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  1. I'm trying to adjust the spikiness of Gilly, and in the KSP 1.0.5 version of Kopernicus I could do it just fine using the minLevel and maxLevel properties. In the 1.1 version of Kopernicus, however, this doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know if it was changed or if there is a workaround?
  2. So as I had a lot of critique on my previous tutorial, I'll be trying to make better videos soon. But as part 2 was recorded before the critique, I have changed nothing. Still hope this can be helpful and feel free to tell me what I did wrong in this video now! Soon will be online. Not at the moment you are reading this when I just posted it!
  3. These mods worked great in 1.0.5 together, they since have been updated to 1.1 The mods "New Horizons and Duna space program are 1.0.5, but they work off of kopernicus 1.0.1 I used the same below mentioned mods in 1.0.5 without a single crash. The same with 1.0.5, I changed the size of duna and reordered a few moons, but this never gave me any issues. The crash has something to do with an access violation, whatever that is Mods used D magic orbital science Duna space program Interstellar extended Kas KIS Kerbal engineer Kopernicus 1.0.1 MissionController EC New Horizons Remote Tech Scan Sat Scatterer HyperEdit (to reorganize planets) Despite being ram-Intensive, Scatter has not caused the crashes (I tested it.) It happens both in 32 and 64 bit If anyone can root the problem, that world be great. Normally deleting the ram intensive mods solves all my crash related problems, but that does not work with this. It sometimes does this at loading screens, but mostly does it without warning mid-flight. The game is quite unplayable because of it. The crash report == [end of error.log] ==
  4. This is part one of the Zaywa Solar System Pack (also my first mod!), a solar system designed specifically to have unique planets and moons. The bodies included in part 1 are Zaywa-221, Zarya-BBC, Hade, Pike, Rayne, Kepler, Sahra, Galleon, Zomg, Woh and the mysterious Planet X. Part 2 will include the rest of the moons, Borag and some fixes to the already existing planets. If you know how to solve any of the issues associated with the pack, please let me know about a solution so I can fix it. The Zaywa Solar System Pack requires Kopernicus and the latest version of Hyperedit_1.4.2 to function properly. Hyperedit is currently required to have an ocean on Zomg and to adjust the atmospheric pressure of some of the planets. Development Thread: Download Link (Part 1):http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/zaywa-solar-system-pack-part-1?gameCategorySlug=shareables&projectID=242342 The Zaywa Solar System currently features: Binary star system. A "puffy planet" (actual scientific term) Amusing lore with bad puns. Stock-alike naming? Easter Eggs. (Hints: "What is Planet X?", "Treasure Maps", "Patience is key," "Numbers.") Compatibility with most popular planet packs, including Kerbal Galaxy and most of the popular planet packs. Absurdly high science values. Memes. Known Issues: Incorrectly colored rims appear on most of the planets. I can't seem to figure out why this happens, though. The day/night sides of the terrestrial planets do not seem to match up with Zaywa's sunlight. Sahra's oceans may appear spazzy. Overheating in Pike's lava oceans is often unpredictable. Land there at your own risk. Triva Facts: Woh's green coloration is actually caused by an unforeseen bug that strangely made Woh turn out better in my opinion. Galleon was originally supposed to be an oddly shaped planet that got its name from the way it wobbles. Most of the planets in the Zaywa pack are actually based on real-life exoplanets that have been discovered. I intended to have an asteroid belt between Rayne and Kepler. Zomg's atmosphere tearing ships apart is completely intentional and not an issue. Confirmed Changes: More terrestrial bodies. Better ambient lighting. With enough requests, I may include a silhouette of Planet X. Galleon will be renamed "Palleon". A new biome map for Palleon and working biome maps for most of the terrestrial bodies, including Rayne and its singular biome: Endless Ocean. More moons and some lore alterations. A complete makeover for Sahra, Rayne and Borag. Special thanks to @ProtoJeb21. Without him, the Zaywa Solar System Pack would not be possible.
  5. Hello I am attempting to add my own planet into the game using kopernicus. But i ran into a issue were it will use my textures while zoomed out but now while on the surface or zoomed in closer. Here is a example: The first one is zoomed out all the way and has the textures i want to use. But the second one is when you zoom in or are on the surface and are not the textures i would like to use. That is my config file. And here are the textures: So basically i just need to figure out how I can set my own surface textures instead of just being able set the height texture.
  7. Hello everyone! Welcome to my Dark Secrets Development Thread. This is my first mod, so feedback and suggestions are appreciated. This is what is in the pack so far. Just acknowledge that this pack is far from done! These are the planets I have so far... MALUM - A red, evil gas giant with a hostile atmosphere and VERY eccentric orbit. HORRIBLIS - Moon of Malum, it is said to be the evil twin of Vall. UNDER DEVELOPMENT NEXUS = *THIS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WAS REMOVED BY THE KPA (Kerbal Protection Agency)* SPERA = Maybe there is some good in the universe after all... Biome Maps Fix Malum atmosphere (its a brick wall right now) Make Nexus more mysterious.
  8. When I made the thread What Celestial Body Would You Add Into KSP? it got a lot of response, so, I'm asking, should the community make a community made planet pack? It will have probably the same advantages and flaws as, for example Community Resource Pack. So what do you think.
  9. Why do people not like using Space Engine textures for Kopernicus planets so much? Is it because they don't like how it doesn't quite jive with Stock? Is it because they think the planets are repetitive? And another question: Would anyone be interesting in a texture revamp for stock that used Space Engine worlds, or is that considered a dick move?
  10. Kerbal Minor Bodies Adds 5 New Bodies Beyond the Orbit of Eeloo Gruun-Bres Desis Bui Dahn Minmus Is A Comet! Github Needs Kopernicus & KopernicusExpansion Works Better With OPM Changelog Release 1.0 - Initial Release Licensed under MIT
  11. So, when using Kopernicus to tinker with biomes, I note that one can specify not just the name and the "color" (from the biome map), but also a value, which supposedly is the relative science value. For example, suppose I want a biome to have half the usual science value for that planet, I'm supposed to be able to do this, right? Biome { name = Lesser Craplands value = 0.5 color = 1,0,0,1 } ...The thing is, as far as I can tell, that "value" parameter is completely ignored in-game. Doesn't seem to do anything. I can set it to less-than-1, I can set it to greater-than-1, I can omit it entirely... the game always uses the same science values for all biomes and doesn't seem to be doing anything with the value there. What am I missing, here? Is this a bug? Or am I somehow using the feature incorrectly?
  12. Introduction The Kompressed Solar System Mod is a mod that takes the solar system, and compresses it down and rearranges it to add a new level of complexity to the stock game. It doesn't add any new planets, but it re-arranges the existing ones into a quite interesting configuration. I did not intended for this mod to be realistic. Rather, I wanted to give the solar system the classic sci-fi look, with planets hanging low and big in the night sky, and extremely short transit times between planets. The magic of the Kopernicus and Module Manager mods was able to make that happen. Huge shout out to those guys for making and maintaining those mods. The Mod This mod re-arranges the solar system as thus: Jool: orbits the Sun -Eve: orbits closest to Jool --Tylo: orbits Eve ---Dres: orbits closest to Tylo ---Eeloo: orbits farthest from Tylo ----Pol: orbits Eeloo -Kerbin: orbits second closest to Jool --Laythe: orbits Kerbin ---Vall: orbits closest to Laythe ---Mun: orbits farthest from Laythe ----Minmus: orbits Mun -Duna: orbits farthest from Jool --Moho: orbits Duna ---Bop: orbits closest to Moho ---Ike: orbits farthest from Moho ----Gilly: orbits Ike Photos No pics, no clicks. Here's a few photos to give an idea of what this mod is about. License Kompressed Solar System Mod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Downloads This Mod Requires Kopernicus Download Kopernicus Here: Kopernicus Download Download the Kompressed Solar System Mod from Curse: Kompressed Solar System Mod Simply download both mods, and unzip them into your KSP directory. Make sure the folders named Kopernicus and Kompressed are in the GameData folder. If they aren't, find them, and then move them into the GameData folder. Other Mods This mod should be compatible with most other mods. However, I would be wary of using other planet packs, as this pack changes the stock planet's orbits so much, the other packs will be useless. In this mod, I've found that on rare occasions, the craft will shake itself apart. I believe this is due to the high orbital speed of Kerbin's. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is a mod that will solve this problem, if encountered. PlanetShine and Distant Object Enhancement are two good mods that add to the "feel" of the game. Both of these mods were used in the screenshots above, and I highly recommend them. Last Thoughts This is my first mod, so I hope you all like it! Let me know of any bugs or improvements wanted, and tell your friends if you really like it.
  13. All I want is a Kopernicus config with the minimum requirements, an explanation of what other files that config needs, and what I need to do so that they can read it and it can use them. The amount of useless half tutorial for this on the internet is ridiculous, and downloading examples doesn't help config file because every single one is slightly to extremely different, so I can't pin down what I actually need. All help is appreciated.
  14. Hello , in this thread i will make a tut to show how to make Kopernicus planets in the easiest way possible . First lets start out with the basic beginning a Star. Here is a config i use for my system Atario (Note: i have the debug option in the code , add that to export .bin files) @Kopernicus { Body { name = Atario flightGlobalsIndex = 492 Debug { exportBin = true } cacheFile = AtarioSystem/Cache/cach.bin Template { name = Sun } Properties { description = A Distaint star from kerbol, The kerbals found this star after they spilled coffee on the lenzs and saw a small spot on the teliscope but then reliesed that it was not a stain and as they pointed their scope at the spot , they found a new star and named it Atario! radius = 200000000 mass = 1.9000000000000 @mass *= 0.5 spereOfInfluence = 250e5 } ScaledVersion { SolarLightColor sunlightColor = RGBA(255, 232, 205, 255) scaledSunlightColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255) IVASunColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255) sunLensFlareColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255) sunAU = 13.58e9 @sunAU *= 0.6 brightnessCurve { key = -0.001802375 -0.001802375 key = 5.084181 3 -0.001802375 -0.001802375 key = 38.56295 1.65 0.0001713 0.0001713 } } Material { emitColor0 = RGBA(255, 210, 165, 255) emitColor1 = RGBA(192, 144, 96, 255) sunspotColor = RGBA(128, 104, 80, 255) rimColor = RGBA(192, 144, 96, 255) rimPower = 0 rimBlend = 3 } Coronas { Corona { rotation = 3 speed = 9 updateInterval = 5 scaleLimitX = 5 scaleLimitY = 5 scaleSpeed = 0.8 Material { texture = Kopernicus/Textures/biomeDefault inverseFade = 2.553731 } } } } Orbit { referenceBody = Sun color = 1,0.3,0.62,1 inclination = 0.200000000 eccentricity = 0.23 semiMajorAxis = 1.234 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 32 argumentOfPeriapsis = 349 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2 epoch = 2124 } SolarPowerCurve { key = 206000000000 0.024 key = 68773560320 0.024 key = 13599840256 0.6 key = 0 10 0 0 } } } Now , lets look at making a planet config : this is one from my old mod from last year (That i stopped development because i lost my account info). @Kopernicus { Body { name = Earth flightGlobalsIndex = 182 Template { name = Duna } Properties { description = Earth, a blue jewl in space small but mighty , it has oceans filled with life , the lands are covered in a diverse number of species , there is also this species called Humans they are the domonent species on this round blue dot . radius = 2145000 mass = 2.12e+23 geeASL = 0.314 rotationPeriod = 42500 ScienceValues { flyingLowDataValue = 14 flyingHighDataValue = 13.5 inSpaceLowDataValue = 13 inSpaceHighDataValue = 12.5 recoveryValue = 13 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1500000 } } Orbit { referenceBody = Sol color = 0.415686,0.352941,0.803922,1 inclination = 0 eccentricity = 0.0127566996362601 semiMajorAxis = 6459475388.98006 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 259 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.27167344093323 epoch = 0 } ScaledVersion { Material { texture = Sol/Textures/Earth_map normals = Sol/Textures/Earth_normal } } } Body { name = Moon flightGlobalsIndex = 182 Template { name = Eeloo } Properties { description = Moon, this round ball of grey dirt and shiny rocks is one of the only Celestial bodies that these humans have been to without robots . radius = 625800 mass = 2.12e+23 geeASL = 0.314 rotationPeriod = 42500 ScienceValues { flyingLowDataValue = 14 flyingHighDataValue = 13.5 inSpaceLowDataValue = 13 inSpaceHighDataValue = 12.5 recoveryValue = 13 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1500000 } } Orbit { referenceBody = Earth color = 0.415686,0.352941,0.803922,1 inclination = 10.6326560974121 eccentricity = 0.0127566996362601 semiMajorAxis = 40702368.2715686 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 243.589370727539 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.27167344093323 epoch = 0 } ScaledVersion { Material { texture = Sol/Textures/Moon_map normals = Sol/Textures/Moon_normal } } } } Notice how there is a second body for the moons , Do what i did and put moons in the same config as its parent planet , it will keep the mod folder cleaner and the code neater. The Textures must be named seperatly for each body , i recommend doing this (name)/(name)_map.png same with the normal's , note only use .png as the game cant recognize anything else for this mod as far as i know . Kopernicus link : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103277-105-kopernicus-beta-06-december-28/&page=1 Credits ~Augustus ~TheBlackDwarf (My Old Account)
  15. So, I am making a planet pack with Kopernicus for KSP. And I have a problem. I want to create a brown dwarf, using Jool as template. I want to create an atmosphere for it (so you can't land on it), but I don't understand those complicated numbers: key = 137500 100.8216733 -2.71949803636364E-03 -2.71949803636364E-03 key = 151250 68.1071 -2.13953963636364E-03 -2.13953963636364E-03 key = 165000 41.98433333 -1.65774109090909E-03 -1.65774109090909E-03 key = 178750 22.51922 -1.00126501090909E-03 -1.00126501090909E-03 key = 192500 14.44954667 -4.06759432727273E-04 -4.06759432727273E-04 key = 206250 11.33333333 -2.27824727272727E-04 -2.27824727272727E-04 key = 220000 8.184366667 -2.25669374545455E-04 -2.25669374545455E-04 key = 233750 5.127426667 -2.06283192727273E-04 -2.06283192727273E-04 key = 247500 2.51158 -1.61502101818182E-04 -1.61502101818182E-04 key = 261250 0.68612 -9.13301818181818E-05 -9.13301818181818E-05 key = 275000 0 -4.98996363636364E-05 -4.98996363636364E-05 (They're about atmosphere pressure and temperature curve) Is there a program or site to make these, or is there a simpler way?
  16. Has anyone made a Kopernicus pack that "terraforms" the stock planets and moons to be Kerbin-like and hospitable? I would love to play around with that kind of solar system.
  17. Ever wanted to have a rediculous amount of celestial bodies in the kerbol system? Well this thred aims to get that! Overview: Post all the kopernicus planet packs that are compatible with: Most recent kopernicus, Most recent KSP version, And hyper-edit. Why: Because I am a system-meser-uper kind of guy. I try to mess up the system with hyperedit, (hence it being listed), And i want as much system to mess up as possible! I also want to eventully start a modded carreer lets play once my voice stops sounding like a 5 year olds (seriusly, im 12 and i sound like im 5!) And I want the lets play to have AS MANY PLANETS AS POSSIBLE!!! I also would like an intersteller warp drive mod compatible with the listed mods, That way the rediculously far away planets that i inevitably get are reachable! How: How do you list your mod? Thats easy, Say the name, The other systems its incompatible with (so i dont corrupt ksp) and a download link. When: Whenever you want, Preferably soon. Who: Anyone can suggest to everyone What: MOAR PLANETS!!! Preferably packs compatible with alot of other kopernicus planets that have LOTS of celestial bodies Where: The planet can be anywhere in orbit around kerbol, Preferably in a reachable distance
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