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  1. The condition to have an rt-10 on your vessel is not checked, I tried everything I can think of and it is still showing that I don't have it attached(at had 6 of them.
  2. I am on the newest version of ksp and don't use any mods. no engine, except for the small ones with integrated fuel tanks, is working. Does anyone know what to do when they work? It will help me very much. Thanks for your awnsers.
  3. I have been having a bug that makes it so I cannot pause. I have tried changing the key bindings, but that has done nothing. This bug started happening yesterday.
  4. So for a while now i have been having this issue where it says "Physics easing in progress" and my crafts apoapsis keeps rising. here is a video showing the bug, you can see it rise at 0:13 and 1:20. https://imgur.com/a/ch66twe and my mods folder. I would really appreciate if someone helped me fix this bug EDIT: this also happens without mods too so yea
  5. I am currently experiencing a bug with Scatterer were the ground and the KSC DISSAPEARS Oh and also, it is in flight too. I have tried so many things to NO AVAIL, I have made 3 new installs, have tried to reinstall scatterer COUNTLESS times, have made sure to be using DX11, changing game versions, spending an hour sifting through my log only to find "Eve shaderloader type not found" which when searched shows NOTHING, and spending hours going around the forums trying to fix this. You may be thinking, "Oh its probably a software issue my friend" BUT no less than a month ago scatterer worked perfectly fine and had good frames but just recently it [snip] itself to a horrid extreme. I have indeed had this problem in the past but that could be fixed by reinstalling scatterer or deleting the atmosphere cache folder. I have uninstalled ALL my mods and used all the "fixes" provided to me by my friends but to no avail. Please god help me my sanity is being sand blasted by this bug and scatterer has became the bane of my existence. I have 2 options, 1. accept that KSP without scatterer looks like absolute [snip] or 2. find a fix for this horrendous bug. I am running on 1.12.2 I have tried 1.12.1 and 1.11.1 AND 1.10.1 no dice
  6. My PS4 version KSP keeps stuck at "Continue Saved Game" when ever I try to play it, I've deleted it and download back several time. Do they stop support the game or what can I do?
  7. So basically, I installed Scatterer for KSP, and it looks pretty good! But there is a problem, Duna looks terrible. Basically, the only way to describe it is that the orange atmosphere fills the crevasses and makes Duna look like it has bright orange stripes running through it. Also, this might be the reason, but I didn't use CKAN to install Scatterer, I just extracted the ZIP File.
  8. Jogo KSP desde a versão 0.20, minha maquina é bem lixosa mas sempre rodou bem o jogo nas configurações baixas, mas da versão 1.0 adiante tem apresentado um bug de textura em apenas algumas peças e algumas das peças que apresentam o bug não funcionam, como por exemplo o para-quedas. Foto do bug loco. Minhas configurações( velhas por preguiça de atualizar): Windows XP; Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU; E5500 @ 2.80GHz 2.81GHz; 1,99 de RAM; Direct3D 9.0c [igxprd32.dll]; Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family Será o bug acontece pela incapacidade do meu PC de carregar os items? ou tem outro jeito de conseguir? Me ajudem!! Obrigado
  9. So I launched a Jool misison with the goal of landing on Laythe for the first time. I park in a 105km orbit, dock the mothership and lander, so far so good. I'm not in an ideal spot to launch so I timewarp to the Jool transfer window, but halfway through the warp it stops because I have entered Kerbin's atmosphere. I'm confused but ok, maybe I made a little mistake somewhere. I quickload to the start of the warp and raise my orbit to 130km just to be safe. I double check that my RCS is off and all my engines are manually shut down. OK good to go for timewarp. For extra safety I stop the warp halfway to check my orbital height and what do you know, my orbit has changed from a stable 130 to 85km periapsis and 160km or so apo. I did nothing, and there is no atmospheric drag or anything that could have influenced my orbit. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
  10. So, to get on the subject, I've been trying to play for a few days, but there's a mod that replaces the default kerman with new ones, which is completely bugging the astronaut complex, if anyone knows what it is, let me know , pls. There are my installed mods: 000_ClickThroughBlocker 000_Harmony 001_ToolbarControl 999_KSP-Recall AnimatedDecouplers AtmosphereAutopilot B9PartSwitch Bluedog_DB CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree CustomPreLaunchChecks FASA FShangarExtender Kartoffelkuchen KerbalJointReinforcement KerbalKonstructs KerbalReusabilityExpansion KerbinSideRemastered KSCExtended KSCHarbor Launchers Pack LunaMultiplayer MechJeb2 ModularLaunchPads NearFutureAeronautics and others 8 of near future mods OSSNRT SpaceDust SpaceY-Expanded SpaceY-Lifters Squad SquadExpansion StationPartsExpansion StationPartsExpansionRedux TextureReplacer TundraExploration TundraSpaceCenter TweakScale Waterfall XyphosAerospace ZeroMiniAVC 999_Scale_Redist.dll ModuleManager.4.2.2.dll Everything here is in my GameData folder. (I discovered that the bug was caused by an bugged save)
  11. i was trying to launch my sea dragon replica but when i get into space the apoapsis starts to increase despite the engines and rcs being off. its really annoying but i have no idea how to fix it.
  12. I have an uncrewed miner with 6 drill juniors that is mining an asteroid at the supposed rate of 0.06 units of ore/s (which would mean that my ship would be gaining 0.6Kg/s while the asteroid loses that amount) but the asteroid is losing a bit more than 1Kg/s. At this point I thought that the junior drills would be very inefficient but no, something even weirder is happening: the total mass is increasing. To sum up, the drills are extracting at lower than expected rate of ore and therefore my ship is gaining less than expected rate of ore, the asteroid is losing ore at a higher than expected rate, but the total mass of ship + asteroid is increasing (there's no conservation of mass)
  13. While messing around with pistons i tried to use them as a spring and i noticed a piston (my pistons' settings: https://imgur.com/a/SNFH4st) was very VERY VERY stretchy https://imgur.com/a/jDKIWRr its also very buggy that high in the sky.
  14. Recently, I've been having trouble while attempting to startup the game. The game seems to be working fine when going through the loading screen, but when the main menu loads up, I am unable to click any menu buttons. I've tried changing the screen resolution and taking some mods from the GameData, but nothing appeared to work. I've uploaded the log file and a screenshot of the current mods down below. Please notify me if there is a fix to this issue. The log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hcBhUYLLfz7O0hGwe5Txlnzh9GrMxAAh/view?usp=sharing
  15. Sooo Akatsuki lake is supposed to be a biome on Eve, but it isn't, but it is???? On https://kerbal-maps.finitemonkeys.org/ it is displayed as a separate biome, but I heard that in game it doesn't show it as a separate biome (it says foothills). Now I am just really confused. Can someone explain what the heck is this lake? Some links of maps that provide some interesting evidence (use biome mode) A tiny bit supposed to be Akatsuki lake: https://kerbal-maps.finitemonkeys.org/?body=Eve&loc=35.113310220547817,108.54618043543216,Pin A big chunk supposed to be Akatsuki lake: https://kerbal-maps.finitemonkeys.org/?body=Eve&loc=49.255056,100.00258,Pin In the same way, Craters biome is also very cursed. This crater and a few around it are supposed to be Crater: https://kerbal-maps.finitemonkeys.org/?body=Eve&loc=-18.38459, 147.705002,Pin Final question: [Without mods] Can you actually collect data from these biomes or at least be physically at them?
  16. Hey, First of all, apologies if I posted it in the wrong section in this forum. So, I was playing the game today after a successful install of RealSolarSystem, Realism Overhaul, and whole plethora of other mods. But when I try to make my own probe, I noticed that the 'stock' solar panels were bugged and were misbehaving? the panels were fully extended the moment I took the panels out from the part selector and won't close unless I pressed extend and retract. At first, i thought this was "Oh, it is just mods being mods." as I had known that some of my mods were Solar Panels or Electricity related mods, like Near Future Solar, etc. So I retracted the panels just in case if it got extended at flight, in which would destroy the panels if it got fully extended mid flight. But guess what? The panels were extended mid flight, soon after I left the VAB for the launchpad regardless of whether I retracted the panels in the VAB or not. Which surely resulted in my solar panel's destruction when I opened the fairing. I tested the panels on a probe and i noticed that it wasn't making any power, despite it was fully opened and the panels instantly closed itself when i pressed 'Extend panel' before the proper extending animation played out and the panels were 'trully' extended. I suspect that the game thinks the panels were fully retracted, but in reality, the panels were opened. I was quite frustrated as my options were limited to non-stock solar panels, which were extremely oversized for my probes. Is there any solutions to this before i resort to reinstalling all the mods? I have made a lot of changes to the RSS configs (I added some custom launch sites and ground stations for Real Antennas mod and that's probably all), and installed tonnes of mods. it would be tedious to re-apply those configs again if i were to reinstall all the mods. I have tried reinstalling Kopernicus and it fixes nothing. What could be the cause of this bug? Here is a brief video proof of the bug happening, feel free to let me know if need more videos of the bug happening : And here is the log of that particular session (The video file above were recorded and saved on 8:51:27 AM [08:51:27 - 24 hour format]) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pjUOpwUngeluZI8kb4ma5spKUL0mDoWm/view?usp=sharing My mod (GameData) folder : https://imgur.com/a/P6mMRJR Lastly, thanks for the attention. Apologies if there are grammatical errors in my topic, I'm not a native English speaker whatsoever.
  17. I installed some visual mods to make my game a bit nicer to look at, but now I found out the kerbals visors are pink. I dont know why, or what mods are doing this. help? Here is a screenshot that I had to upload as artwork because Steam Overlay hates me and is broken: Installed mods: (As seen in the GameData folder) BoulderCo CalmNebula EnviromentalVisiualEnchancements KerbalVisiualEnhancements Kopernicus ModularFlightIntegrator Reflections & Skybox scatterer Squad (of course) TextureReplacer
  18. I'm pretty new to ksp I started using mods recently (i'll give you the list of the ones im using) and now every time i spawn a spaceplane or a rocket using parts from the OPT mod it goes to the speed of light and explode any idea on how to solve this? Mod list: Near Future Props MechJeb2 OPT SCANsat SpaceY Lifters Station Parts Expansion Redux Romfarer B9PartSwitch and Module Manager Just by taking a look at my mods folder i saw i have 2 Module Manager dll is it bad ? Is that the problem or should i not care ?
  19. So i bought the game a couple of days ago but the controller control scheme seemed to me more complicated than the m&k original controls, I've been trying m&k connected before the bot up but the game only registers the keyboard or the mouse but not both at the same time, no matter what usb port i try for each. Is there any way to resolve this? maybe using an adaptor to connect both to one usb port?
  20. I am making a mod right now and I have encountered some bugs that I cant seem to solve. This gas planet is having lighting issues Planet texture bugging out bad
  21. so I used the new ground anchor to create a core point for a Mun base I'm making, and I've landed and attached the living module, as seen in the left photo, however, whenever I quicksave and load, switch to a far away craft and back, or just boot up KSP, the anchor and the module are suddenly floating, as seen in the picture on the right, and it only happens when the module is docked, even if I undock the module after the fact, the core just remains floating, has anyone else experienced this bug?
  22. Please, can someone check if this bug also happens for you? Have 2 heavy vessels (A and B) with biggest docking ports already docked, set the alignment for each port to extreme values (Amax- Bmax, Amin-Bmin, Amax-Bmin, Amin-Bmax), undock and redock (A+B). Does the whole vessel (A+B) break in two or more pieces?
  23. Hello! Not too long ago i've tried playing Kerbal Space Program again, well i have all of the DLC's on but... the screen stays on "loading expansion". I have no mods enabled since i've actually never modded the game (yet, i wanted to do it tho.) Is there any possible fix to this? would love the help.
  24. When duplicating multiple parts in both the SPH and VAB, all parts attached to the one I duplicated are offset in random directions and it really slows down larger builds. Here is a simple plane with no offsetting suffering from the bug. I had all of my mods installed before the bug started, so it doesn't seem like they were the problem, but here they are anyway: BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont 2.3.13) ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1: Distant Object Enhancement Continued (DistantObject v2.0.3.1) Distant Object Enhancement Continued default config (DistantObject-default v2.0.3.1) Docking Cam (DockingCamKURS Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.3) Environmental Visual Enhancements - Stock Planet Config files (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR 2:EVE-1.2.2-1) Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3: Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next (KerbalJointReinforcementNext v4.1.15) KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0.2.2.1) ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.1) PlanetShine (PlanetShine PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0831) Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0831) Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0831) Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1: TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.4.6.8) VesselMover Continued (VesselMoverContinued v1.12.0) Waterfall Core (Waterfall 0.8.1) Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:
  25. everytime i try to use tweakscale. the crew dissapears making the craft unusable, i can only use unmanned probes. can anyone help?
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