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  1. Has anyone else experienced the following problem in the mission "Meet Me in Zero G": The "Undock NOW!" node will not activate for me. I can undock immediately after the dialog message instructions, with no result. after then waiting for a bit, the time since node activates, I get a 0.7 score multiplier, and the waypoint for KSC never activates. Removing the undocking node and replacing it with an identical one fixes it for me.
  2. Can you not look out of the windows to the new command modules (double click) added in making history or is my game just bugged?
  3. *FIXED* Hi all, this is my first mission which is a simple rescue mission with a twist. In this scenario, Apollo 13 landed on the Mun but with damage and with hardly any fuel so what you've gotta do is send a small team of Kerbals to the Mun via a space craft specially designed to dock with the Apollo 13 CM so you can transfer your crew from the rescue craft to the CM. Then you can land the rescue craft on the Mun near Apollo 13 and get the crew. There probably will be problems with this mission but i played the mission when i made it and i found no problems, if there are any please post here. Hope you enjoy! Rookie https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8lif9awzqkd8ca1/AAAzNWc3z4_yQ67V8mBEJshSa?dl=0
  4. I'm playing around with creating Apollo missions and I'm trying to have the actions be performed in the correct order: Orbit Transmunar Injection MEM extraction However, I'm having a hard time figuring out a way of having the game check the trajectory of the craft. There doesn't seem to be "on an escape trajectory out of x" or "has encounter with x" node so I'm wondering what other people are doing to validate these checks. Ie: IF "Encounter = Mun" or "On escape trajectory from Kerbin (towards Mun)" THEN "Show dialog box to extract MEM" Is this possible at the moment?
  5. Hey, i am wondering how to unlock all of the tech tree via mission builder as mechjeb is useless without some of the tech tree filled in. Using ".cfg" file in gamedata to enable it does not work. i can change the "persistant.cfg" in saves to open tech tree but the "persistant.mission.cfg" will not enable tech tree from the start. super annoying as mechjeb literally will not work. not the best because some people are really gonna struggle with some missions and i want my missions to be more about understanding than struggling. i hope the developers didnt do this on purpose and merely just a feature they will implement (soon). i.e unlock tech tree via a tab in mission builder so on launching the mission mechjeb will be good to go... seems simple.
  6. Are the new parts from the Making History DLC available in career mode? I am having a difficult time finding a straight answer on this, and I would like to know before I purchase it. Thanks.
  7. Story: Jeb forgot his Key Card for the KSC (again!) and Gene is about to fire him! Get Jeb's Key Card from the Island Runway and hurry back to the VAB Roof. Summary: - fly to the island runway - land - get out and pick up your Key card - fly back to KSC - parachute onto the VAB roof and run to the door sounds easy? true but HOW FAST CAN YOU DO IT? Can you do it in less than 3 minutes? DOWNLOAD v1.1: <HERE> CHANGELOG: 1.1 - you have to EVA and get close to CoolCat Kerman on the Island Runway now (getting close within a craft isn't enough anymore) - Kerbal Recovery removed as endgoal - parachute to VAB roof door as endgoal added
  8. The Acapello 15 mission is neither completed nor failed if you splashdown on Kerbin instead of land on ground. If you finish the mission in water, the "splashed down" node does not lead to a "mission complete" or mission fail node. Instead it leads (for some reason) to a 5 minute timer node. At this point the player has no idea what's going on. There's no message, and if you recover vessel, the KSC is all disabled and nothing works. Either splashing down should be a fail or a success but it shouldn't leave the mission stuck in limbo.
  9. As someone who is just setting up a teaching program for KSP with students, I have been really interested in the Mission Builder. I'm still in the early stages, but there are some very cool aspects to it, and naturally I got very distracted.The biggest one: you can build a launch pad nearly anywhere: any planet or moon other than Jool and any location on the map. Here are some pics. One of my many failed attempts to get a large rocket into orbit from Eve: On the side of a mountain on Kerbin At the bottom of lake near the ice sheet on Kerbin at the bottom of a river (notice they've modeled all the underwater topography.) Underwater cliff: Beachfront view: Parked on Pol: Takeoff fail: Flying through Eve's ocean: It crashed almost immediately after this shot. Taking off from Laythe It's all a bit silly, but I really found the EVE launch to be a great challenge, which I have not at all succeeded in solving. I'm pretty new to this, so I have a LOT to learn.
  10. I downloaded the Making History expansion but when I launch it I get a black screen. I asked the technical support and they told me to uninstall and download/launch again. I don't know how to uninstall it on my Mac Could you please help as I was very much looking forward to this expansion. I am not a very experienced user so can you please help me in a simple step by step way? All help is appreciated.
  11. Hello! I was playing career mode in KSP 1.4 with Making History DLC installed, I was wondering where I would go to unlock these new launch sites? I went to sandbox to test if I could select them there, and I could. When I got back to my career mode save, I couldn't select a different launch site. Something I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
  12. *Edit: I will list each chapter as it is available below. ALWAYS download from this post to ensure you use the most up-to-date version* Chapter 1 DXX Download Chapter 2 Download DDX Chapter 3 Download DDX Chapter 4 Download Beta Note: Chapters marked with DX are final and have been played by others and cleaned up of any glitches, errors, or generally broken bits. ------------------------------ Hey all, I've been browsing the forums and it looks like this is a pretty good place to share missions and mission ideas for Making History? I got the DLC day one and have been playing around with the editor ever since. It's powerful, but a bit tricky. That being said, I'm trying to formulate some cool ideas for unique missions and wanted to get your thoughts. I'm a writer by day and love sharing stories. Instead of just doing recreations or one-off missions I thought it would be cool to do a very narrative-driven set of missions that follow each other logically. For example, if you download and play mission 4 and finish it, when you start 5 everything would be in the same place you left it for a bit of continuity. I'm just curious if any of you would be interested in Kerbal missions with a lot of text and story based narrative (that is funny, don't worry) and a mini novel-like approach to missions with each one named with a chapter number in it. The story would follow Jeb from his first day after graduating the Kerbal Space Academy and a rather mundane mission, eventually leading to more elaborate missions exploring the solar system. My first test mission is almost finished and I will upload it here in the coming days for a quick example if anyone wants to see what I mean. I'm still trying to learn everything well enough to actually tell a story though. Thanks everyone! PS-here's Jeb leaving the academy and being swarmed by fans.
  13. As the title said, one thing that I would really enjoy to have is the ability to make "full Soyuz style" spacecraft instead of just Vostok, so having also the "descent module" alongside the "orbital module". What do you think guys? Do you also feel that is a little bit incomplete right now?
  14. I purchased KSP back in 2012, and when I go to download Making History, I simply get a page that says "Sorry! Something went wrong If you have any questions, write us to [email protected]".
  15. Hey guys! I wonder, if there is any collection thread concerning missions made in the mission builder? Or even better: could we get a sub-forum for user-created missions? Best Regards, Mario
  16. In the last 23 hours (where i played ksp ground 4 hours) KSP crashed 20+ times, without any pattern. It crashed when loading a savefile, starting a mission from Making History, launching a vehicle, opening kspedia, recovering a vehicle, adding a part in the editor, reloading assets from the debug console or even when making a screenshot for another bug report. The crash itself is weird. Most of the time i only get a sound from Windows and 'poof' the KSP window is gone. Only once appeared a window saying that KSP crashed. Does this only happen to me? I'm wondering, because i haven't seen anything about it here or in the bug tracker. The output.log created each crash just stopps as if nothing had happened without reporting an error. If this happens to others too, i will create a bug in the tracker with the crash reports.
  17. I am currently working on an Apollo 13 mission, and when I try to fail a part on the spacecraft at a certain elapsed time, when I go to select what ship part on the fail part node, the screen is black, and I cannot select any part on my ship, if anyone can help, I'd certainly appreciate it.
  18. Title. The mainsail has almost the same thrust at sea level as the mastodon but the mainsail also has far better max isp in vacuum so the mastodon is redundant both as a launch engine and as an orbital engine. The mastodon should really have a higher thrust ( thrust in the middle of the min and maxthrust for the mainsail (around 1400?) would be better then it's got a niche as a more powerful launch engine than the mainsail but with less efficiency) , it's supposed to be a launch engine, at the moment there is no point using it at all except for aesthetic purposes. Also I should add the skiff is pretty weak in terms of thrust too, I made a saturn v replica and the S-II and S-IVB stages with a full tanks of accurate size had terrible thrust to weight ratios, something like 0.3 which is useless for an upper stage in the atmosphere. It should probably have twice as much thrust as a swivel for what it is, it's a 2.5 m engine.
  19. Brotoro's Making History Replica Missions I have renamed this thread so that I can post multiple replica missions I flew using the new Making History KSP expansion. This first post has my Gemini/Agena rendezvous and docking mission. Look at later posts to see other missions that I may post. Comments about the missions or Making History DLC are welcome. Gemini/Agena Rendezvous and Docking My first build in the Making History DLC is complete: A Gemini/Agena rendezvous and docking mission. The Agena was launched on my rendition of an Atlas-Agena. The "stage-and-a-half" Atlas first stage is not quite right...since the side engines drop off in two pieces:: The Agena reaches orbit with lots of fuel to spare. A close-up view of the Agena. The Agena uses a T-45 engine clipped up inside of a empty Oscar tank and a new conical service module part to achieve that Agena rear-end look...along with a couple small RCS tanks. Dumping the forward fairing uncovers the docking port (stuck in a inverted cone transition part). The Gemini-Titan II is made with the new 2-kerbal capsule and 1.875 meter parts. Alas, the Gemini's adapter section is therefore a cylinder (the 1.875m service module) instead of conical: The Titan's second stage tank is only partially full to lower the liftoff weight of the rocket...and still gets to orbit with fuel to spare. I always like a little fuel to spare. The Gemini was targeted into a slightly lower orbit than the Agena so that it could catch up to it after a few orbits: My Gemini has the same RCS thruster arrangement as the real Gemini. And here are some views showing what's tucked away inside the service module (batteries, RCS tanks, liquid fuel tanks...since this Gemini uses a liquid fuel Spark engine to deorbit instead of the solid fuel retros the real Gemini used). The small tanks at the front of the Gemini (a couple empty Oscar Bs) are there to give it a more Gemini shape...and the parachute hides inside them as well. Successful rendezvous and docking! Hey...I remember how to do this stuff after such a long time not playing KSP... The Agena's engine was used to boost the Gemini into a high elliptical orbit...as is right and proper for an Agena to do. And then the Agena brought it back down to a low orbit (I only used the built-in heat shield of the capsule, so I didn't want to come in too hot). The Agena/Gemini stack was not stable under full thrust...but it's traditional to have attitude problems after your first successful Agena docking, so I guess that's OK (just ask Neil). I had to maneuver in short bursts or low thrust. The service module engine provided the retro burn, then separated from the Gemini. And the Gemini made a very non-Gemini recovery on land, returning Jeb and Bill safely to Kerbin: Thanks for all the fun new parts!
  20. So I've been playing around with the mission builder. It's been alright though I'd be lying if I didn't say there were some issues. Here are my thoughts. Asteroid Redirection: You can spawn asteroids with the Spawn Asteroid node. However, once you've spawned them you can't really do anything with them. There's no way to require a ship to dock with them (they don't technically count as vessels), there's no "grab object" node, there's no "move asteroid to x orbit" node. This is really disappointing since a very specific Asteroid Redirect Mission was the first thing I attempted in the mission builder after getting my bearings. "Dialog" Boxes: First of all, a nitpick: "PR Kerman" should be "Walt Kerman." Second, it would be nice to have the dialog box show an astronaut of any of the four space suits (Veteran/Normal, Vintage/Normal) of any gender. Or a tourist. Or female scientists and engineers. Third, and most important: it's not really a "dialogue" if there's just a rant from a single Kerbal and then a single "OK" button to close the box. There should be multiple dialogue choices that the mission player can choose that might affect the rest of the mission. Solar Orbit: Without using maneuver nodes (and even then it's finicky), it is impossible to set high orbits above the Sun for spacecrafts, space stations, and asteroids. The maximum distance allowed by the semimajoraxis slider and number box is below the orbit of Moho, something like 0.002 AU. This makes conventional ARM or some deep space rescue mission very difficult to set up. You can not zoom out enough to set this up either, and children bodies (planets around stars or moons around planets) are not plotted in the graphic action plane. Glimmeroids are supposed to be called "Magic Boulders," as their implementation in 1.1 or so was a callback to an old easter egg of the same name. Also, there should be more types of asteroid than just the one gray texture, there is at least one more reddish-brown texture. There are a lot of problems with the default historical missions. At this point though I'm not sure how much of it is just based upon lack of polish and gameplay testing for the missions and how much of it is fundamental limitations of the editor. Misspelled or awkward text, reverse completion order, *precious loads of goo*, and so on. Why not let the player choose to launch as many vessels as they want for the mission as an option? If you wanted to use the Mission Builder for, say, the Jool Five Challenge, it would be unreasonable not to allow orbital assembly. On a similar note, the player should be able to optionally choose the name of the ship. Wernher (shouldn't it be Gene, the Mission Control guy?) von Kerman in the Mission Builder tutorial alludes to a third tutorial which seems to be missing. Now that we have this sort of programmable mission building u.i., maybe we can have scratch-style programmable flight computers for space probes? Why partition it off from sandbox and career mode? It would be amazing to have missions come in through the mission control center that you would get funds and reputation for. Or even as a way of planning out missions in sandbox and career. You could add a setting to the mission builder that disables universe-scale changes like funds, universal time, etc and marks it as a "Career Mode Mission." The vessel part explosions and failures could be an interesting hard mode setting for sandbox--as long as it's optional! Buying new launch sites on Kerbin would also be an interesting mechanic for career mode. You could spend funds to update them through each of the launchpad levels. EDIT: THE NEXT DAY: There is no way to display dialogue boxes of information in the VAB or SPH, which may be where you need exposition delivered through witty one-liners the most! The mission builder has so much potential to be great. But it isn't quite there yet. It's mostly functional, it's decent, but it's not great. Some of the features I've suggested are pretty major things that would classify as "updates" to the whole Making History DLC (or even future KSP DLC or Updates), but some of them are more like what you could put in a Making History fix patch, like the asteroid redirect mission and higher solar orbits. The main failing of the Mission Builder is that its limitations seem to come from a lack of imagination of what this system could do and what mission authors may want players to do. Also, a few thoughts on the new parts: The center of mass for many of the new pods is far too low. For the spherical pods and the MEM it looks like the COM is near the bottom attachment point. If your reasoning for the spherical pods is "well it's to keep it pointed the right way during reentry" then that's the wrong answer--that's the point of conical pods. The MEM would need to be completely filled with fuel to hold the amount of fuel that it does. Many pod IVAs have the ability to double click on windows to get a closer view of the window. This feature is absent in the new pods. It's not the end of the world, except for the MEM. The way the real Lunar Module was designed, the astronaut had to lean right up against the little window. In order for the MEM IVA to be usable for internal-view flight, you need to set up the double-click window setting so that you can look closely. This should also be enabled for the windows on the Gemini-like pod and the Mk1-3. No soyuz spacecraft parts? There is a part model switching feature now. Why not use it to keep the old parts in the game (neither removing them entirely nor keeping them hidden away), since some people (myself included) prefer them to the new ones?
  21. was on KSP's steam page and noticed this: Upon closer inspection, it seems it's not for sale anymore? I wasn't planning on buying it anyways, but what's going on?
  22. I can't figure out how to install the expansion. I already got it from the KSP store but I'm not sure what to do next. I'm on PC if it matters.
  23. 1) Making History DLC. No mods. First mission. Third ship "Jebnik 1". Trying launch it... and new launchpad causing game crash... 2) New game -> Sandbox mode -> load any build-in ship -> select new launchpad -> Click Launch -> Crash
  24. As I understand it, the new Mission Builder in Making History allows for making missions that require mods. I suggest making a sub-forum to the Making History Missions forum dedicated to missions that require mods. This way it would be easier to find missions suited for a vanilla game or a modded game to suit your install. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/98-making-history-missions/
  25. I noticed after upgrading to 1.4 (and now with the Making History DLC also) that I am having trouble unloading vehicles that previously had no issues. To be specific, when unloading (and sometimes while loading) rovers with deployable equipment, like extendable solar arrays and heat radiators, the equipment just breaks for no reason. This seems to happen regardless of whether or not the equipment overhangs the rest of the vehicle. In other words, I can have a solar panel array recessed into the design of the overall craft and it still breaks as if coming into contact with the side of the Mk3 Cargo Ramp. I was so excited they fixed the Ker-bounce bug! ...and I'd get to play with my moon bases again. And now there's something bugged with the Mk3 Cargo Ramp and I can't transport anything to my bases... AGAIN! Has anyone else noticed this?
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