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  1. Enjoying 1.2 so far, seem to have found a bug. When I attempt to go EVA, my kerbal appears outside the craft, but then my keyboard is no responsive in game. Still works in windows/other programs, just freezes and does not respond in game. Have to restart the game to get it working again. Mods ------------------ mechjeb, kw rocketry, EVE
  2. Is there a mod that gives Kerbals on EVA an antenna to transmit science back to their vessel? If not, I think it would be great to make something like this with a very short antenna range. Thoughts? Ideas?
  3. This is from sal_vager's FAQ for this forum section: I've actually had EVA kerbals re-enter a pod they exited only to find a copy of that kerbal hanging on the ladder. I can spin them off, which is a waste of fuel. But it didn't seem to happen if I saved / reloaded before attempting EVA. The engine shroud came into play because I'd often have fuel to spare in a transfer stage, and I'd use that to start a descent burn. I'd then decouple that stage almost right before landing, and the subsequent stage had a shroud that was also decoupled. Just wanted to verify if the behaviour I'm seeing here is from this bug, and if the save / reload before attempting EVA worked around it. I wondered at first if the EVA Follower mod caused this, but then I remembered this didn't happen on craft without fairings or shrouds, and remembered Sal's FAQ. This is from the 1.1.3 build about two weeks before the 1.2 pre-release came out. --
  4. This isn't really a bug so much as a quality of life enhancement. The default behavior upon taking a Kerbal EVA is to reset the camera to a wide zoom level and shift it to an orientation that usually ends up obscuring the Kerbal behind the craft. This requires you to zoom your camera again and drag the frame around to search for your Kerbal in order to see him or her again. The pre-release phase seems like a good time to change this camera behavior if many others find it as annoying as I do. It seems like the better option is to reorient the camera so that it always shows the Kerbal from behind and at the previous zoom level, or simply not shift the camera at all. It would also be helpful for the camera not to zoom out again after boarding the craft as well (which is especially annoying after boarding command chairs on rovers.) Does anyone else see this as a problem? Is it worth adding to the bug tracker?
  5. How much does a kerbal EVA suit have delta v?
  6. KSP: 1.1.3 (Win64) - Unity: 5.2.4f1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.12 KSP-AVC Plugin - Infernal Robots - 2.0.2 SCANsat - TarsierSpaceTechnology - 6.4 Anyone having issues with Kerbals not staying put on ladders? I am find it very frustrating that the Kerbals do not stay fixed to ladders when performing EVA's. The Kerbal either slides up or down the ladder or, just eventually lets go for no reason. I am using the KIS (Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.12) to build stations. It is extremely frustrating during times when I need more than one Kerbal in EVA to move parts because the Kerbals just keep floating off and eventually get out of range. They won't stay put on the ladders mounted to the station.
  7. i have a strange bug in my carrer save since yesterday... i though it will work with a restart but it wont. when i go EVA i can control the kerbal without problems. but when i go back into the ship, the kerbal is still seen outside the hatch and i dont have any gui for the ship. i cant see the staging on the leftside and the kerbals on the rightside... when i check the hatch with mouseover i can see that all 3 kerbals are inside it. so the kerbal which remains on the outside is a copy. i cant switch to this kerbal and cant control him... i also dont have really control about the vessel anymore. only when i seperate something manually than the gui returns.... see the screenshot. you can see the missing gui and that the kerbal is back in the vessel but still visible outside... this is in my main carrer save... i hope its not broken... i can post files from this save if needed. anyone else with that problem? is there a workaround? i really wont loose my save and start again...
  8. KSP: 1.1.3 Windows x64 Problem: When AtmosphereAutopilot (Boris-Barboris) is activated, spacecraft can't be recovered, and KSP freezes. The "RECOVER" button does nothing, same for "SPACE CENTER". The toolbars disappear. The simulation continues to run, but there is no other way than Alt-F4 to exit. It is still possible to use F5 or Alt-F5 for saves. Deleting the mod folder reverts the situation to normal. Mods installed: - Chatterer v0.9.90 [26 Jun 2016) - RemoteTech v1.7.1 [02 Jul 2016) - TAC Life Support v0.12.2 [02 Jul 2016) - AtmosphereAutopilot 1.5.5 - ModuleManager.2.6.25.dll Reproduction steps: 1) Launch a craft and activate AtmosphereAutopilot "Master Switch". That's it, KSP gets in a frozen state, and you can't recover the spacecraft or switch to the Space Center. 2) Launch a craft with any kind of crewed pod. EVA a Kerbal. Try to get him back. You get a nice clone. 3) Delete AtmosphereAutopilot mod folder from Gamedata. Resume your "frozen game". Everything is back to normal and the clone is gone. Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5brcxNWL4akYzJUY0hEYXNHU1E
  9. I have a base on Ike, but I can't use RCS to fly? It's as if Ike has the same gravity as Kerbin? Anyone else experience this?
  10. So I was thinking about something just now that I think would make KAS even more useful than it already is. When constructing any kind of orbital space station, it can dramatically increase your part count to add RCS & Monoprop to every piece that you send up to attach. What if you could make it where a kerbal on EVA could go out and grab ahold of a piece (by hand, not with a winch) and drag it to a location with his EVA thrusters, and then attach it to the appropriate node? This would enable you to add structural additions to a station without the need for additional monoprop & RCS thrusters. Plus it would also enable you to take parts off of one vehicle and construct another, all while in orbit. I'm guessing it is probably impossibly hard to code, but it would be super useful for gameplay.
  11. I have a save game I'm playing now, and I have a ship currently on a Mun flyby. I plan to take a lander down to Mun, then perform a hyperbolic rendezvous with the main ship on a second Mun flyby about 18 days later. The trouble is, when I try to EVA Bill Kerman and get him to the lander seat, at about 600km above the Mun's surface, he IMMEDIATELY ragdolls and gets flung out at about 5 m/s relative to the ship. He breaks several of the still-retracted! SP-L 1x6 solar panels mounted to the lander can I just took him out of. Should breaking retracted solar panels even be a thing? I can usually recover using a quick time warp burst, then fly him back and get him in the lander seat, but I don't want him breaking my ship! I have not been able to get him to successfully and safely EVA at all. Is something wrong with my save file or something?
  12. when on EVA, I cannot get the kerbal to rotate vertically. This means that I often end up bumping my head into whatever I'm trying to interface with. If it's a railing and I'm in this orientation and hit F to grab on, this always ends up flinging me far off into space with my RCS off. I've gone through thread after thread and all the conversations mention it, but there's no mention on how to correct it.
  13. Hi there! Some mates and I participated in this year's SpaceApps contest by NASA on the Jet Set Mars challenge. We focused on developing a complete solution for a Mars-suitable jetpack which included an exoskeleton and a custom HUD. It seems NASA liked it, because we are currently Top-5 on Best use of Hardware category. Aaaaaand, of course, we used KSP to simulate it! Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwtIp6Wt2hk The official NASA project page: https://2016.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/tech/jet-set-mars/projects/mars-upv Our website: http://www.marsupv.com/ In our prototype, the helmet included a IMU to sense the orientation of the wearer's head. This information was then sent to KSP via a custom HID USB device the game interpreted as a joystick input. Besides the helmet movement, our prototype had two joysticks which enabled full use of KSP's EVA functionallity (and the prop-pack reacted moving the nozzles and illuminating) Hope you like it! Germán PS: if you want to see more, our github repo is on NASA's website. We are part of http://www.makersupv.com/, a student community on the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.
  14. Pretty self-explanitory. There is no reason I should need to figure out a whole new control scheme for jetpack vs. a real ship. At least if you don't make it default the same, let us map roll/pitch/yaw to keys so I can do it myself. The LMB+drag paradigm makes no dang sense to me. (plus for some reason my Kerbals aren't turning even when I mapped a joystick axis to their rotations. That's probably an issue with my install, but it doesn't excuse not being able to use keys at all! I've de-selected the option to automatically re-orient to the camera)
  15. EasyBoard For KSP 1.8.x - 1.10.x Easy way to board a vessel! Description EasyBoard simplifies boarding a vessel for kerbals. The board key "B" and the grab ladder key "F" work as a toggle. When "B" pressed in EVA your kerbal will wait until you take him to any crew cabin or command seat. Once airlock or command seat reached your kerbal will automatically go in. Additional features: 1. Skipping debris and flags when you switching vessels with " [ " and " ] " keys. If you really need to switch to debris - hold Mod(Alt) key additionally. 2. Fixed camera jump-away-effect when boarding vessel. 3. "Herd Instinct" - mass kerbals intentions. Hotkeys: RightCtrl+B and RightCtrl+F. All kerbals will be ordered to board any vessel / grab any ladder. How to use 0. Go to EVA with any kerbal, take a small stroll. 1. Press "B" using keyboard. You will get the notification "<kerbal name> wants to board". And/or press "F" key - you will get the message "<kerbal name> wants to grab a ladder". 2. Take kerbal closer to airlock or command seat (or to ladder to grab it). 3. Go back to forum thread and like this post. Done. Short video demonstration Сollecting kerbals Download SpaceDock GitHub Also mod is available in CKAN Source code GitHub Licence GPLv3 Change log Please see the GitHub releases page
  16. I do not know if this is possible for plugin so i'm posting it here. Also i don't know if this was already requested. When Kerbal goes on EVA, the action is performed instantly, there is no transition from IVA to EVA with for example animating hatches (this may even include "failed EVA" animation for blocked hatches due to obstruction or mechanical failure). Also, this transition event could be used by plugins for various other events. Another stock game example would be animating enter/exit actions for standard aviation cockpits with raising/lowering canopy and animated Kerbal that enters/exits the cockpit. Note: Even if animating a Kerbal would be too much work (or too complex / prone to bugs) delayed transitions would still provide enhanced gameplay for airlock type hatches where Kerbal enters an intermediate chamber which then closes, hiding him/her so it can just disappear inside without animation. Player won't notice this and gameplay won't be broken. Extension of the above : Animations for kerbals in first person view (via plugins, stock is not a must) and transition enter/exit animations in portraits.
  17. Ok, so I've looked all over this forum and this is what I've come up with. KRAG System: (Kerbal Relative Artificial gravity) How it work right now while in orbit Kerbal up direction is based on the normal of the object below taken from a raycast kerbal is pushed downwards when it contacts a part it enters "Idle (Grounded)" state "AWSD" keys for movement Current Issues can't rotate kerbal ...yet when starting walking forward kerbal bounces up causing animation to stop as well as just being annoying The main issue I'm struggling with is the bouncing. I'm thinking its either colliders being enabled or the game is trying to re-orientate the kerbal to the planet below when walking starts. If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate the help here is the VS project and a compiled dll is in bin/debug KRAG System
  18. I went to rescue a guy, and during the rendezvous, I looked away for a minute (I was at work) and my craft hit the craft of the guy I was rescuing, and it went spinning out of control. I got close again, and when I sent the rescuee out for EVA, he was flung away pretty fast. I caught up with him, and when I tried to activate the RCS, it wouldn't turn on. After closing and re-opening the game, I could turn the RCS on for the EVA, but a couple jets were stuck on, and I had almost no control. All the while, his arms are just flailing around, and he has an expressionless face. Is it possible the his spinning craft whacked him, and he died after exiting the craft and was floating around? I eventually gave up and terminated him from the tracking station. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this.
  19. So I was on Ike, and my lander can started to spin and spin and I decided to record it. I thought wat if I EVA and this happened, i could escape Ike, put me on a sub-orbital trajectory of Duna, and land on duna alive, only using the EVA suit. Check it out (it's a comedy video also): <Removed by moderation team> Tell me what do you think!
  20. Bill just tried to grab onto a ladder, hit his head and went totally rag doll, is now flying away from the ship at high velocity and won’t turn on his retro pack. On the surface, you rag doll until you come to a halt, Bill won’t be coming to a halt in space! What do I do?!
  21. this challenge is simple and to the point. How many kerbals can you stuff in the old airfeilds control tower? Here are the rules -the staircase/roof does not count -no hacking gravity or using timewarp -bonus points if you can land your transport on top of the tower -no lying
  22. I have done a lot of EVA. Using mods I have built stations and ships in space and bases on the ground with a kerbal. Many times have I travelled from one ship to another wearing nothing but a spacesuit and a smile. There is no first person view from a spacesuit unlike ships in IVA. There is an up and down in a spacesuit but not in a ship and of course there should be no up or down. I suggest that the spacesuit be a command pod. A separate entity. Effectively make it a ship. Then when we EVA everything can look the same as it does now except hanging in place on a ladder or other graspable will probably be easier to script. We could have a spacesuit IVA where our arms and hands are visible. The IVA avatars would all wear the same kind of KSP IVA suit but their experience and role could be added so that when you looked at your crew you could see what roles they had at-a-glance. Spacesuits could be colour coded to their roles pilot - engineer- science again making their roles instantly apparent. It would open a huge door for the modding community. To be fair, even in real life the spacesuit is basically a small space ship and I'm just suggesting that it be coded as such.
  23. I do an EVA around Mun. I don't turn on RCS or hit any ASDW controls, just click on EVA Report & Recycle continually. (I'm trying to hit different biomes, I'm about 20 km above the Mun's surface.) My Kerbonaut sometimes drifts away from my space ship. Today, right after starting the EVA I right-clicked and dragged to change the camera orientation, and my kerbonaut was flung up several km, and was going fast enough that even using the EVA propellant, I couldn't get the distance to start shrinking, it kept increasing until it was > 18 km and I gave up. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a known bug? Is there something I can do to avoid it? I had the MK-1 capsule, so there was only a single Kerbonaut on my space ship. I also had 2 tourists, a bunch of science stuff, some fuel tanks & terrier, but of course all engines were off when on EVA.
  24. Hello, I am on 1.0.5 and the in the present safe game the gravity on the mun is too high when on EVA. The Kerbals walk real slow, can't jump as high as they should on the mun and the jetpack thrust is not enough to lift them off the ground. The gravity seems to be ok for everything but a Kerbal on EVA. A rover on the mun has the normal driving characteristics. However, there seems to be at least some effect on other landed spacecraft in that they are more flimsy. There is a supply ship that had landed a bit rough near my base. It lied on its side but was otherwise fine. When the bug hit, it caused it to fall into several pieces. I'm not sure whether this has anything to do with any mods I have installed. Has anyone encountered this before?
  25. The WalkAbout mod allows you to take an available kerbal from the Astronaut Complex and have him/her placed outside any door at the KSC (see Placement, see note 6). It also allows you to move your kerbal around without having to hold down the W-A-S-D keys (see Perpetual Motion below). Download from SpaceDock Placement: You can activate WalkAbout from the Space Centre scene by pressing ctrl-W. The WalkAbout seclections screen will appear. 1 - List of available kerbals. any kerbal currently not assigned to a craft or on EVA will appear in this list. Simply click on a kerbal to select that one. 2 - Facilities a list of the KSC facilities with locations for placing kerbals. Click on one of these to restrict the list of Locations (see below) to only those locations associated with the facility. 3 - Locations - list of all locations where a kerbal may be placed. Or, if a facility has been selected, a list of all locations associated with that facility. See notes 1, 2, 3 and 4. 4 - Action Button - when the button text is green, click it to send your kerbal on WalkAbout. 5 - Top 5 Button - Restricts the locations shown to only the top 5 most commonly selected locations. See notes 3, 4 and 5. For players who use the Kerbal Inventory System mod: 6 - Toggle Inventory Button (only appears if the Kerbal Inventory System mod is installed) - turns the inventory display on or off 7 - Kerbal's Inventory - lists all items in the selected kerbal's inventory. 8 - Available Items - list all items that can be added to the kerbal's inventory. Perpetual Motion: When a kerbal is on EVA, it is now possible to walk/swim or run without having to hold down the movement keys. To do this enter Perpetual Motion mode by pressing the activation key (single quote ['] - see note 1). Your kerbal should now start walking forward (see note 2). The movement keys (W-A-S-D) will now change your kerbal's direction of movement. See note 2. The run key (left-shift) will act as a toggle, switching your kerbal's movement between walking and running. Time acceleration is limited to physics time-warp only (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x). Pressing the activation key again will take you out of Perpetual Motion mode. Many thanks to Diazo, Crzyrndm, IgorZ, and LabRats for helping me out in the forums. And thanks too to mod creators KospY (KIS), MSK (EVA-Follower), MrHappyFace (Better Time Warp), The kOS Team (kOS), and Qberticus (Haystack Continued) for creating the code that helped me figure out how to do most of this. This software is licenced under the GNU General Public License
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