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  1. The 1st rule of KSP, is that you do not talk about KSP. The 2nd rule of KSP, is to have fun. But for real... - MechJeb/autopilot is a no, but Kerbal Engineer is a yes. [For me flying and landing is part to of the game so I like doing those things. Calculating dV by hand is tedious and takes away from the "fun, see rule 2" (especially once you've done it by hand).] - Rockets should look good, fins, noes cones, etc. - Kerbals are like Marines, they die (but it makes people sad so don't do it on purpose). - Probes go before Kerbals T
  2. "Rights" are arbitrary, both moral and legal. Outside our abstract minds they do not exist, and we're the only ones who respect and enforce them. Respecting a certain animal species' right to be left alone depends entirely on human understanding, on the level of our social and moral evolution. Human are animals, too, you know? Homo sapiens L., that's our official taxonomic name. Even if we respect the idea that humans should be treated better (and again, it's arbitrary, it's not written in stone), you can't shove all animals in one category. Compare this little brainless fella here to Koko the gorilla which is an highly evolved primate capable of using hundreds of sign language signs. You can actually talk to her like with a young child. There are adult humans with less intelect than her! Care to say she doesn't have rights and that you wouldn't defend her from someone who wants to eat her? Even if she doesn't have any legal rights, we must grant her with at least some moral rights like the right to live and the right to not be treated badly. Otherwise we aren't humane.
  3. helldiver, good to hear from you and don't worry about the nattering nabobs of negativism :] Can't help you with much of that, but if you still want to use RealFuels I can bang out a config for you. Also, re: engines, sounds like dtobi would be the person to talk to there.
  4. you really shouldn't talk about women like that :-) Haha! Winch! WInch!
  5. you really shouldn't talk about women like that :-)
  6. Chapter 4: Struggle Is Born Sid: Come on Gene, you know I'm right here! MC: We had our best engineers working on this for months, there's no way they would miss something like that. Sid: You never had me look at it, and I am positive that we can squeeze some more efficiency out of these lander engines. I can send you all of the data I've collected. Just show your engineers what I found, I'm sure they will agree. Jeb: Gene, this kid knows what he's talking about. I'd listen to him if I were you. MC: Fine, I will pass the info along and get back to you. There is still 30 hours till your transfer so sit tight. And I want you to promise not to go out and do any work until I get back to you, understood? Sid: Yes sir. MC: I was actually referring to Jeb. Jeb: Don't worry, I will not wander outside the ship while you are gone... MC: Good. Mission Control out. Sid: So now all we do is wait, huh? Jeb: Yup. Come on, let's play a game of chess. *************** Nel: I can't believe that they let you do this! Sid: My reasoning was sound, they had no choice but to listen to me. Nel: And it wasn't because you sweet-talked Cassi into letting you? Sid: Haha! She was the hardest to convince but that was only because she didn't want to admit she was wrong. Nel: If you say so... How's it coming? Sid: Almost there. I need those calibration numbers I gave you. Nel: 3.26, 15.8, 3253, and 0.0362. Sid: Perfect. Nel: So how much will we gain with your tinkering? Sid: I figure another 100 m/s of deltaV or so. It should make for a nice cushion when you are flying. Nel: At least they let me fly them! Sid: And they put me in charge of making sure it flies for you, just keep that in mind. (with a wink) Nel: Always have a comeback, don’t you? Sid: Someone has to keep you on your toes. I’m on my way in now, things are all done here. ***************** Commander’s Log 21, Day 26: Minmus, my old enemy. It never was that way, so many great things happened there. It all changed in a matter of minutes, didn’t it? I asked Bob how he felt about the upcoming visit. He seemed anxious to meet his fears head on. Bill is excited to land anywhere besides home, nothing unusual in that. He’s was always the one wanting to get away from home, even more then me at times. At least there will be two Kerbals in that lander who aren’t afraid. We made our transfer burn not long ago, almost a two day trip to arrive. We will have to make a small correction burn halfway there to match inclinations with Minmus. Sid’s tweaks to Apollo will be put to the test in the hands of Loddred. It will be nice to step foot on unfamiliar soil, even if it has to be Minmus… ***************** Gerbo: I swear, I am so sick of looking at Mün rocks! Shelgun: I know, but we have to test the equipment and with Mün rocks we know the outcomes we should get. It’s much easier to calibrate the systems that way. Gerbo: Still sucks, all of this fancy experiments and nothing learned from any of this work! Shelgun: It will come, even Minmus may have a surprise or two for us, you never know. Gerbo: Do you remember Johndrin from the university? Shelgun: Vaguely, but I’m not the greatest with names. Who is he? Gerbo: He was in our Advanced Chemistry class. Not always the brightest but always gave his all? Shelgun: I remember him now! Gerbo: Anyways, before we left he contacted me and asked me to perform an experiment for him. On Minmus specifically. Shelgun: Oh yeah? Gerbo: Yup, he wants me to taste a sample from the highlands. Shelgun: Did you just say taste? Gerbo: He firmly believes that the hills of Minmus are made of mint ice cream. Shelgun: But that's just an old fairy tale to tell to the young ones! What did you tell him? Gerbo: I would run the test for him. I won't really taste it but I'll send him a report. Shelgun: Mint ice cream, just when I thought I had heard everything... ************** Bill: All systems are nominal Jeb, Artemis is ready to undock. Sid: Looks good from here guys as well. I will send down Loddred to join you on our next pass over. Jeb: Undocking now. Bob: We are clear, prepare to deorbit. Jeb: Engine firing now. Bill: Trajectory is good, right where we wanted to land. Bob, Bob! Where are you! I'm not losing you! Bill: Coming up on landing sequence, are you ready Jeb? Talk to me Bob, what can you see? I need to hear your voice! Bill: Jeb? Listen to my voice. Don't give up on me. I’m coming for you. Bill: Jeb! Jeb: You take the controls Bill, its all yours. Bob: Are you ok Jeb? You aren't taking my best friend from me, Minmus. Bill: Are you ok Jeb? We are on the surface. Jeb: I'm fine, I just need some fresh air. Bill: I need you to hold it together, you are Commander of this mission. Jeb: Let’s just get things done here and get off this forsaken moon. Put on a smile for the publicity shots, everything is just fine. Bob: Alright, I setup the camera, let’s all smile for the postcard shot! Sid: Jeb, we are coming back around. Loddred is undocking right now. Jeb: Copy that, we will be watching out for them down here. Let’s get things finished up out here and get back in Artemis. Bill: You don’t trust him? Jeb: I trust him, I just want to follow safety protocol. Anything can happen out here. ************* Loddred: We are on final approach, do you have their beacon signal locked in? Pat: I have it locked in now. We are 4.7 kilometers away and closing at 63 m/s. Loddred: Let me know when we are below 1000 meters. Gerbo: Are the lakes always so sparkly on Minmus? Loddred: Yes, now be quiet, I’m concentrating. Pat: 1000 meters, velocity at 15 m/s. Loddred: Switching off engine. Pat: What?! Loddred: Switching to RCS thrusters only. Pat: We can’t decelerate enough with only RCS, we don’t have enough thrust! Loddred: Come on baby, behave for me. Pat: You are going to hit the other lander! Loddred: Almost there… Pat: Watch out for the solar panel! Gerbo: Brace for impact! Loddred: This won’t work, finishing the landing with the engine. There, touchdown. Pat: You almost killed us, are you crazy?! Loddred: Relax, I was in complete control. Jeb: Loddred, meet me outside now. Loddred: Oh come on, lighten up a little. Jeb: Now. And Pat, put the landing gear down, someone forgot that step while he was showboating. Jeb: What were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all? Loddred: It would’ve been pretty awesome if I pulled it off. Jeb: I can’t believe you! I always thought you would be an issue, but endangering the lives of your crewmates? You are dangerous and a liability! Loddred: I think you are reacting a little there bud… Jeb: No, this part of the mission is over for you. No exploration, no science experiments, nothing. You take Apollo back up immediately, your landing privileges are revoked indefinitely. Loddred: Seriously? Jeb: Get out of my sight now. ******************** Loddred: Coming in to dock. Sid: Aren’t you a little early coming back? Loddred: Just have the port ready for me. Pat: 50 meters. Loddred: And dock. (thump) What the? Sid, I told you to have it ready for me! Sid: It is! The problem is on your end. Pat: Maybe we damaged… Loddred: Shut up. Sid, we will dock with the front port and you can take a look at the port. Sid: Did Pat say something about damage? Loddred: Its nothing. ******************* Bill: You know its not much different than things you used to do Jeb. Jeb: No, its completely different. I never risked the lives of those with me. My stunts were when i was alone in a craft. Bill: Don’t be too hard on him, he’s just a kid. Jeb: And what if he had taken both landers out and we were stranded here? Mission Control would’ve had a hard time cobbling together a mission to rescue us before our oxygen levels ran out. Bob: Can we just drop it? I’m trying to enjoy the view. Jeb: I’m going inside, we will be leaving in 15 minutes. Bill: I will come with, I have some pre-flight checks to do. Bob, you coming with? Bob: I will be there in a bit, I want to enjoy the view for a bit longer. Bob: All these years, all these memories. It’s good to be back. And to think my life almost ended here. It’s amazing how something so beautiful, so serene, can be so deadly. Mission Status
  7. On the internet scale, to name a few: -Those who don't follow my rules (especially on my website) -Grammar nazis. -Anyone who believes that gamers = no lifers (PS I have a lot of friends IRL, not kidding, nor bragging) -Anyone who uses name-calling and ad-hominem as a response into a well-written argument. -Google for messing up (or should I say, f**king it up beyond recognition?) youtube (but that's out of my control already) On a personal scale, to name a few: -People who like to compare one to another. -People who talk like they know what really happened even if they don't know the whole story. -People who like to change the rules without even consulting it to the one that has more authority over a certain matter. On a larger scale, our government. See my location to know where I'm living, and to know what I'm talking about (PS: They're well-known!). Not to mention our hideously incompetent rulers.
  8. There are only two threads that appear to be interesting to me in there, and those are both picture threads. They are seemingly a bit out of place amongst everything else as far as I can tell/see, in that they are not similar to the writing threads etc.. I'll say it again, the end user should dictate the "form" of the board, after all it's THIER interest you are trying to grab and keep, otherwise people will simply migrate away/never really stay or just talk about teh game elsewhere. When interesting topics are buried too much no one really see's them, you have to have them in a "common" area.
  9. They are not stupid questions, are just questions that you can not answer, so you invent silly excuses or insults just to avoid them. In your imagination.... you said that we have a theory of everything since 60th, but non scientist in the whole world would claim the same stupid thing. WHAT?? we know """"NOTHING"""" about negative energy, but you said that it has the same properties than positive energy like you were reading only the "word negative" and to you is just a matter of "signs".. OMG.. AGAIN, YOU ARE THE ONLY GUY IN THE WORLD WHO MAKE THIS CRAZY CLAIMS. It does not disturb you the fact that you are ALONE in your claims, that you can not post a single source agree with you?? You have brain damage? I am not the one making claims!! YOU ARE MAKING THE CLAIMS! So is your job prove the things that you are saying.. If you said that unicorns exist, is your job present some evidence or a demostration to prove that. Is not my job try to find a demostration that said unicorns cant exist.. Becoz nobody can find such demostration. Are you really a science person?? Again, empty answers. This will be the same from now until your last responce. The perfect way to avoid them? yes.. said that the other guy is just ignorant and change the curse of the discussion. "we do" is not enought; you need to present some evidence you know?? If you dont wanna spend time typing I guess you can find many sources that support your claim. I will ask again: "we actually do not have any proven theory to merge GR with QM." Look, I will post again my answer so you know what are you answering. I SAID: "A M-theory would also explain all of it about all doubts that scientist had about causality effect, themordynamics violations, possible paradoxes and the true shape of the universe. And maybe a not probabilistic descriptions of particle physsics." Here Brian Greene said the same thing that I do.. Maybe when its finish. Becouse he understand like I understand, that the thoery is not even close to be finish. http://worldsciencefestival.com/blog/ask_brian_greene_quantum_mechanics_and_string_theory You keep talking about yang mills aproximations. But I remember you that this has not point until you tell me how thin needs to be the bubble in its densest part. Ok, then it will be easier for you to just point me the theory of everything. Where is it? come on!, you cant hide in your yang mllls aproximation all day.. In case you are right, I dint know that, But I was searching in internet and I could not find nothing to support your vision. (I dint search much, not much free time here) Maybe you can explain me. The hard of science is to interpret math equations with its relevance with the reality. But sometimes, what it may look like we are using infinite dimentions in some equation, maybe is just an algebraic tool that we need to look closer to interpret it correctly. Ehh? SR it does not said nothing about that light travels in a straight line.. In fact, it does not touch the subject becouse is out of the frame reference of the theory. And SR is based in Minkowski space, that it does not mean that there is not more dimentions. All depends in what frame of reference the theory is working. So you are saying that quantum loop gravity is already prove it? Or there is some sigma 2 or 4 that the theory is correct? Stop avoid answering, if you dont know.. Just said.. I DONT KNOW. Nobody will burn you for that. Yeah, this only prove that 99,9% of sciencist over the whole world, thinks like me. But maybe you know something that every else does not. Lol, you really dint understand the joke or sacarms of my last responce? I thought that how you know so much you would understand what I was saying. But I guess I need to explain it. You said that we may never see a Quantum Turing machine. If you know what are the theorical or phylosofical points against this, you will know that are almost the same theorical or phylosofical points against why a warp drive cant exist. And I was agree. I can not prove that a Quantum Turing machine may exist. But its hilarious that you use this arguments when at the same time you defend your warp drive with blindness. Is not fun? XD Tell me about physsics. Make some calculations, be my guess, If I can not understand them, I know people who can. But dont make me waste time of those people. Just prove the things that you said that you can prove.You know what things we are talking about. Or just post some source that proves the things that I am asking since the begining of this discussion. Or what? More excuses? yeah, duuh! becouse space is expanding, But this does not mean that light speed can be overseed. Becouse light travels over this net of space time fabric. But all the space that is emerging between 2 distant points so their "seems to have superior relative velocities" it does not violates any causality effect or any other effect. The problems arrives if you have information traveling "over this net" faster than light. The problems of your question is "according to what". You need to take the same space time fabric, becouse that is what limits the light speed. Is the whole universe structure. And that is what I am saying when I said that the limit of the universe is the light speed. If you overseed it you out of here. At least that is my opinion until I found stronger evidence who point in a different path. Like some QFT aproximations said, that the bubble would be unstable at velocities close to C. I refuse? I am open to information. And I stand in the fact that light speed can not be overseed. Well I will explain you again, this time slow so you understand.There is not knowledge from the strong point of the word, we can be more sure or less sure about something. But we can never be 100% sure or 0% sure. So when you receive certain information (lets said Quantum Loop Gravity) you attach to that information a knowledge level (lets call it that way so you are happy, I call it a level of trust), so now we can said that we have some idea with certain lv of trust or knowledge. But this can change, more information can arrive that would change that. How can be knowledge if is wrong? We can not even be sure with 100% of trust that some day in the future we discover that the laws of theormodynamics may be different of what we now thoght. I am making the correct questions, you are just evade them in the same way that Harold White does. Yes I know that is not uniform, but we already talk about this. I am asking you how thin is the volume where this big energy densities needs to be confine. To see if my main argument it has some point or not. I AM ASKING THIS FROM THE STARTING OF THIS DISCUSSION AND YOU ALWAYS DODGE IT! What happens with this bubble when is traveling close to the speed of light? I know, inside the bubble is all ok (from general relativity point of view), but what happens in the edges? This is not mean that the negative energy field in the edges are traveling faster than the speed of light? And all the fields are aply to this local symmetry that you mention, but this local symmetry is the one that fix the light speed. So how can other kinds of fields travel faster? I dont know if I using the right words, I am just tired. But you know what I am asking. So you will answer the question or invent some other excuse? more arguments with not sustaint base. You dont have any prove to nothing. Actual science? You are the one who start talking about star treek. I know that, for that reason Q-thurster can have in fact some practical use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Resuming... You are in a bubble that blinds you to see the flaws of the warp drive idea. This is becouse you really want to believe it to be true with full passion. Somebody teach you the way to make some calculations using the standard physsics tools and now you believe that you have the key to understand the whole universe. How naive is that? So to your passion problems, we need to add your proud and delusions of grandeur. I make you some questions over and over, beacouse I read almost all Harold White papers, and I could not find any detail. I also know that in some interviews where he was, they asked the same questions, and he did not answer any of them. So here is a prediction. I hope you have a healthy live and live many many happy years. But in your whole live, you will see how this warp drive idea is disprove it, you will witness others FTL ideas arrive, but you would can not see any FTL idea being prove it. Then you would be wonder how such ignorant common guy like me, knew this. Of course, your proud would handle this.. -just luck.
  10. Any chance you might update the Demv Rover series? I prefer them to almost anything I can put together with random parts. Though rovers built with stock parts have their place, I find for general exploration that your series are far superior. Plus all the awesome features you put into them with this plug in. I have done a very rough job of converting them so I could use them in my career mode game in .23 but it is a barely passable job and I don't have the skills to do it properly. I also use the Mk2 and Mk4 with the optional Kethane tanks someone built for them and they are the best looking Kethane transports out there. Thanks for reading this if you do, and I hope you won't mind that I kinda hijacked the plugin thread to talk about the vehicles that use it.
  11. Having read the reasons for the move-(to get people to move beyond GD a bit more) -I reckon it's worth seeing how it goes here. Though we all felt like this: At first. It's an egg? It's a butterfly? Seriously R&D building, I'm making rockets now. I need some space- go talk to the tracking station. Or Jeb. Someone else. Stop following me all the time. Coming together.
  12. @Vladthemad: The only thing lag related that I have changed (for 0.1.6 though, in my ntp-sync branch) is deleting the override for the FRAME_DT_LIMIT. It was set at 1f, which means the game won't slow down until it's running at 1fps. As this is a user setting and I can keep the clocks in sync better, I removed it (Not merged into dev yet). The cause of the lag would be nice to figure out however. @Spider0804: I haven't used scansat personally, but if it's in scenario blocks then it will be saved. did have a bug where the client would reload bad scenario data and resend it back to the server, this has been fixed in dev - but using a workaround (for the moment). @JohannesMP: You make *much* better bug reports then I do . I'll open an issue with a brief description and link to your post. I can give you some answers however 1:47: That's definitely a bug. 2:10: That can only be fixed if a way is found to reload the tracking station list. 2:38: If you reconnect quickly enough, you will run into issue #568. 3:05: That's.... strange. It would have been nice to check if there really was 2 rovers in the servers /listships (this would mean there's a duping bug). 4:00: Vessel updates are sent every 333ms to be exact, nice spot. Actually, I've noticed the 333ms 1-2 1-2 1-2 jitter while docking too. There's more to this bug. As far as the velocity things go, That's one for gimp . 4:42/5:16: I wasn't expecting them to disappear - So they aren't actually duplicated. It sounds like a vessel update is getting in before a player syncronizes - This might be another attempt at understanding the vessel code. 5:34: At least they don't insta-explode now, they fail in a very specific way. I have to link this. (sorry) 5:52: I'd expect the vessel debris to be loaded faster, maybe a bit of #555 (server processing lag) mixed in here. 6:02: I guess #555 could cause that too - But that seems like a bit of a logic / ordering error 7:15: Errr... That's a little too kraken-y for my liking. Speculation: Weird secondary updates sent to each other perhaps. 7:27/8:26: Opening the docking ports can take up to 45 seconds because that's when we send the full vessel again. Sounds like it could be improved by either using some type of "part modified" event or just simply checking the vessel to see if it changed (somehow). 9:14: Well it's an improvement from the early days: . There was talk of using the kerbal AI to actually get the kerbal to walk, but kerbal AI is apparently isn't very smart - Plus do sit on those monstrosities we call "rockets" after all .10:10: Kerbals are dangerous smoking hazards . Err, I have a feeling the kerbal is being placed in the space where he should be, and not actually holding onto the ladder. This would cause badness. 11:05: Sounds like the full update hasn't come through yet, the vessel will still have the kerbal inside of it. 11:18: Ahh yep. Ladder bug confirmed. This video is a really good and clear demonstration of some of the surface bugs. I'd eventually like to see everything listed under the gameplay section of the OP to work without a hitch: Then we really would be able to have drag races on Eve. KMP does have its moments, but it's improving every day. I guess that's why it still has the [wip/alpha] tag. I would love to see a reaction video to this video (or any other "assorted weirdness" KMP video) from squad, because they want to include multiplayer into the base game. Gimp has taken up quite the challenge here
  13. Bring NASA with you, and we'll talk
  14. I'll preface with, all of this is public knowledge, so if I go and say something you never knew, don't go assuming im sharing secrets, cause its all easily found with a little google-fu and a little reasoning. This is a bit long, so if your not inclined, i don't care, skip this at will, its just info. I'll focus on radar as it is in the modern world, and the assumption that much of the techniques used will apply to most active electromagnetic sensors in the future for some time. Radar, if used in space will certainly be vulnerable to these very techniques just as it is now. I will also skip passive systems. So to begin: Active sensors work by sending out a structured signal specifically designed in such a way as to be indistinguishable from noise so that you know with certainty when you hear an echo(found something). A very good example pretty much everyone is aware of is Sonar. Ping! You make noise, and you hear it echo off the target. Radar does the same thing, but instead of sound, its radio waves, and its quite a bit faster. This signal needs to be indistinguishable. You don't want random noise generating a spike that looks exactly like a target. Known as the false alarm rate, this is the ration at which the system will falsely identify noise as a target. So you use a structured signal that is just complex enough that the odds of nature every producing it when your listening for it are so low as to be effectively zero. Thats all well and good, but what about when you have two units near each other with the same system, they'll hear each others echoes and transmissions, and wont know whose echo is whose, and whether the transmissions are targets(since the other guy can hear your transmission, and vice versa) or not. So you need to make the different enough to distinguish. So you use different frequencies. A radar might be designed with a frequency range from 9.8ghz to 10.1ghz for example. So if you encounter significant interference on 9.85, you switch to something else, like maybe 10.05. Its somewhat more complex than that, but that's sufficient an example. this allows you and many friends to use the same radar near each other without blinding each other with interference. So that covered, how would a jammer disrupt it: There are quite a few ways actually, and not all of them are easily tracked. first and foremost, lets begin with intel. We need to know about our enemy and their capabilities. If we do not know anything at all, we have very limited choices for jamming. If for example, you don't know where your enemy is, but you know they are near and they must be jammed, then you cannot aim an antenna at them, as their location is not known. you must instead use an omnidirectional transmission. This hurts your effectiveness since power at the target point is greater reduced, but it allows you to jam a target whose location is not known. If we do not know their frequencies in use, then we are further hampered. We must now jam a very wide range of frequencies in an attempt to also cover the frequencies they are using. This further hurts our average power at the target, as power is being spend on frequencies other than those used by the target. Suppose we do know where they are, but we don't know about their systems. Now you can use a directional antenna to great effect. the antennae might give you, say 35dBsm of gain, well, that's 3162.28 times the signal strength, pretty significant. This allows either that much more noise at the target point, or the same noise at a target point that is roughly 7.5x further away. pretty big deal. This also applies to their sensor. The antenna magnifies their signal, it also magnifies received noise just the same. They also aren't perfect, they still hear some noise from directions other than where they are pointed, but good antenna hear VERY little of such noise. Still, sufficient power will influence the system even when its not aimed at you, this can result in completely blinding the system no matter where it points. Barrage jamming is pretty inefficient as far as the other types go, so lets up the intel. Suppose we also know their approximate frequency bands in use. Now you can focus your power into a tighter range of frequencies. This has advantages other than in jamming as well. if you must barrage jam from 1ghz to 20ghz just to ensure you have an effect on a potential target, then you might be detected by a passive sensor that is sensitive to 4ghz to 6ghz. If your target is only using 9.8 to 10.1 and you know that, so you jam from 9.75 to 10.15, that same passive sensor will not detect your jamming now, as your not using a frequency it is sensitive to. This tightening of the frequencies increases the noise the target experiences because you aren't spreading it around anymore on frequencies you don't need to jam. Im fairly sure the math is incorrect, but the principle at least is correct: if you had 1Mw of jamming spread across 1ghz your putting 0.1w per hz, if you tighten that to 9.75 to 10.15, your focused into a 400mhz band, 2.5w per hz for a noise increase of 25x. But what if we know even more about our target, suppose we also know the rotation speed of their antenna? Older systems must track back and forth predictably. The signal goes where the antenna points, so you listen to their radar, and you can tell its rpm by the detections per minute, since it will only hit you with strong signals when its aimed at you. Phased arrays can electronically steer the beam, so they can aim the signal at points other than where the array is pointed, which can make this impossible to achieve since the hostile radars pattern of painting you might be very random. Now you can upgrade to spot jamming. Same basic idea so far, but you don't have to spend all of your time transmitting, now you can transmit only when they look at you. This allows you to take advantage of something they might have done in the design of their own ship. They don't really want their passive sensors that detect radar to also hear their target echoes from their own radar, so they might not be sensitive to those frequencies. A simple solution is to be sensitive, but ignore returns on the same bearing the radar is aimed at, so now your jamming might be ignored since your jamming will only be detected when the radar is aimed at you. A more advanced system will still detect your jamming, as they used a very specific signal structure for the radar, and you're transmitting noise, they are easy to tell apart. if you know when the radar is aimed at you, its frequency bands, and its transmission length, you can go even better still. now you can perform sweep jamming in conjunction with spot jamming. This is where you do not continuously jam a range of frequencies, instead, you 'scan' through them with your noise. You do not stay on any one frequency at a time, so you do not completely blind a system, but you also become harder to detect and localise as your noise is not all in one frequency making a nice big spike, nor is it a block of frequencies. You may even cross into frequencies they can't listen to causing them to lose your noise intermittently as well. You could randomly bounce(frequency hopping) from frequency to frequency while spitting out noise, causing interference and potentially making the error correction systems on the target go nuts. This can make the system decide its false alarm rate is too high so its become defective, and throw error messages which can mislead crew into not trusting the output of a good sensor. Yet we can still do even better. What if we know the target's signal structure as well as everything else? So now that we know exactly what the target systems transmission will look like, we can offset our jamming by 180° in phase. A quick explanation is in order. Picture waves in the ocean, they are very similar to electromagnetic waves in radar for example. All frequencies do this, all signals do this, you can influence it a bit, square it more than leaving it a smoothly curving peak, but it still must have a peak. A well designed jammer can throw noise that is perfectly inverted, where there were peaks it throws troughs and where troughs it throws peaks. The result is noise. They will still detect something, plenty of power will go back to the radar(you did just double it), but it looks nothing like what they sent out, its noise. They know something is that way, but not how far, or fast. This is the same principle as that behind noise cancelling headphones. And since the noise only happens when the radar is pointed at you, the definitely know a jammer is somewhere in your direction. Before I proceed to an even better result, i'll diverge with a quick bit of ECCM. They know you will try these tricks, and so they design radars with some neat features. For example frequency hopping and large bandwidth. The very simply version of bandwidth, is that is the range of frequencies in use simultaneously by a system. For example if the above system were to use 9950mhz as the center frequency, with a bandwith of 40mhz, it would transmit and listen across everything form 9930mhz to 9970mhz. if you can only jam a band that is 20mhz wide, then the best you can do is to blot out half their signal with noise. At best that's only a 41% decrease in their effective range against you if your just throwing noise. If they can frequency hop, they can simply change to 9970 to 10010 for the next pulse and not experience any noise until you adjust to match, then change again when you do. it could be purely random, 9970-10010 one pulse, 9704-9744 the next, and 9872-9912. if they can do that every pulse, you'll never match them without also know how the number generator is picking its pseudo-random numbers, so your stuck with covering a range to hamper them. Back to jammers. Suppose you know where they are, what frequencies they can use, that they cannot frequency randomly hop from pulse to pulse, can cover their full frequency range and bandwidth, and know precisely what their signal looks like. Now you have some neat tricks you can pull. In effect you can talk directly to their radar, and lie to it, because you can now form a signal that looks exactly like that receive wants to see as an echo. So a little more detail on how they work. In order to detect a target behind another target, use what is called a range-gate. The easiest way to explain it is to think of the radar scanning with a grid. Everything from 100,000meters to 100,005m for example, is maybe considered to be one target, so if it receives two returns that are 4 meters apart, it might not see them as separate targets, it might only see one target that is twice as big, since its detecting two echoes as one echo. the range gate is related to the wavelength of the radar, and its signal structure as there are tricks to improve range resolution. So knowing that, here's the next trick. Deception jamming. In deception jamming you have to be very quick, and very capable, and know very much of your target system's specifics. if you do, now you can start lying to it. In effect, you can read their signals to learn what you need to know, for example which direction they are in, maybe how far away they are(by looking at how strong the signal you received is-modern LPI radars can modify that on the fly per target, so its useless there), and where they think you are. This is not worth it if they haven't found you already for certain. there is no point to giving them a good track when they have none and are unaware you are near. The best indication they have found you will be a switch in the radar signal to a firecontrol frequency/pattern, or a sudden increase in the energy directed your way to provide a stronger signal, or more frequently being painted as the radar spends more time keeping an eye on you specifically. Then what you do is on the next pulse once your ready, you spit back an inverted signal turning it to noise but not quite as strong as theirs. the goal isn't to produce noise at the full strength, but to weaken their signal enough that they lose it in the noise that's already there. Then at nearly the same time you send back a signal that is identical to theirs, but stronger and delayed just a tiny bit. Because you weakened and disrupted their signal, you hope that is dropped, and by giving a signal of your own that is stronger, you hope that is accepted by the system as the true signal. By transmitting a bit after initial reception, you also imply that you are further away than you really are. They can tell sorta where you are by your jamming, but not precisely enough to shoot at with guns/lasers, or to guide missiles to you. the missiles own radar can be mislead exactly the same way, and it will believe you are over there when really your right here and it will miss. if you possess enough transmission power, you can also mislead them in the other direction, into believing you are closer than you really are because you can make your signal strong enough to be believed as an echo from that close in. You just need to increase your apparent approach rate by gradually transmitting a bit sooner and sooner while turning the real echo to gibberish and trying to keep it from being accepted as a target. its important to note the doppler effect at this time. Not only does your timing of the signal matter to where the radar thinks you are, but the doppler effect is very important in determining how fast you are, you need to use this to lie as well. the radar is very likely to reject your signal if you move your self 1000m in 1 second, but the doppler says you only moving at 300m/s. The mismatch will be noted, and it will likely follow that very weak signal that you tried to make it ignore, because that still says 300m/s and is where it expected to find it. Your signal was too different to be believed. you gotta take it slow. Speaking of Doppler, you can also lie about your speed. The radar can track you step by step and work out that its wrong, but a missile is likely to work with what it gets per pulse, which means while you won't defeat a tracking radar, a missile might believe you are moving much faster than you really are, or much slower and use an entirely incorrect lead angle. Coupled with an incorrect range-gate and the missile is almost certain to miss. Still, the missile might only care about bearing, and that can be hard to fool. there is still one better that can be done that i'm aware of. Its merely the combination of both sweep jamming, and deception. Once you have the radar fully deceived and tracking your ghost return you can start introducing noise in an attempt to make the error correction freak out, and if you can manage it, the system will then paint your track as erroneous and drop it, and because it has stopped tracking your real return and its lost in the noise, you are now effectively gone. its easier to keep a weak track than to find one which is why this works, make it stop actually tracking you by lying to it, misleading it with its own signals, while making yourself too weak a return to be redetected, then break up the ghost with noise and mislead the operator into thinking the system has malfunctioned and make him less likely to trust it until it has been checked and found to be operating fine. 1 to 1, you can screw anyone up right good if you can jam them effectively. they'll be unable to determine your exact position even if the jamming itself can give them an approximate position. if they must rely on a guided weapon at this point to complete the kill since those can be sent to approximate locations and then search on their own, if you can also mislead that, it too becomes useless against you, and in the end, whether they know you are jamming them or not, it matters not because they can't locate you well enough to hit you, they might as well be blind for all the good it does them. if your capable of achieving enough width, rapidly enough, on enough frequencies with sufficient power simultaneously, say multiple independant jamming systems, or one spectacularly capable system you can simultaneously do this to multiple sensors at once, and blind multiple units, and then even triangulation is ineffective at more than 'somewhere near there', which isn't enough to shoot at. They then need either enough systems to overwhelm your ability to jam them all, a system that operates outside your specialties so they can remain unaffected, or a sensor that can home in on your jamming. its worth noting your jammer can pull all the same tricks the radar can so that a seeker that's homing on your jamming may need to listen over a very wide range to effectively home in on your jammer since you might be chasing target radars across many frequencies seemingly at random. This means the bandwidth on the seeker may need to be large to accomodate your potential frequencies and keep you detected, this means a lot of noise, which reduces the strength of its detection. if its tightly focused it might not hear much of your jamming and will have difficulty keeping a lock. of course, you could always stop jamming for a moment to see if the missile switches to an active sensor. If it does, reach into your bag of tricks and lie to it to, it'll keep using the radar not realising its being lied to, and will miss. if it doesn't, resume jamming until you must stop to blind the weapon, then maneuver. they'll get a good lock, but your distant, they'll need time to hit you, you need only a few moments to evade, then resume jamming efforts. To put the ball back in the radar's court, AESA(active electronically scanned array) systems make much of this useless. They can almost as a rule frequency hop at random, they can steer the beam allowing for randomising the time between transmissions aimed at a given target, they can use potions of the array for different tasks simultaneously allowing for directing energy at more than one target, or at the same target on very different frequencies or patterns, or to be a jammer and radar in effective operation simultaneously, and they can vary the power output so that the signal is never stronger than it needs to be. These can make detecting the system incredibly difficult, and predicting it near impossible. if you can't predict it, you can't deceive it, nor cancel it, nor effectively counter it with noise on the same frequencies without covering a much wider band. They aren't immune to the above techniques, just very capable of working despite them. I'll approach the ending with a word on passive systems. These are troublesome. they never give you anything, and use what you give them against you. it doesn't much matter what you give them, because its always something. There are few ways I am aware of to deal with such systems. Barrage jamming it with so much noise it cannot find targets. But this leaves a great big spike in the right direction, and if you can't throw energy down the bearings of multiple sensors, you can't blind them all, and they only need them to cross to know sorta where, and two to cross that aren't jammed to know exactly where. Your problem is know where they are, because they are passive, they give you nothing to help you find them unlike with radar that must transmit first. ideally you will know what range to expect them to be able to detect you, and shortly before that you blind them. they are going to know something is over there in a moment anyways, why let them know who, what, or how many? Depending on the system, and how it functions, it may be possible to flood it with false positives much like with radar, but being a passive system, they don't really care what they see, just so long as its something much of the time so good luck with that. I think this is the concept behind IR jammers, they paint the seeker head of a missile with the laser and watch the scintillation of the return then try to keep the laser painted on the same spot on the seeker head to mislead the missile as to where it needs to go. Since the point is off center, it thinks it needs to turn, and with tracking the seeker head, it continues to turn and then loses the original target entirely. For example, turning left and climbing while painting the lower right of the seeker head so it dives and goes right. Timed right it might be unable to correct and hit you even if it never did lose sight of you. Lastly, your left with burning it out. if you can throw enough energy at it, you can potentially damage the electronics which are very sensitive and may not be able to handle it, which is a semi permanent solution to the problem. An array will fail gracefully, which means as pieces fail capability diminishes rather than an abrupt termination of function. Think of that like the pixels of an LCD dying one by one instead of the whole screen crapping out in one instant. Diminished sufficiently the result is the same as effective jamming, but considerably more effort is required. I'll end with: this makes it seem easier than it really is, but if you have a significant technological advantage, or excellent intel, you can make their radar operators go crazy. Old jammers have almost no hope of even interfering with a modern system let alone successfully jamming it in any way thats useful, and old radars have an equally dim chance of coping with modern jammers. When your on equal footing, the possibilities are endless. Given that radar is nothing more than an active electromagnetic energy detection system with limits on its spectrum, i would wager that these principles will apply to any system in the near future, possibly also distant future that also uses electromagnetic energy as its medium, and relies on transmit/receive as its method of operation. purely passive systems are your problem there And finally, im 100% certain the militaries of the world have quite a few tricks no one has ever heard of.
  15. Early in this thread there was a lot of talk about the magnitude of storage. Considering the following two exerpts from wikipedia. "Earlier studies from the University of California, Berkeley, estimated that by the end of 1999, the sum of human-produced information (including all audio, video recordings, and text/books) was about 12 exabytes of data.[26]" "Research from University of Southern California estimates that the amount of data stored in the world by 2007 was 295 exabytes and the amount of information shared on two-way communications technology, such as cell phones in 2007 as 65 exabytes.[28][29]" - coupled with the 1 yottabyte capacity of that funky new NSA server farm they're building that is only meant for the next 100 years of data collection. and using the high likelihood of humanity producing transmittable records for the next 100,000 years... it is wholly impractical to assume anything other than a sneaky combination of the brilliant ideas generated so far in this thread, and probably stuff we haven't thought of yet. From some flakey general knowledge and lots of reading this thread, I would consider a vast series self-repairing factories that produce and repair data-gathering probes, resource mining AI, archival maintenance(from redundancy) AI, and swarm R&D AI - all using gathered material. These factories would be based inside asteroids which are transported from the inner metalliferous asteroid belts to the ice outer asteroid belt+ in order to seem out of place enough to warrant inspection and mitigate some of the complications of stellar evolution upon something as close as the Earth's SOI and neighbours. Utilising the compounding unbridled research capabilities of the R&D AI, eventually a matrioshka brain (or similar analogue) would produce some Clarke Tech that would be able to store (almost an extra magnitude above) yottabytes of data in a completely isolated environment, yet somehow has selective manipulability. So essentially, give aggressive AI control over it's own destiny, and attempt to nail a note to it with the gameplan scrawled on it and a caption saying "please remember us and our achievements in case someone drops by, much love, your squishier, soon to be extinct famly". That's what I'd do, and a great reason to keep me away from AI-related decision making.
  16. On thing is important to mention when you talk about the landing AP (and any other problem with MJ) : do you use the official release or the dev version (and it's release number). The landing AP had some big change since the last official. Later Today or tomorrow I'll release the RCS / Docking AP I worked on for the last 2 night and we will see how it goes. It was working fine late yesterday but I need to fix something I broke in the AP logic. I amazed how hard it is to have the RCS controller do precise burn. It should be easy and yet I had to add damping just so it don't wobble all around while trying to maintain a set speed. I should check again how the RCS available thrust is computed, that may be the root of my problem. I am sure the guy who added it did not know how to do it properly
  17. OK, let's talk about contracts - Will they be randomly generated? Or it will be done in the form of campaign of sorts? - Will we have a choice? For example in the form of three missions ranging from easy to hard - so one can pick a contract easiest, most challenging or most profitable per personal preferences? - Will game track player's progress? I guess it would suck to get a Moho manned landing contract early in career. Maybe PM stands for Personal Masseuse?
  18. Chapter 3: An Old Friend Commander’s Log 12, Day 25: There it is again, the Mün floating past my porthole. It’s a reminder every 40 minutes of the past and yet the future as well. The burn for Münar Insertion is plotted into the Nav Computer and is scheduled in just under 3 hours. Its been almost 2 decades, but I feel like I am finally coming home. ******************** Jeb: Alright folks, today is the day. It’s time to get serious and do what we were trained to do. We might be all comfy and such floating around in this magnificent ship, but out there everything is out to get you. If we work together and be smart, we will all come home. Now, how is the naming of the landers coming? Gerbo: We have a few suggestions that have come in. Jeb: Perfect. What do you have so far? Sid: Gemini. As in the twins. Jeb: Castor and Pollux? Sid: Well I meant it as in Gemini 1 and 2 but that could work too. Hertrey: What about Rigel 1 and 2? Nel: Just doesn’t have a good ring to it. Herrick: Why can’t we just leave it as Lander 1 and 2? It seems so trivial to waste so much time over a couple names. Pat: It’s bad luck to do that! Herrick: Seriously? Bill: It would be nice to have them named even if it’s just to better distinguish them. Pat: And for luck... Jeb: Anything else? All: … Shelgun: What about Apollo and Artemis? Bill: Weren’t they twins as well? Jeb: You bet but what’s the correlation? Shelgun: Apollo was the god of the Sun and Artemis was the goddess of the Mün. Bob: The two most important things in the sky for us. I like it. Jeb: Any objections to it? All: … Jeb: Then I vote we name Lander 1, Apollo and Lander 2, Artemis. Sid: Agreed. Gerbo: I like it. Jeb: Then its settled. Apollo will go down on the Mün commanded by Sid. We make our insertion burn in 30 minutes so let’s strap things down and prepare for it. Sid: Yes, I would like to run the burn at 100% output to test the engines out on this short burn. So the acceleration will be a little over 1G so be prepared for it. Jeb: Perfect. Let’s go to the Mün folks! ********************* Nel: Sphere of Influence has been reached, Periapsis is projected to be roughly 110 kilometers. Jeb: Looks good Nel. Bill, when is our orbital burn? Bill: 3 hours and 20 minutes. Nel: I would like to start up our ScanSat equipment to test their capabilities. Jeb: Good idea, we can choose our landing site from the map it generates then. I’m headed to my quarters, let me know if something comes up. Nel: (over intercom) Sid, are you there? Sid: Go ahead Nel. Nel: Is Apollo ready yet? Sid: Should be, need me to check again? Nel: You can once we are in orbit, no need to worry. We have a burn coming up soon anyways. Sid: Well don’t you worry, propulsion systems are ready down here! Nel: I wouldn’t worry anyways, I trust you with those engines with my life! *********************** Commander’s Log 13, Day 25: She’s beautiful outside my porthole. Just the way I remembered it. I wish I could go down there one more time, but Sid needs to test out the lander capabilities. It’s just Minmus doesn’t sit well in my heart, the past weighs heavy on it. Bob: Jeb, you should come to the bridge. Jeb: I’ll be right there. Nel: Here’s the map we have so far. ScanSat makes great equipment, that’s for sure. Bill: What’s the blip of color there? Nel: The High Resolution SAR Scanner. It only functions at high orbit so it only scanned as we approached the Mün. Jeb: This places looks ideal, lets head down on our next orbit. Nel, go get Sid and Mitburry and suit up. You have a landing to perform. ********************* Sid: All systems powered up, Apollo is ready for departure. Permission to undock Jeb. Jeb: Looks good here, be safe and we will see you in a few orbits. Nel: Bring the fusion engine online. Sid: Already powering up. Mitburry: 200 meters from Orion, we are clear to deorbit. Nel: Firing engine. Sid: Cut engines in 3, 2, 1, mark. Nel: Engine off, now we coast down to our landing sequence. Mitburry: 5000 meters, speed 540 meters per second. Nel: Restarting engine, landing sequence started. Sid: It looks like we are losing some efficiency on the engine, I will have to take a look at that when we get back. Nel: Is it serious? Sid: We have plenty of fuel, no worries. Nel: You just had to find something to tinker with already, didn’t you? Mitburry: 1000 meters, we are on the flight path. Sid: It is a legitimate reason this time! Nel: Not like that one time... Sid: We are not talking about this now. Gear down. Nel: (chuckles) You never talk about it. And that’s a touchdown. Well guys, we are on the Mün. Mitburry: As commander, I think you should go first Sid. Sid: I’m climbing down now. Sid: Stepping down now. Sid: The landscape is surreal, it seems so foreign. Nel: Not the first words I would go for, but that should do. Sid: We aren’t the first ones to come here so I don’t think that applies... Nel: I suppose not. Well, plant the flag, we are coming out now. Mitburry: This is amazing. Sid: Isn’t it though? Have you never been here? Mitburry: Not once. I always dreamed of it though. Nel: Honestly, I haven’t either. Most of us haven’t wandered far from Kerbin orbit. Have you, Sid? Sid: Many times. But the view never gets old from here. Mitburry: It’s so beautiful. Nel: You already said that, you dinglehopper! Sid: Really Nel? That’s the best name you had? Nel: My girlfriend always calls me that, I guess it rubbed off on me. Sid: Sometimes I really worry about you bud... Mitburry: You guys done? Nel: I don’t want to dig this hole any deeper, so most definitely. Were you looking at rocks or something? Mitburry: No, look. Nel: Wow. Sid: It really makes you feel small looking up at our home. Nel: We really are small in the whole scope of things when you think about it. Mitburry: It’s like out of a movie. Only I can reach out and touch it. Sid: And to think this is only the first picturesque view of many we will see. Nel: Do you think we will make it back when this is all done? Sid: Jeb is the only Kerbal I know who could get us back; without him, I fear what the mission will become. Mitburry: Well, I suppose we should grab some samples for the lab and head back in the lander. Orion will be coming back over us in 10 minutes. ******************* Nel: Preflight checks are good, Sid are you ready? Sid: All good here. Mitburry, tell us when to take off. We want to make this rendezvous as simple as possible. Mitburry: Fire engine in 3, 2, 1. Nel: Firing. Pitching over to 45 degrees and beginning our climb. Mitburry: Looking good here, 10 seconds till cutoff. Nel: And off. What's our closest approach? Mitburry: 700 meters. Sid: Well, we can tell Jeb the Nav Computer is functioning well. Jeb: That’s great to hear guys, we see your approach and it looks exceptional. Sid: I guess that means we are in range of communication, I didn’t expect you on the line Jeb. Jeb: Well you know me, always sticking my nose in everything. Sid: As long as you keep us all sane out here. Nel: Killing off relative velocity now. Final distance is 750 meters. Sid: Shutting down engine now. Proceed on RCS. Jeb: I’m counting on you to help me out with that one, Sid. Mitburry: You are on target and closing. 400 meters. Retracting solar panels. Nel: Almost there… Mitburry: 10 meters, proceed straight towards the docking port. Sid: And we have positive dock. I’ll see what I can do for you on that one, Jeb. Jeb: Welcome home guys, its good to see you again. Mission Status
  19. Long-term Laythe - Part 24 Part 21.5 Flashback As I mentioned before, after launching some ships to Jool in Part 21 (back in KSP version 0.22) I said that the next batch of ships to be sent out in the next Kerbin-to-Jool transfer window would be ones built in version 0.23 (so that I could use the soon-to-be-released R.A.P.I.E.R. engine). But I went on to play Parts 22 and 23 in the meantime, still in version 0.22. Well, now I have version 0.23 up and running, and I'm jumping back in time here to do that transfer of ships. Since I'm doing the transfers in a separate save file, this was easy. It just took me a little while to get around to it because handling yet another armada of ships to Jool is not nearly as exciting for me as it once was. On Laythe at this time, Hellou and Emilynn were on Fredoly Island doing a lot of exploring via rover, so let's look in on our boys on Dansen Island: Thompbles: "The boys at KSC are getting ready to send the next batch of ships to us." Kurt: "Great. Are we finally getting the resources processing modules?" Thompbles: "No. And we aren't likely to get any before we return to Kerbin." Kurt: "What have the guys in Division 19 been doing all this while?" Thompbles: "Apparently they haven't been able to get any of the equipment to work out the way they wanted. So that project has been terminated for the foreseeable future." Nelemy: "Dude! I so wasted all my time taking that resources processing training. What ARE we getting?" Thompbles: "Three ships will be sent, all double Tug trains with extra fuel, since we aren't going to be refining any fuel here. One is another SSTO spaceplane..." Aldner: "Another one? Same as the one already on the way here?" Thompbles: "No, this one has the new R.A.P.I.E.R. engine. When the first spaceplane arrives I'll want you and Emilynn to test it. When the R.A.P.I.E.R. one arrives later, I'll want you and Nelemy to test it. The boys at KSC are very interested in how they will compare. It will also arrive with a second NAMOR vehicle." Kurt: "Any toys for me?" Thompbles: "Yes. The second ship will have a R.A.P.I.E.R. version of the SSTO rocket crew carrier. I'll want you and Nelemy to test that. It's supposed to be more fuel efficient than our original one." Nelemy: "Cool, Dude!" Thompbles: "The third ship will be a 3-kerbal version of the BirdDog. You know that our replacement crews are going to be half scientist-astronauts, so they wanted that ship here so a pilot-astronaut can ferry the eggheads around to different sites." Aldner: "Who gets to test that one?" Thompbles: "Me." Below, the four Reusable Rocket launches of the payloads for constructing Train #1: A nuclear Tug; a fuel tank payload (with Refueler Topper to refuel the Tug, which uses fuel to pull the sustainer into orbit, as you may recall); another nuclear Tug; and the R.A.P.I.E.R. spaceplane/NAMOR payload. A closer view of the R.A.P.I.E.R. spaceplane. It has the same basic structure as the Ladyhawk spaceplane, but with the newer engine on the back instead of a turbojet. Also, the docking port has been relocated to the center of mass to make it easier for a Tug to push the plane around in orbit, if needed (the Ladyhawk's docking port is located ahead of its center of mass), and there are two vertical stabilizers instead of one to make docking easier. The odd structure attached to the plane's docking port is a "Saddlebag Deorbiter" that was designed after the Ladyhawk was already on its way to Laythe, just in case the Ladyhawk proved to be too marginal as an SSTO spaceplane. The Deorbiter would be used to deorbit the spaceplane, and then it would detach and accelerate back up to orbital speed (later returning to Laythe Station for refueling). This would allow the Ladyhawk to land with completely full tanks (instead of using any of its fuel for deorbiting). The Saddlebag Deorbiter could also be used for by the new R.A.P.I.E.R. spaceplane (the arrangement of Rockomax 24-77 engines is such that one pair can be turn off to allow thrusting through the CoM of the Ladyhawk, while all four would be used on the R.A.P.I.E.R. spaceplane). As it turned out (we now know because of the Ladyhawk's success in Part 23), the Saddlebag Deorbiter will not be necessary...but the boys at KSC don't know that as of the time of this flashback). The NAMOR 21 marine rescue vehicle is behind the spaceplane (since this rocket re-uses the same payload configuration as used for the Ladyhawk launch). And it will be nice to have an extra NAMOR, just in case. This one has had its tanks properly tweaked. Below, after three dockings (with some rearrangement of parts), Train #1 is complete and fully fueled for Jool, and the four radial refueler pods are jettisoned. The pods are deorbited using RCS and crashed on Kerbin. Next, the four launches needed to assemble Train #2: Nuclear Tug, Fuel, Nuclear Tug, and the R.A.P.I.E.R. SSTO rocket (with Refueler Topper). Below, another view of the SSTO payload as it rides into orbit on the Reusable Rocket's sustainer. This was designed to be as small as possible. It has a four-kerbal Hitchhiker Can for the crew, four R.A.P.I.E.R. engines, and eight parachutes for landing. Its center tank is a Rockomax X200-16, and there are four FL-T200 tanks around that (which have their oxidizer levels tweaked down a couple notches so that excess oxidizer doesn't need to be carried aloft). Corfrey Kerman was able to barely get a prototype into a 75 km orbit around Kerbin, and (using the rest of its fuel and almost all of its RCS monopropellant) brought it back for a parachute landing at KSC. So it should work better at Laythe...and a small FL-T100 fuel tank was added to the nose to give it an extra margin of fuel. The final docking in the assembly of Train #2 is seen below. After the Tugs were topped off from the Refueler Topper, it was separated and returned to KSC for re-use. Four more Reusable Rocket launches were needed to assemble Train #3: Nuclear Tug, Fuel, Nuclear Tug, and the 3-kerbal variation of the BirdDog...which Thompbles is going to name the Airedale, but he doesn't know that yet. Below, a closer view of the Airedale passenger plane/rover. This plane uses exactly the same basic structure as the BirdDog (so that it can use the same GasStations for refueling). It has two single-kerbal lander cans added on either side at the center of mass behind the ram intakes to keep the aerodynamics as close as possible to that of the BirdDog. Some parts (batteries, solar panels) have been relocated to the underside or sides of the plane because it is suspected that the original BirdDog's tendency to pitch up at high angles of attack is probably due to the parasite drag of all the parts that were on top of the plane. The Airedale weighs more than the BirdDog (by about 1.3 tons), but testing at KSC indicates that it lands just fine, even with a full load of fuel. In addition to their use in carrying one extra kerbal each, one of the single-kerbal cans is fitted out internally with lab equipment, and the other one is fitted out as a habitat module, to give crews more comfort (one at a time) on exploration trips. As with previous BirdDog payload configurations, the Airedale is riding on top of a GasStation. Below, Train #3 is complete and ready for sending to Jool (the three refueler pods that were mounted on the GasStation's booms are seen drifting away after being jettisoned. So...that took twelve more launches of the Reusable Rocket. I also checked to be sure the upgraded landing legs work on the Reusable Rocket. I always have MechJeb bring the sustainers back to KSC, and all twelve landed safely (but a couple came close to landing on something that would have toppled them). The landing legs of the sustainers were set to have locked suspensions, which worked fine. I also followed down a set of the side boosters to be sure that they survived landing on the upgraded legs, but in this case I left the leg suspensions unlocked. Below, one of the side boosters touches down safely under its parachutes with no damage (you can see another of the four boosters landing off in the distance). With my version 0.23 install, I have switched from using my favorite Maneuver Node Improvement mod (which has had its development discontinued) to the Precise Node mod that provides the same functionality. Precise Node seems to work great. It has the all-important feature that collapsed maneuver nodes can be opened using the O key, and its user interface seems somewhat better than that of the Maneuver Node Improvement mod, except that Precise Node uses red color to highlight buttons...and red does not show up well at all against black for colorblind ol' me. But I found tweaking the node values to be easier in this mod, and it lets you easily change the number of conic samples as well as the conics mode. Precise Node has a "Focus on Vessel" button that is not particularly useful to me because I use the keyboard shortcut (the Backspace key) to do that same thing. What I would REALLY like is if that button was replaced by a pop-up menu that let you pick which planet/moon to focus on (in addition to your vessel), since that still gives me difficulty sometimes in the Map interface (trying to focus on a planet may instead result in you focusing on a ship that is orbiting or landed on that planet...I guess the guys at Squad did not test the behavior of focusing on planets when they had lots of ships around them). Below is the standard targeting of Train #1 to the Jool system so you can see Precise Node in action. The ellipse oriented at 90 degrees on the screen are the paths of the three Tugs returning from Jool (and the outgoing orbits for the previous batch of ships, which would be here at this time, are not there because I've already jumped ahead and delivered them at Jool previously). I used my standard two-pass escape burns to send the three trains off to Jool. Below we see Train #1 doing the first half of its burn (which is burned until it had 10 minutes left to go); and then Train #2 far out from Kerbin after the first half of its burn, dropping its empty rear tank; and then Train #3 during the second half of its burn when it dropped its rear tank. Doing the burns in two parts gives better fuel efficiency because the burns take place closer to Kerbin with enhanced Oberth effect. The plot below shows the orbits after the first parts of the burns (just after the burn for Train #3... you can see that I stopped when it had 10 minutes left of the burn). Note that Train #2 (the SSTO rocket) required a longer burn, so it is going out further. Happily, the Mün did not interfere with any of the burns. BUT, the long trains were very wobbly under physical time warp, so I could not use it (so that was about one hour of total burn time, and that doesn't include the setup time). For the second parts of the burns, I targeted then as close to Jool as possible using Conics Mode 0. This involves changing the focus to Jool, then orienting the view close in at Jool but with the node visible off in the distance so it can be tweaked (and, as I said, the interface in Precise Node for tweaking the node values with the buttons works very well). The ascending nodes of the transfer orbits were all close to Jool (for Train #1 it was even inside Jool's sphere of influence), so they will not take a lot of fuel when the time comes to do them). Below, the result of my efforts: three nice outgoing transfer orbits to Jool (and the very close together orbits of the returning Tugs). Kerbal Alarm Clock, of course, is also my friend. Below you can see the alarms I set up for when the returning Tugs would reach Kerbin's SOI, and when the outgoing Trains would reach their ascending nodes (or when Train #1 will reach Jool's SOI). With all that set up, I was ready to fast-forward out of this flashback. Part 24 Proper Back to the future! Here we are back to the 'present' time. Emilynn has just completed here first test flight of the Ladyhawk, and we are ready for more fun on Laythe... but the first alarms that come up are for the Tugs returning to Kerbin: Below, Tug 7 falls into the Kerbin system toward its aerocapture target altitude (set up when I targeted the encounter after leaving Jool). No tweaking was needed, but (as always) I made sure to sneak the ship across the Sphere of Influence boundary at 1x speed to preserve the fine targeting. Tug 7 was targeted for aerocapture at 28.6 km (it reached a maximum speed of 4,990 m/s at the start of aerocapture), and ended up in an elliptical orbit with approximately 1000 km apoapsis. While far out, I did a plane correction to get its orbit to 0 degrees inclination, then made an aerobraking pass to drop its apoapsis. Finally, at apoapsis, a burn was made to get the Tug into a stable low orbit, ready for refueling and re-use (except that this older Tug has only standard docking ports, and I tend to prefer the Senior ports for interplanetary transfers now). If only my kerbals could add struts during EVA, I could upgrade these older tugs to have Senior docking ports. Similarly, Tug 8 returned and was captured. This one need more of an inclination fix, but it also ended up in a low circular orbit for re-use. And finally, the Laythe BD2 two-Tug combo arrived. This one is more valuable because it has Senior docking ports, so it will be easy to re-use the next time I want to send a train out to Laythe. In the first image below you see the Tugs falling in toward Kerbin with the cool clouds and city lights mod, so Kafrica is showing up well on the night side. Aerocapture target altitude was 29.7 km, giving an initial captured apoapsis of 1763 km...followed by aerobraking and raising periapsis out to a stable orbit. All of the Tugs that returned have between 95 and 150 units of fuel left, so they can maneuver to better orbits for refurbishment later. Below, lots of nuclear Tugs are sitting in orbit around Kerbin, waiting for re-use. Unfortunately, most have the standard docking ports...but even if I don't reuse them to send big payloads out to Laythe, they could be used to send smaller payloads elsewhere. Also note that the Precise Node mod allows you to display a panel in Map view for changing the conics settings. Go Goo! Meanwhile, back on Laythe, Nelemy is preparing to test BirdDog 3 with its new double Mystery Goo canisters attached. All preflight checks were satisfactory, but the other kerbals are a bit worried about how much Nelemy likes to talk to his Goo. Thompbles: "OK, the comsats are in good positions for the data link. Hellou, you are in the loop?" Hellou: "Roger, Thompbles. Downlink is good." Thompbles: "You are cleared to go, Nelemy." Nelemy: "Thanks, Dude! I'm on my way!" Nelemy: "Hang on to you hats, little-Goo Dudes! We're heading for the stratosphere!" Nelemy: "I'm over 15 thousand, Dudes. Leveling off and throttling back to one third." Thompbles: "OK, Nelemy. Activate the GooCams and open the Goo canisters." Nelemy: "Roger, Dude. Activated. Canisters open. I'm getting the images...are they coming through?" Thompbles: "Roger. Feed is good. The Goo appears to be vibrating in rhythmic patterns. What do you make of it, Hellou?" Hellou: "Looks like some complex spherical harmonic oscillations. Each Goo is exhibiting a different pattern." Thompbles: "Hmm...the oscillations in some of the directions seem to be more regular, whereas they are more irregular along other axes. Maybe the boys in the KSC research center will be able to make sense of this from the recordings." Hellou: "Assuming they ever decide to talk to us. Hmm...no...the patterns don't make any obvious sense to me." Nelemy: "I recognize those patterns! Dudes, I think they are singing." Thompbles: "Umm...what?" Nelemy: "They are making music. Goo #1 is doing Space Oddity..." Thompbles: "Nelemy, what the hell are you talking about. There is no sound pickup." Nelemy: "No, Dude. Watch the vibrations. Horizontal is the drum beat, forward/backward is the piano, and vertical is the vocals. Watch..it's getting to the good part...'This is ground control to Major Jeb, you've really made the grade. And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear. But it's time to guide the capsule if you dare.' ...see?" Hellou: "...it...fits. What the hell?? What is the other Goo doing?" Nelemy: "Ummm...Rocket Jeb, I think. Yeah. 'Oh no, no, no, I am rocket Jeb. Rocket Jeb, think you're gonna need a lot more struts' ...yeah, that's it, Dudes." Hellou: "The boys at KSC are NOT going to believe this." Nelemy: "We can set the video recordings of the Goo to the music. They'll be able to see it, Dudes." Thompbles: "Look...they stopped." Hellou: "Now they're doing something else. Both the same. No, wait...similarities, but some differences, too." Thompbles: "Nelemy...can you tell what this is?" Nelemy: "Dudes, this one's easy. Just watch. Wait a bit...I'm getting too low...I've got to climb...hold on." Thompbles: "Am I crazy? Or is Nelemy crazy?" Nelemy: "OK, I'm back. Did you figure it out?" Thompbles: "We aren't playing Guess That Tune. Just tell us." Hellou: "Wait! I've got it. Kohemian Rhapsody by Kween! 'Bismillah! We will not let you go.'" Nelemy: "'Let me go!'" Hellou: "'Will not let you go.'" Nelemy: "'Let me go!'" Hellou: "'Never, never let you go'... If I'm right we should be getting some high amplitude l=1, m=0 spherical harmonics in a bit." Thompbles: "You mean that bobbing up and down they are doing now?" Nelemy: "'So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?'" Thompbles: "But what does it mean?" Nelemy: "Dude, it means the Goos are enjoying the ride!" Thompbles: "No, I mean, how could Goo know music?" Nelemy: "Oh, I was playing it for them yesterday from my kPod while doing systems checks." Hellou: "What?" After closing up the Goo containers, Nelemy banked around to head back to base...but his BirdDog pitched up violently several times, causing him to lose lots of altitude. Nelemy: "Dudes! This is tricky. I'm getting hard pitch-ups." Thompbles: "Keep your angle of attack lower. Throttle up." Nelemy: "Falling fast...heading toward the ground...I've got to pull up, Dude." After losing nine-tenths of his altitude, Nelemy managed to get the plane leveled off heading back toward base. Nelemy landed the BirdDog safely and taxied over to the SCIENCE base. At the SCIENCE base, Nelemy redocked to the Goo boom. The updated legs actually make it easier to get a good docking because there are more settings for the various legs on the base (raised, lowered with suspension locked, lowered with suspension active) that result is slightly different heights for the Goo boom docking port. Nelemy: "OK, Hellou-Dude, I'm docked. Please clean the Goo pods." Hellou: "I need you in here to help me. For some reason they arranged the necessary control stations on opposite sides of the module." Nelemy: "OK, Dude. I'll be right over." Hellou: "What are you going to do with the Goo now, Nelemy." Nelemy: "I promised the Goo I'd take it swimming." Hellou: "Umm...OK. Observing it in the water would be good. But can you do that with the BirdDog?" Nelemy: "Oh, sure. I found that out when the plane accidentally rolled into the ocean during one of my trips." Nelemy drove the Goo-equipped BirdDog over to the bay near the old Fido Pup probe, then eased the plane down into the water until it was floating. Hellou: "OK, Nelemy. I have the GooCam feed. It looks like the Goo has flattened out and its surface is rippling." Nelemy: "Hey there, Goo-Dudes! Are you having fun?" Hellou: "Nelemy, does your BirdDog have an accelerometer sensor? I'd like to correlate the wave frequency with the oscillations of the Goo samples." Nelemy: "Um...only in the navi system, but I don't think I can link you that data. I can tell you what the waves are doing. Up...down...up...down...up, Ooo, that was a big one...down...up..." Hellou: "I guess that's better than nothing." The wheels of the plane were no longer touching bottom, but Nelemy used the capsule torque to yaw the plane around back toward shore, then pitched up to minimize the amount of the intakes that were under water, then fired up the jet engine at minimal thrust. As soon as the rover wheels touched bottom, Nelemy cut the engine and drove the BirdDog up onto the shore and back to the SCIENCE base for another Goo cleaning. So I assume he'll be taking the Goos to various places, gathering data, returning to the base, cleaning the Goos, lather, rinse, repeat. This is SCIENCE fun? Materials Mission After seeing the difficulty Nelemy had controlling his Goo-retrofitted BirdDog, Kurt was a bit leery of how BirdDog 4 would handle with its retrofitted materials exposure SCIENCE module on top. But he was willing to give it the ol' college try. Kurt: "I'm ready to fly. Data links are good." Thompbles: "Roger, Kurt. Go ahead. Watch your pitch." Kurt: "You realize that if things get hairy, I'm just going to drop this thing, right?" Thompbles: "You are so authorized." Kurt: "Kurt to base. I'm over 15K, riding steady. Ready to open the materials bay." Hellou: "Roger, Kurt. I'm monitoring." Kurt: "OK. Open now. Strangely, it does not seemed to have affected the drag. I can already see that sample in column 1, row 1, smoking." Hellou: "That's the oxygen indicator." Kurt: "Well, I'm sure my jet engines are happy to know there is oxygen in the air. What is sample 5 in that same column? It's changing color." Hellou: "Ozone. As expected...but we'll be able to get a concentration value by how fast that sample and the one below it darken. I'm seeing some sulfur compound reactions." Kurt: "What are the samples on the far right? There are five of them getting progressively darker down the column." Hellou: "Those are radiation dosimeters of different sensitivities. What is you VanAllen meter reading?" Kurt: "Hmmmm...190...not bad today." At the end of the materials exposure run, Kurt made a very gradual turn, and lost a lot less altitude than Nelemy did, although at one point he did have the BirdDog do a sudden pitch-up...but recovered quickly. Kurt flew back to Fido Bay and landed without problem, then drove back to the SCIENCE base and re-docked the materials bay to its boom. After some cleaning and resetting of the samples, he will be ready to grind out some more SCIENCE!" Learning Ladyhawk The next day, Aldner and Emilynn prepared to make a second test flight with the Ladyhawk, this time with Aldner in the cockpit and Emilynn as his co-pilot/flight engineer in the lander can. Thompbles: "The new version of the control software has been installed in the Ladyhawk's computer system, Aldner. The boys at the KSC are very interested in seeing if it improves performance of the plane. You are cleared for takeoff on runway one four." Aldner: "Roger, Cappy. I'll see what I can convince her to do for me." Aldner took off toward the southwest, gaining altitude slowly as he headed toward the equator, almost a degree to the south of Laythe Base. As he approached the equator over Lake Joysina, he banked to the east and spent some time lining up as close as possible to a heading of 90 degrees over the equator. He did this while still fairly low, because the plane responds to direction changes much quicker in the thick atmosphere than it does higher up. And the Ladyhawk had plenty of jet fuel, so he was determined to take his time getting things right (and burning more of the jet fuel means having less to carry into orbit anyway). Emilynn: "We are within 5 arc seconds of the equator, Buzz. Looking good." Aldner: "Roger, Hawk. I'm climbing now. Keep an eye on the latitude for me." Emilynn: "Altitude 16, speed 640. Intake air down to point zero six. Turbojet systems are purring perfectly, Buzz." As the Ladyhawk passed 20,000 meters, Aldner nosed her down a little...but still ended up going upward too fast vertically. The plane was slow to respond to direction changes in the thin air. Emilynn: "Altitude 30, speed 1230. Intake air reads zero." Aldner: "Throttle at 50%. The engine is still running despite zero air reading...but that's the new software. I've got her pointed horizontal." Emilynn: "Flameout. Altitude 31, speed 1350." Aldner: "Roger. Throttle one-third. I think I took that climb too aggressively...let's drop back down a bit." Emilynn: "Engine restarted. Intake Air zero. The stars a pretty out the window. Altitude 28, speed 1400. Air point zero one." Aldner: "Throttle at half. I'll level off at 20 and start a slower climb." Again, the plane was not responding as fast to vertical control as he would have liked, so Aldner dropped a little below 20,000 meters before getting the Ladyhawk back into a slower climb. There were some nice entry-effect flames at around the 20K level. The flames disappeared and the speed continued to increase as the Ladyhawk again rose again toward 30,000 meters. Emilynn: "Altitude 29, speed 1740. Air point zero one. Looking good, Buzz!" Aldner: "Throttle one-third. I've got her pitched down and she's still rising. Pitching down even more." Emilynn: "At this speed, the surface is curving away from us pretty fast." Aldner: "Too true. Flameout. Throttle at two ticks." Emilynn: "Engine restarted. Intake Air still reads zero. Altitude 33, speed 1790. You're already higher and faster than I was when I kicked in the rockets." Aldner: "Roger. But I still have an excess of fuel. Let's nurse it along and see how fast we can get. Pitch at minus 25. Throttle at three ticks." Emilynn: "Altitude 37, speed 1850. Air zero. Engine still running. Ooops, flameout." Aldner: "Throttling down a couple ticks. Restart. Back up a tick...and again. We have leveled off." Emilynn: "Dropping. Altitude 35, speed 1900. Ah, sunset. That was a short day. Whoa! The navi comp is showing a positive periapsis prediction, and the predicted apoapsis is rising rapidly." (At this point, the program rotated the display 90 degrees. The Ladyhawk was in a new regime where I'd never been before with a spaceplane. I guess I always jumped the gun and kicked in the rockets too soon.) As the Ladyhawk descended back toward 30,000 meters, Aldner kept easing up the throttle a little at a time until the turbojet flamed out, then dropped the throttle back two ticks to restart the engine...and started easing the throttle up again as speed increased. The intake air reading was zero this whole time, but the engine continued to run and he got the throttle up to one-third again by the time he got the plane leveled off again at 31,300 meters and began rising. Emilynn: "Altitude 32, speed 2030. Predicted apo 180 klicks, predicted peri 31. If we really had zero air, we'd be in orbit." Aldner: "Yeah...we'll lose some of that due to drag. Rising. I'll see how long I can baby it as we ascend. Argh, flameout. Throttle one-fourth." Emilynn: "Altitude 34, speed 2050. Flameout." Aldner: "Yeah. Restart at two ticks. OK, I'm going to fire the rockets. I'll pitch up to 40 degrees, then back down to 20 degrees." Emilynn: "Fuel usage so far, 99 units. Looking great, Buzz." Aldner: "Activating rocket engines. Shut down the jet." Emilynn: "Rockets are on. Jet off. Closing intakes." Aldner: "Pitch at 40, throttle at 100%. Pitching back down." Emilynn: "Buzz! Cut engines!" Aldner: "Cut-off. What's the matte...whoa...apoapsis 684? Already?" Emilynn: "Yeah, sorry. We should have been paying more attention. Altitude 42, speed 2224." Aldner: "No problem. looks like we're going a lot higher than planned. But that burn didn't even use all the fuel in the center tank, let alone the side tanks." (In fact, I'd overshot so badly because I was busy taking screen shots of the rocket burn rather than flying. The plot of the initial orbit is shown below.) Below, the Ladyhawk poses for a picture 676 kilometers over Aldner Island. And Aldner's view from the cockpit: Aldner: "Here comes the apo. I'm doing a 30.6 m/s burn to bring the periapsis up to 75 km. Burning now." Emilynn: "Looks good. 75 by 680. Inclination 0.3 degrees. Let me have control so I can look around." Aldner: "Sure, take it. We have plenty of fuel, so I'm setting up the maneuvers to rendezvous with your Vall ship." Emilynn: "Thankie, Buzz. Ooo, the view is fantastic. Doesn't it seem like there have been a lot more clouds since the big flare?" Aldner: "Hmm? Maybe. I always flew when it was clear if I could." Below, we see the situation after raising the periapsis for a proper orbit. The rear jet fuel tank still had over 56 units of fuel, and the FL-T400 tank had almost 80 fuel and 105 oxidizer. The two FL-T200 tanks on the sides were still completely full. MechJeb reported that the ship had 2567 m/s of delta-V at this point (the first test flight made it into a lower orbit with 599 m/s of delta-V left -- but how much of the difference was a result of changes in the program, and how much was a result of the better flight profile, I can't say). Wow. They really could fly over to Vall and back, or even home to Kerbin, maybe -- if they didn't mind be very cramped for months on end. After a plane-shift maneuver (not shown) of 24 m/s, and one orbit around Laythe, the Ladyhawk was in position to make the two maneuvers shown below to match orbits with the Vall ship, currently sitting in a low orbit where Emilyn and Hellou left it hastily when fleeing to Laythe's surface ahead of the radiation storm. Since it was going to take about 366 m/s of delta-V to circularize into low orbit, that's roughly the amount of delta-V that had been wasted during the overly-long rocket burn getting to orbit. I'm confused by the lighting in the picture below. I was making the approach to the Vall ship in the daylight, and then both ships went into night...but the Vall ship was lit up as if the Ladyhawk had lights on it pointing backwards. But the Ladyhawk does not carry lights (other than the built-in landing gear lights). Weird. I waited to dock until the ships came around again into the daylight ("all the better to take pictures with, my dear"). Emilynn EVA'd over to the Vall ship to check out its systems and do a pickup. Then returned to the Ladyhawk. Aldner: "How's it look?" Emilynn: "Everything's great. I wonder if the KSC bigwigs will let us return to Vall once they are convinced the sun will behave itself." Aldner: "What have you got in the sample case?" Emilynn: "Oh, well, that's a secret." Aldner separated the Ladyhawk from the Vall ship, then did a burn to raise its orbit to allow the Laythe Space Station to catch up with the Ladyhawk so they could then drop back down and rendezvous. Below, the Ladyhawk matched orbits with the Laythe Station, then docked. (Is it just me, or has the image quality from Romfarer's DockingCam mod been improved with the newest update?) After refueling from the tank on the opposite side of the station, we can see that the Ladyhawk required 342 units of fuel and 295 units of oxidizer to top off its tanks. And a little RCS monopropellant as well (and I almost forgot to top off the monopropellant tank which is now included in command pods...don't forget to do that, kiddies! Also, lag is certainly reduced for me in version 0.23...Laythe Station is no longer the pain to maneuver around that it was before...kudos, SQUAD!). Aldner separated the Ladyhawk from the space station, then lined up for the retro burn (you can see the engine exhausts between the wings). The landing point was targeted a little west of Fido Bay to prevent the spaceplane from overflying the site. Jool and Vall (or maybe that's Tylo) rose above the horizon to greet Aldner and Emilynn as the Ladyhawk passed over Jebediah Island. To get to the one-degree north latitude of Fido Bay from the equatorial orbit of the station, Aldner banked left during reentry to move cross-range, but had to continue the bank at lower altitude to get far enough north. Emilynn: "Rocket engines are deactivated. Do you want me to heat up the turbojet?" Aldner: "Activate it, but I'm going to try this dead-stick." Thompbles: "Laythe Base to Ladyhawk. How's it going?" Aldner: "Just peachy, Mr. Airport Manager. Can I have clearance to land on runway zero nine?" Thompbles: "You are clear to land. Hurry home for lunch." Aldner set the Ladyhawk down about 4.5 kilometers from base, then stretched the rollout enough to almost get the plane back to its starting point by Laythe Base 1. Aldner called the Runabout rover over via remote control, then Emilynn got out to dock the rover and drag the Ladyhawk to its parking spot next to Base 1, pointing southeast ready for another flight. When Aldner and Emilynn got all of the Ladyhawk's systems shutdown, they went over the Base 1 where they were greeted by Hellou. Hellou: "Welcome back! How was the mission?" Emilynn: "Everything went great! Buzz did OK...I'd even let him touch my plane again if he asks pretty please." Aldner: "OK? I was fantastic. Maybe I'll let YOU touch MY new spaceplane when it arrives." Emilynn: "Hey, lookie here, Chickadee. I brought you a present." Hellou: "Oh, goodie! Souvenirs from your trip?" *Hellou opens the sample case* Hellou: "Shampoo! And hair conditioner! And my loofah! I love you!" Emilynn: "There's also that little bottle of that scented bath oil you like. But you have to share." Hellou: "OK...Shower time!" Emilynn: "Me first!" Hellou: "No, me first! Real shampoo!" Emilynn: "OK, how about I wash your hair and you wash mine?" Hellou: "OK, as you long as you promise not to get grabby. This ain't no cheesy anime." Aldner: "If you ladies need any help..." Emilynn: "Bye, Buzz. We'll see you guys tonight for supper." Hellou: "And finally looking presentable! Bye, Aldner." So Aldner drove the Fido rover over to Laythe Base 2 and had a double helping of green mush for lunch. Below is the flight data I plotted from the Ladyhawk's ascent. I had MechJeb's surface and orbit data displays showing during the ascent, and I just plotted the data I captured in screen shots made along the way. I assume there must be a KSP Flight Data Recorder mod...maybe I'll look into that. The ascent took 16 minutes from takeoff to rocket engine cutoff. The dark blue line shows the altitude, and we see that I could have been a lot smoother with my ascent. The red line shows the speed, and I keept that increasing almost the whole time, so that was good. The gray line is the throttle setting, scaled so that 100% is at 20,000 on the left axis (just to keep that line down out of the way). Similarly, the green line (I think it's green) shows the intake air reading (which I did not have displayed at first, so it starts when the intake air was at 0.06 and falling) -- it is scaled such that 0.05 is at 10,000 on the left axis, again to keep it out of the way. The most interesting line is the light blue line showing the predicted apoapsis. I was surprised to see that way it starts shooting upward at around 760 seconds. That is NOT the point where I kicked in the rocket engines (that happens after 900 seconds, and the even steeper increase in the apoapsis line is not even seen here, since it is way off the top of this chart by then. I guess that point (at 760 seconds) where the apoapsis line starts going up like crazy is the magical moment for a spaceplane...and it's a place I've never reached before, even though I've gotten SSTO spaceplanes to work in the past (just never this efficiently). I'm not sure WHY the apoapsis line starts rising so quickly at that point...the speed is not increasing all that fast, and I was actually losing altitude at that time. Also, the orange line shows that the predicted periapsis became positive at that same time (and actually drops back down a little when the rockets are kicked in). I suppose that up until that point, the energy was going into raising the periapsis to a positive value, and then the energy started going into raising the apoapsis once the periapsis increase stalled out. I love graphs. Next episode: New toys arrive at Laythe. Maybe Nelemy and Kurt continue the SCIENCE grind in the meantime.
  20. You don't. You just ask stupid questions just to be difficult. That's not winning you any arguments, and only highlights how little you know about the subject. To be honest, I'm starting to grow tired of it. Covered at least three times in this topic. Same as we do about positive energy. How about you estimate stability. Or energy required. Or anything. You just make empty claims again. How about you learn a few things about interpretations before going off to make stuff up again. Like, the fact that all interpretations are equivalent for starters. This isn't like interpreting bible. There is math, and theorems, and a lot of other stuff you didn't bother to even get the basic idea about before jumping to conclusion and start throwing accusations. We do. You are still living in fantasy land. Bwahahahaha. Sorry. Come back when you actually know what M-theory is about and how it relates to standard model. And you're making more stuff up. No, keep going. We're having an excellent and very productive discussion here. Why don't you tell me what local symmetries are, which ones are available to which fields, and how they actually relate to any physical particles. You first. How is anything you've asked relevant to what we are talking about? We had these in 1930s. And since then, greatest minds of the century, starting from Einstein himself, to Dirac, Pauli, Feynman, Fermi, Bohr, Noether, and many less known, but still incredibly talented physicists just sat on their rears doing nothing. Nope. Haven't seen it by that name. I'll keep it in mind. Of course, that only makes it more funny that you don't have a clue what holographic interpretation means. You've read something about them, and you still didn't realize that they have to have more dimensions than observable universe, and not fewer. I've addressed that a number of times. You are arguing purely from your ignorance of how QM and GR work together. We know how this stuff works on every relevant scale. SR also says that light always travels in a perfectly straight line. According to SR, gravitational lensing is impossible. Now, I could try and explain why SR applies to Warp Drive only locally, but these sort of things have been like talking to a wall so far, so why don't you explain to me how SR is supposed to hold in a space-time that's not Minkowski. That's because you don't have a first clue what any of these things are. We've already covered all of these points. Fact that there are other people on internet just as confused as you are doesn't mean that you're right. Oh, good sir, why don't you tell me about the difficulties in quantum computation. Like, why we have a quantum algorithm that breaks factorization problems in poly time, and yet public keys are perfectly secure. Or why we have quantum teleportation, but I still have to drive to work. Maybe you'd like to learn a few things about QM before you start saying stuff? These aren't vocab problems. They are problems with you understanding concepts you are trying to discuss. That'd be nice. You just don't know any. How am I supposed to talk physics with you if you don't know first thing about it? Please, tell me. And you are wrong. There are already objects in this universe that are traveling faster than light relative to each other. So can you please stop talking out of your posterior? In other words, you have your opinion, founded in nothing but fantasy, and you refuse to learn any actual science, or acknowledge observations that contradict it. Good to know. I'll let you work out what I'd say that makes you, because I'd probably get banned for typing it out. You're hopeless. If you don't even understand difference between knowledge and information, there is just no helping you. I've been continuing to answer questions I've figured might be useful for someone else, if they are reading by chance, but I honestly give up with you. Thickness of the bubble varies. Variations depend on particular parameters which also vary. You're asking pointless questions, and you don't even seem to have understanding to realize why they are pointless. So lets try it the other way, explain which part of the theory suggests that QM effects are going to be unpredictable. Something? Anything? No. Because you don't know QM even at undergraduate level. Let alone have any idea what QFT even is or how it applies here. Yet you have the gall to argue with somebody who does QFT for the living. Fantastic. More arguments from ignorance. Awesome. You keep on going with life like that. You know what would help, though? If you didn't disrupt discussion where other people are talking about actual science of it. You keep wanting to drag in unrelated topics which you don't understand anything about. Q-Thruster is just a rocket. It's a type of a photon drive. It does not help you at all in crossing interstellar space. It is absolutely useless if you don't have a matter-antimatter reactor with high efficiency. Even with a nuclear reactor, you are much better off using an ion drive, because Quantum Thruster is such a horrible energy hog, and you'll have better net ISP using actual reaction mass than burning through massive reactors for no good reason. Again, learn some freagin' theory. Start with classical mechanics. You really don't need much to understand why Q-Thruster is useless without all the other technology for which we don't even have a starting point yet, and even with one, you're still limited to fractions of light speed, which is completely pointless on interstellar level.
  21. I think by nature, KSP solar systems will never be procedural. That's just how KSP is set up. Now, does the graphical quality need work? Probably. Remember, the game is still technically in alpha and last I heard, the earliest date even being considered for a beta release (KSP 1.0) is well into next year (March to May). There is a LOT of development left to do, lots of things still on the table. Don't forget that better aerodynamcs, reentry heating, resource mining, and asteroid belts are coming, and there is talk of said belt being off rails! Can SE let you capture an asteroid? Once things like these and better physics come in, then massive IP ships cease to be space worms and KSP goes to a level which I don't think SE can match.
  22. This would all be really cool in video form, too. I'd love to see Kerb cut to a clip like they would on a real life talk show.
  23. CHAPTER 12: WOLF Dean: “Alright control, I’m heading to that depot now. Are you sure the other two have made it safely?†KSC: “Positive. The depot is reading two docked ships; a Hawk and an Arrow. Only the Arrow is showing signs of damage, but that’s just one parachute from what we can tell.†Dean: “Oh, alright then.†KSC: “Just watch out for Buzz. The last time he saw an Elite fighter, he obliterated it. We don’t exactly want him doing that to you.†Dean: “Uh, thanks for the heads up… Wait, haven’t you told him I’m flying up in this crate?†KSC: “We’re maintaining radio silence for the moment. Firespitter activity around that area has been a bit higher than we’re comfortable with. You’re going to have to convince Buzz to not shoot you.†Dean: “Great…†Several hours later… Kenhat: “Buzz, we’ve got incoming!†Buzz: “Son of a--!†Dean: “Buzz, wait, it’s me, Dean!†Buzz: “Like hell I’m going to fall for that, scumbag!†Dean: “No, really!†A warning goes off in the cockpit of the Elite as Buzz targets the ship. Dean in turn targets Buzz to hold a Stalemate. Dean: “Buzz, I promise you, I’m Dean Kerman! Look, to prove I’m not here to kill you…†Dean: “See? I’m out of my ship! I can’t hurt you now!†Buzz: “…Dean? Do you mind telling me what the hell you’re doing piloting one of those… things?!†Dean: “That ‘thing’ is a Firespitter Elite class light fighter that we captured, somehow. I don’t know the specifics of it, but I do know this; it’s going to get me behind enemy lines.†Buzz: “Behind enemy lines?†Dean: “Firespitter has started work on their own space station, Buzz. I’ve been told to infiltrate and investigate, plus gather intel that otherwise would go amiss.†Buzz: “Oh really?†Dean: “I swear.†Buzz: “…†Buzz: “Alright, you’ve convinced me. Do you need to dock?†Dean: “I’ll need refuelling, yeah.†Buzz: “Bring yourself in, then.†Dean: “Is this depot automated?†Buzz: “Yeah. After the first spacedock was destroyed, it was decided to commission this little thing to host military starfighters instead of relying on another spacedock to accommodate us.†Dean: “Fair enough. Keeps any civilians and scientists out of trouble.†Buzz: “Exactly.†Half an orbit later… Dean: “I’m clear, beginning transfer.†Kenhat: “Good luck out there.†Buzz: “Anything you find, report it to us as well as control. It could prove very useful.†Dean: “You got it, Buzz. Hopefully I’ll see you sooner rather than later.†Buzz: “Aye.†One hour later… Firespitter station: “Incoming fighter, please transmit clearance codes.†Dean: “Copy that, transmitting now.†Firespitter station: “Hmm, an older code. I haven’t seen this one for a while. Still checks out, though, so you’re clear to dock.†Dean: “Roger that, beginning docking sequence.†Dean: “Docking successful.†Firespitter station: “We’re refuelling you now. Hey, did you hear about that fight the boss had with Krumer?†Dean: “A fight? What happened?†Firespitter station: “We’ve got the documents here if you want to have a look. Heck, I’ll send them to your ship’s computer.†Dean: “Ok then. Now, what have we here…†<LOADING> <LOADING> <DOCUMENT LOADED> Krumer: “Listen, Director, I want to talk to you about further service. I do believe we are winning against those space-faring fools, and that attack against their station was brilliant. I want to keep the pressure on them.†Miting: “You forget that that attack on their spacedock came at the cost of one of our pilot’s lives, as well as the mobilisation of further military units on their end. To continue to go on the offensive while we’re outgunned would be a fools errand.†Krumer: “You have the money I’m paying you to do this job, so I suggest you invest it in more ships than they have.†Miting: “It isn’t that simple. We don’t have the infrastructure necessary to mass-produce our ships unlike them, plus their weaponry is more advanced. I don’t think that pushing another obvious attack is the way forward just yet.†Krumer: “So, what do you propose?†Miting: “What do I propose? I propose that you get off our backs! You’re pushing us too hard, for crying out loud! Hell, it was your government that initially held us back before you came begging for our help!†Krumer: “Excuse me?†Miting: “You do recall your little raid on our facility, followed by the various sanctions?†Krumer: “Yes, of course I remember that.†Miting: “And then you came crawling to us because you saw that we weren’t giving up as a privateer organisation.†Krumer: “I saw your potential only after the raid and as those blithering idiots at KSC and MSI started really hassling me. I needed to get them off my back, so you seemed like a good choice.†Miting: “Wow, a compliment?†Krumer: “You’ll have no more if you maintain this attitude, Director!†Miting:â€ÂHey, you’re forgetting that you are the one who needs us! I could easily pull out of this contract if I so desire, and where would that leave you, hmm? Sat amongst a pile of criminal charges all directed at yourself. Before you even consider telling me what we should be doing when you know very well that you aren’t funding us near-enough to complete the goals you set out, think about who you are actually dealing with. I’m heading home. Good day, Krumer.†<DOCUMENT END. CLOSING> Dean: “Whoa. I didn’t know things were this delicate.†Firespitter station: “I know, right? I guess we up here are lucky to know such information. That said, we are the pinnacle of Firespitter technology; this station took a while to get prepared, and we need every scrap of information to fight off those KSC guys.†Dean: “Yeah… say, what’s that other ship docked here? I’ve never seen one of those before.†Firespitter station: “Well, obviously there’s the other Elite, but that there is a Scimitar fighter-bomber. Any cap ships that come our way will have a nasty surprise.†Dean: “Sounds good.†Firespitter station: “It does indeed, especially seeing as we have Director Miting and General Haddred visiting the station in the next few days. We need all the help we can get.†Dean: “Director Miting is coming here?†Firespitter station: “Yes, and he is most pleased with the rate of progress we’ve had.†Dean: “I’ll scout the area out once he arrives, then.†Firespitter station: “Good idea.â€Â
  24. lol no im not but i do sorta talk and look like him, luckily for me i put the drugs down a long time ago and i am much smarter than Badger
  25. Per HarvesteR's Talk at Unite 2013, Map View IS the scaled-down version of the Kerbal system which is also used for more distant terrain. Kerbin there is only 600 metres across, and only when the player is on or near the ground, a higher resolved patch of terrain is rendered in a different camera, then blended onto the panorama around the player. This is also likely the source of dodgy shadows of chutes when more distant terrain is looked at through the chute's lines, and when the remote shadow closes in on the actual object as it descends. It's there, then vanishes, then fades back in slowly. So, objects showing in Mapmode have a rather explainable chance to turn up on the surface.
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