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  1. For a long time in Kerbal Space Program, I have been wondering, is it possible to get into orbit in an SSTO in Real Solar System? I have done it myself with some certain mods, and I think that it is possible, but just barely. RULES: No Alt+F12, No Hyperedit, No editing the Save file Vacuum TWR cannot be greater than 0.8 for all possible engine combinations. (I want you to use Jet engines to get into space) Must Have Apoapsis and Periapsis above 140Km. Solid Rocket Boosters are allowed, but only to get you off the launchpad You may also have up to six radially detachable fuel tanks, but they must be decoupled before leaving the atmosphere. Proof that it is possible to get into Space in RSS with a plane SSTO: Edit: I actually have made it into orbit before with this, I just had some problems with it this time around. SCORING: 500 Points - Getting Into Orbit 300 Points - Bringing a Payload Into Orbit which weighs more than 1/3 Ton 500 Points - Bringing a Kerbal Into Orbit -400 Points - Dropped any parts over the course of the mission (An SSTO should not have any staging) 200 Points - Landing again +100 Points - Landed within 100 Km. of KSC +500 Points - Landed on Runway 500 Points - Getting into "High" Orbit 400 Points - Flyby of moon 1000 Points - Landing on moon +600 Points - Returning From Moon +700 Points - Planting Flag on Moon 300 Points - Escaping Kerbin's SOI 1000 Points - Per other Planet's Soi Entered 2000 Points Landing on another Planet +1000 Points Returning from another Planet 400 Points - Using Realism Overhaul Parts (The whole package including limited Ignitions) 601 Points - Using FAR (Aerodynamic failures are a hard workaround) 1000 Points - Using Stock Balanced Parts 2500 Points - Not having any mods except RSS If you do anything else that I consider point worthy on your mission, I will give you a variable amount of points based on how hard what you did was. HIGH SCORE BOARD: Me: 100 points MODS ALLOWED: RSS or any other planet packs that add to RSS (Duh) Realism Overhaul and all parts that come with it (Don't use it with other part mods though) Instell Incorporated Experimental Technologies B9 Aerospace Firespitter (Like you'd Need it) Mech Jeb or Kerbal Engineer (Flight Guidance is allowed on Mech Jeb) Venn's Stock Revamp Tweak Scale RLA Continued Raster Prop Monitor (Used For Iva Runs) KW Rocketry All Near Future Mods Ferram Aerospace Research Any other Part mod that is Stock balanced, and doesn't add any engines or fuel tanks that are more efficient than already existing parts. NOTICE: If you think any of the Rules should be changed, or that a new mod should be added to the list post it with your reply.
  2. Dear Everyone, I am wondering how to get to eeloo, I have made SSTOs that can make it to orbit with 6,900 meters a second in orbit, some with even over 7,000. The problem is landing, some of these crafts weigh around 350 or 400 tons, some 300 ton SSTOs have 3 nervas. The crafts I have created can't land on the Mun, what should I do to guarantee that the next SSTO I make will land on Eeloo. But another question I have is do I have to sacrifice delta V to land on Eeloo? Also I if you are wondering why I am using Mk3 parts, there is two reasons, the first reason is the mk3 cargo bay, it can carry rovers with wheels with decent wheels that are not made of space tooth picks or scraps from bouncy houses, the second reason is in my name, I LOVE THE MK3 PARTS, they hold lots of fuel and are just generally big, also making Mk3 SSTOs are easier for me than mk2 or mk1 sstos. Here is the SSTO Craft File:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3I_z4W2q1AGSjVIZEgxbjBrQ1U/view?usp=sharing Sincerely, Mk3 Maniac
  3. Hi, i've been playing KSP longtime, before 1.0, and surfing the forum sometimes i see here and there people talking about his SSTOs that can land Duna and return, for instance. I find quite challenging making a SSTO spaceplane that can orbit and land without spinning, once in a forgotten savegame i managed to create one able to land on minmus (or was just orbit?) and back, but never dreamed about interplanetary travel with a SSTO, i looks like magic to me. So, what advices and tips can you give me an us to achieve that high objective? thanks
  4. Hello Kerbal Community, Recently I've been trying to create a space plane on a heavily modded install of KSP version 1.2.2. However, it does not work. Any of the jet engines that I use (ie: whiplash or RAPIER) do not generate a high enough TWR and cause the plane to run out of fuel before ever making it to an orbit. I know that this is not a design flaw, becauseI I've tested a very similar SSTO Spaceplane in a stock version of KSP (also running 1.2.2) and it got to an orbit just fine, with plenty of fuel remaining. This leads me to believe that one of the mods that I have installed is causing the jet engines to work less efficiently, and/or causing a tremendous amount of atmospheric drag. I do not have FAR installed. Below is a link to a picture that shows my game data folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6FVkmwt4jGnSmNVaG1kdWlGN28 Can someone please explain to me why this is happening and how I can fix it? Thank you very much, R_Aerospace!
  5. I have this vessel and intend to improve it a bit, adding a bit of extra deltaV in orbit , a docking port, and some RCS. Higher tech may be used but I prefer to avoid (specially I'm not going for the simpler solution: RAPIER). The main question is if there is any hope to extract more juice from the spark+whiplash combo or should I just change to stronger rockets? If the later, how do you think a single Thud will fare? I feel that 2 Thud may be a bit to much for that small craft, but using 2 terrier means 2 stack of 1.25m. Thank in advance for any input.
  6. I have struggled for quite a long time to create a mining SSTO that could get itself to Laythe, and fly around... until I can be bothered to bring the Kerbals back. The process has resulted in many failures, all looking relatively like this one: I usually run into one of three or so problems. 1: Not enough TWR to reach orbit. 2: Not enough DV to reach orbit. 3. Flops around on the runway until it blows up. (Or fails to take off...) I usually find it too heavy to take off, so I add more wings. I then find it too heavy for the jet engines to effectively carry, struggling to make orbit, or unable to get fast enough. If I do manage to ever get it into orbit, I do not have enough TWR to go anywhere. I have been inspired by the SSTO in this Reddit post but even when replicating it as accurately as possible I find it impossible to takeoff the runway, or otherwise orbital TWR is less than 0.1 which I find unacceptable (yet still without enough Delta-V to get anywhere). Should I try using the smaller refinery and drills? Is there anything I can do to try and improve my designs? Thanks.
  7. Hello All, I recently learned that I'm heading back to school to do some postgraduate study and I need an excuse to revise and touch up my MATLAB skills. Simultaneously I have been grappling with the SSTO design problem and the fact that I cannot find any tools that will guide me in the design of an SSTO and payload. My thought is that while fluid dynamics was not my strong suit (I am a mechanical engineer) the simplified modelling of KSP should make this a reasonable endeavour with a bit of research. My a first step will be to produce an aircraft design tool that I will input a desired payload, ceiling and perhaps a few other parameters and the program will output required thrust, lift surface area and required coefficient of friction. In this way, the 'art' of aircraft design still exists because you have to design something within those parameter (x lift surface, y kN of thrust etc) so but at least the science gives you a starting point. Would be keen for thoughts, guidance, advice or be pointed at any existing tools. Good flying
  8. Dear Everyone, I have created this beast, big ,slightly excessive this craft could use some improvement. The unnecessary oxidizer tanks are there to make the craft stable when taking off by moving oxidizer towards the back while leaving the front empty, so it can be stable when drained of fuel and filled with fuel. I haven't tested it yet, but I hope for good advice from the KSP community. So what Improvements can I make to improve the range and maneuverability. This craft "should" be Laythe Capable Here is a picture Sincerely Mk3 Maniac
  9. Anyone ever tried to build a craft that would be able to do everything you would as it? Like for example launch from Kerbin, land on Eve, refuel, then relaunch from Eve, go on Laythe, refuel, then go on [...]? Is it possible? I thought something that would have around 20k dV, 1.5 TWR & 1.00 SLT when simulated from Eve (since it would be the hardest land/relaunch right?), but it seems like it's harder than harder said than done. I have been struggling for a couple of hours now trying to figure out how I could get the most dV out of this beauty but you know. Here's my work yet, any ideas for increasing the efficiency? And yes this can all hold up together, all it needs are some struts that I will add at the end : I'd really like to keep the ring theme, and add docking ports on the side with comm modules on top. Also there are missing Science items but that can added after making everything launchable.
  10. Welcome to my thread(I'm new to the forums) and here I post my big, small and everything in between creations
  11. Know this would suck up my gaming time from my 0.235 rescue mission, I've started playing 1.2, and doing it with kOS to boot. R&D has just started studies on mixed cycle engine, and fuselages larger than Mk2. The latest production jet engine, the J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet has allowed the creation of a more efficient Single Stage to Orbit Spaceplane than The Reliant (powered by the "Panther" and "Reliant" engines). This along with the new Shock Cone intake lead to the design and production of the 3rd SSTO model, with the ability to accelerate at higher altitudes. In order to keep the CoM somewhat centered after the majority of the propellant mass was used up, the Whiplash engines were placed on the wingtips, as far forwards as possible. This gave the craft a distinctive shape, leading to the name, "The Diamond." Also, the Design Department was sick of SR-71 knock-offs. After many launch "simulations," a good ascent profile was developed for The Diamond. This was programmed into a kOS sequencer, and consisted of 10 steps, including a drop in altitude to accelerate past 400 m/s to "jumpstart" the Whiplash. The SSTO was able to achieve an 80km orbit with about 500 m/s delta-V to spare or 150km with 380 m/s. A new de-orbit program was created, and 2 launches were performed with orbital altitudes of 80km, and 150km (to match the Curie Space Station). The Automated Landing Program originally made for The Reliant was used successfully both times resulting in safe landings at KSC. (vaguely sung to the tune of "The Bonnie Ship the Diamond" made popular by The Corries, though I prefer the Gaelic Storm version). The Diamond's a spaceship me lads, To orbit straight she's boun', At KSC she is all garnished with auto-struts aroun' Jebediah gives the order, To orbit far and wide, Where the Sun it oft'n sets me lads, And darkness dims the sky And it's cheer up me lads, ne'r yer struts be breakin' For the Bonnie Ship The Diamond goes a fishin' for kraken! (sorry, out of lyrics. Also, got a bit of help from /u/morpheus1229 on that last bit on the chorus) After the two shake-down cruises, The Diamond's first real mission came up. To prepare for the first landing on Minmus, Gene wants to bring down veteran Scientist and Engineer Bill and Bob from Curie Orbital Akademy and Gas Station. Also, we need one other redshirt. To help finance this operation, a Tourist Contract was accepted for an Orbital Adventure. (that's The Defiant attached in this older photo) En route to the station, Jebediah is tasked to capture an empty capsule or cabin, which will be converted to a re-entry pod at Curie. The Diamond seats 2 in the cockpit, and 2 in the cargo hold. With the addition of the re-entry pod, there's enough space for everyone that needs to go planet-side. And to get one more thing in, a "Rescue a Part" mission was also accepted. Previous attempts to KLAW the PAL Humpback Truss with the standard sized KLAW were unsuccessful. Mission Control hopes the new "Baby KLAW" (Tweakscale) will have better luck. That totals 5 Mission Objectives Retrieve 3 kerbals from Curie Orbital Akademy and Gas Station Retrieve an empty pod from Kerbin Orbit and bring to Curie Station Release the converted pod for re-entry (Bill thrown in there) Give a Tourist an orbital adventure Rescue a module from Kerbin Orbit The two orbital retrieval missions will require a number of Hohmann Transfers, using up precious fuel. The plan was to do a partial refuel at Curie. As you can see, all mission objectives were accomplished! Looks like the Landing Script couldn't stick the landing. I suspect with manually pumping fuel in, and after the Part Rescue, too little fuel was left, compared to the previous successful landing runs. This lead to some instability, which fed into the ascent/descent PID Loop in the landing program, causing pitching oscillations. Eventually the craft did a back-flip, one engine flamed out, leading to an accelerating upside-down flat spin. This actually slowed the fall down, likely due to the left generated (like Helicopter?). Descent speed was less than 50 m/s until fuel ran out near the ground. Most of the expensive parts survived, and they made it within 35 km of KSC. Val likes to point out she did better in her SSTO crash landing from Orbit.
  12. I have attempted many a spaceplane, but I have never managed to get one to orbit that uses jet engines. (For some reason, I can get ones to orbit that use only rockets, but... not jets.) I believe that it is my launch profile and ascent. What I currently do is I rise to about 10-12k, then accelerate nearly as fast as I can, avoiding blowing up to reentry. I then try to rise to a 5-15 degree angle, but I never manage to make an apoapsis above the atmosphere before the jets flame out. When they do flame out, my apoapsis is usually below 30km, and I am unable to get out of the atmosphere with whatever weak rockets I added. When I add heavier rockets, I either do not get enough speed using the jets, or I no longer have enough DV to circularize once out of the atmosphere. Adding more DV means more weight, which results in the first problem again. When I just eliminate the jets entirely, I can just make orbit with about 200 delta V spare, using the standard rocket gravity turn. What is a good ascent profile for SSTOs, and what other good tips are there for building them? EDIT: I should probably add that I haven't unlocked Rapiers yet in my Career save.
  13. STS - Pegasus II A more specialized Shuttle with a recoverable SSTO lifter... It's not very easy to fly and max payload is only 18T, but can perform a variety of missions, including interplanetary transport... Download: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/STS---Pegasus-II
  14. I have been playing KSP for a while now, but I have never managed to make an SSTO. the most recent SSTO that I made, it was partially successful, but it would not climb beyond 14km. when I start leveling out to gain speed, I need to angle my craft at 20 Degree angle to get the prograde marker to 0. if I straighten out more, I will start falling. when I get my Prograde to 0 Degrees, I am still losing speed! I made a mod to the craft (2 ramjets that I can detach, to help with the accent) and I still have the issue! I have looked on youtube and the forums for help, but nothing has helped me so far... I tried downloading SSTOcraft files as well... Please help me! Craft file: https://mega.nz/#!igI0gaIa!aUSLBf1D8VNdZ16HzjNJro6oqfI7PQmG_jBhJiVk_Z4
  15. Prompted by a lengthy discussion over on @KerikBalm's "near-future scifi" thread, I created a rather beefy Excel table to model the performance and fuel fraction of a nuclear-thermal turbocharged ramrocket engine, to get an idea of what might be possible for SSTO applications. The spreadsheet worked so well that I expanded it out to provide fuel fractions for a wide range of engine types using various propellant combinations If you want to build an SSTO, you've gotta be able to fit into these fuel fractions. No getting around it. These are, within error, the absolute minimum fuel fractions you'll need to make orbit. If the table says a given fuel fraction is 85.5%, then you've gotta fit your engines, tanks, airframe, and payload (plus margins and recovery hardware) into the remaining 14.5% of GLOW. Note that I didn't even include the values for a "true" airbreather (e.g., turbojet/ramjet/scramjet), because the thrust losses of combusting the airstream while still trying to accelerate make net performance far, far worse than even a pure rocket design. With no further ado, here's the table! Fuel fractions for SSTO Precooled Turbocharged Air-augmented Rocket only NTR (H2O) N/A 72.3% 73.2% 83.1% NTR (LH2) 47.9% 48.9% 49.7% 63.7% Hydrolox 79.8% 80.7% 81.5% 89.0% Methalox 85.5% 85.9% 86.6% 92.3% Kerolox N/A 89.1% 89.7% 94.3% Visually: Each SSTO ascent profile is constructed around a base assumption of 7.8 km/s to orbit, plus 750 m/s of gravity drag and 750 m/s of air drag. The NTRs are Tantalum Halfnium Carbide pebble-bed reactors operating at slightly over 4400 K; basically the best thing we could actually build with modern tech. Assumed specific impulses: NTR (H2O): 469 s at SL, 555 s in vacuum NTR (LH2): 820 s at SL, 971 s in vacuum Hydrolox: 366 s at SL, 452 s in vacuum Methalox: 334 s at SL, 382 s in vacuum Kerolox: 282 s at SL, 348 s in vacuum Additional notes... Rocket only. This is provided mostly for comparison. It is assumed that a rapid climb is used to leave the atmosphere as soon as possible, with peak specific impulse and zero drag being reached around 2 km/s. This design invariably has the worst fuel fraction but allows the highest TWR engines. As mentioned above, altitude compensation is assumed; specific impulse climbs linearly to 2 km/s before plateauing at the vacuum value. Air-augmented. This is an optimally designed intake shroud/duct with area behind the duct for expansion. A 22% static thrust boost is assumed due to pressure entrainment. Thrust augmentation reaches 100% around Mach 1.75, then begins to drop around Mach 6, decreasing to zero at the exhaust velocity of the actual engine. Aerodynamic drag is higher, at 800 m/s, and is spread out over a larger range of airspeeds, with vacuum specific impulse being reached much later. This represents a large fuel fraction gain for a fairly modest decrease in engine TWR. Specific impulse starts at slightly higher than the vacuum isp, then rises rapidly before dropping gradually. Turbocharged. This adds a single-stage compressor fan to the shroud inlet. The increase in static thrust is substantial, allowing a physically smaller engine, but there is only a fractional improvement in net fuel fraction, as the fan is only useful to about Mach 2. Because the fan intake is more demanding than a ram intake, the design and vehicle integration may prove to cost significantly more in dry mass than it saves. However, the turbocharger can (in principle) be used alone as a ducted fan for a hover-light landing, which is a nice and very efficient advantage if you're looking for that (e.g., with an integrated-cabin manned launch vehicle). Aerodynamic drag increases to 850 m/s. Precooled. This is the design employed by SABRE, albeit without combustion of the airstream. Precooling the intake air allows the compressor fan to operate up to Mach 5 with hydrogen and Mach 3 with densified methane, with a corresponding improvement in fuel fraction. Water and kerosene are excluded, for obvious reasons. Dry mass penalty will be hefty, though. For those who REALLY want to nerd out, here are the specific impulse curves, using hydrolox as an example: And here are samples of the drag curves with respect to velocity:
  16. I've been building SSTOs, and have made a slightly successful model, that isn't an SSTO, but is very close with 2 recoverable SRBs giving it the extra kick it needs. What would be an optimal fuel-engine-wing combination for an SSTO, and what would be an optimal platform?
  17. I've been designing this SSTO to go to Minmus for the past few days, and I've encountered a problem that I just can't seem to solve. Even with the center of lift behind the center of mass, the plane flips over upon liftoff like the COm is in front of the COL. Does anyone know what's going on? I've tried everything and it doesn't seem to work. Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vt720udwauxqzkg/Minmus Aircraft Mrk_ 2.craft?dl=0 Mods needed: OPT Space Plane Parts
  18. The thread where I will post all my designs and progress of my crafts! (With The Help Of Many Mods Of Course) ISE Dauntless [SSTO] Body, & propulsion systems will consist of parts from [Mark IV Spaceplane System] Wings, & lifting surface parts will consist of parts from [B9 Procedural Wings] So far.... Progress Report I Progress Report II
  19. I'm trying to make a small unmanned science plane mainly for use on Laythe as part of a larger ship. The idea is that it undocks and leaves orbit, flies around doing science, then returns to orbit to dock with the main ship. I've seen a number of small SSTOs, but they are usually just an exercise in minimalism, and can't actually do anything useful. For this mission, it needs to hold a bunch of science, have the endurance and control to fly around, land at various sites, and still get back to orbit, rendezvous, and then be able to dock. (I guess it doesn't have to be unmanned, but I'm finding them to be lighter.) Additionally, I'm trying to keep clipping and exploits down to a minimum. Oh, also using stock KSP. I've got a working design down to 9 tons, but now I'm stuck. I have a few candidates in the 5-6 ton range using various combinations of engines, but they can never quite seem to get to orbital velocity, let alone have some reserves. Current design features: 9 tons Rapier main engine - To get to orbit 2x Juno - For efficient cruising RC-001S RGU - Probe core that also collects science Service Bay: Various science Small Monopropellant - Docking, additional dv 2x Retractable solar panels - So as not to run out of power in orbit 2x Small batteries - Power reserves Liquid fuel: 300 units Lq/Ox fuel: 225 units (Lq unit equivalent) So, any ideas for getting this thing down to, say, 5 tons? Less? Is it even possible?
  20. Playing Career mode in 1.2, and still getting use to some of the new mechanics. I haven't unlocked the ramjet, much less the RAPIER yet, so best that I have is the Panther. I found I was having too much aerodynamic drag with radially mounted engines, so I did what I could with having my engines in line, using the parts I've go unlocked so far. Obviously, I needed bilateral symmetry for the engines, but couldn't make it fit having two engine types - a Reliant and the Panther. So I went with symmetry on a 45° angle. For some reason, I couldn't get this thing to go down the runway in anything close to straight, so I ended up launching it off clamps, which required a quick boost from the rocket engines. I've since worked out a better SSTO, but thought this was interesting enough to share. Something else interesting, is I've been playing with kOS, and created an Ascent Sequence Program, where I input different altitudes, what angle to pitch to, and action groups to activate. After many different ascent profiles, I've managed to get this thing into orbit with a whopping 42 m/s delta-V to spare. I was able to rendezvous and rescue two lost astronauts. Problem was re-entry. Turns out, I'm not use to the new heat mechanic, and the cockpit would overheat and explode when entering prograde. I even tried keeping my angle up and slowing down as much as possible in the upper atmosphere. It's possible I could have eventually figured something out, but I eventually tried going in retro so Jeb wouldn't melt, then tried to flip 180°. That flip didn't happen, and instead I plummeted tail end first, but fired my engines slowing me to about 55 m/s when I hit the ground. Jeb and the rescuees survived! Good enough for now.
  21. A few months ago, I created this medium tech ssto, the Voodoo Ray, based off Panther and NERV tech only. I got worried that it's too challenging too fly for your average pilot, because my instructions talk about flying it with pitch trim to maintain target AoA within a few degrees. It probably won't make orbit if you deviate too far from the optimum. So, I set about making the Auto Ray. It's wings are angled so it makes enough lift to fly when the SAS is set to prograde hold. However, it has a trim flap, deployable via action group (RCS button), which toggles the plane between high lift mode (nose about 2.3 degrees above prograde even when set to prograde hold) and low drag mode (nose follows prograde almost exactly). Other than making occasional aileron adjustments to keep wings level, it is possible to fly this to orbit without touching the flight controls at all, only staging engines and toggling the trim flap at certain flight regimes. Here's the thing - should i give instructions telling people exactly when to toggle the flap, or just tell them to play it by ear and trust their judgement? Here's the "play it by ear" version of the launch advice - And here's the craft file - https://kerbalx.com/AeroGav/Auto-Ray Video of me launching it -
  22. I am build a large space station with mostly 2.5m parts and I need a SSTO to carry this parts to orbit and dock them in to postition. Please if an SSTO that meets the criteria in the title please provide a Kerbalx link below
  23. Hey folks, I've been playing KSP since 1.2.2 and I've managed to get rocket launching pretty much sorted (stock game, no mods, except AFPW, to get my Saitek HOTAS to work properly), but man, I appear to be utterly useless at space-plane design/flight. I've designed a number of regular planes, which all fly just fine (I do have some experience in full size and model aircraft), but for the life of me, I simply *cannot* get any of my space-plane designs (SSTO specifically) into orbit successfully. I can get them *close*....and I mean *really* close, but I just always end up running out of rocket fuel. I've watched countless YT videos from guys who seem to just point the thing at the sky and blast off into orbit with no drama whatsoever, but my designs all seem to just barely struggle to the upper atmosphere, then invariably fall *just* short of making it into a stable orbit. The closest I've managed to get is an AP of about 72k, but didn't have enough fuel left to circularise. IIRC I managed to get to about 12 or 13K PE before it ran dry. One thing that most of the videos I've seen have in common is the ability to accelerate at the mid-flight stage to well in excess of 400 to 500m/s, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get much beyond the 300m/s mark. I've tried adding more and various engines, but I either end up running out of fuel too fast, or being too heavy to climb steep enough to make it out of the thicker part of the atmosphere in time. I've managed to find a couple of *really* good posts in the tutorials section for how to get rockets to launch with the most efficient profile, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that for space-planes/SSTO. Can someone point me to anything like that? Or perhaps share their 'hot tips' on space-plane design, so I can try to work out where I'm going wrong? I'd rather not just download someone's craft file and go fly. I'm rather enjoying the challenge of building/flying stuff by having to do the trial and error process myself, but I've run out of ideas for SSTO. Cheers,
  24. Hello all. Ive recently been refining my spaceplane building and flying (particularly cargo lifters), and come to a question regarding ascent profile. I normally keep a quite shallow ascent to keep the speed up for the rapiers to keep their 200+ Kn of thrust. When nearing the 10 Km mark, i try to gain as much speed as possible with a shallow climb. Now at what point do you switch the rapiers to close cycle mode? I've found that I can get up to 1520m/s depending on the heat tolerance of the parts used, but the last ~40m/s are gained very slowly. Am I better switching to close cycle at some point before this? And the main question: when switching to close cycle, do you pitch up, if so, how much? I've found that often I loose a lot of speed in the pitch manouvre, and I feel like I might just keep going straight (actually about 5-10 degrees of positive pitch)- the curvature of Kerbin and the speed you'redoing by now will guarantee you leave the atmosphere soon anyways.
  25. Specs: 2 crew, 4 passengers 2.400ms Dv after reach 100km Kerbin orbit Docking and Solar panels Docking RCS displacement (easy docking manoeuvres) Round Trip Kerbin Base -> MÜN/Minmus orbit -> moon to planet tranfer orbit, Kerbin orbit and reentry burn / engine landing assist to Kerbin Base TakeOff advices fly 10° pitch until reached 8000mt altitude change pitch to 15° at 8000mt altitude change pitch to 20° after at 3000 (when the R.A.P.I.E.R. toggle) finalise circularisation using Nerva Engine (key1) Keys Toggle Nerva Toggle R.A.P.I.E.R. Toggle R.A.P.I.E.R. Mode Open docking and extend Solar Panels Landing advices if you are using MechJeb (not included on ship file) select KSP and change the target longitude to 73° On atmosphere set SAS to RAD+ and keep turn angle to 0° at 30.000 set to prograde and start landing manoeuvres (or activate SpacePlane autolanding) Download here https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/translunar-crew-transport
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