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  1. Methinks I have found part of the problem. The game is intermittently flipping the prograde and retrograde buttons. Prograde shows as the position of the ship but it is pointed retrograde, and vice versa. Not always but just once in a while. I hired 4 new crew and am taking them around to level them up. Loaded them up into a MK2 and went to Mun, flag, Minmus, flag with no issues. Off to Ike and nothing but trouble. When doing the retro burn into Ike orbit the ship was flipped and it ended up out in solar orbit again. In the map view it looked like the earlier Jool burn with an orbit suddenly showing up and then flipping. Now I have to visually check the ship before every burn.
  2. I have tried launching rockets from aircraft and a dirigible (courtesy of HL airships + Heisenburg) but they keep flipping out of control when the engines ignite. First I used a RT-10 as a first stage and then a similarly sized liquid fueled second stage. It flipped out of control before I could activate staging. Then I used a single stage rocket in similar size to a RT-10. It also flipped out of control, causing it to lose altitude before running out of fuel.
  3. So I built this giant spaceplane with huge wing system, about 19 Rapier engines, and 1 NERV nuclear engine. It keeps on flipping out after it lifts from the runway, and it takes the full runway. can anyone help me?
  4. Hey all, I am having problems making a return vehicle that won't flip on re-entry. The closest I've gotten is 28,000 m from a 200,000 m circular orbit. I have a couple of parameters that are important for my return vehicle, and I am hoping I can get some suggestions. I *have* read the entries on flipping rockets (or not flipping them, as the case may be), but I've had little luck getting the vehicle to not flip. The only mods I am using are DRE, RCS Build Aid, SETI Probe Parts, and Station Parts Expansion Redux and their appropriate dependencies (TweakScale, etc). You can find the .craft file here: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-yfUB-64QbAPkq90q-w The vehicle is basically a mk 1 capsule on top of a mk 1 crew compartment on top of a PPD Hitchhiker on top of a 2.75 m (tweaked) heatshield. (Note: ignore the decoupler, fuel tank, and engine. They are only present for testing and are not part of the actual vehicle.). The CoL seems to be behind the CoM on entry. I have tried moving the CoL forward and back, using fins. I have added additional weight directly under the shield (my DCoM isn't that different than my CoM, thanks to the relatively heavy Hitchhiker). I have added an additional (small) reaction wheel (which is what got me down below 30,000 m). In my actual career, I *don't* have access to bigger reaction wheels. Steps I take. From a circular 200km orbit, deorbit to a 30,000m PE. Decouple test engine and begin descent. Hold retrograde with SAS until explosion. I have tried RCS on and off, precision and full power modes. I want to avoid rolling the vessel for spin stabilization for roleplay reasons. I do not want to move o a lower orbit first or skip in the atmosphere and lower the AP. Suggestions?
  5. I am landed and stable on minmus, I either send my pilot on EVA, or just turn off SAS and my lander starts spinning and bouncing off toward the horizon. Video here: https://twitter.com/GalbinusCaeli/status/1025975403951742976
  6. Hi all, this issue is occurring on an Xbox, I'm trying to do rescue missions in low kerbin orbit. I am using a Mk1 command pod, with an attached Mk1 crew cabin for room for the rescued Kerbals. My only issue is when I am in range, I will fly the stranded kerbal from their vessel to the rescue vessel. I then switch over to the rescue vessel in the tracking station, and transfer my pilot into the Mk1 crew cabin so there is room for the new Kerbal to enter the vessel. I then switch back to the stranded kerbal and try to board the ship. The only problem is that now my ship appears to be flipping, making it ridiculously difficult to have the kerbal board the vessel. The ship was not flipping when I transferred its pilot. Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug that occurs? I just unlocked the Mk1-2 command pod. Was gonna try this morning to see if avoiding all the tracking station switches will help me with the rescue missions.
  7. First off this forum has been great with the wiki in learning how to play. So thanks y'all for helping me figure out this great game. Anywho I'm building my first base on Minmus. The three times I have docked with it to add a module the whole thing jumps up in the air and does a front flip. The first two times I was able to land it safely with RCS but now it seems to be jumping up 100 meters then crashing back down into a fiery mess. ">View post on imgur.com">Album So is there anyway to prevent this? Oh and the mods I am using are Distant Object, EVE, Kerbal Engineer, Planet Shine, Scatterer, and SVE. Thanks
  8. Hi, I'm reusable TSTO rocket enthusiast. So when launching TSTO craft to orbit, the first stage sometimes tumbles and gets tons of drag to low its own apoapsis. The strange thing is that the flipping depends on which craft you have focus on. The exactly same first stage doesn't flip back if it's focused, while it always ends up tumbling when I'm focusing on the second stage nearby. Since I'm going for the first stage recovery before the second stage reaches apoapsis, this is quite important for me. So why is this happening? Is it a glitch with the physics engine? EDIT: The first stage is the one which is flipping when not focused. It does not flip when it's focused. EDIT: Here's the screenshot of the craft. It has fairing top to lessen the front node drag of the first stage, and added wings at the back. I'll try turning off prograde marker and see if something changes.
  9. I am trying to build a mobile base that doubles as ascent vehicle for an eve-like planet. basically, it's a big plane with a large living space, it then drops the living space, flies up with propellers above the atmosphere, drops the propellers and wings and ascends as a rocket. unfortunately, even though the shape looks fine, it keep trying to flip. this is the full plane with the base part. not really relevant here. this thing flies passably, has some issues, but i'll improve it after I can get the orbiter to work. to start orbiting, I drop the living space and this part flies up on propellers. it flies well, it is very stable. However, if I steer too much away from prograde, this thing flips and cannot be recovered. it appears to be aerodinamically unstable. I would blame the wings being that much forward, but the center of lift is in the right place. doesn't look right at all. Anyway, if I don't do any sudden turn, I can fly up nicely. The flat part behind looks ugly and drags heavily, but it doesn't create any real issues. The really bad part starts when i ditch the wings This is the rocket that ensues. I removed the fairing to see it better. Well, this thing flips immediately. The flaps in the back are a latest addition to try and prevent that, but they do no good. Ok, I can see that the center of mass is shifted in the back of the rocket, which can create problems. on the other hand, I have a large flat surface, which should make drag. the front is very aerodinamic. and I have just added a bunch of flaps. I also have a powerful engine (it needs to be, the planet has 2.2 g) with a lot of gimbaling. I suppose I could try to fix the center of mass, but it's chancy. The upper stages are meant to be discarded from the top, so I can keep the engine (a necessity to get the high deltaV and thrust required to leave Derbin); but they are used in vacuum. The first stage, with the vector, is dropped while still within a significant atmosphere; I'd really not have to tilt the rocket and discard a tank from the front in that condition - plus, I'd lose the aerodinamic tip. Aside from that, I have done what I can to minimize the center of mass issue. No good; I have launched a lot of horrible payloads without fairings, and this looks to be the most unstable of all. At some point I discovered that the fairing wasn't working properly and the things inside were still causing drag. I fixed the issue - the screenshot below shows, I am selecting a bunch of stuff inside the fairing to check that their drag is 0. still no good. that rockomax tank in the back has an abnormally high drag; it's the same drag of the backwards fairing, which has an open node in the back. so it's like that tank has an open back. which it hasn't. I can't understand what's causing this, but it's drag behind the center of mass, so it should actually help with not flipping. this final shot shows the moment I release the wings. the rocket flips upwards immediately. resistance is still 0 inside the fairing, staging didn't mess with it. yet there is one big red line starting inside the fairing, as if there was something actually messing up that could be responsible. however, I selected each and every part inside that fairing, and couldn't find anything with any drag. I suppose I could try to move the CoM forward, though - as I explained - it would cause a lot of other problems. I'd rather not have those problems. This rocket really should not flip
  10. So I designed this rover and managed to design an interplanetary transport vehicle for it. But while it handled fine during test on Kerbin, it behaves very strangely when in low gravity: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1308598810 Hitting W to make it go forward also cause it to tip forward, as illustrated. How do I get it to stop doing that? I just want the wheels to turn.
  11. I'm having an issue with this. I've been trying to design a spaceplane in a style similar to the ESA's Hermes concept, or the more modern Dream Chaser concept by NASA. But here's the thing: it keeps flipping over! I've tried airbrakes on the side, fins, RCS, and a billion SAS units and it still wants to flip. How can I combat the force.
  12. I am using the mod FAR, and I've been struggling a lot with having a stable rocket that doesn't flip easily. I always try to aim to have the Center of Lift below the Center of Mass, but I find I really have to work hard to get that to happen. It's either use wings as fins, use many fins, or put my fuel tanks as high as it can be while adding empty-tanks/structural-fuselages at the bottom and putting the rocket and fins on there. All of these either look absurd or just sound absurd. Here's an example where I had to do a contract by making a station with 4,000 liquid and that can habit 9 Kerbins. I had to use an empty structural-fuselage at the bottom. How can I achieve stable rockets without needing to above and beyond to fix the CoL and CoM balance? I feel like I'm using dumb tricks as a crutch to get my rockets to work. A lot of the time the stages of the rockets get much lighter per a stage, thus the CoM becomes very low. I also noticed that sometimes the fairings actually raise the CoL, I use this: forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161733-13-1 Any advice for designing rockets that have a good CoM and CoL? It also seems like asparagus staging is a no-no with this aspect.
  13. so, long story short i made a rocket to hold some resources i need on my lunar base. however when i launch it, it quickly starts to spin out of control. i checked with rcs build aid and it is a problem with the engine setup. i have no idea what mods you need to even load the damn ship so im just sending my GameData and the save file so its easier. [you'll need winrar to extract the files] https://mega.nz/#!m9sQ0AQC!F4x67rMEIQ5ktRTIGrb2iEQlKSavOqJIBlJJL-cTwlA i need someone to help me cause i know bugger all about rocket science [i did use fuel cheat but you can make a functional launcher if you want] [and i would prefer if you could send me the craft file :3]
  14. I may be a noob, (only a few hundred hours, and have only gotten to the Mun, Minmus, and Duna) but I keep getting this strange thing in all my rockets where they decide to start rotating on their own when I disable SAS while in space, (out of the atmosphere of any planet) and then they just build up momentum in a matter of 60 seconds until they're spinning like a fidget spinner. Any idea why? I am missing something very obvious about space travel? Am I have a stupid? Like when someone says there's no gravity in space when someone's in orbit? I feel like I'm having a stupid.
  15. I have about 770 hours logged into KSP already and I have not come across this issue before and I for the life of me cannot figure out what the F is going on. I have already checked out videos, the KSP tutorials and am no closer to sorting it out. The issue is stability and uncontrolled flipping in space. I launch with the SRB's and I am fine I shoot up like an arrow, I decouple and roll my rocket into position and leave atmo and this is where the problems occur. If I fire up the liquid rocket past 25% it starts to flip and lose trajectory. I have used RCS to aid... no go. Reaction wheels, nothing. I even thought hell maybe the rocket is to long, so I decouple the next stage and have a nice smallish craft and that will spin once it hits around 30-40% thrust. If I decouple my probe and small engine.... same thing. I have checked and my Center of Thrust is always under my Center of Mass. My Aerodynamic Overlay point is ever right next to my CoM or when I decouple to the top above it. At this point I am getting so frustrated I am tempted to shelf the game. Can someone please help me. Current Mods in Use X Science Kopernicus OPT Spaceplane Karbonite and Karbonite Plus Ablative Airbrake KSPWheel OPT Legacy Karibou Alcor Landing Capsule KW Rocketry Orbital Survery Plus Konstruction B9 Aerospace Infernal Robotics Planetary Base Systems Kontainers Chatterer Mark 2 Expansion Planetshine Life Support Coatl Aerospace Mark 3 Expansion Portrait Stats Malemute Comorant Aeronology Mark 4 Systems SCANsat Service Pack Distant Object Mechjeb Ship Manifest DM Orbital Science Mining Expansion Simple Construction Infernal Robotics Mod Pods Smokescreen EVA Transfer Modular Flight Integrator SpaceY Expanded Extraplanetary Launchpads Konstellation HLV2 SpaceY Lifters Field Training Space Plane Transport Shadow Space Technologies Unlim (SSTU) Flexible Docking Near Future Construction Station Parts Expansion Ground Construction Near Future Electrical Station Science Interstellar Fuel Switch Near Future Props Surface Lights Transparent Pods Near Future Propulsion Stock Visual Terrain Kerbal Attachment System Near Future Solar Tarsier Space Tech Kerbal Engineer Near Future Spacecraft Tweakscale Kerbal Reuseability Expansion Handrails Universal Storage Kerbaltek Final Frontier Akita Rover Kerbnet Controller Docking Camera Asteroid Recovery Tech Kerbal Inventory System Outer Planets Mod Freight Transport Technologies IMAGES OF THE ROCKET IN VARIOUS STAGES
  16. I can get a rocket to hover. I can get one to land at or below 1 m/s. I even have success inching to a flatter spot without a catastrophe. The second I try to do this with an airplane or hovercraft, there are more flips than there are at gymnastics competition. I have gotten as close to the vessel as zoom will allow to align the center of thrust with the center of mass. Flip. I use only one tank of fuel because I am only trying to get it to work at this point but the flipping is almost immediately and rather hard so I don't think tank drainage is the cause. There's no time for anything to drain. I have tried a single engine at the center of mass. I have tried 4 engines in an X spread out around the center of mass. I have watched/read every tutorial I can find and mimicked them the best I can but most of them are outdated and many versions lower than current. I have even tried mods. CKAN says they are current but I can't make them work. Every single time, mods or not, it immediately flips. I turned to Breaking Ground propellers instead of engines. They flip, flop, and spin if they even have enough power to lift off and use electricity faster than I can generate it. Again, I have watched/read every tutorial I can find. I guess my question is simply, is it even possible anymore? Why is a rocket easy but a hovercraft is seemingly impossible? I know it used to work because I see the videos of it.
  17. Moving to Gameplay Questions. Sure, they work just fine. It's just a different experience from driving on a body with higher gravity, is all. Launching from bumps, absolutely, yes... but how is that a problem? It'll come back down soon enough, it's not as though you're going at orbital speeds. In the meantime, wheeeee! Slipping and sliding can be an issue, sure, but that just means you need to be patient for it to get going. (Minmus has some pretty steep slopes, so those can be an issue if you don't have enough traction to stop from sliding downhill faster-and-faster. When I'm roving on Minmus, I generally avoid the steeper slopes, or else put some RCS thrusters on for assistance in case of need.) Stability's not much of an issue-- just make sure you've got a reaction wheel on there (which I see that you do). Reaction wheels are super effective on Minmus, precisely because the gravity is so low-- they can muscle the rover around to any orientation you want, and with SAS activated, they absolutely prevent any flipping over. (And even if you did somehow flip over, they could flip you right back again.) Just put a reaction wheel on the rover and flipping's not a thing. Rock solid stable. Hm? I would say precisely the opposite: always keep them running, so that you cannot possibly capsize. If they're off, then you'll rapidly flip if you hit the smallest bump, which requires quick reaction to turn them on before you clobber yourself upside-down on terrain. Just leave them on all the time so you're always stable.
  18. I'm having some serious issues with rockets flipping right when I start my gravity turn. I didn't have this problem pre 1.0. I just recently upgraded to 1.0.5 and the issue started. At first I thought it was due to the fairings bug, but this last rocket has no fairings. Mechjeb has the same problems, only earlier in the flight. The only mods I have are KER/MJ. I also cannot figure out how to attach an image right now but this seems to happen with almost anything I design. Please help because this has become extremely frustrating. Thanks in advance. http://imgur.com/sXfZXTX
  19. Hello there. I've been designing a LKO tourist vehicle, and my latest version has begun to hit some strange snags. Despite the COL being below the COM at all times, this rocket tends to flip over whenever I begin my gravity turn. Even the slightest nudge east causes it to spin. Any suggestions?
  20. I am having trouble when I try and launch my rockets. I get through my boosters and then after I get rid of them my main part keeps on flipping when I try and start turning for an orbit. Is there too much weight at the top of the rocket?
  21. Can some one explain why, a rocket that was working fine just tonight, now flip like hands of an analog clock ? http://imgur.com/a/g0yNB It's driven by an OCTO, but at 10.000 meters start flipping as hell without no reason and there's no way to stop it. when the Kickback propellant reach 50% it start flipping, but early it was just fine, I've used this thing to take in orbit a bunch of strange and asymmetrical object, so I really can't get why it do this behavior now.
  22. Hello Guys, I´ve got a problem with my rockets. No clue why, but the tend to flip over after rolling a little bit. btw. I´m a beginner A time ago I didn´t have this problem, but with the time my rockets kept getting bigger and the problems started. That´s my rocket at the moment: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lnuockbi32q4nxs/Q%26AKSP.png?dl=0 Could you please help me prevent this or improve my rockets? Thank you IRobot
  23. I've been building shuttles ever since the mk3 parts came out and have never had this problem before. I'm testing the aerodynamics of my newest shuttle, and have become so flustered that I need to ask for help. WHY is this happening? I can't find any rational explanation for this issue... especially at subsonic speeds.
  24. So I'm trying my hand at designing an Aurora-style reusable flying booster, but I seem to be failing horribly at aerodynamics. No matter how far back I shove the CoL, the thing still insists on flipping around and hurtling butt-first to its doom. It shouldn't be a fuel balance problem. That shot is with worst-case balance; all tanks empty except the rear tank completely full. Flight tests have it leap up off the runway just fine, then start flipping out not long after takeoff. No part or aero mods involved so I haven't a clue what the problem might be. Craft file here.
  25. I can get to the moon and land just as easy as pie. I mine ore on the moon and replenish my fuel/mono and do science stuff. Then I wanted to take off, and go to another spot, and farm the science from there also. But for some reason every time my craft takes off it will just suddenly start flipping, and it wont stop. Is this a bug on the Xbox? I have checked and all of my engines are firing at 100% and they all work. The problem happens with im at about 75% fuel and 6k meters high. Ill have to send a craft to retrieve Peter, Lulu, and Joliene. Any ideas why this happened? I want to farm the entire moons science, but as it is, i dont know what to do.
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