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  1. Hello. I used to have my fuel setup to choose whatever fuel i wanted... i would see liq fuel + ox and click and it could change to liquid fuel. Now that i got Configurable Containers, i'm not a fan because you cannot fill the entire tank with 1 fuel source (liq fuel) ... you can remove the other fuel but the setup i used to have for a liqfuel+ox tank could swap to just liq fuel and the content would double, meaning all the tank was full of just liq fuel. with configurable containers, you 'cannot fill your tank with more than 1 fuel source' or something like that. can anyone point out the mod i might have been using? it was reall handy... you clicked the fuel and you could just scroll through different types without having to open another window and have to mess about with contents that way. Thanks a lot! Nick
  2. I just installed planetary bases systems, Near Future Tech, cyro rockets, and all the other stuff that Nertea makes, which come bundled with a bunch of probably outdated config mods like b9 part switch, dynamic battery storage, etc. I am in 1.5.1. Have a feeling it's because of the b9 part switch thing that lets me modify the tanks' contents conflicting with something. I don't know how to make it stop. It stopped randomly once but it's happening again. It might be a hotkey that toggles this behavior. It's also freezing a lot, once every 0.25 seconds, staying frozen for a full second, as I hover over the big fuel tank/decouplers. I have editor extensions redux, as well as a lot of other mods I had prior to installing Nertea's stuff and PBS. Please don't come here to give me a lecture on how bad 1.5.1 is and how stupid I am for trying to use certain mods at certain times for certain versions or whatever. Just help me. I've noticed that I can use different levels of symmetry on a part that I placed on a rocket with a specific level of symmetry; i.e. I placed a decoupler with 3x symmetry but when I put the fuel tank on it with 2x (the only symmetry level I can use for fuel tanks at the moment for some reason) it has radial symmetry about the single decoupler that I am hovering over with the part. I have tried pressing F and it does nothing.
  3. So I have sent some probes to Jool and Duna, but I was wondering if anybody has some tips on getting Kerbals back from Duna, which I am going to try first. Whenever I get there, I never seem to have enough fuel to get back to Kerbin. I sent a probe Rover to Duna that I successfully landed, but there was no hope of getting back with the fuel and dV I had left. Any tips on making ships more efficient? Thanks!
  4. Hey, Just like the title suggests, I think a fuel toggle should be included with the engine plates. Side note, and most likely to my own stupidity, for some reason the engineer's log says that when I install the engine plate, that it is the wrong direction, but I seriously can't figure out how to get rid of the message! Use an engine plate and check the log... I'm not crazy! Man I hope not. Space Monkey
  5. Is my game bugged? What happened to kerbodyne fuel tanks? They don't seem to fit into anything anymore, I don't recall having this problem with older versions of the game. [snip] this is very upsetting to me. Even the biggest engine in the game is too small for kerbodyne fuel tanks right now. I'm so triggered right now that I went out of my way to creat a forum account just to report this.
  6. The title says it all. How do I get engines to use real fuel?
  7. I've noticed the fuel mass ratio on some of the new tanks seems off. The little R-4 has a terrible ratio (and is incredibly huge for it's 10 liquid fuel) of 1.33:1 The R-11 is much better, but a bit off at 8.18:1 The R-12 donut is a spectacular 31:1 The classic tanks are 9:1 still it seems (full mass:dry mass) The RCS values are also all over the place, although that's the way it's always been (the R-10 is 5:1, the R-25 is 7:1 and the FL-R1 is 8.5).... I only mention this as I recall something about them being updated with new consistent values. Much data entry. Such error. Much ratio. Wow!
  8. Friends, I have just published the long-awaited v2 upgrade to the venerable Minotaur Super Tanker at KerbalX [link]. The Minotaur v2: it chops, it dices, it slices, it mulches, it mows the lawn, it walks the dog -- and it boosts 39 kilo-kallons of LF to LKO. [It does not play the piano.] And now with nosecones!! (Ja, Werner was right all along...) It has the grunt and an ample top deck for heavy-lifting of additional payload. It can go inter-planetary. You can even build a super-ugly orbital gas station unpainted in a dull, orange, anti-knock safety color (thoroughly tested by Kerbals) from the first two you send up [subject of next video]. It has a power train for Massive Ion Drive. Get yours now as there are only a virtual number remaining...
  9. The challenge is simple: fly as far as you can while using the least amount of fuel as possible To make this interesting, here's the rule: -stock only, no mods (FAR, technical readout and graphic mods are okay), no cheating -you can freely design your craft, but your craft must be powered by "engine assembly", which consisted of: Intake (allowed intake: circular, adjustable ramp and shock cone intake) - mk1 fuel tank - jet engine (allowed engines: panther, wheesley, whiplash, rapier (jet mode only)). You can attach at maximum of 3 engine assembly (1200 units of fuel), but you are not allowed to attach other engines, or intakes outside of that assembly -if using fuel-carrying part, such as big-s wings or large airplane wing, the content must be emptied. The only fuel source must be from mk1 fuel tank in engine assembly -do not leave atmosphere, do not use solid rocket, lf/ox, ion, monopropellant engines, or any other glitching shenanigans for propulsion. no staging or destroying part, no dropping parts/engine assembly, the plane must land/ splashed down intact How the scoring works: (Distance travelled) / (amount of fuel used) note: if using FAR, your final score will be increased by 10% mk1 fuel tank have 400 units of fuel, so for example, if I traveled for 360km, and used 40 units of fuel, then the score will be: 360 / 40 = 9, if I make it farther, say 390km with 40 units of fuel, then the score will be 390 / 40 = 9.75. This challenge is focused towards flight skills about gliding the plane to make it as far as possible with the least amount of fuel as possible. Your flight is considered ended when your plane has landed/ splashing down. The scoring will be divided according to the number of engine assemblies used Leaderboards: -1 assembly: -2 assemblies: -3 assemblies: Good luck, and may the sky has silver lining from your flight (or trail of debris, if you're unlucky)
  10. The challenge is simple: fly as far as you can while using the least amount of fuel as possible To make this interesting, here's the rule: -stock only, no mods (FAR, technical readout and graphic mods are okay) -you can freely design your craft, but your craft must be powered by "engine assembly", which consisted of: [Intake - mk1 fuel tank - jet engine] (allowed engines: panther, wheesley, whiplash, rapier (jet mode only)). You can attach at maximum of 2 engine assembly (800 units of fuel), for those who needs extra power for their craft, but you are not allowed to attach other engines, or intakes outside of that assembly. It doesn't matter how or where you put those 3 components on your plane, but a plane must have either 1 tank, engine, intake or 2 tanks, engines, intakes -if using fuel-carrying part, such as big-s wings or large airplane wing, the content must be emptied. The only fuel source must be from mk1 fuel tank -do not leave atmosphere, do not use solid rocket, lf/ox, ion, monopropellant engines, or any other glitching shenanigans for propulsion. no staging or destroying part, no dropping parts/engine assembly, plane must take off from the ground How the scoring works: (Distance travelled) / (amount of fuel used) The distance is using "ground distance travelled" in F3 menu note: FAR User have their own category, since the flight mechanic is FAR more different than stock ones (pun intended) mk1 fuel tank have 400 units of fuel, so for example, if I traveled for 360km, and used 40 units of fuel, then the score will be: 360 / 40 = 9, if I make it farther, say 390km with 40 units of fuel, then the score will be 360 / 40 = 9.75. This challenge is focused towards flight skills about gliding the plane to make it as far as possible with the least amount of fuel as possible. Your flight is considered ended when your plane has landed/ splashing down. The scoring will be divided between single-engine craft and dual-engine craft Leaderboards [stock aerodynamic]: -1 assembly: @Cunjo Carl=41,967 -2 assemblies: @neistridlar=56,029 Leaderboards [FAR Aerodynamic] -1 assembly: -2 assemblies: Good luck, and may the sky has silver lining from your flight (or trail of debris, if you're unlucky)
  11. Good day, all. I am facing a challenge with the fuel feed system and am hoping to receive some expert advice! This link is to an unmodded .craft file for KSP 1.3.1. The craft is the B payload for Operation Beach Head loaded atop a standard Aquila launcher/transit vehicle. Problem Statement: The lowest 3 engines ignite during the lift-off stage and are intended to burn out together. To make this work in KSP versions 1.0.5 (which it did), fuel lines had to be run from the lower tanks to the next-level higher *engines*, rather than the tanks above. (This was due to one of the peculiarities/flaws of the original KSP fuel feed system.) Since 1.2.1, 1 tank on the lower deck runs out before the other two. I investigated this in 1.3.1 with the fuel feed overlay system and verified that the fuel lines are all correctly attached and everything seems fine. In addition, I can see no way with the new fuel priority system to prioritize this any differently. Any advice, insight, expertise will be greatly appreciated and acknowledged! [And yes, I did promise that Aquila is the ugliest ship in the Kerbal universe. If anyone has created an uglier Gorgon, I'm sure we'd all enjoy seeing it!!]
  12. For my career playthrough, I built a small rocket to explore Kerbin. It would travel on a suborbital trajectory, and after reaching the target biome, release the scientific payload (a materials bay, mystery goo, thermometer), and land, to be recovered for science. On it's first mission, I managed to get all the way to Kerbin's north ice caps. on the second, I tried to get it to the big desert (not that far away from the KSC). Instead, I ended up in the highlands for some reason. I've been trying to reach the desert, but seem to fail. So, should I A) Add more fuel B) Reach a higher altitude to then cover more distance C) Cheat and put 'Infinite Fuel' on. I was able to reach the ice caps, but can't reach the desert (which is closer to the KSC). Does anyone know why?
  13. WetterWings is a small module manager patch I wrote for myself a while back to add fuel storage to all the stock wings. As a bit of an airplane enthusiast in real life, I found it very odd that only a few of the largest stock wings were capable of holding fuel. Most planes, of all sizes store fuel in the wings, it's just a great place for it! To that end, this adds a very reasonable amount of liquid fuel storage to all the stock wing pieces. Since they are so thin, I've kept the numbers on the low side. I think you'll find the values are quite balanced, as I calculated each wing's total storage capacity as a function of it's lifting surface value. Changelog- Version 1- First release. Dependencies- Module Manager of course! Download- https://spacedock.info/mod/1665/WetterWings (Also available on CKAN) Instructions- Toss it in your "Gamedata" folder. License under spoiler: As always, feedback/comments/criticism are all welcome!
  14. HELP I am building a stock replica of the USS ENTERPRISE, I don't know how to show a picture of it. My problem is that my engines are not powerful enough/ don't burn long enough. I want it to have fair twr (from 1.00 to 0.50) and a long burn time (from 1h to 30m) I can't get this but I see giant stock sstos online and on youtube... I only need it to burn for 1 hour and I can refuel at my station. But it keeps running out of fuel. For instance I went to Duna once and I had enough fuel to go from low-kerbin-orbit (LKO) to intercept of duna but no closer. I tried many engine configurations and many different fuel and thrust values but I always go the same distance The fuel makes the engines last longer but makes the thrust less due to its weight. I need a solution to this problem and I can even give the craft file if you want. No memes or unrelated content plz, and no useless content either... Thanks in advance - A FAT KERBAL
  15. Happy New Year, everyone. I am overhauling my fleet and I'm in the market for ideas about orbital fuel dumps (OFD). Let's define an OFD as an orbital vehicle (Kerbin or elsewhere) that serves the sole two purposes of: refueling visiting vessels; (possibly) keeping mission components docked together awaiting final (low orbit) assembly; (not looking beautiful [in Space, nobody can see how Ugly you are]) I gave up on space stations as anything more than a fuel dump long ago. I've recently upgraded to 1.2 and then 1.3 and find auto-strutting -- which is just a way to defeat the ugly side of the Unity physics engine (as best I can gather) -- does actually help. But I still can't risk docking very much to the OFD (pictured). And have to remain very observant with the Warp key lest tragedy befall. What have people found is the best way to put a pile of fuel into orbit and keep it stocked?? Pictured below, (BEWARE THE UGLINESS), I assemble the following from bits left over from two super-tanker launches. Each super-tanker lofts 165 kilotons of LF up to the OFD. You can see this OFD has two weak links, at the hubs. I find that just maneuvering a ship near it can cause it to get the shakes. Even auto-strutted. And I'm not terribly sure which kind of strutting (Root, Parent, Grandparent, Heaviest) ought to work best... Please post screenshots of your Orange Fuel Dumps...!!
  16. Okay, situation: Been trying to carry my vastly oversized Duna lander to, well, Duna. The mission objective: do it in about as silly a manner as possible, more or less. The conundrum: This is about my fourth ship I have build for the purpose, the third fundamentally different design. I thought I could be clever by arranging fuel-tanks in a train-like manner, so that I could just run the engines from the one at the and and drop that once it's empty. AGX and very many click-clicky sessions on the flow-priority buttons, the old Drainex fuel meter from SmartParts, that should sort it. 'xcept it don't. As you can see in the video, the fuel drainage is ridiculous. LH2 fuel is drawn from the tank with flow priority 0, while oxidizer gets drawn from buggerifIknowwhere. And the tank at the end, with flow priority 90, parts with not a drop. Explanation I have for it: inertia is, of course, shoving the fuel away from my engines here, and the fuel pumps can't keep up. Only solution I could think off, open TAC Fuel Balancer, set the tank I wanted to drain to "transfer out", and set ALL other tanks to "tranfer in", set the transfer rate to 100 and try dialing the throttle back until the fuel tanks can keep up ... has failed. I thought of it while writing this and just tried it, no joy. So, have I indeed seen the error of my ways, is Dunacraft III - The Cryo Strikes Back just an idiotic design that I really should have used hyperedit to test before spending hours assembling the damn thing in orbit? Or is there ANY way of making this work? Like I said, I wanted to do it in as silly a manner as possible. Pretty sure there are ways sillier ways of doing it. But this one, hauling that trainload of disposable tanks, I kinda like that. And, fully expecting that, as usual, I only get things right when I try and work out what I got wrong earlier, am already mentally designing Dunacraft IV - The Last Cryo. But I really kinda like this one ... any advise is welcome!
  17. I may be entirely daft here - it's likely, but I have my space station set up, with its fuel tanks. I have 3 tanks for monopropellant, and 3 tanks for Liquid fuel and oxidizer. I filled them all up at launch with monopropellant. Now 3 are empty - i want to convert these empty tanks to hold Lq and Ox. How do I make it do this as it won't let me transfer LQ and OX into them Below is a picture hopefully explaining what i mean... P.S. I have interstellar fuel switch installed.
  18. I have a large rocket with multiple stages and I am trying to do a modified asparagus staging. As you can see from the pics the plan is for the two "A" tanks to feed into the "B" tank which feeds into "C" and then into "D", jettisoning each letter as they dry up. It works fine once I launch, the "A" tanks start to drain with no fuel being used from any of the other tanks. Once the "A" tanks are empty the "B" tanks start to empty, with no fuel being used from "C" or "D". But once the "B" tanks empty I start to use fuel from the "C" and "D" tanks which is not right...the "C" tanks should empty while the "D" tank shouldn't. It's not an issue of two tanks feeding a single tank because there is no problem with the two "A" tanks feeding the single "B" tank. And I'll note that all the decouplers have their crossfeed disabled. I have a bunch of mods installed but nothing that should affect fuel flow. GameData folder is in the album above. Is this a stock bug that I am seeing? Thanks! P.S. Guess embedding Imgur albums is broke again...
  19. Hi, I am using Real Fuels stockalike. Everything works, but the SRBS show SolidFuel instead of PBAN or some other solid fuel. I have seen Realism Overhaul players have SRB fuels, why do I not? P.S, there are no SRB thrust curves either
  20. Ammonia borane (H3NBH3) is a compound with properties analogous to ethane, but with a higher point of fusion. Basically ammonia borane is solid at room temperature and pressure, unlike ethane that is a gas. Ammonia borane has an special property: it will release hydrogen while is heating (being transformed to H2NBH2, next to HNBH) until degrade to nytrogen boride at 1000 "C. If ammonia borane isn't degraded to nytrogen boride, it can be recharged of hydrogen. This is a good thing, since a ammonia borane volume is able to store much more hydrogen than the same volume of liquid hydrogen. Then, it could be used for build light reusable rockets, as well as compact high hydrogen density cells of cars, and like hydrogen batteries for jet engines. Currently the ammonia borane is being studied for its possible application for hydrogen batteries of future, the main problem is the production of this substance, together logistical problems derived in the extraction and recharge of hydrogen gas from it.
  21. My plane was doing 0.13 fuel units per second, so i figured i'd time how long it takes to expend a unit of fuel, it took 23.56 seconds. But my calculations predicted far different from that result. My calculations are bellow. 0.13 units/s 1/.13 = 7.6923076923076923076923076923077 (seconds delay between each unit use) As you can see i predicted ~7.69 seconds, but i expirienced 23.56 seconds. A ~206.37% increase. I've added a screen-shot i took around the time of calculations in-case it helps. Can anyone tell me where i went wrong in calculations or if something like my frame rate is causing odd updates or something? (I had on average 11 FPS, and i timed the fuel expenditure with a stopwatch with 1/100 second accuracy. Also note that in the screen shot it has .09 but at the time of calculation it had .13)
  22. I've built a big ship for a manned travel to Mars.It's powered by 3 nuclear engines with Liquid Hydrogen as fuel.The complessive burn time is around 2 hours and the fuel is just enough to the whole trip to Mars and return ( no errors or DeltaV waste possible).So , what's the best way to save as much DeltaV as possible in maneuvers by doing them efficently?Are there any rules that I have to know on how to save fuel? The ship plays a lot on throwing away empty tanks ( life support and fuel), squeezing DeltaV to make the vehicle lighter.Start mass : 600 tons. End mass (from Mars to Earth): 150-200 tons.
  23. I love putting the RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Engine in my rockets, but since it's the heaviest are there any best liquid fuel engines for first stages out there? (no mods please) I use the 'Skipper' Liquid fuel engine for my second stage.
  24. Ever wonder why you can't use the hydrogen you can harvest with Nils277's Kerbal Planetary Base Systems to power Nertea's Cryogenic Engines? Wound up with excess LH2 and yet somehow you can't power your TAC Life Support Sabatier reactions so now your kerbals are dying of thirst? Hydrogen Compression is a simple way to work across these, and other related mods. Now, your 1.25m and 2.5m Convert-O-Trons can compress hydrogen into liquid hydrogen, evaporate liquid hydrogen into a gas again, or even choose to refine ore into gaseous hydrogen instead of liquid. As of version 2, it now also handles oxygen (liquid/gas, ore processing), and flags. If you're inclined, feel free to pick it up. Hosted on Curse, Spacedock, and theoretically on CKAN.
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