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  1. oh, don't you even start. i love realism, and i've been arguing that same line of yours that i bolded for ages now. my point in that post however is that if you're going to justify things on grounds of realism in-game, consider that the the game, as it has been, and still is, is to a very small degree realistic with respect to actual rocket flight. much greater than Freelancer or X series for sure, but the fact is that if you're going to talk about how OP the ion engine is compared to how it was in previous releases, the ion engine really hasn't been taken that much further except to cut down wait times. we've been able to use ions to land and ascend from low gravity bodies for ages, and to fly in atmosphere for even longer. 2kN is high thrust now? good luck getting all those panels/RTGs to lift off tylo, man. granted, it does change the potential span of mission regimes to give ions comparably high thrust to IRL stuff. but in real life with ion engines you have the benefit of not being an actual space program manager, so we can sleep while the things run. even then, in real life deep space probes run on autopilot for the duration of those burns. so low thrust doesn't have to mean babysitting your rocket for 5 IRL hours. are there other solutions to this problem? sure, squad could implement better phys warp, it's been done in mods, up to something like 100x phys warp without incurring major bugs. but since that isn't happening any time soon i don't see it as any great injury to the game's realism to buff their thrust to ~LV-1 status. they still mass more, and if you factor in the power systems you need and the low mass ratio of the tanks there's more mass still. and we've always been able to land on minmus with them. if being able to barely land on Mun or Ike with them now is the exchange for actually making them useable to players with crappy PCs like myself in the stock game, that nearly chug on KSP to begin with, who can't just leave KSP on and do other things on their computer while waiting for their 5 hour burn to complete, then that's acceptable, personally. and before anyone asks, "but why don't you read a book while you do it accelerando?" news flash, i'm not always in the mood for reading books/going outside/socializing/doing things that aren't video games when i boot up my computer to start a tour of my own private personal virtual cosmos
  2. Sorry guys, I'll talk to Sirkut and see if he has figured anything out, I've had a few people contact me via email and ask for a fixed version, and if I had one I'd give it to you. Like all updates we have to go through a small adjustment stage when there is no preview from Squad or information on what they are going to change with the system - so everytime an update comes out, you cross your fingers, legs, gonads and anything else and hope they didn't change something that will break your mod or plugin, but majority of the time it does and that's just the downside of developing things for something that is still in development itself Hopefully we will all have our servo's swinging again soon!
  3. ialdabaoth: I gave them that thrust per request, and because they were already the exact mass of the real-life SABRE (though the real-life SABRE is 4.5m in diameter). I need to talk with camlost about how best to handle combined-cycle engines...
  4. Hmmm… Yes, the diagrams and the timeframe are correct for it to have been this Medusa system (but I don't remember him using that name…nor do I remember if the guy giving the talk was Johndale Solem). As I recall, the "parachute" material was some kind of high-tech plastic, quite thin. And I presume shaped charges would be used, yes. Better efficiency. "Image: Medusa in operation. Here we see the design 1) At the moment of bomb explosion; 2) As the explosion pulse reaches the parachute canopy; 3) Effect on the canopy, accelerating it away from the explosion, with the spacecraft playing out the main tether with its winch, braking as it extends, and accelerating the vehicle; 4) The tether being winched back in. Imagine all this in action and the jellyfish reference becomes clear. Credit: George William Herbert/Wikimedia."
  5. Hello one and everyone! Simple proposal: A kerbal space program folding@home team! How? Download client and contribute your folding points to some dedicated team! Wait what? I need a longer explanation!! Ok, here it is: So you want to grow old, happy and disease-free? Tough luck, unless you contribute to this magnificent future you so desire! Would you believe me if I said you could aid medical science without lifting a finger? (of course, you have to lift your finger a few times in order to click the mouse during setup... but after setup you're good to live finger-lifting-free) So basically, there are a ton of things that can go wrong in a human body. Scientists are amazing creatures that understand things you never though the human race needed to know. One such case is the proteins in your body, which tend to do this thing called "Folding". I have no idea what that means, but some scientists seem to think this "folding" of proteins is a thing we need to understand. They say they can possibly find cures for these diseases: -Alzheimer's -Cancer -Huntington's -Parkinson So what can you do to aid them? Simple! Download a legit tool to your pc. Install it. Run it. Scientists can now borrow a little bit of your computers free time (when you sleep, watch youtube etc). The best thing about this, is the simplicity! So simple, and for a good cause. You don't pay any money for it, you only invest some of your computers idle-time into your future health. I've been folding for a while now, and racked up a respectable 350K points. (many many more to come, trust me!) You actually get points for folding, and are ranked against other folders. Though this is just for fun, since points don't matter. That's right, the points are just like deodorant to a cab driver. (/whose line quote) Enough talk, start folding right now, and create a healthier future for yourself and your family! Folding@home official website is found at this adress: http://folding.stanford.edu Oh, and just to be clear, I'm posting this to initiate a possible team. I do not intend to manage/create/initiate anything related to this. I am already folding fulltime to some private team. Feel free to contribute to a better future!
  6. So, I've seen a lot of talk about the Rockomax probe engine and the SLS parts being overpowered engines, at the same time people are clamoring for outer solar system bodies- asteroid belts, Gas planet 2 and 3 (saturn and uranus equivs), and heliopause biomes. What would people think of buffing the other engines to SLS and Rockomax probe effectiveness? It would make all the existing targets easier to reach, even for newbies, but a new layer of harder objectives could make it worthwhile for the experienced players. (Asteroid Magic boulder in sub-moho solar orbit, outsystem gas planets, ect) Which engines are the most useless, and what aspects would you buff to bring them up to SLS and Rocomax usefullness?
  7. The age of kerbalkind has just begun... It's Year 103, Space exploration was just made nonfictional after the first Munar Landing. And government was just beginning. And for that reason, Government of Kerbin was ever so bad because it was just invented and wasent understanded well. So this is where the tale starts... After the election of the first kerbal president on kerbin, James Kerman. He decided that the government needed order, The Government of Kerbin Was formed! The laws we're outrageous, The world was orderfilled no freedom was ever granted. Prices we're over the top! 50 Kerbcoins for a soda! So, After a few years of this treachery. The people we're sick of it! Chapter 1: The Beginning of it All. Jayde: This treachery and non freedom world has to stop here! Asus: Yeah, This is the time for the people to rise! Jayde: But how do we act, What do we do? How do we even start? Asus: I have a few ideas, And contacts. Jayde: You do? Even so. Where would we go how would we setup an HQ or base of operations? Asus: It'll be fine with the contacts and ideas i have, Now get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow. Jayde: Why? Asus: Because, You'll see. Jayde: Alright...? Asus: Trust me. Jayde: I do. Asus: Good. The next Day... Asus: It's time, follow me. Jayde: Alright. Jayde: Where are we going? Asus: You'll see. At the place Asus: This is it. Jayde: What? Asus: *Uses Radio* Come on out. Jayde: Huh? *Team steps out of the base* Asus: This is the team, We're going to fight against the treacherous James Kerman. Jayde: Alright, Well... This is a lot to take in. But where do we start. Asus: Already taken care of, We're developing a spaceplane that can fly both on kerbin and in space, We've already scavenged some Sunbeams for our weapons, Deadly weapons. Those are all we'll need most of the time. Jayde: Great. What do i do? Asus: Head over to the armory, Grab some armor and any weapons you see fit. *Gives map of the base* Jayde: Alright. Jayde: Just one question, After some attacks on them how hidden are we? Asus: Already taken care of. We're masking our traces and IP addresses now. Jayde: Alright. Asus: Once your done at the armory, Meet me at the Hangar. Jayde: Got it. At the Hangar Asus: You see that? Jayde: Yeah that's the plane you talked about right? Asus: Yeah. Jayde: Wow, That's a fast plane. Jayde: 1 Question, 3 Wing connectors on the top, Why? Asus: A bit of armor can do you good. Asus: Hows your aim? Jayde: On planes and rockets, Bad. Asus: That's fine. Those sunbeams got a lock, So you don't need to do anything but turn the lock on and shoot! Jayde: Great! Asus: Well, Our first plans are relatively easy. Asus: We've found a enemy camp setup near here, There'll be people there but they'll be asleep at the time we're going at. Asus: We'll send you, All you got to do is to mark the camp, and we'll send an ICBM and it'll explode the camp. Asus: Easy? Jayde: Yeah. Asus: Good, Get ready. They go asleep at daytime so it'll be bright no need to worry about NV Goggles. Asus: I'll let you know when it's time. Jayde: Got it. At the plan's 1st location Asus: Got it marked? Jayde: Yeah! Asus: Sending the ICBM Now, Get out of there! Asus: Nice job! Jayde: Thanks.Asus: Get some rest, We got something big for tomorrow. Jayde: Okay, Got it! Part 2: Asus: Alright, You ready for the plans? Jayde: Yeah. Asus: The president has a space station on it's way to go refuel a marauder ship, The marauders are disguised as the presidents troops. So, we need to find that station and blow it up. It's in orbit around kerbin at the moment, This is our time to strike. You'll be using the plane i showed you yesterday. Use the lock-on fire and blow it up. Jayde: Got it! Asus: Reaching it's orbit? Jayde: ETA 1-4 Minutes. Asus: Copy. At the rendezvous point. Asus: There? Jayde: Firing Now. Asus: Good. Jayde: Firing again! Asus: We're good! Jayde: One more firing round! Jayde: It's down! Asus: Great job! Asus: Now get the heck out of there, Fast! There's sure to be reinforcements. The faster you get out of there, the better. So we can stay under the radar for a few more. Jayde: Got it! Initiating Autopilot. Great feature it'll help me get out of sticky situations. Asus: No problem. Chapter 2: The War Asus: Hey jayde, Quick look. *Turns on TV Channel* Jayde: Wow, They're already putting it out in the public? Asus: Presiden't suppose to talk about this, Gotta see what he has to say and if we're found out or not. TV: Here's president James kerman! *Crowd Yells and Throws things at him* James: As you may know there have been 2 attacks lately, One on our base. Another on a refueling station. We do not know who these people are, Or how they are doing this. Asus: Good. We're still hidden. James: We will try our best to stop it. Crowd: YOU CAN DO NOTHING FOR ALL WE CARE! YOU DON'T HELP US! YOU DIDN'T EVEN GRANT ANY FREEDOM! THIS IS ENDING! *People in the crowd throw some torches at the Podium he was at* CROWD: THE REVOLUTIO---- *TV Turns Off* Asus: Wow, this is bad. I mean it's good the people are fighting now. But bad that they did that publicly and with all those guards, It's probably a massacre out there. Jayde: We don't know that. Maybe the guards got overthrown and we're forced to just evac the president. Asus: I know jayde, But... Jayde: Isn't this what we wanted? To have the people rise? Asus: Yeah, But we still have alot more work to do. Jayde: We can do this. At the base's debrief room Asus: Okay, As you all know or atleast me and jayde do. The crowd at the presidents speech rised and fought. But this is only the start of a long war, We still have Alot more work to do. This is only the beginning. Now i accepted you into this team and group, Faction even. For one reason. Your skills, Your Endurance, And your honor for kerbin. We all wish the best for this planet. But the best can't happen unless we keep fighting. So, The president has setup Search teams to try and find our base or even one of us. They're using satellites, We got to take those out. There's aproxamitely 5 or less even more satellites in orbit around kerbin. Jayde here will take those out with our space planes. Once those satellites are out those ground forces will loose all maps and comms. This is where you guys strike. Try to stay hidden until we give the word.Jayde: Are you guys ready for this? Team: *Yells YEAH!*Asus: Well then, Jayde. Do what you do best. Asus: As for the rest of you guys, Do what you do best.Asus: Also here's the map of where they should be, Jayde. *Gives Jayde the map* Jayde: Got it. In orbit Asus: There? Jayde: I'm here, Firing at the first satellite. Asus: Got it. Jayde: 1st One Down! Rendezvous with the next one. Asus: Copy, Continue Mission. Jayde: Firing on 2nd One! Jayde: Second One Down! Jayde: Proceeding to final third one! Asus: Copy. Jayde: Firing! Asus: It's down? Jayde: Affirmative, Returning Home! Give them the signal! Asus: *Uses Radio* Team move in now now now! Chapter 2 Part 1 Being Written Later!
  8. As always, we ask that folks talk about the subject of the thread and not each other's personalities. Dial back the anger, okay guys?
  9. The funny thing is though, at least with me, is that the new engines are the only ones that feel like real good engines. Now you can build a rocket, that looks like it could work in reality, not be 6 huge boosters around a single core, and actually get something into orbit. You couldn't do that before unless said payload was only a couple tonnes. These new engines allow players to put decent sized things into orbit with rockets that aren't absurdly huge, all while still requiring the need for good orbital mechanics skills. You can throw numbers around all you want, but in the end, more powerful != overpowered. If we are going to talk about the engines being overpowered to the point that they need to be nerfed, we need to see some proof-of-concepts that show that there is something obviously overpowered to the point that it detracts from the gameplay. EDIT: Think of it this way: A realistic (few SRB's, one main core, and one insertion stage) 0.5 meter rocket can get nothing into orbit. A realistic (few SRB's, one main core, and one insertion stage) 1.25 meter rocket can get a 0.5 meter contraption into orbit. A realistic (few SRB's, one main core, and one insertion stage) 2.5 meter rocket can get a 1.25 meter contraption into into orbit. A realistic (few SRB's, one main core, and one insertion stage) 3.75 meter rocket can get a 2.5 meter contraption into orbit. P.S. This goes for any game, you can mathematically make something that wins everytime, but that doesn't mean it will work in practice.
  10. We're looking at creating an RCS fuel wedge, but the wedges only have a maximum volume of 123 liters, which isn't a useful amount for liquid fuel or oxidizer*. It's something we've been discussing though so some sort of fuel system may happen. * plus I've no idea what the units are for liquid fuel or oxidizer, although I can make some assumptions based on mass and real world fuels. There are also some other plans, but we're not quite ready to talk about those yet.
  11. This is just touchy-feely semantics (politically correct nonsense); they basically saying the same thing. I have never seen the bolded part except as part of an obvious troll to bait the touchy-feely MechJeb/"my playstyle is valid" crowd. Report it to the mods as trolling and don't rise to the bait. Then realize that everyone has an opinion here and sometimes we just want to talk about our opinions on an open forum, and we're not trying to rain on your parade or make you do things against your will (not that anyone actually can and if you believe that I have a tower in downtown Dubai to sell you), and that basically the devs are going to make the game they want to see.
  12. I for one am disappointed KSP doesn't force me to sit in front of the computer for 2 straight weeks to make a single Mun burn like in real life Reset your game to .23 and fly an ion drive to Duna...we'll talk after that.
  13. That is not even the "prank". The prank was sudden acceleration of the ships when the parachutes would deploy. So really your thing is completely unrelated. You might want to get off the horse and try to talk it out calmly in the RealChute thread.
  14. I agree. In fact we find asteroids too often. Rather than having 5-10 unknown objects at all times, I'd instead like a popup (on the toolbar that they pay Blizzy to integrate into the game) "Near-Kerbin Asteroid discovered! Periapsis: 12,324,936km in 183 days" and you can just click "track" or "ignore." You should get these every few in-game weeks and can choose to ignore all alerts for a time or forever via a checkbox. Very much this. My ship that can (in theory, haven't tried it yet) redirect a Class E asteroid into a Kerbin collision (Orbit Schmorbit, at least that's what Jeb says) has a grand total of *2* struts, and that's just because the new engines are so powerful they twist the fuel tanks around the radial decopulers and waste dV not aiming straight down. Talk about 1st Kerbin Problems.
  15. Guys please drag the off topic clamp discussion into it's own topic. People are here for Munshine not clamp talk.
  16. Very true I guess so. I imagine that if that ever materialises, they would have to rework the asteroid sizes maybe and the probabilities of imacts. Now let's talk more about bras so that we can alienate what few female gamers this community has. Sexism is fun isn't it?
  17. The harm is the obvious unethical use of "being a mod" (If that ended up being the reason the parts were nerfed) having a higher priority in game design decisions as opposed to the community or the internal testing team. Like it has been said. The changes can be done as a mod. Instead what I am seeing is some folks wanting to nerf other people's playstyle (while there is very little game even in right now no less!) And break their designs because the stock parts are "too easy to op" according to them. This is KSP not EVE Online or World of Warcraft. The game is "Easier" right now because there is no cost to use the parts. I have little issue if the balance pass were to make the SLS parts extremely expensive after that part gets implemented in the game because that is the game part. And not the sandbox that most people use today. 100 tons to orbit should be cheaper with Orange tanks and Skippers/mainsails than SLS. That I can agree with. KSP is not finished. Even after .24 there still will be very little game compared to Version 0.75 or 1. When there is time to give plenty (months) warning that a major balance pass is coming and the reason is to prepare the game for the public and reviews. THEN lets talk balance.
  18. So I'm extremily excited about the ARM pack being released and a lot of the stuff that comes with it looks fantastic...but as happy as I am, there's a niggling little thing about it that's connected by a thread to a very BIG thing that's peeved me and doubtless many others for quite a while now, and I think it's time to have a talk about it. So KSP's ordering priorities are dependent on the folder structure of \GameData - nothing inherently wrong or unusual with that, and from a metadata viewpoint it's actually useful by allowing stuff to be clustered by developer or function, and depending on the naming particulars of a group of folders it can make for some nice organization. Unfortunetily, Squad hasn't exactly siezed upon this ability. So you have all these part folders with a mishmash of patterns and paradigms and the results are a bit chaotic, albeit in a managed fashion. You've got the starter engine hanging out right next to the (formerly) last conventional engine to be unlocked, you've got a bunch of midrange engines scattered here and there, you've got tanks that go from middle to small to GINORMOUS. And now with the release of the ARM you've got a similar thing with another Squad-developed parts pack, except that because it's all in \NASAmission\ it's gonna' be scrunched all the way at the very top and front of the list. Parts don't give a darn at all what the name of the folder they reside in is called, whether it's liquidEngine1 or ENG-1250-LFO-0215 or thisEndFacingDown1. So let's exploit that and do some spring cleaning both players and devs can appreciate. A) Integrate the \NASAmission stuff into the main \Squad\ folder and file structure. Yes, I know it's a big deal and everything, but having it separated like that only causes discord and especially so if you have mods between the two folders further mixing things up. Change part folder names to better reflect and sort their contents with a system of the main prefixes, suffixes and values that define the part. Contents of \Engine, for example? You could go ENG-(size in cm)-(fuel type, eg LiquidFuelOxidizer or LiquidFuelAirIntake or ElectricCharge or ElectricChargeXenon)-(thrust). \FuelTank? Use FUE-(size in cm)-(fuel type)-(total volume). \Utility? You could get a bit more elaborate, like UTI-COM-1 for the basic antenna or UTI-DOC-1 for the Clamp-o-Tron JR or UTI-LEG-1 for the small landing leg. On and on throughout the folders until everything's nice and orderly in a fashion that people react to intuitively. You wouldn't even have to do changes to the internal part names in the .cfg files as most people aren't concerned with the internals, just the frontend. Between switching back and forth to get correct data and actually renaming the folders, the process could be done in about two hours, possibly even during a lunch break. And given part folders are self-contained and Squad part .cfgs never do cross-\Parts referencing there's very little risk of anything actually being broken. Just to see how well it works, I went and rigged \Engine and \FuelTank with such a scheme, and from a fileside standpoint it's a major improvement: Look at how informative and orderly those are! Well, except for the MK2-3 adapters, forgot those were actually fuel tanks. But from this I can tell exactly which part is which instead of remembering abstract folder name associations and it's all in a nice progressive order that's both functional and visually-pleasing. Though maybe it'd be worth changing \Engine to \Propulsion\ so they appear AFTER fuel tanks, which is even more logical. Look at it! Look at it! Look at it! Look at how orderly and intuitive it is! I've got the small stuff early on and the heavy hitters later! I've got things sorted by fuel type and whether they're in-line or radial! I now have a much better idea in my head as to where stuff is and can zip right to it instead of scanning through and picking it out amongst an unorderly crowd! And it works! It didn't break a dang thing from what I've seen! Human beings have a need for order in their lives, their media and entertainment included. So please, usher in some much-needed order in the \Parts\ folder by spritzing up the sub-folder names. Not only will such have a nice cleaning and sorting effect in the base game, it'll make mod development from stock derivation easier and might inspire other modders to apply a similar system to their work, making those much easier to navigate as well.
  19. Is this the right place to talk about correct mass for parts? I've recently been building larger rockets in RSS and have noticed that procedural interstage fairings are REALLY heavy, especially at any substantial size. This web page says that a real life 3m interstage is 250kg - 1 ton. Here are in-VAB mechjeb-reported masses for different diameter interstage bases: 2m - 0.3t 4m - 2.1t 6m - 7.2t 8m - 16.5t 10m - 33.4t 12m - 56.6t 14m - 89.8t As a result, I noticed that in a large rocket, a substantial percent of the LEO payload might be interstage! Not ideal. I accept that larger bases will need to support more mass above, and probably more thrust from below, and so besides being larger, will likely also need to be sturdier as well. And I readily accept that sturdier and larger means heavier. Nevertheless, I feel like 90 tons for a 14m interstage base is off by at least a factor of 10. I looked through the Realism Overhaul configs override, and saw that it kept the same value for specificMass (0.263). I tried changing it to 0.063, and also 0.030. 0.030 looks close-ish, and I want to run these numbers by people. Personally, I think that although things are less massive, I believe a tweak to the mass algorithm may still in order, but would love to get some feedback from someone who knows more about this before suggesting any changes to e-dog, the procedural fairings maintainer. specificMass=0.063 2m - 0.1t 4m - 0.5t 6m -1.7t 8m - 3.9t 10m -7.9t 12m - 13.6t 14m - 21.5t specificMass=0.030 2m - 0.1t 4m - 0.2t 6m - 0.8t 8m - 1.9t 10m - 3.8t 12m - 6.5t 14m - 10.2t I would love to see interstage adapters follow a curve that starts at roughly 100kg for a 1m adapter, 1t for a 3-6m, and 6-12t for 14m. Those are just my suggestions. If someone else with more actual real-life rocketry experience (or internet sources) wants to claim something else, I'd love to hear it. The 0.030 value seems pretty close to that, so I suggest using it as the new value for the specificMass value in GameData/RealismOverhaul/Parts/ProcFairings/adapter2.cfg. It makes small interstage adapters a little bit light, but brings larger adapters more into the realm of (I believe) realism. Here's an album of the ship used to take those measurements Thoughts?
  20. Practice makes perfect, a lot of people say the game is not hard at all. It was even harder when there was no map view for example. Yes, the aerodynamics are crap, but you are also using the crappy ascent profile that MJ uses even when better (both aesthetically pleasing and dV wise) options are out there. Welcome to Placeholder: The game, everything is supposedly there waiting for a "big fix" and it has been so for nearly 3 years. "It's an alpha" would be the answer here. Although I like to discard that option given how much the devs talk about thing like "scope complete", "feature complete", "sandbox complete". This part is like a vicious circle. "you said the game is nearing scope/feature completeness but spaceplane parts need a remake" "Remake won't happen until better aerodynamics" "Better aerodynamics will come once we fix the rest of the stuff" "The game is almost scope complete" and better aerodynamics are not even named anywhere but in the community maintained wiki. BTW, I don't believe far is close to "better aerodynamics" as the people picture it to be. It's like with "Better females by bella" for skyrim, it's really horrible, but it's the first named and most popular. In our case, F.A.R. is the only option.
  21. Yes, I am familiar with eigenstates simultaneously existing. I am also familiar with the notion that a wave/particle will collapse to one specific eigenstate when you decide to observe it. What we can't predict is which eigenstate it will collapse to, only the probabilities. So you're telling me that if I send one electron through the double slit experiment into a phosphorescent screen it will light up the entire diffraction pattern at once? Sadly, this is not the case. Low flux double slit experiments show an initial distribution pattern that is seemingly random. Only after a large number pass through does the distribution become apparent. You can predict fairly accurately the probability amplitudes of where the electron may end up and you can predict extremely accurately what the distribution of N electrons looks like. Predicting the precise fate of 1 electron is unfortunately impossible. Here's a picture. Part a in that picture is what I'd like you to predict determinantly. http://skullsinthestars.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/tonomuradoubleslit.jpg Now let's talk about nuclei. How can you predict deteriminantly when a particular U235 atom will decay? And while you're at it, it would be nice if you can predict exactly what that atom will decay to. I'm not talking about N-atoms, I'm talking about 1 atom in 1 box. ie Schroedinger's cat. What if we send two protons at eachother with insufficient energy to overcome coulomb repulsion? Can you predict whether fusion will occur or not? What if we send two protons at eachother with way more than sufficient energy to overcome coulomb repulsion? Can you predict which particles will be created from the extra energy? How about a hydrogen atom in an excited state? Can you predict determinantly which photon it will emit? I can only give you probabilities... How about one excited nuclei in a metastable state? Can you predict determinantly when it will emit a photon? Can you predict determinantly whether this photon will be magnetic or electric in nature? The list goes on. It's a long one. Probabilities and uncertainty are core to quantum mechanics. Einstein wouldn't accept QM because he believed so strongly in strictly deductive reasoning. "God does not play dice" he is supposed to have said to Bohr. It is true that for very large N quantum mechanics becomes predictable. We take advantage of this a hell of a lot. I'm talking about n=1. Totally indeterminate.
  22. I'm surprised you're supporting the new LES. If you abort at ground level, or near it I should probably say, RealChute modded chutes do not have enough time to deploy before the pod smacks the ground. Yes yes, I know, can't talk about mods here, but I just want it noted. So yeah, we need to remove the thrust transform for that side motor. Is this possible with only the files provided by Squad?
  23. Hello again, As you know, recent flooding has incapacitated us so not much was getting done. Thanks to Highlad stepping in, the project has kept running and we are well on our way to our first launch. I would just like to say a big thank you to him and everyone else who is involved in KASRA. As things are starting to get sorted this end, we hope to further improve and develop KASRA so more people get involved. I still have to confer with Highlad but we are hoping to complete a Mission Control and Astronaut comms check soon. We will also be testing Telemachus to ensure playability. Again, I will have to talk to Highlad but we hope we have that option available to us if we need it. Finally, I hope you keep your eye on this project as I believe it has the opportunity to grow into something special. James KASRA CEO
  24. Er, um, because you might want to talk to someone in RL? I know I personally can not wait. A REAL Saturn II INT-18 is in the offing soon ... My current replica based on the Saturn IB that Frizzank has graciously made for us just isn't quite... big enough to work well. Now I have to choose between going and Seeing Winter Soldier or Flying the Saturn V and II INT-18.... err um.... errr.... Ideas anyone?
  25. I love boosted Ion engines! burn for Minmus is 6minutes with 3 enginen craft, burn for duna for 1 engined craft around 20 minutes... Now we talk bussines!
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