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  1. I'm working on my second spaceplane and I'm stuck. This is the craft file for Aquila Falcon. I think that any real master, looking at my work, is going to know pretty fast what I don't know and be able to offer a critique that will benefit not only me but maybe a few other noobs. I am following three requirements: It's a surface-to-orbit shuttle for duty on Kerbin and Lathe, so it must have a Mk-3 cabin I want to be able to couple it to an interplanetary vehicle (as well as launch it from Kerbin that way when I feel too lazy to wrestle it), so it needs a Senior docking ring for a vertical launch In order to fit in with the rest of my fleet, it has to be butt-ugly. Falcon, as it is, has the following problems that I am aware of and many more, I'm sure: the landing gear aren't straight, but cocked slightly forward I don't understand what the SPH is telling me about the Center of Lift, but I think that is the key to: a lack of pitch authority, hampering landings. I've landed it but only on the back of the power curve... the tail fins are unreasonably butt-ugly and are producing drag via downforce. maybe the wings are on upside down -- I can't tell; it's one explanation for the crazy lift vector. I can't land it heavy with fuel -- it breaks and explodes the MP tank is unreasonably butt-ugly but I don't know anything about cargo holds either (Sorry, no screenshots as I am actually without internet at home at the moment.) I'm hoping that one or more Grand Masters will comb over this file and not only a) list out every last little flaw and nit with this craft, but also b) teach the technique in the SPH for everything I've been unable to do. Thanks in advance! Go, team.
  2. What's the feasibility for a VAB building in space. So you can build your mother ship and launch straight into space from orbit?
  3. so i'm playing around with super compact (super clipped) VTOL in the editor, try to launch, it loads the craft and...physics sets in and weirdness happens --> crash -.-' now i'm trying to figure out what caused the crash; the compact form of the VTOL, a modded part, something else all together? pretty pls help me with this...it's an awesome looking craft KSP: 1.1.3 Windows 64bit Problem: Game Crash on Launch Mods used: see craft below Reproduction steps: launch craft, watch the world end Every time i load this one specific craft, it appears on the launchpad, then the altimeter goes blank, i see the end of the world, then ksp crashes... Craft: https://kerbalx.com/9bananas/Test-Mk-III-- Log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nnqlwye29ihvcfk/AABrF8uVpFstgETVv-hQVFXka?dl=0
  4. Hey, I've installed some of Roverdude's mods, but I got a problem in vab and sph. as the title says, usi mods that adds their own icon does make icons appear multiple times. do someone know what I did installed badly or which file do I have to delete? Thanks
  5. A biplane I created after having inspiration from pTrevsTrevs. Required mods: BDarmoury. (Controls are inverted for some reason) https://www.dropbox.com/s/11lo5yx1vd142ix/Thunderhawk.craft?dl=0 I would provide an image, but imgur is being stubborn again. Maybe later.
  6. This has been going on for months now and i'm sick of tried of it. If I try to click something it takes about 10-20 clicks to actually work or when I use the editor stuff it let me switch parts. In the VAB 99.9% of the time clicking works. It might not be a mod because this has lasted for a long time. Mods: Mostly small stuff. Real Plume, planet shine. Output: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=output_log.txt
  7. BUST - Bugs Under Special Testing (Community Project) Special Note: Please do not post requests for support on this thread. If you need help fixing a problem, please see the Support stickies. 1.1.X VAB/SPH High CPU Utilization The purpose of this particular thread is to gather information related to the high CPU utilization experienced in the editors (VAB/SPH) in 1.1.X. I believe I have narrowed down the source of the high CPU utilization, and built a plugin for folks to try as confirmation. I'm still not sure of the root cause of the CPU thrash, but I believe I've found where it's coming from. It appears that the animations in the editors are causing abnormally high CPU utilization. Additionally, the Tier 3 VAB is using lighting that isn't present in the other editors, which contributes to the high CPU rates. The only thing (that I know of) that can currently be done in stock to reduce the CPU utilization in the editor is to turn OFF the kerbal ground crew (via the Main Menu Settings page). This reportedly reduces the CPU utilization anywhere from 15 to 25%. Unfortunately, that setting only turns off the kerbals but not any of the other animated parts. If you aren't opposed to addons, I've created a small plugin that you can download from here (called EditorCPUFix.dll). If a few folks could check this out and see if it reduces the CPU burden, that would help confirm the issue (and I might include it in StockBugFixes). It basically disables the lighting and animated components of the VAB/SPH. On my personal computer, my CPU utilization in the Tier 3 VAB has gone from 60% to about 15% (as reported by Windows). Modlet Installation: Download the EditorCPUFix.dll from here. Unzip the files. Copy EditorCPUFix.dll into the KSP/GameData directory. (You can create a subdirectory if desired.) Launch KSP NOTE: The modlet can be uninstalled at any time by exiting KSP and deleting the EditorCPUFix.dll file. **I'm also curious to see if this fixes anyone's "VAB constantly crashes" issues. Given the randomness of that issue and the thrashing involved in this instance, I'd be interested to know if this narrows down on two problems. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/7549 http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/7570
  8. Hello ! I'm trying to wrap my head around how it is possible to get the list of all parts available to the user in the VAB / SPH, especially in career mode (not on a ship/rocket/plane, but available to build one). When you start a new career, you are limited to the number of parts available. You can unlock more parts by spending Science points in the R&D center, which then unlock new parts in the VAB / SPH depending on the chosen branches in the Tech tree. While in the VAB / SPH I'm able to access all the parts loaded by the game: internal void Start() { Debug.Log("[TestPlug] Start"); if (PartLoader.LoadedPartsList == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("[TestPlug]: No LoadedPartsList; Game not entirely loaded?"); canRun = false; return; } else { canRun = true; } foreach (AvailablePart part in PartLoader.LoadedPartsList) { var logpart = string.Format("Name: {0} ; Title: {1}; Category: {2}", part.name, part.title, part.category); Debug.Log(logpart); foreach(AvailablePart.ResourceInfo resInfo in part.resourceInfos) { Debug.Log(string.Format(" Resource name: {0}", resInfo.resourceName)); } } // [snip] Output example : [LOG 17:40:08.557] Name: noseCone ; Title: Aerodynamic Nose Cone; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.558] Name: airbrake1 ; Title: A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.559] Name: airScoop ; Title: XM-G50 Radial Air Intake; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.561] Resource name: Intake Air [LOG 17:40:08.562] Name: airlinerCtrlSrf ; Title: FAT-455 Aeroplane Control Surface; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.563] Name: airlinerMainWing ; Title: FAT-455 Aeroplane Main Wing; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.564] Resource name: Liquid Fuel [LOG 17:40:08.565] Name: airlinerTailFin ; Title: FAT-455 Aeroplane Tail Fin; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.567] Name: AdvancedCanard ; Title: Advanced Canard; Category: Aero [LOG 17:40:08.568] Name: CanardController ; Title: Standard Canard; Category: Aero [snip] What I'd like is to access the list of all the parts available or shown in the VAB / SPH, depending on the tech tree of the player. I have tried many things to actually get only the parts available / shown to the player in the VAB, but I haven't succeeded... (like using the ResearchAndDevelopment.PartModelPurchased() and other functions, but all my attempts failed). I guess I should try something around "EditorPartListFilter<AvailablePart>" but I don't know which filter I should use... What do I need to do exactly? Thank you !
  9. Technical Details: -KSP Version: (x64) AND (32 bit version) , Windows, Steam -DxDiag Output: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tahyv99tmba1ivv/DxDiag.txt?dl=0 -Output_log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vf2tbci5axgezcm/output_log.txt?dl=0 -Clean installation of ksp, no mods installed Issue: When building a ship in either the VAB or the SPH, scrolling up, above the edge of the parts collection, or down, below the edge of the parts collection, the scrollbars change their size, rather than having their size remain constant. They appear to move further up or down, when there is more room for them to move. This issue appears in both the 32 bit version and the 64 bit version. The issue appears in the screenshots below. The normal position of the scrollbar is the one located within the red circle. However, if i try to scroll upwards, the edge of the scrollbar moves upwards, as if there are more parts and the edge has not been reached. This is visible in the screenshot below. The same issue appears while scrolling down as well. The first screenshot below shows the normal position of the scrollbar and the second shows the edge moving when scrolling down.
  10. As someone who spends an aweful lot of time building aircraft, SSTO's and VTOL's, I am frequently annoyed by the balancing process of Center of lift, thrust and mass. The first two are to a large extent stationary (as in, by itself it doesn't move, unless flaps or hinges are being used), but the Center of Mass is inherently unstable as fuel drains from the craft's tanks, cargo is being added or dropped, tools are being loaded using KIS, et cetera. During the construction process, this means that I find myself frequently draining fuel tanks manually to see how the CoM moves about, so that when I'm actually flying the thing, it doesn't sneak behind the CoL and crashes the craft due to stalling. This is especially true when building VTOL's, where the CoM shouldn't move at all, or at least as little as possible. So what I would like to see implemented is the CoM button not as a On/Off state, but as a button that cycles through CoM view: off/current state/fully fueled/empty. Alternatively: Off/current state/fully fueled & empty (represented as two spheres with different colours or an F(ull)/E(mpty) mark on it. This would at least shave off valuable time for me, especially when the craft is made up out of 100 parts or more...
  11. Well I was making a space shuttle one day when my symmetry mode locked. At that point I could no longer (left) click any parts (whether on my ship or in the shop list) . I also could not move/rotate with the widgets. I can still launch spacecraft but to fix the game I have to restart it. It happens on all saves, not just one; though I haven't checked if it happens on a save made after the 1.1 update. I have also noticed that I can go into another ksp save (without restarting) and I can still use everything in the vab/sph but when I come back to my original save the problem is still there. I'm also not the only one, can anybody help me? Does anyone know the things I'm supposed to post here with this for people to help?
  12. I'm not talking about over-arching themes like modular, or streamlined, or reusable. I mean some little combination of parts you put on just so you know its yours. For me: Everything needs a probe core, usually a fullsize Hecs, that probe cobe must have an antenna, and that antenna must be off-center. How 'bout you
  13. I'm trying to build a basic airplane from the first unlocked plane parts, basic non retractable landing gears, but every time I try to move them after placement they jump inside the the fuselage. Is there a workaround for this ? I can't build any airplanes right now
  14. Hi SQUAD and friends , I wanted to make a suggestion for the UI of the SPH and VAB. At the moment, There are a few key functions that are not included in the UI of the VAB/SPH and many players do not know these functions exist for a long time, until their frustrations become too much and they search a forum. These functions are : The toggle for mirrored/symmetry attach, the toggle/hold to turn off surface attach and alt - click for copy. I think it would be fantastic if these functions could have a visible place on the UI so that players know they exist (perhaps next to the other buttons: attach, offset, rotate and root). Yes, they are listed in keybindings, But if a player does not know they exist they are unlikely to go looking for the keybinding for it. Especially when most major functions are have buttons, they players wouldn't expect there is something missing. These are also functions that greatly assist building, particularly in the SPH! That's my two cents. Keep up the great work SQUAD! can't wait for 1.1
  15. So I'm having the most difficult time making this docking node attach to a rover I'm trying to add to this plane. I wanted it to work with the Mk2 Clamp o tron (even though ideally I wanted a Jr. sized docking node), but then was willing to settle for anything that worked. Nothing does! I don't know what I'm doing wrong; I haven't had trouble with docking node attachments before. Hopefully this picture explains my woes, I don't really know how else to explain what is going wrong. I just can't seem to get the nodes to want to attach. Holding down alt makes the problem 'worse' in that it won't even be anywhere near where it should be attached. When I attach it as it looks in the picture, it's actually inside the other port and undocking in game does nothing. I've tried offsetting it so they are very close but not technically touching, but they still act like they are inside each other, and it wont let go of the rover. The heck is wrong? http://imgur.com/YNaGu6w
  16. As we all know, the part menu easily becomes cluttered with even a few part mods. With the upcoming release of 1.1 and 64 bit KSP, people will be able to use many more mods than before, especially mods containing many, many parts. But even in the stock game, some part placements make no sense and are confusing, such as the location of crew cabins in the Utilities tab. My suggestion aims to fix that, without adding dozens of extra menus; it instead adds subcategories for each tab. When you selected a tab like "Utilities," a drop down menu would appear under the Utilities menu with the subcategories' tabs. This is how my idea of the perfect part menu would be organized: The "^" symbol designates a tab as a subcategory. Command ^ Crewed Control - Crewed parts with command capability like the Mk 3 cockpit or the Mk 1-2 pod ^ Crew Storage - Crewed parts without command capability like the science lab, crew cabins and the Hitchhiker ^ Probes - Various probe cores, as well as the avionics nosecone ^ Remote Communication - Transmitters, antennae, and resource scanners Propulsion ^ Aircraft Tanks - Aircraft fuel tanks (Aircraft adapters not included) ^ General Fuel Tanks - General rocket fuel tanks ^ Monopropellent Tanks - Various monopropellent tanks ^ Rocket Engines - Rocket engines (duh) ^ Solid Rockets - SRBs (duh) ^ Nuclear Engines - The only one in this category is the LV-N (This is mostly here for the mods that add several nuclear engines) ^ Electric Engines - Just the Dawn (This is again mostly here for mods that add a ton electrical engines [Nertea, I'm looking at you ] ) ^ Jet Engines and Intakes - Jet engines and air intakes (duh) Structural ^ Adapters - Stack adapters, as well as aircraft adapters ^ Construction - Struts, girder segments, docking ports, the launch stability enhancer and other structural bits. (Also, KAS parts would go nicely in this category) ^ Decouplers and Separators - This should be easy to figure out ^ Storage - Cargo bays, service bays, and the Mk3 ramp Utilities (This needed major reorganization) ^ Electrical - Solar panels, batteries, fuel cells, lights and the RTG (Basically anything having to do with electricity) ^ Heat Management - Radiators and heatsinks, as well as heat shields ^ Resource Collection - ISRU equipment and surface scanner, but not the orbital scanners ^ Surface Utilities - Ladders, landing legs, landing gear and rover wheels as well as the command chair ^ Precision Control - RCS thrusters and reaction wheels are found ^ Science! - Science stuff Aerodynamics (Also needed major reorganization) ^ Wings - Wing segments (duh5) ^ Aerodynamic Control - Winglets and control surfaces ^ Nose Cones and Fairings - Self-explanatory ^ Velocity Management - Parachutes and AIRBRAKES This is what I would like to see in a part menu in KSP. It would also be nice if we could change the part tabs more easily with config files, which I know Filter Extension already allows. Let me know what you think!
  17. Ok, The image above has been photoshop'ed - original was too dark anyways... but anyhow - the ship itself is a real thing - it flies, not only that, it also makes it to orbit with fuel to spare and some payload to boot! Ironically, this is a first for me in KSP (see signature below for why this is ironic) Really, all my previous Kerbal spaceplanes were more or less death traps less-than-perfect pieces of machinery... This one, on the other hand has only cost the lives of about a dozen or so kerbals to become a veritable "ticket to space" deal for anyone willing to settle for a South-of-Unbelievable payload tonnage (w.r.t. what my usual rocket designs (aka: madness (yes, you are reading multiple nested parenthesis)) would allow) but 15 minutes after takeoff (a rather hair-raising experience, however little hair kerbonauts may have) it gets you this far: That is space! Sweet! - In fact it's a very precise 150x150km orbit, made possible by the tiny-but-trusty OMS thrusters you can see here above well... that and the SABRE-RAPIER combo I got mounted on that thing - But if those don't become the end of you, they're actually quite a nice ride Anyways - the murderous contraption SpacePlane has enough "hoomph" to get as high as Kerbosynchronous orbit is - That much we know from actual testing! It did indeed manage to fly there, even several less-capable versions ago... It only came short of some little details such as that whole "circularizing" thing, (which had the engines go "pffth") and afterwards, that pesky reentry deal didn't work too well either, as that cost us a couple of main elevators redundant control surfaces and brought about an unsurvivable supersonic nose-first crash uncomfortable emergency landing scenario... but that was only a test flight, the ship is clearly not meant to fly THAT high But to space, it does get you! - And after you get up there, there's science to do: It's equipped to handle the toughest conditions an addon-loaded space environment can throw at it - hazards include: - Deadly Reentry - RemoteTech2 - ECLSS - Engine Ignitor (not applicable here, tho - but the ship is equipped for rescue missions, if needed) - FAR - & whatnot... So there you have it: The WindStar SSTV EX-4A (Swift Space Transportation Vehicle; EXtended version 4; post-prototype revision "A") She can even do landings too! A well-planned reentry gets you subsonic just above the bay where KSC is located (what's that place called again? - there was a map once, wasn't there?) Do mind that CG-shifting is VERY important for this thing... Might be the doings of FAR - Just like the Concorde, once you go supersonic your center of lift shifts way back, so we gotta pump fuel from the strategically-devised [cough] learned the hard way [/cough] forward tanks to move the center of gravity in accordance, lest the elevators cause a lot of unnecessary drag - and/or eventually max out and we stall/plummet to our fateful (yet oft-repeated) demise The process then repeats during approach, just before landing there's a slight moment of terror workload increase for getting the CG back into place for subsonic transition... if not, the thing stalls, and once that nose goes up, it ain't coming back down anytime sooner than the whole thing goes just that same way.... Anyhow... The Airbrakes are extremely effective, quite a relief after coming in for touchdown at just about 300km/h... that tail-strike wheel is something of a secret-to-success here... oh, how many good kerbonauts had to die before we got that thing figured out... ...but then we can taxi back on whatever momentum we have left! wheels stopped and everybody is still alive! unbelievable! indeed! if you want the .craft files, here you go - just note that it requires pretty much every major mod out there in order to load up... oh well... that's reckless high-profile engineering for you, isn't that right? But in that zip you'll find every iteration of the design process that brought us the EX-4A - and development continues! who knows what the future may bring for Kerbalkind? any similarities to the G42-200 Starliner seen in the signature below are purely coincidental and/or because both are somewhat ripped off from the Skylon a bit cheers!
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