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Found 15 results

  1. Aircraft Carrier Accessories Download: SpaceDock Curseforge Now including test carriers: CVN-65 Enterprise and Type001 Liaoning. Also a .craft file included for training purpose. The pack including 3 system at the moment. Arresting wire include a hook and a wire. Mount wire to the deck and hook on the plane. Drop hook to hook the wire and retract hook to release from wire. Install guide: Place the arresting wire on the deck and perpendicular to the runway. Hide the white line under the deck after proper place. Catapult is the white block, drive the front landing gear to the white block, the block turns blue after grab the wheel, the block will turn yellow after brake indicate it is prepared. Release the brake to launch. You can brake during the launch to terminate the launch. Switch to the carrier and right click the catapult to change the target velocity. Install guide: Place the white block on the runway, the white line indicate the moving route, hide the line under the deck after proper place. Optical landing system and Long-Range Lineup System Activated automatically after install. Including relative velocity indicator (cyan line)and relative position indicator (red line). Also, the OLS and LRLS indicator appear at the front of the plane. Install guide: Aircraft is designed fly through the green window and land on the white block. Hide the white block under the Deck (after the 1st arresting wire) and place the green window at the edge of the deck. Carrier Launching and Landing System Lights form the launching/Land Arresting zone. Right click menu to activate and deactivate system/switch between system. When you start entering the launching zone, it will try to locate you in the middle of the launching zone, the arrows start extend and all the light turn blue. As soon as the ARROW extend to the end, press brake. All light turns yellow, and release the brake will start launch. Press brake again during launch will cancel the launch. Switch to carrier to modify the acceleration in right click menu. When you entering the landing zone, keep your brake down will have you catch by the deceleration system, and release the brake will terminate the deceleration system and deactivate the system. System will consume electrical charge to work. Drain rate is 1EC = 1ton*1m/s. Reaction force is also included. Install guide: Hide the white block behind the back of the launching zone. Tie Down System Includes Tie down point Fixed point. Fixed point can link to Tie down point while speed is lower than 0.2m/s. Press "brake" while green chain appear, chain will turn pink and form a rigid link. Each Tie down point could link to multiple fixed point. Adjust Fixed point wire length to get larger sensing range. Refuel/Reload System Includes Fuel Cap, Fuel Nozzle and Reloadable Rail. Fuel Cap can link to Fuel Nozzle while speed is lower than 0.2m/s. Press "brake" and pipe will appear and form a rigid link. Each Fuel Nozzle could link to multiple Fuel Cap. Adjust Fuel Nozzle length to get larger sensing range. While refueling, Reloadable Rail will be reload too. Tutorial video from KottabosGames Recommended Mods: BDArmory (Continued) (maintained by pappa_joe) For missile and other AA support .(Will include the radar soonTM) Physics Range Extender(maintained by jrodriguez) Extend loading range. Vessel Mover (maintained by jrodriguez) Move carrier to sea. Hangar(developed by allista) For the hangar. You can store your plane on the 3 elevators on the right. SM Marine (developed by SpannerMonkey(smce)) For more ships. Large Boat Parts Pack (maintained by SpannerMonkey(smce)) For more ships. Carrier Vessel eXpansion (developed by Eskandare) For more CVs. Hanger Extender (recompiled for 1.2 by Alewx) For modify the CV in a more convenient way. Hyper Edit /VesselMover Continued/Kerbal Konstructs with Water spawn point(developed by Tony Jones) For put the CV into water. Thanks to @KospY for the part creation code, @Kernowden Kerbinfor modeling of missile rail and Liaoning, @Icecovery for modeling tail hook. Source:Github
  2. Centaur Class Fleet Carrier My first carrier in a while, made from an old and unfinished follow up to the Bishop class light carrier. I'm quite happy with the deck shape and hanger, with space for 3 aircraft below deck with some space on the flight deck for parking. The Centaur class sits at 112 metres in length, a beam of 21 metres and a height of 25 and a half metres with a part count of 353. The Carrier is capable of ~25m/s in a straight line and is pretty lazy with regards to turning. https://kerbalx.com/chadgaskerman/Centaur-Class-Fleet-Carrier
  3. This specific hull form was inspired / a response to @Yukon0009's Neidon-Class Light carrier and was the first time I had seen a properly hulled carrier for a reasonable part count that included a lift and lower deck. I initially based the deck shape off of a shipbucket drawing of an alternate invincible class aircraft carrier focusing on rotary wing aircraft versus the V/STOL aircraft that the real world invinvible class used. Deacon-Class Landing Platform Helicopter https://kerbalx.com/chadgaskerman/Deacon-Class-LPH Priest-Class Landing Helicopter Assault Featuring a stretched hull with the stern width being widened out to be flush with the central section, the Priest-Class utilises two internal decks for aircraft and amphibious vehicle storage. The standout aspect of this vessel is it's well deck, allowing it to launch and recover amphibious vehicles without the use of cranes or other means. https://kerbalx.com/chadgaskerman/Priest-Class-LHA Bishop-Class Light Carrier Based off of the same hull form as the modified Priest-Class, the Bishop-Class features a further modifed flight deck that has been angled for the ease of launch and recovery of aircraft. The Hanger has also been moved into the space where the well deck once was, freeing up the forward section of the hull for better weight balancing and would allow for the installation of a catapult if the need arose. https://kerbalx.com/chadgaskerman/Bishop-Class-CVL
  4. The challenge: Make an aircraft carrier out of stock parts (Visual mods and Airplane Plus allowed). Difficulty Levels: Easy: Aircraft Carrier with one plane that can take off and land. Medium: Aircraft Carrier with multiple planes that can take off and land. Hard: FLYING Aircraft Carrier with one or more plane(s) that can takeoff and land on the FLYING carrier. Rules: I need screen shots for proof. No other mods than the ones listed above (unless upon request). Here is the Badge: Here is the Badge if you manage to make a working flying carrier (made by @ColdJ). Here are some photos of my carrier: It can takeoff and land a single micro fighter. And then rearm it for more flight (it uses parachutes for landing). Vessel mover is ok for floating carriers only! The flying carrier must take off on its own. Go be creative and have fun!
  5. We create this mod to better simulate a modern naval combat as a BDAc addon. Full version DOWNLOAD LINK: https://spacedock.info/mod/1779/[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System Full version contains all three packs below. MNWS AERO pack -- only contains planes:https://spacedock.info/mod/1923/[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System - AERO pack?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E MNWS SHIP pack -- only contains ships:https://spacedock.info/mod/1924/[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System - SHIP pack MNWS WEAPON pack -- only contains weapon systems:https://spacedock.info/mod/1926/[MNWS]Modern Naval Weapon System - WEAPON pack# In that case, we would want the maximun performance and the minimun usage of your computer. That's why we made all the MNWS SINGLE-PART. Now we have single-part-ship and single-part-fighter and a series number of missiles. It's time to start a war! Mod List: AAMS:(Advanced Anti-Air System) AAMS AAMSL AAMSLM AAMSR SAAM FRADAR HHQXL1 HHQXL2 HHQXX VLS:(Vertical Launch System) AVLS1 AVLS2 AVLS3 MissileCell(CGNX2050) MMB(Air) AVLSX1 AVLSX2 AVLSX3 Ships: DDG1000(Destroyer) BBNX(Battleship) CGNX002(Cruiser) CGNX2050(Cruiser) FFG001(Frigate) FDG(Frigate) CVN003F CVN004 SSBNX SSBN002 AMB AMBII 055A(Destroyer) 055X1(Cruiser) 075(LSD) CVN21 CVN16 065(Destroyer) Fighters: F22 CFA44 CFA44A UCAV1 UCAF2 XV32 UN80(Helicopter) F16C F16XL F35 NATF NATF2 EDI Dragon Bomber: H20A H20B Truck: 3X(Series) TRUCK Truck Module: 3X2 3X6L 3XL 3X120 3XLaser 3XR LLauncher Rail Gun: DDG2002(208mm) RGBB(428mm * 2) Missiles(Prototype Ship - Air): SM_KKV SM_LREW SM_SADRM SM_SRADRM SAS Missiles(Ship - Air): HHQ16C HHQ19 HHQ19RCS SM_KV11 Missiles(Air - Air): SASAA SM_AADRM SM_RAADRM RR120 CUDA(CGNX2050) Bombs(Air - Ship): SDB28 Missiles(Ship - Groud/Ship): LRASM-A(Ship) LRASM-A(Air) LRASM-B(Ship) LRASM-B(Air) X51A(Ship) AGM46 AGM84 AGM84-BS AGM258(AGM2588) Torpedo: MK56Launcher MK58Launcher MK48(Sub) MK56(Ship) MK58(Ship) Missile(Submarine - Ground): BMM Missile(Ground - Ground): GBBM Required Mods: 1.BDAc (include PRE) 2.Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 3.Vessel Mover continue 4.Module Manager Recommanded Mods: 1.Aircraft Carrier Accessories 2.Single Part Aviation https://spacedock.info/mod/1034/Single Part Aviation(f22) This mod is now distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 4.0. Presented by Kerwis Team. Hope you enjoy it!
  6. A fully operational carrier hull and bridge. As opposed to Eskandre's excellent Nimitz, this one has a ski-jump. It's not actually based on any real-world aircraft carrier, but it probably most resembles the Russian Navy's Admiral Kuznetsov. The lifts and hangar are fully operational. The mod is actually just a single part that comprises the hull, deck, lifts and bridge. It generates its own power, but it's meant to be used along with other ship mods for engines, radar, antennae, defence systems, etc. [MOD - Download link removed due to missing license - sumghai]
  7. Some K-inda of stoK arKraft k-arrier build for ya - named "K-omrade Kermatsov" (not a repliKa for enything). Ya wanna fly, land or krash by another perverted method? So , this k-raft for ya may dear fellows (and k-omrades) It have a stock k-atapult and arrestor hooK . It k-an dock with external tanKer to refuel. you K-an find it here https://kerbalx.com/MajorTom/craft ps: soory for my poor english (but I hope you understood my kerbinglish, dear k-omrades) pps: make science, not war!
  8. I hope it is okay to share this here. In a few other threads we have talked about the disposal of aircraft carriers and I think it is appropriate sharing this here in it's own thread. http://hmshermes.co.uk/crowdfunding/ The plan is to have an Intrepid like museum in London. To get those across the other side of the water on-board here is a USN F-4 on Hermes in 1963: And an S-2 in 1962: Intrepid has a Scimitar that would have operated from Hermes at one time but they have loaned it to another museum.
  9. Currently I am designing a ground-effect vehicle in KSP, named the GEV-1 (Ground Effect Vehicle 1), looking to one day turn it into a ground-effect aircraft carrier. Since the ground-effect phenomenon does not exist in the game, I am just looking to make this large beast fly at low altitudes. Like any large beasts, they usually have many technical problems, and while working on the ground-effect vehicle it quickly became apparent that there will not be enough power or enough lift to compensate the size of the vehicle. I am looking for any help to get this vehicle flying, at whatever the cost as long as it keeps these features: Fuel should be enough to cross an ocean. Vehicle should be able to land as a hydroplane. Vehicle should be able to fly over water stably. The aircraft ramp should be able to keep it's length the same or slightly smaller. It can takeoff and land on water. (Optional) should be able to survive time warp, however I can fix it myself. If you wish to see how the vehicle performs in person, here is a download link to the .craft:
  10. Hey everyone, I'm glad to finally join the forums! Here's a bit about me: Total aviation buff, only play planes in KSP. (i suck at rockets lel) I have an Aircraft Carrier series going right now, and I need more support to keep it going. I think it's really neat myself. Please check me out/give feedback! I'm happy to join! Channel: youtube.com/user/theavenguard
  11. Early college apps are due soon, but I decided to post this craft after months of neglect (and stumbling across my carrier when deleting file clutter). Introducing, the Admiral class aircraft carrier. She's about 134 meters long, has a secondary angled flight deck, carries 10-20 jets and multirole helicopters, has 16 compact Sylver VLS launchers in two 8 cell modules (fitted with either the Hammer precision strike missile or Aster 15 SAM), has provisions for side launched speedboats and torpedo launchers, two aircraft catapults (Haven't really been touched for a few versions, and I'm planning replacements that actually work in the latest version. Staging is also messed up for the catapults at the moment.), and has reserved space for munitions elevators. Max speed at light fuel load is over 30 m/s and 26 m/s in overload type conditions. It has a cruising range of 600 KM with 100,000 units of liquid fuel, which can be doubled with a currently under construction fleet tanker. I only set up the staging for one of the VLS cells and missiles (although all cells are loaded with missiles), and the aircraft should be manually decoupled (with brakes on, and you might have to shift some of them closer to the centerline to prevent them from falling off). For getting it into the water, use hyperedit. Note that it sometimes has a tendency to roll to the right when being dropped by hyperedit, so counteract it the second you detect it. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8w13ggo92idlycg/An Admiral 3_1.craft?dl=0 Specifications: Pictures: VLS cell instructions: 1. Stage the lid and erect to 90 degrees. 2. Switch to ship and launch missile from cell. Note: Current loadout is 16 precision strike Hammer missiles. They're effective at striking lightly protected surface targets and can double as a SAM against slower aerial ones.
  12. "Project Sentinel" Landing the S7-F14 Tomcat on the Aircraft Carrier Sentinel (Update: Video was blocked, song was removed, sorry no music for now.)
  13. Sector 7 Space Laboratories Marine Division - Aircraft Carrier SEA WARRIOR Sea Warrior is supporting 3 craft all capable of launching from the deck of the Carrier entering the water and returning to air travel, the Stingray and Manta Ray Craft are Submersible Craft. I know mods can get you to the water quickly and load Kermans really quick but I like promoting KSP as Stock so please be patient with the craft it takes some time getting to the water but it's a lot of fun in the end. Operations: Right Click the Starboard Engine (Right) when arriving on the Runway and Activate with about quarter to half throttle and this will push the Carrier off to the left of the Runway. Travel on the grass until you reach the coastline. Speed on land was ok under 30 m/s not sure how fast you can travel to the beach, enter the water near 5 m/s not sure how fast the craft can enter without creating damage. With all engines running at full it will run fine but not sure for how long. Engineer's Report Mass - 559.7t Parts - 996 Height - 19.6m Lenght - 55.2m Width - 22.2m Craft File - Sea Warrior
  14. Here is my latest and most succesful take at an aircraft carrier, the K.N.S Great White aircraft carrier. I got inspired to make my own carrier after i saw some people make some stock carriers using MK-3 fuselages as the deck and the hull. I tought about making my own MK-3 carrier and even had an idea of making a carrier using the MK-4 fuselages to save on part amount. But not long after this thinking i tought that lets just make a carrier using B9 structural plates and MK-2 fuselages. And the results where pretty good. The carrier has a top speed of about 27-30 m/s so its not that fast (well ok its pretty darn fast for a carrier), but it does turn around very fast using the thrust reversers of the Goliath engines (action group 2 and 3). You can see the part count and the dimensions on the pick below. So as you can see its not the biggest thing around here. But i do get a steady 25.0 fps when piloting this and other aircrafts around this carrier so its not too bad in terms of lag. NOTE: dont use physics warp with this thing or your framerate will get locked up to 12.5 fps (it happened to me unfortunetly). Dunno why this happens but it just does. And here are some picks of the carrier itself. It settles down on the water very smoothly and pretty much straight as an arrow. Plus it doesnt start to list to any side when manouvering with aircrafts so all and all its a very stable design. But unfortunetly because on the non symmetrical design it wants to slowly turn on one side, but this can be corrected by turning the maximum thrust down on the other side engines by about 20% each. Fun fact: The design/shape of the flight deck is actually inspired by a Lego micro build/moc that i did some time ago. It might not be the best design ever but it works. Havent yet tried parking multiple aircrafts on the deck so im not sure if they fit on the parking area on the side, and still leave enough room for takeoff and landing. And here you can see the nice lights of the carrier. I have to say that it came as a complete suprise that the carrier was able to turn this quickly. Thats the carrier taken care of so now lets look at the couple of carrier aircraft that i made for the carrier. First we have the KF-44 Sea raider, witch is a small strike fighter for pretty much any purpouse. I think ill let the picks do the talking on this one. I had to turn the quality down to make landing a bit more easyer, but i dont think it helped at all since the B9 parts dont have any LODs (level of detail). Aka i got 25.0 fps at half res and eight res, so yea. The aircraft has the ability to glide even at a speed of around 30 m/s. Plus it stops very quickly and takes off at the speed of around 30-35 m/s making it the perfect carrier aircraft. I also made the tail rased so there is no risk of a tail strike durning takeoff and landing. Manouvering on the deck is handled by the engines (forward), landing gear (steering) and with a couple of RCS thrusters (reversing). And we are ready for takeoff. It only took me two attempts to make a succesful landing and takeoff from/on to the carrier with this aircraft. The next challenge would be to land at night time on IVA view. Next up we have the KLB-Harbinger (cause it reminds me of the Harbinger gunship from Red Alert 3 Uprising) witch is a design that works well as a regular aircraft but is a bit too hard to land on the carrier. I meant the harbinger to be a Tactical bomber operating from the carrier but turns out that it didnt work as well as i would have hoped. I tried to land 6 times on the deck, i got close a couple of times but ultimetly i gave up cause i tought it was a bit too difficult. So close. I was moving a bit too slow and was coming from a bad angle so i wasnt able to pull up in time. This time i was moving a bit too fast and hit the deck too late, plus i was coming from a wrong angle so i hit the crane and broke apart. The biggest problem for me with this aircraft is its speed (has a top speed of about 1.0 Mach) witch can be a bit hard to control. So i hope you enjoyed this creation of mine. Mods used: B9 Aerospace pack, Nebula decals (the decals are removed from the versions up for download) Download links: K.N.S Great White: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs3gd73nk1vnbpu/K_N_S%20Great%20White.craft?dl=0 KF-44 Seastriker: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c9u63454dbrxb7o/KF-44%20Searaider%20%28flagless%29.craft?dl=0 KLB-Harbinger: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x70nw9quefricme/KLB-Harbinger%20%28flagless%29.craft?dl=0
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