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  1. Hi! I was wondering if there's a way (or an existing mod already) that makes it possible for Engineer kerbals on EVA to change some settings on parts that only can be set in the editor for now. For example: Thrust level on SRBs, your engineer walks up to it, and is able to set the thrust level slider. Is there any way of accomplishing this? A smart MM patch perhaps? Any idea or addition is welcome! Cheers
  2. As soon as I perform an EVA while in a vacuum, the ship will spin randomly and accelerate in the opposite direction from the kerbal, sending the two flinging away from each other and rendering my mission as an epic failure. The effect is most prominent when on EVA from a small craft and more subdued on heavier craft and it happens 100% of the time when on EVA in a vacuum. Also, linking two ships together in a vacuum with the KAS tools seems to cause the two ships to wobble until they break each other apart. I suspect this issue to be linked to the KAS or KIS mod, since the issue started after i installed these mods. Any help resolving this issue would be great, because I love the added complexity of performing EVA tasks with the KAS and KIS mods, but the headache of the glitch is making me think about removing the mods.
  3. There is a problem I have frequently found myself in that perhaps you have too. Say you are landing on a surface with low-gravity, but the surface is at a slight incline, you hit it at a weird angle, and your lander tips over. Or suppose you are in a rover on that same low-gravity environment, you get going too fast, hit an uneven part of terrain, go spinning in off the surface and land upside down. Well, you could just over-build all those things so that never happens or can right themselves if they do end up in that situation, but what if you have crew with you? Why not use them? Something I have tried to do, but found it awkward and difficult, is to get a Kerbal under an edge of something I am trying to flip right-side up and either jumping or using an EVA pack to thrust upward, but the force imposed by them is usually hampered because it cannot get a firm purchase on the object I seek to impart that force on, often deflecting off, wasting the effort. It struck me as a little unfortunate because crew ought to be able to use their bodies to perform mission-necessary actions: they already do that with flags, and surface samples, manually deploying solar panels, and fixing broken tires. Why not flipping overturned components? This does not feel like too much. Super-Kerbal levels of strength are not necessary if the gravity is slight, and often all that is needed is a good "nudge" so the reaction torque and RCS (if applicable) can get going. I was thinking, a Kerbal on EVA who is firmly grounded on a surface might be able to right-click a nearby part and perform a "Lift Up" action, which would impart a small force on that specific part in a direction normal to the surface (as determined by gravity.) This would allow clever Kerbals to figure out how to maximize the effect by selecting a part where they have good leverage from the center of mass. If we want to go wild, maybe make this a function of Engineers who have a small jack in their toolbox (they already fix broken tires so we can deduce they have that on hand.) Based on what I know of the engine, this should not be too complicated, but let me know if I am off-base here.
  4. Introducing E.V.A. OK! Atmospheric Re-Entry... Ahhhh your ship bathed in the warm glow of super heated air, sweat dripping from your brow under the sweat of anticipation. Such a beautiful site to behold. Let's see what all this fire looks like from inside the cockpit... CRAP! AHHHHH! I hit EVA instead of IVA!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooo..... Now Thomgard Kerman is really sweating as he burns up tumbling through the atmosphere at mach 7. Poof... Vaporized. EVA OK! is here to prevent that from ever happening again. EVA OK! is like automatic child locks for your space capsules, locking and unlocking the cockpit doors under certain circumstances automatically. What's that? You WANT to burn up Thomgard on Re-Rentry... If you insist, you can EVA anytime you want by holding down the right CTRL button and clicking EVA. Let's prevent the thousands of accidental EVAs that happen every year. Features in v1.1: Automatic Unlocking of cockpit doors under the following situations: In Atmosphere: Your ship must be landed (land or sea) and be traveling less than 10m/s. In Vacuum: Your ship must have the Throttle at 0%. All other times the doors are automatically locked. Bypass mode: Map-able bypass button. Access EVA OK! Settings while in the Space Center view. Map any keyboard button (unmodified only, ie Shift+H WON'T work). Setting is saved externally and loads automatically across sessions/flights. Hold down your mapped button on your keyboard to EVA at anytime. Fixed issue with naming and cross-platform compatibility (removed '!' from name). Next Update: Suggestions are very welcome! Known Compatible Mods: All at this time. This is an extremely basic mod with low overhead. Please report if you have any problems! Download: You can download EVA OK! from Kerbal Stuff here or You can download EVA OK! from Curse here Source: Source code can be found here License: EVA OK! is released under the MIT License If you have any questions, comments or suggestions; I am wide open =) I appreciate any help with my code and ideas for improvement. Thanks for Looking!
  5. Is it known what the actual heat tolerance of Kerbals themselves is? I seem to vaguely recall something like 700K/1000K internal/external from... nowhere, so I'm probably making it up.
  6. Hello. This mod includes one part - Suit Refuel - for refueling your EVA-suit with monopropellant. The propellant is taken from the ship's supplies. If you play with mods that add some resources to EVA, you can enter right click menu pumping settings and customize behavior for resouces: do nothing, pump in, pump out. Watch this detail as a fashion accessory. Now your station will not cool enough, if Jeb should return to the capsule for refueling to continue extravehicular activity. Download for Windows: https://github.com/HuXTUS/KSP-SuitRefuelPlugin/releases License MIT https://github.com/HuXTUS/KSP-SuitRefuelPlugin/blob/master/LICENSE Good luck.
  7. Can you get a surface sample from Minmus, with a command pod, with a launch vehicle less than 10 tons, shorter than 6 meters, with less than 13 parts, and cheaper than 10,000 credits? I daresay I can. Done for this challenge: I present: the Magnificent Micro Minmus Munchmobile! Weighing in at only...wait for it...5.815 tonnes! No part clipping (although the ROUND-8 tanks place very closely, which helped). As you'll see, I didn't use any decouplers; this saved me weight, part count, cost, and height. I plan to use explosive decoupling to get rid of the booster, and hopefully I can blow off the tanks on a re-entry just steep enough to overheat them but not so steep that the pod can't survive. All the ROUND-8 tanks, as well as the Mk0 LF tank, are full. I drained the command pod of monoprop, and I only filled the lower FL-T100 about half full of oxidizer to give myself a bit more LF right before the RAPIER loses its airbreathing thrust. Speaking of which, I disabled manual mode switching and programmed an action group to close the intake when I switch modes, to cut drag. I toyed with drop tanks, but the part count, cost, and drag losses were prohibitive. Lifting off! I'm monitoring a lot throughout the flight so I locked a bunch of the windows open. This takes a very specific pitch curve. It'll make orbit without trouble, thanks to plenty of thrust on the Spark, but making orbit with enough dV is the tricky bit. I'm keeping an eye on the RAPIER's thrust as well as the lower fuel tank. It's set to drain after the Mk0 tank so I'll know when I'm almost out of LF. This ascent was tough, because if I did the gravity turn early, I burned through all my LF waaaay too low in the atmosphere; if I did the gravity turn late, I would be going too fast to turn efficiently. I didn't want to throttle down, though. So I tipped my nose over early and then pitched up hard, so that once I needed to turn I could just drop from SAS-hold to prograde and take off. Supersonic and rolling over. This places the differential drag from the intake on the top of the craft, helping me to keep my nose up during the early acceleration phase. Starting to drain LF from the FL-T100, so I don't have much airbreathing time left. As planned, excess LF is bingo just as the RAPIER thrust starts to drop precipitously. Now, things start happening FAST. I can tell I'm almost out of fuel on my booster. Explosive decoupling is always hairy... And I'm starting to lose fuel in my top tank (see top left), so it's time to blow the fairing and ignite the Spark to decouple! Bam. There goes the booster. Jenton looks appropriately horrified. Thankfully, I've already got a good ascent. I tried doing this with the Ant, but the thrust just isn't enough, and the isp losses make it barely worthwhile anyway. Not at full thrust...I don't want to push my Ap too high. The numbers on that resource tab are awfully low! It'll take about half a minute to circularize. Almost there.... And I made orbit! With quite a bit of dV. Is it enough to go as far as I need to go? Well, we'll see. To save propellant on the Minmus injection burn, I'm going to take a loop around the Mun. Gotta wait for it to line up, though. Ignore all the tracked objects on the left; this is my challenges save that I'm also using for the Orion Style challenge. Setting up the slingshot. And here's my slingshot into Minmus's SOI! This burn is going to use almost all of my fuel. And there you have it! Looks like I'll need to make a correction burn during the Mun swingby. Set up the swingby. Burning gingerly. I'll take that! Coming up on Minmus... Uh oh. Did I really send an engineer on this mission? Crumbs. Oh well, gotta wing it. Capture burn. That'll do it! So...it looks like I have enough fuel to get home, but not enough to make the landing on Minmus. What to do? Well, I'll just lower my apoapsis to around 240 km... ...and hop out! Just a tiny, miniscule RCS puff to lower my periapse below the Minmusian mountaintops. Warping down. This will be touch-and-go. Starting the RCS braking burn. Still braking hard. Timing has to be perfect. If I'm right, I think I can hit the surface with quite a bit of residual velocity and let friction bleed it off. Not this much velocity, though. Steady as she goes... I think 20 m/s is just about the cutoff. Ouch! But hey, I made it! Nommmmmmmmmmmmmmm! No time to waste. Without the ability to set nodes (or even thrust prograde, really), I have to use the ship's velocity vector as my guide. Can't afford to wait for another orbit, either, because I'll be out of the path. Set up the target. Liftoff! Burning up and forward. I just wanna barely clear these mountains. Aiming to have my Ap just reach the ship's Pe. Really disorienting when I reach "orbit" and it switches targeting modes. Closing as carefully as I can. And there's my orbit! I didn't expect to get a rendezvous on my first go-round, but at least I got a nice coelliptic orbit. Figuring out exactly how much of a burn I'll need to line up for an intercept. Fuel is going to be very, very close. Made the burn...I have less than 1 unit of monoprop remaining for the rendezvous. Matched speed! Looks like a good intercept. And here we go! Of course, I managed to come in on the wrong side and had to swing around. Aaaaaand I got the ladder! With 0.04 units of monoprop remaining. You better believe I've got that surface sample added. Burning at Pe would send me out of Kerbin's SOI, so I'm swinging around to Ap. Escape reached! Will I have enough prop to lower my Pe into Kerbin's atmosphere? Once-more-around and finding out. If I have to, I can use a Mun assist to get back home. Nah! Here we go! No turning back now. Here's where things get REALLY dicey. If I come in too hot, I'll burn up the engine, the tanks, AND the capsule. Too cool, and the tanks and engine will survive. Which will throw off my CoL/CoM balance and turn me into a lawn dart, making my chute useless. Getting an overheat indicator; that's good. Transferring fuel to my lowest tank in an attempt to keep my CoM forward. Definitely past the point of no return now. Overheat indicator dropping. I'm a little worried. Going to burn retrograde to make my entry steeper. That should be enough! This'll be hotter. Aaaand there's the tumble! Perfect! The tumble ripped off the engine and tanks. How's that for cheap decoupling? Capture complete. On my way home! Made it through re-entry. Down to chute-safe speed, so I'll waste no time. Away goes the chute! It's opened up fully now. Aaaaand... Splashdown! We made it.
  8. Dear international friends: I've been working on the plugin recently, and I wonder what's the Instance fields in kerman's hatch and back? As is shown in Thanks!
  9. I have no idea why buy my IVA/EVA is not working.I can't send a Kerbal on EVA because the windown on the bottom right is gone and even by pressing C nothing happens. As you can see there are 5 Kerbals on board but the windows on the bottom right are gone and C doesn't work. Mod list: Thanks for the help! Edit:Only the Orion Orbital Module has this problem.I have no idea why, since the capsule has an hatch.
  10. Hello. Please look at my first part-addon. Work in progress. This part is for refueling your jetpack in EVA. The propellant is taken from the ship's supplies. Download beta version: https://github.com/HuXTUS/KSP-SuitRefuelPlugin/releases License: MIT https://github.com/HuXTUS/KSP-SuitRefuelPlugin/blob/master/LICENSE I'm really bad at drawing, and Blender and Unity I downloaded a week ago. If someone wants to participate and make a model of this "closet" for me, I will be happy.
  11. Not sure if i am doing something wrong but when i do an EVA it is not acting the way it used to. When i do an EVA the kerbal just spins out of control even with the RCS switched on he is always slowly rotating, meaning constant corrections and usually over corrections. Turning on the SAS also has no stabilising effect to the Kerbal. I've noticed that the navball on the screen does not link to the Kerbal either. It seems to still just show the reading for the ship i just got out of. Spinning the Kerbal around does not move the navball at all. It did used to. This is all made worse by not having a camera angle that locks you to the kerbal. The camera is always pointing in one direction and he is just spining on the screen, making it incredibly difficult to use RCS to bring him to a halt because he is rotating on all three axis so it is very difficult to work out which way to thrust to get him to stabilise if you are currently looking at him from an odd angle, not directly at his back. I have installed some mods lately, previously using stock i do not remember having these issues. EVA's were always quite easy. Is anyone aware of a mod that has caused these issues previously? I'm using 1.2.2. It seems to be Navball related as both the direction heading and SAS found on the Navball are just not tying to the Kerbal. The only Navball mod i use is Draggable Navball. Any ideas appreciated. Daniel
  12. What is Automatic EVA and how do you turn it on (Mk1 Krew Kabin)???!!
  13. Game crashes as soon as try to EVA crash.dmp https://www.dropbox.com/s/sm72csvu23l6r8i/crash.dmp?dl=0 error.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/n2d7o0i47wbdbu1/error.log?dl=0 ksp.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/tziwwj6wvxcso7d/KSP.log?dl=0 output log https://www.dropbox.com/s/vzk3y4qmhb5nhlo/output_log.txt?dl=0
  14. Hey all, I have no clue if this should be in here or addon discussions, but here goes: I just got KAS/KIS and desperately wanted to use the kerbal EVA inventory, because I could remove helmets and refuel airplanes without the pain of docking.The issue is that I have no inventory to use. I right-clicked Doddard(an engineer and dedicated fuel tanker technician) and went to click the Inventory button, but there was none there. Next, I tried to find the inventory button on one of those side mount containers(with some tools inside). Thankfully the inventory button showed. I clicked on it and nothing happened. Again. This is weird because the inventories work in the SPH/VAB and on loaded vessels/cockpits. Any help would be nice. Thanks, GKSP
  15. Good day everyone, I've come here because I seem to have a problem with my Windows 10 modded installation of KSP 1.2.2. Basically, every time I go on EVA, whether be it in the KSC or not, my game crashes instantaneously. I fear it's got something to do with the TextureReplacer reflections (the problem seems to go away when I remove the mod), although I'm running the mod's latest version. Crash log comes annexed. Much obliged to anyone who can help me get my game back up and running in the near future. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o3du1pieqcd84y4/AAD0nGYDrSgJ1hf-VgJfBgEfa?dl=0
  16. So this is it: I can't open my inventory while in EVA, neither the container. I don't have any other mods installed, only KIS and KAS. I'm running KSP 1.2. What I'm doing wrong? Thank you very much
  17. I would like to challenge everyone out there to build at least a command module (so you get a Kerbal in it, obviously), get the Kerbal out on EVA, and walk/run all the way around Kerbin. I tried doing this, and I got from the KSC all the way to Kerbin's north pole. Also, as Kerbin is so 'big' (it's really 10 times smaller than Earth I think), rovers are accepted, but they must have a Kerbal piloting them (E.g. using an external command seat or cockpit).
  18. Push a vessel out of orbit using a kerbal on Eva. The infinite propellent cheat is allowed. The biggest craft pushed out of the highest orbit wins the challenge. Also try to survive re-entry and the crash. (The kerbal, not the ship) Submit your attempt, vessel part count/weight, orbit height, and proof in the comments below.
  19. I had a Mk2 type spaceplane in orbit and did an EVA. Immediately, the Kerbal showed signs of overheating with a bar display. It did not get any better or any worse. Did the Kerbal get residual heat from the exterior of Mk2 cockpit or is this a glitch?
  20. Hey everyone, I hope you can help me with this bug. I've installed Realism Overhaul with some Mods. And the Problem is when I go Eva the whole game Freeze. I can't go in the Menu I can't return to VAB nothing. Maybe a mod causes it but i don't know wich mod. Hopefully you can find wich mod causes the Problem. Sorry for my bad english tho I'm from Austria :).
  21. Hello, I just discovered that when an experiment is performed from a command module on a vessel it gives 6 times less data for the MPL than doing so by a scientist on EVA. Is this correct?
  22. It's simple: Launch a kerbal into orbit from the ground through any stock means possible.
  23. I think I explain everything adequately in the videos, but I'll just put down a couple stats here. 35 Pit Stops 1 Lander/Return Vehicle Valentina Kerman and one long walk of 1,256 KM total. This will take a little while. Please don't expect daily updates. Apologizes for part one having gotten messed up. I think I must have accidentally hit my recording hotkey twice instead of once at some point.
  24. with a v simple craft using the MK1 cockpit. after going eva I realised that the craft was spinning. (when it wasn't before hitting the EVA button) so i got back inside and stopped the spin with some SAS. then the moment i hit EVA and my kerbal is holding the ladder the craft is spinning again. so i checked the map and notice that my PE and my AP are going down together at about 20meters a second. I've tested this out with a few similar craft but with no luck recreating it. but this one craft always does it. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/92121741/broken 1.craft this craft is all stock parts but the install does have mods this is the Ckan file. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/92121741/ckan list2.ckan Edit, I've been unable to recreate the problem with a brand new craft but if I use craft that was having the problem to begin with its always there even when I reorganise the parts of the lander and remake it with new bits it still spins. I also saved it under a different name and change the root part.
  25. Enjoying 1.2 so far, seem to have found a bug. When I attempt to go EVA, my kerbal appears outside the craft, but then my keyboard is no responsive in game. Still works in windows/other programs, just freezes and does not respond in game. Have to restart the game to get it working again. Mods ------------------ mechjeb, kw rocketry, EVE
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