyways Let us all share our hype for KSP. I am hoping for multithreading because I have an 8 core cpu.
  16. Ok, this is how the game will be played. Post a picture of any KSP planet, or moon, or whatever (but not asteroids). The idea is that you have to make it as hard as possible to see what place it actually is! You can use anything you like to make it as different as possible from what it actually is (NO photo editing), and the next answer has to guess where it is. It is recommended that when you post your picture you put your answer in a 'spoiler' thing. You can use planets from mods as long as you state which mod it is. At the moment it is just KSP planets, but later it could be expanded to other games and real life as well... I'll start: Where is this? (Made it a little easy for the first one...sort of) Answer: EDIT: If you want to make it extra hard, post a description, sort of like a riddle, instead of the picture...
  17. I seem to be having trouble getting back onto Kerbin. For some reason all of my designs seem to flip over between 20 - 30K and kablooie. I've messed a little with the weight distribution but would love some pointers as I'm not amazing at the game. Thanks!
  18. I started a blog detailing my newest KSP Career Mode savefile. It turned into a website similar in some respect to NASA's. I will have mission reports, pics, links to videos on YouTube, and hopefully (eventually) a "story" section which will detail the adventures of various Kerbals. I even made it a bit more interactive by adding a "Requests" section, wherein anyone can offer the Kerbin Administration of Space Missions (KASM) a "contract", which I can accept or decline. Comment here if you have suggestions for the site, or PM me. Here's the site: kerbalnautadventures.wordpress.com. If you enjoy reading my posts, please spread the word! Thanks! Posts: Breaking News: Kafrican Government Officially Organizes the Kerbin Administration of Space Missions! New Capsule to be Tested Tomorrow by Bob Kerman Results of Pad Test Confirmed, Plans for Tomorrow in the Works SRB, Decoupler, and Girder Segment Testing Goes as Planned, Other Tests Postponed SRB 65% Power Test Goes Well SRB 100% Power Test Exceeds Expectations Parachute Test a Spectacular Success!
  19. Well I'm uploading a video of me soon of me doing a flyby of eve.
  20. So im working on a 1960s history project and for the space stuff what mods should i use and please leave links also im doing all sides for it i do watch bob Fitchs series so it will be good info for me.
  21. Who thinks there should be a KSP Forums mobile app for the App Store, Google Play and the Windows Store? I believe that it would be a great app.
  22. the newest (and biggest) of all ksp religions is here and like all religions one much have a holy book! and it is that for which we are penning! an extract is below (under spoilers) we home to get it published when we are finished, all done properly and all and we were wondering how many supporters there might be for such a thing? as it costs a fair bit to gert books published in small numbers, so if you would like to register your interest just post below! our religion can be found here: The United Kerbin Church of our Lord and Savior Scott Manley! p.s. scott is a member of our group!
  23. Filmed during Semester 2 of 2015 at the University of Adelaide, Dr Joel Younger decided one day to give a more visual look into the world of orbital mechanics, with the use of Kerbal Space Program. Yes, 2nd year physics, taught with Kerbal Space Program (at least for that one lecture)! Enjoy!
  24. Hello , in this thread i will make a tut to show how to make Kopernicus planets in the easiest way possible . First lets start out with the basic beginning a Star. Here is a config i use for my system Atario (Note: i have the debug option in the code , add that to export .bin files) @Kopernicus { Body { name = Atario flightGlobalsIndex = 492 Debug { exportBin = true } cacheFile = AtarioSystem/Cache/cach.bin Template { name = Sun } Properties { description = A Distaint star from kerbol, The kerbals found this star after they spilled coffee on the lenzs and saw a small spot on the teliscope but then reliesed that it was not a stain and as they pointed their scope at the spot , they found a new star and named it Atario! radius = 200000000 mass = 1.9000000000000 @mass *= 0.5 spereOfInfluence = 250e5 } ScaledVersion { SolarLightColor sunlightColor = RGBA(255, 232, 205, 255) scaledSunlightColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255) IVASunColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255) sunLensFlareColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255) sunAU = 13.58e9 @sunAU *= 0.6 brightnessCurve { key = -0.001802375 -0.001802375 key = 5.084181 3 -0.001802375 -0.001802375 key = 38.56295 1.65 0.0001713 0.0001713 } } Material { emitColor0 = RGBA(255, 210, 165, 255) emitColor1 = RGBA(192, 144, 96, 255) sunspotColor = RGBA(128, 104, 80, 255) rimColor = RGBA(192, 144, 96, 255) rimPower = 0 rimBlend = 3 } Coronas { Corona { rotation = 3 speed = 9 updateInterval = 5 scaleLimitX = 5 scaleLimitY = 5 scaleSpeed = 0.8 Material { texture = Kopernicus/Textures/biomeDefault inverseFade = 2.553731 } } } } Orbit { referenceBody = Sun color = 1,0.3,0.62,1 inclination = 0.200000000 eccentricity = 0.23 semiMajorAxis = 1.234 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 32 argumentOfPeriapsis = 349 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2 epoch = 2124 } SolarPowerCurve { key = 206000000000 0.024 key = 68773560320 0.024 key = 13599840256 0.6 key = 0 10 0 0 } } } Now , lets look at making a planet config : this is one from my old mod from last year (That i stopped development because i lost my account info). @Kopernicus { Body { name = Earth flightGlobalsIndex = 182 Template { name = Duna } Properties { description = Earth, a blue jewl in space small but mighty , it has oceans filled with life , the lands are covered in a diverse number of species , there is also this species called Humans they are the domonent species on this round blue dot . radius = 2145000 mass = 2.12e+23 geeASL = 0.314 rotationPeriod = 42500 ScienceValues { flyingLowDataValue = 14 flyingHighDataValue = 13.5 inSpaceLowDataValue = 13 inSpaceHighDataValue = 12.5 recoveryValue = 13 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1500000 } } Orbit { referenceBody = Sol color = 0.415686,0.352941,0.803922,1 inclination = 0 eccentricity = 0.0127566996362601 semiMajorAxis = 6459475388.98006 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 259 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.27167344093323 epoch = 0 } ScaledVersion { Material { texture = Sol/Textures/Earth_map normals = Sol/Textures/Earth_normal } } } Body { name = Moon flightGlobalsIndex = 182 Template { name = Eeloo } Properties { description = Moon, this round ball of grey dirt and shiny rocks is one of the only Celestial bodies that these humans have been to without robots . radius = 625800 mass = 2.12e+23 geeASL = 0.314 rotationPeriod = 42500 ScienceValues { flyingLowDataValue = 14 flyingHighDataValue = 13.5 inSpaceLowDataValue = 13 inSpaceHighDataValue = 12.5 recoveryValue = 13 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1500000 } } Orbit { referenceBody = Earth color = 0.415686,0.352941,0.803922,1 inclination = 10.6326560974121 eccentricity = 0.0127566996362601 semiMajorAxis = 40702368.2715686 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 243.589370727539 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.27167344093323 epoch = 0 } ScaledVersion { Material { texture = Sol/Textures/Moon_map normals = Sol/Textures/Moon_normal } } } } Notice how there is a second body for the moons , Do what i did and put moons in the same config as its parent planet , it will keep the mod folder cleaner and the code neater. The Textures must be named seperatly for each body , i recommend doing this (name)/(name)_map.png same with the normal's , note only use .png as the game cant recognize anything else for this mod as far as i know . Kopernicus link : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103277-105-kopernicus-beta-06-december-28/&page=1 Credits ~Augustus ~TheBlackDwarf (My Old Account)
  25. The halo hogrun has arrived (well part of it) the run is about 1/6th complete but i belive it ready for testing and display! mod competition as with anything so strict as a race cource it is always fun to have a race! rules: all mods are allowed hack gravity is allowed to right your self but that time must be included time starts when you start moving from the first parking bay, and ends when you hit the ground at the end any route may be used runs must be filmed and must show mission clock during whole run and at a discernible resolution runs may be submitted here or on facebook by tagging me (alex m duffield) in a post in one of the main groups or my messaging m Leaderboard positon name time main mods video link Alex Duffield 2:31 halo warthog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0osahdMBVuE
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