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  1. Kerpollo2 *When someone completes the challenge I'll make a better badge, I promise! ____________________________________________________________________ The challenge is simple, but a bit hard to define. Sorry about that but here goes. THE SETUP Start an Exploration Mode game. Make it with (almost) any settings you want, but document them. Use any mods you want, but document them. Challenge yourself! The only setting you MUST have is that you MUST enable reverts. Not many challenges require that one, eh? I would also suggest not making the science gathering all that difficult. I did this with normal science and it wasn't exactly easy, though you could probably knock down gains to 75% and still complete the whole tech tree in this challenge. THE RULES General rules: You have 9 specific missions, each to land on a specified world or some specified worlds. You must land on the specified world(s) and may not land anywhere else during the mission, except of course Kerbin upon your return. These missions must consist of one single launch from the launch pad with everything you need to complete the mission, and end with the successful return of a vessel with all Kerbals alive within. This counts leftover things from previous missions! No refueling mission 5 with fuel tanks left in orbit from mission 4. Missions must be self contained. Only one mission can be ongoing at a time. You may not launch another mission until the current mission has completed successfully. Each Mission EXCEPT the first (Kerpollo) MUST contain at least one Lander and one Orbiter. Each Multi-world mission MUST use docking ports on the lander(s) and orbiter(s). Lander rules: Each Lander MUST be Kerbed. You may only land ONCE and may not roam from the landing region to another region. You can only get science readings from ONE ground biome per world. You may though collect as much flying or orbiting science during the mission as you can from anywhere you can, so long as you don't break the other rules. A splashdown can count as a "landing," so long as all other requirements and restrictions are met. Orbiter rules: For single-world missions, the orbiter must disconnect from the lander in some way (decoupler, stack separator, docking ports) and remain in orbit while the lander lands and returns to it. If the lander and orbiter do not have docking ports, the Kerbal must EVA from the Lander to the Orbiter, leaving the Lander behind. If docking ports are used, the lander can be undocked after transfer and left behind, or brought back, as long as all Kerbals return (and survive). For multi-world missions, at each world the Lander must disconnect from the Orbiter, land, return to the orbiter, and dock. After this is done, the lander can be discarded or brought to the next world, or brought home, as long as all Kerbals return to Kerbin (and survive). Some more general rules and guidelines: Due to docking port bugginess, if the ONLY reason you can't dock, undock, or re-dock at any point is due to a bug (i.e., the docking ports are connected but won't undock, or they're bumping into each other but won't dock), that in and of itself will not invalidate the mission. However, you'll still have to find a way around any problems this causes. You can use mods or reasonable hacks to do this, just describe what you do. If you're unsure if what you're doing is fine, feel free to ask. You may use one lander to land on multiple worlds in the longer missions, and the same orbiter to orbit multiple worlds. You can even use one world's lander as another world's orbiter and vice-versa. Or you can have dedicated orbiters and landers for each world. Or you can do a mix of this. Before EVERY launch, make a backup of your save. You will need this trust me. You may return to this point at any, any number of times. You can also quicksave mid-mission and return to that any time, any number of times. If for any reason you cannot complete all mission parameters with the ship launched while complying with all the rules, you must revert to this save to fix your ship. i.e., there are NO rescue missions. One launch, one return per mission. I reiterate: This does not mean you can't quicksave/quickload! Save early and often, and reload any time you want. If the ship you built isn't up to task, you must revert and fix the ship. But if you just screw up a landing or time warp through an atmosphere, reverting to a quicksave is perfectly fine. The "Only one region per landing" rule counts upon return to Kerbin as well. For rockets, this means no landing on Kerbin's surface and then taking off to land again. For space planes, it means ... well it means the same thing. Note: If your return vehicle splits up into different pods that's okay, so long as they all land in the same region, or you only take any science readings from one region upon landing. There are no restrictions on probe cores in Kerpollo2. Kerbals don't have professions and probe cores don't help Kerbed vessels. PROOF Provide as much proof as you can. This is a big undertaking so I'm hoping for full, picture-laden reports or videos or whatever, but if all you can do is jot down what you did then go for it THE MISSIONS You may do these launches in any order, except Kerpollo must be first. In particular, Dunpollo can be done earlier. I only listed it so far down the list because it's a multi-world mission. Other than that, though, this is a pretty decent suggested order. SINGLE-WORLD MISSIONS Kerpollo Orbit Kerbin. Should be easy. Munpollo Land your lander on Mun and return. You probably won't have docking ports, so must decouple from your orbiter to land and EVA back to the orbiter before returning to Kerbin! Minpollo Do the same for Minmus. Drespollo Dres DOES exist. Prove it by landing there and returning alive. Eelollo Eeloo's pretty cold this time of year, which is fine because it will probably take several years to complete your land-and-return mission. Mohollo Mahalo for doing Mohollo, and returning from a successful Moho landing! MULTI-WORLD-MISSIONS Dunpollo Land on both Duna and Ike and return all Kerbals to Kerbin. Remember, you MUST do this with docking ports! Evepollo This may be the hardest mission of them all. Land on both Gilly and Eve and return all Kerbals to Kerbin. Joolollo This may ALSO be the hardest mission of them all. Do a Jool-5 mission, but you need an orbiter around every world you land on. Remember, you can (but aren't required to) reuse landers and orbiters, so long as they're both present at the moon in question when you do your landing. SCORING As this is difficult enough, there is no scoring. If you finish, you win! There are, however, tiers: Tim C Tier - Do the Challenge as asked. Bob Tier - Do the Challenge, but you must fully complete a Tier of the Tech Tree before moving on to the next Tier. Bill Tier - Do the Challenge, but you must fully complete a column of the Tech Tree before moving on to the next column. Jeb Tier - Do the challenge without ever turning in a mission to Mission Control. Val Tier - Combine Jeb and Bill Tiers (no missions, must unlock all of a column before moving on). Gabe (RIP) Tier - Do the challenge AND complete the story missions in Mission Control. NOTE: You can actually LOSE this tier! If you don't complete ALL story missions for a world before finishing that world, you LOSE because you can't go back to that world! Keri Tier - Combine Gabe (RIP) and Bill Tiers (must do story missions, must unlock all of a column before moving on). THE BADGE Coming SOONTM IN CLOSING I fully expect I missed a rule, or messed up a rule. Feel free to comment with any questions or concerns. Don't comment though that it's impossible. I just completed enough of it my own self to prove to myself that it's doable (I unlocked the entire tech tree) but will be doing it from scratch, and documentation.
  2. Rational Resources is designed to operate on the Community Resource Pack or the WBI Classic Stock resources and to strip out the entirely random resource distributions and to apply distribution templates (carefully configured groups of resource distributions) according to the logically expected class and composition of a body. Rational Resources is inspired by Realistic Atmospheres made by @OhioBob and is part of the JNSQ (the planet pack) experience. While this mod is installed, un-configured bodies will have no resources at all (except for less Ore than by default). This mod may inflate your ModuleManager cache quite a bit. Notice that the logo image tells the following: Mun has a sizeable portion of MetalOre and Oxygen, but no Water (will be handled by biome specific config) and no Uraninite. Kerbin has a sizeable portion of Rock and Silicates, and there's a display for crust, ocean and atmo. Duna has a sizeable portion of CO2 in crust and atmo (not in legend), MetalOre, RareMetals and Uraninite, but no Minerals or Silicates. This mod enables planet makers to easily assign these distribution templates to their planet packs and skip the headaches of figuring out and writing the individual nodes themselves, and assorting all of their writings into several per-resource config files. Active CRP Resources Surface and Atmosphere Ammonia, CarbonDioxide, ExoticMinerals, Gypsum, LqdHe3, Hydrates, Hydrogen, MetalOre, MetallicOre, Methane, Minerals, Nitrogen, Ore, Oxygen, RareMetals, Rock, Silicates, Substrate, Uraninite, Water. Ocean Carbon, ExoticMinerals, Gypsum, LqdAmmonia, LqdCO2, LqdMethane, LqdNitrogen, LqdOxygen, MetalOre, MetallicOre, Minerals, RareMetals, Rock, Water. Star Ammonia, Antimatter, Carbon Dioxide, LqdHe3, Hydrogen, LqdDeuterium, Methane, Nitrogen, Oxygen, XenonGas. The resources above are preferred and used. are patched to display them all. Ocean resources only show non-zero values when the scanner vehicle is splashed. The Star series templates apply resource bands to a narrow and general classification of stars, automatically making them all viable as mining destinations for interstellar vessels. The expected members of this seres are: Yellow; Red Dwarf; Red Giant; Blue Giant. Due to a very nasty bug in stock, any resource bands around a star can only have a a maximum span of somewhere under 2 Gigameters. WBI Classic Stock system support: Rational Resources shows in the WBI play mode switch UI. (Picture needs to be updated) Assigning a template to a planet is as easy as: Current templates ISRU With omnipotent Ore being stripped of its Godhood, the following ISRU chains are proposed and encouraged for use by seasoned modders. Ore abundance is capped to 5% and its presence chance to 80%. It will be inconvenient for most players... but it will still be around. Ore tanks will be changed, at least, to hold the cryogenic input resources. Players may find themselves forced towards using Hydrolox rocketry since the required resources (Ore or Carbon Dioxide) for LiquidFuel may often be scarce meanwhile the requirements for Hydrolox (Hydrates, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Water) can be quite abundant. Metals* = Can be the Metal and MetalOre resources used by Extraplanetary Launchpads (EL), Metals and MetallicOre used by USI, or Aluminium. Sorry, it can be a bit of a mess here. Oxidizer options do not appear when RealFuels is present. Compatibility Due to the listed resources and the nature of Rational Resources, compatibility instantly extends between configured planet packs and the following mods: Kerbalism (consumable resources only) TAC Life Support Near Future Tech suite Hydrolox rocketry mods (including BlueDog Design Bureau, Cryogenic Engines, Kerbal Atomics) Potential Methalox rocketry mods Some resources and their distributions are conditionally spared while the rest are removed. Spared resources include ArgonGas, XenonGas, but not Karbonite and Karborundum. Purged resources include Dirt (used by MKS alone but supplanted with more Rock) and any other mod that adds resources (and especially extremely handwaved ones) such as The Gold Standard. But a provision exists to allow such resources to not be purged. Requires B9 Part Switch for tank options Requires Community Resource Pack for the resources in the tank options DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock Wiki :: GitHub LICENSE :: Configs are MIT :: Art is ShareAlike CC-BY-SA
  3. I think the title speaks for itself, but in this thread I'll be attempting the Jool V, landing on every moon of the green boi, and returning. Why do this? I have done technically complicated missions before, such as returning from New Horizons' Titanus, and a decent SSTO to Beyond Jool's Moach. However, this mission is going to be very challenging, a cut above the others in terms of sheer difficulty. I also have previously done a Jool V, but despite being quite proud of the launch vehicle it was very barebones, something that I have certainly not done this time. Mission Objectives - Collect surface science from all of Jool's moons - Deep-sea exploration of Laythe - Identify [REDACTED] on the moons - Return a Kerbal from Jool's sea level Components Tardigrades Hawk family GTT Potatus2 Tribute J6 (Mothership) Now, all of these modules can be launched separately. However, I thought it would be quicker if I launched the entire J6 stack in one go. Just to keep things interesting, I used a Hawk to ferry the crew. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The first two attempts below were complete write-offs, and lead to redesigns across the board. Link here to skip. Y1, D1 - Hawk SSTO Launch Y1, D1 (10 mins later) - J6 launch I'll pick up next time with the intercept of the Hawk and the J6, introduce the crew, and prepare to leave for Jool. (I'll edit the date for the title so you know if it is an update or not)
  4. Your goal is to use only Making History parts (or restock+ versions) to get as far as possible. Level 1: Reach sub-orbit The DLC is pretty bare-bones, so even this isn't as easy as usual Level 2: Standard easy mission, not much to say. Level 3: Land and return from Mun/Minmus/Poles of Kerbin Not as easy as you'd think, but challenges faced in orbital capabilities are used here. Lack of jet engines makes this double-level-2. Level 4: Interplanetary Fly-by and return or Lithobraking Getting hot, needing excessive tomfoolery and boosters to stretch Dv Level 5: Interplanetary landing and return Basically level 4 + level 3 combined. How even? Extra: Kerbol/Jool-dive: Try to get as close but still manage to survive. Multi-mission: Do something like a Mun and Minmus or Jool 3-5. Please don't attempt a Grand Tour for your own sake. Space station: Your only choice for docking is the airlock and solar panels aren't available.
  5. (I'm aware the pictures are broken, I lost them all lol sori. if you want to see moach, check out beyond jool) (this was a stupid idea) The last two missions I have done for Beyond Jool have been relatively simple. However, mod author @Mr. Kerbin decided to make another challenge for the mod, landing a plane and rover on the moon Moach. During the design phase, I was surprised that, testing my lander as a LKO SSTO, it was able to achieve orbit with 2600m/s remaining. And so, I began one of the hardest missions I've ever done. TLDR today I'm landing on Moach and returning with an SSTO. What is a Moach? Moach is a moon of Sarkin, the mod's Saturn / GP2 analogue. It is a dead world, with frozen wastes, desolate continents and an oxygenated atmosphere. While this leads to the conclusion that it is 'Laythe Easy Mode' (tbf its 100km smaller in radius), the problem comes from Sarkin itself, which is massive. The giant has a surface gravity of 4.11g, which combined with its general girth makes Moach spin around it at >6km/s. This makes transfer to and fro really hard. So, what craft have I engineered to get there? The SSTO This is the Daphy, an SSTO (im shocked). Running on 6 Rapiers and 2 Nervs, it has enough range to get to Minmus. However, the cost of high dV is low vacuum thrust, with a Kerbin TWR of 0.12 fully fueled. The cockpit design is borrowed from previous planes I have built, wanting to keep the plane looking somewhat flush. It also serves a second purpose, as on the end of its fuselage is a Convertotron, which is needed to get even close to Moach. The only issue is the front nosecone (which also has fuel) clipping into the front fuel tank, so this part has no Oxidizer to keep this looking nice without clipping fuel. In order to qualify for the challenge, I had to stuff a rover into the cargo bay (hence why I went with the MK3 form factor). This birthed the Potatus rover, a very unstable design which looks more like the Bat-cycle from Dark Night than an actual rover. The worst feature is the docking. Having seen @MythicalHeFF's recent Jool 5 video, it seems I was inspired to make an even more convoluted method of re-attaching the rover. It drives in backwards into the Daphy's cargo bay, where on Kerbin this bay must then be closed slightly to stop the rover getting stuck on the floor. A MK2 docking port then attracts the lander's port, aligning them. If the gravity is too high to let the two auto-attach, a set of Twitch engines on the rover then pushes the rover into the port until the two connect. oh it also has a scanning arm. Y1 - Launch The two modules had to be separately loading in, as despite my best efforts the Potatus would remain attached even after separation, is the two were the same craft. One quick drive from the Launchpad to the Daphy, followed by loading, later, and the crew of Jeb, Bill, Bob and Vall took off. The ascent from Kerbin was very sketchy, as poor TWR lead to a short re-entry during orbital insertion. But, it was successful, and 3 separate burns were done to get to Minmus. I initially landed on a plateau overlooking the Great Flats, as I wanted to pay homage to my first surface base, located in the same spot. However, it seems old me was an idiot, as this area had no ore, so I instead landed in the south strip of the Great Flats, which has ore (and was the site of my favourite suface base, go figure). Val and Bob took the rover out to scan nearby surface features, although the slippy surface of the slope resulted in some interesting ways to keep still. After returning, the rover was reattached to boost overall EC, and the mining began. Y3 - Transfer to Jool The transfer was done at Y3, as I was trying to use Jool as an assist to reach Sarkin. This plan was scuppered when, forgetting the Oberth effect was a thing, I spent 2.5km of dV ejecting to Jool from Minmus' orbital height. Just when all hope seemed lost, I remembered Pol existed. Y6 - Pol Landing Landing on Pol was tense, as by this point Daphy was running on fumes. Landing though, was achieved. The rover was not deployed, as there were no large features on Pol. During the mining process, I was able to experience a Jool eclipse. The colours are extra vivid as I installed Spectra Scatterer, which makes the eclipses, IMO, look better than stock Scatterer. Following this was a 19 year long wait for an efficient Sarkin window. Y25 - Transfer to Sarkin This was pretty standard, though this did take place during a rare Bop eclipse on Jool. And, after 11 years... Y36 - Sarkin Arrival After several assists of Tyrant, the capture burn around Moach began. Half of it was done at Sarkin periapsis to keep the actual encounter as efficient as possible. Even still, the full circularization took several orbits. The descent was turbulent, as Daphy span out hard. Luckily, I was able to stabilize the plane, and made a successful landing on the surface. (see top of post) The rover was deployed, before being stowed for the mining process. I'll do a second post for the return, as this is getting quite long.
  6. As of late, I stumbled upon the mod Beyond Jool. An alternate outer planets mod to OPM, it is very well made and one I would highly recommend you try out. Now, after getting some SpaceDust configs into the pack and realising that I need a much more powerful computer to begin attempting Tyrant, the mod's big bad and (spoilers) the villain of this post, I decided to do a Cassini-esqe mission to Sarkin. Mission Goals - Orbit Sarkin, the mods Saturn analogue - Fly-by all of Sarkin's moons - Land a probe on one of the atmospheric moons The Launch Launching the rocket took 2 attempts as attaching the interstage to the bottom caused the entire lower stage to remain on the rocket. The transfer stage has about 3400 m/s on it, as before it goes to Sarkin, I've decided to make a quick pit stop Wait, that's another modpack! Yes, this is Crokslev, from the Minor Planets Expansion. I wanted to do this as 1) Beyond Jool has MPE compatibility and 2) MPE's 1.1 update has given Crokslev a significant glow-up. I did pay for this, as my shoddy trajectory cost me the whole transfer stage to recorrect. But, 5 years later, I had arrived. The Landings You may notice 2 atmospheric probes on the probe. These are for the 2 bodies small enough not to incinerate a probe - Moach, a dead moon still retaining an oxygenated atmosphere, and Volatus, the Titan analogue orbiting Tyrant. Approaching Moach - the probes are detatched early so as to save fuel on the main probe. Tyrant visible in background. Unfortunately, the first one was wrecked, as the drogues were not enough to slow the craft. This looks quite intimidating. Until recently, this used to be identical in colour to Eve. The aerobrake in question, done against Volatus' orbit. Sarkin and Tyrant overhead. Tyrant, by the way, is a terrestrial with greater GeeASL and radius than Alternis Tylo. Touchdown! The Volatus lander was much more successful. Although the entry speeds were upwards of 8km/s, I correctly judged the thick atmosphere would slow the craft fast enough to keep it only slightly charred. At least I had one success. Foreshadowing + The rest of the flybys Unfortunately, my sporadic quicksaving came back to bite me when a borked fly-by of Tyrant left me in a revesed orbit of Sarkin. However, I was still able to fly-by the other inner moons, Kotta and Aron. Kotta, an oblate moon. The large crater on the right is Sushut Crater. Aron, the Enceladus analogue. The 'Crater of Nertea' is plainly visible. The 'Grand' Finale Now, I was at this point hoping to do a dive into Sarkin similar to the one done by Cassini. This plan was thwarted by two factors (Sarkin's atmosphere being very short and thus getting very thick very quickly, and the orbital velocity being 25km/s), which, instead of a fireworks show, instantly deleted the craft. Conclusion While the mission achieved most of it's objectives, the lengths to get to Crokslev and the sabotage by myself Tyrant left me unable to reach the other two moons, Sapp and (big shocker) Eeloo. Despite this, I enjoyed the rest of the mission.
  7. I don't know if this is even possible, but if you try this, the rules are simple, Launch a rocket with a payload on board put the payload in an eccentric orbit that allows you to get a gravity assist of the Mun or minmus try to get to Jool with just gravity assist and only 2 tons fuel. Probes or crew you are allowed to do small burns if you have OPM or beyond jool installed, for an even crazier challenge, go to Sarnus or sarkin if you have any interstellar mod installed, try to get to that system(wormholes allowed)
  8. In 2015, NASA’s New Horizon probe swung past Pluto, gathering important data about it and its moon before slingshotting itself further away from us, now heading forever out of our solar system…pretty cool, huh? :) But we all know the Kerbals and the great Kerbal Space Program is better than NASA by far, and to prove this we must one up them. Therefore, I challenge all of you budding Kerbonauts to design a probe capable of: REACHING THE PLANET OF EELOO SLINGSHOTTING PAST IT ON AN ESCAPE TRAJECTORY OUT OF THE KERBOL SYSTEM LANDING A SMALLER PROBE ON THE SURFACE TO DO SCIENCE! The rules are as follows: The probe must pass within 70km of Eeloo’s surface and the lander must have a stable, prolonged touchdown on the surface The probe must be done in stock but the two DLCs (Making History and Breaking Ground’ are permitted The probe must way between 3 and 12 tons during its interplanetary stage (from leaving Kerbin’s SOI to entering Eeloo’s SOI) To validate your probe, you must send at least 5 pictures of your probe: one in the VAB (clear), one on the launchpad, in orbit around Kerbin, near Eeloo and finally an image of the lander of the surface. Another image is required of the final probes escape trajectory The information for your probe in your message (simply reply on this thread) must include: mass, name, overview, any cool notes and (hopefully not) controversial things, e.g. part clipping Cheats (including unnecessary part clipping) is prohibited and any will be disqualified Don’t ruin the competition. Be sportsman’s like and don’t ruin the fun for others. THE TOP THREE WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON JANUARY 15th 2025. The craft will be ranked out of 10 by my own judgement but can get bonus points for: +1p — The whole probe goes within 10km of the surface (proof needed, screenshot is sufficient) +2p — The probe weighs less than 7 tons (including lander) +2p — You put a merry Christmas Easter egg on your probe! ;D +3p — You return your lander to Kerbin safely (can be recovered from within Kerbin SOI by another craft and can use ISRU FLY SAFE AND ENJOY A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR, HOPEFULLY NOT STRANDED ON DUN (i’m still sorry jeb)
  9. Rest in Peace Cassini-Huygens Probe As many know, today (at the time of writing) the Cassini Saturn Probe will be completing its mission to the ringed planet in a spectacular grand finale. After spending nearly 20 years in space, Cassini will be plunging into Saturn in an effort to protect potential lifeforms on its moons. It has given us much insight as well as fascinating pictures of Saturn and its moons, and is a scientific marvel. This challenge is to remember and memorialize the Cassini-Huygens Probe. (So its not meant to be super hard, but that's what bonus points are for! ) CHALLENGE INFO Send a probe weighing at least 4 tons to Jool, visit (flyby) at least 1 moon. Then destroy your probe in Jool. *Substitute Jool for Saturn (RSS/RO) or another Saturn alike planet with at least 1 moon for other planet packs *Parts from any publically available mod allowed, as long as they are balanced. (I.E. No 10,000 thrust, 1,000,000 isp engines) Bonus Points Realism - realistic looking probe (screenshot required) Real Scale Solar System - Mission is done with RSS/RO, challenge is exactly the same, but going to Saturn Huygens Lander - send a battery powered lander to Laythe (or Titan for RSS players) That means no solar panels, RTGs or fuel cells! Maneuverer - use a gravity assist to get there Realistic Maneuverer - use 2 Eve gravity assists, followed by a Kerbin one Explorer - Flyby at least 2 of Jool's moons Explorer plus - Flyby every Jool moon Minimalist - entire rocket masses less than 60 tons Maximalist - Largest probe by mass and/or size Direct route - Fastest mission time Badge available! (Thanks CraterCraker for the artwork) GOOD LUCK KERBONAUTS! Don't forget to post your attempts, as well any bonus points in this thread Craft files & screenshots welcome too! -Rev
  10. What is it? A Planet Jam is like a Game Jam but with Kopernicus. Anybody is allowed to participate in the Planet Jam, but a basic understanding of planet modding is expected. Every two weeks, a Planet Jam Challenge will be released on the KSP Forums alongside specific rules and other information. Competitors must craft the best celestial body possible for the challenge and submit it for judging. The score each submission will receive depends on Whether it suits the challenge Whether it abides by the rules, both general and Challenge specific Points awarded based on originality, appearance, and production techniques Following each challenge submission deadline, four elected judges from the KSP Forums (including myself as the host/moderator) will grade the submissions and select four award winners. Winners may choose to have their celestial bodies implemented into an official Planet Jam Mod, which will showcase all previous winners' submissions. Because the Planet Jam is in its early stages, please feel free to ask questions or give suggestions on how to improve the competition experience! Use either this thread or DM me on Discord @ wpetula#4357. I will be updating this post frequently in the coming days, so stay tuned for updates! When does each challenge start? Challenge timeline Judges for the next challenge are elected A new challenge is released on the forums Competitors have two weeks to craft their submissions Competitors submit their creations for judging Winners are announced on the KSP Forums The Planet Jam Winners Pack is updated Who has won so far? Challenge #1–-Moho revamp: RJVB09 Entry Who can participate Anyone can participate in any Planet Jam challenge, unless They are a judge for the challenge They have been banned by the judges They have uploaded their submission after the challenge submission deadline Uploading your submission What to submit Required Config (.cfg) All maps, textures, and files required for your submission to run in-game as intended README (.txt) file Alternate name for author This is to prevent bias during judging Make sure to choose a name that is unlikely to be used by another competitor! License chosen by author Decision to be showcased in the Planet Jam Winners Pack (yes or no) A list of dependencies and compatible mods Not required but considered Scatterer + related files and textures Not required and not considered EVE and related files EVE will not be considered (yet) because there are not enough tutorials available for new modders Other mods Where to submit Competitors will upload copies of their submissions to their Google Drive account and share it with the judges. This method guarantees that competitors cannot alter other submissions, and their original work is protected from alteration. Rules for submission Each competitor may only submit one celestial body for judging (unless specified otherwise). If additional celestial bodies are submitted, they will not be considered. Only under approval from a majority of the judges may additional submissions be considered. Celestial bodies submitted after the challenge submission deadline will not be considered. A late submission will only be considered if a majority of the judges approve. Competitors must submit their own work. Work copied from existing mods or past submissions will not be accepted and scored. Terrain textures borrowed from community mod packs such as CTTP are permitted Judges may not upload their own submissions with the intent of winning an award. If a judge attempts to submit their work in any form with the intent of winning an award, they may be prohibited or banned from judging some or all future challenges. NOTE: A judge may request to submit their work for scoring, "just for fun". This is perfectly fine! The judge's submission will not be given any awards. Other notes for submissions Check whether your submission appears and works as intended on a clean install of KSP (plus Scatterer and dependencies if necessary) Judges may not have the same mods as you installed on their computers, and some mods alter the appearance of celestial bodies in unexpected ways Judging Who can be a judge If you want to be a judge for the next challenge, email me through the KSP Forums or DM me on Discord @ wpetula#4357. You will be added to a list of other judge considerations. Current judges have the option to remain a judge for the next challenge or resign and participate as a competitor instead. Submission scoring Judges will score submissions from 1-5 in three categories: Originality, Appearance, and Technology. Submissions that explore new, interesting concepts will receive high scores in Originality, submissions that are stunning in looks will receive high scores in Appearance, and submissions that were developed with an innovative approach will receive high scores in Technology. Awards There is one award per category, plus one for whichever submission scores the highest overall. Most Original Concept Best in Appearance Most Innovative Production Method Best in Show Entry into the Planet Jam Winners Pack The Planet Jam Winners Pack will showcase all previous winners in organized solar systems. In the description for a winning celestial body, information about the competition will be paired with any additional lore the author decides to include. Example of a winner description AUTHOR: forum user MoarBoosters2 AWARDED: Best in Show JUDGE COMMENTS: (why the judges thought the submission deserved the award) NUMBER OF COMPETITORS: 12 LICENSE: All Rights Reserved MODS BY AUTHOR: Booster’s Planet Pack, Even Moar Planets (Optional celestial body description here) Download the Planet Jam Winners Pack here: https://spacedock.info/mod/3081/Planet Jam Winners Pack Benefits of the Planet Jam Educational: Modders of all skill levels can learn from each other by studying and exploring celestial bodies showcased in the Planet Jam Mod Community-building: The Planet Jam is intended to bring the KSP community together in an open, friendly competition for all. This event is an amazing opportunity for players to participate in the modding community! Advertisement: Modders of all skill levels have the opportunity to show off their skills and gain recognition in the KSP Community Entertainment: Planet Jams are extremely uncommon on the KSP Forums, so the community will have something new to try Preventing shenanigans While this competition is intended to be casual, any behaviors considered suspicious or disruptive will not be tolerated. These behaviors include but are not limited to Discouraging others in any manner Constructive criticism is fine; just make sure it's actually constructive Attempting to alter or destroy other people’s work before or during scoring Uploading inappropriate or unrelated submissions Attempting to intentionally delay a valid participant from submitting their work Attempting to enter the competition as a current judge Attempting to break the rules using loopholes or “sneaky tactics” NOTE: The rules of the Planet Jam are subject to flexible interpretation, logic, and reasoning. The severity of violations will be assessed by the judges and, if needed, additional KSP Forum members. Violators may be prohibited from some or all future challenges. Have fun, everyone! Thank you for your support.
  11. Ah, New Horizons. An old mod for KSP, NH rearranged the stock system, moving bodies around and adding new ones to explore. However, the lack of any major updates past 1.3 left it in the dust against the more well known mods of today. However, thanks to the work of several users (link here), a version of NH compatible with modern KSP is available. So today, I thought I'd use this opportunity to land on one of the mod's hardest bodies - Titanus. What is New Horizons? As mentioned, NH is a revamp of the stock solar system. Notable changes include: Interplanetary distances are now much greater Kerbin is now a moon of a gas giant, Sonnah Entire system in inclined to Kerbin's orbit, making transfer more complicated Several other new bodies, including: Ernus - vacuum planet with Eve's gravity, orbiting at an unhealthily close distance to the Sun Vanor - Furthest planet from The Sun. Moons include mini-Eve (Tidus) and high gravity dogtoy (Etal) Titanus - Subject of this mission. Super-Kerbin with 9 atm surface pressure, 2+ g surface gravity and 160km atmosphere. Titanus orbits just past Jool in this mod, and has three moons, one of which happens to be Tylo. Despite a quirk of New Horizon planets having unrealisticly low entry heating, Titanus is the exact opposite - its atmosphere hits you like a brick wall the instant you drop below 160km. Designing the lander Although Titanus is a tough nut to crack, my solution was simple - recycle an old design of mine. Specifically, this abomination v About a year ago I had the bright idea to send a rocket to the 0-mark of Jool's atmosphere, using helicopter rotors to push the rocket. This mission was made more complicated by doing it on Console. I will not elaborate, you probably get the idea from just that. Turns out, the basic design works very well for Titanus, and with a few modifications (more thrust, landing legs, fuel cells for rotors instead of 100+ RTGs) the Titanus mission was ready for launch. As well as this, I gave myself the arbitrary restriction of only using stock parts. Technically my use of ReStock does invalidate this, but I am willing to do this for the sake of prettier rockets. Launch 1 - Lander The first rocket launch was the Titanus lander. The rocket's main feature is the oversized fairing to protect the blades. It was successfully taken to orbit by an SSTO. Yes, it is an SSTO. It certainly cannot fly well, but it is a single stage to orbit. Launch 2 - Transfer Yet another holdover from the Jool Mission of Abomination, this transfer stage is powered by 24 NERVs. It lacks RCS, however, which resulted in about 20 minutes of pushing the two modules together in orbit until the Sr. docking ports connected. Launch 3 - Crew + Minor lander The final launch used the only rocket I think was vaguely aesthetically pleasing. It carried up the lander for Titanus' new moons and the crew module, housing Jeb, Bob and Val. This docking was thankfully more succinct, as the reaction wheels aligned it better. The rocket was now assembled. Using the Astrogator mod (link here) I plotted my course to Titanus. Thankfully, a combination of the Oberth effect of Sonnah and little inclination made the transfer very cheap. However, what I did not expect was for my laptop to crash KSP several times until I relented on using any gravity assists to capture. The capture around Titanus was uneventful, minus a small Kraken attack. Turns out, this craft isn't very stable (go figure) and nearly shook itself to bits. This was fixed with Autostrut. The Descent The descent to Titanus was terrible. Due to the setup of rotors and heat shields, the craft took 2 hours to fully reach Titanus' surface, leading to an entire session wasted when it fell over on a cliff. The wings did not contribute to this, as despite being behind the heat shields they burnt off after less than a minute. This unfortunate glitch meant that I had to regrettably uninstall ReStock for the remainder of the mission. Finally, a functional lander rested on the ground. My penance for this was several attempts, each taking several hours, consisting of the rotors pushing the craft to about 60km before losing stability and falling back down to the surface. This was caused by me using SAS lock on Radial Out, and the resulting flip when the Navball switched from Surface to Orbit. Once this was finally diagnosed, the craft successfully reached the target altitude of 80km. The Ascent After I had squeezed as much altitude as possible from the rotors, the blades, fins and fuel cells were jettisoned and the Vector engines ignited. This phase of the launch gets the rocket on a trajectory out of Titanus' atmosphere as soon as possible - the 2nd stage needs as much clearance from the planet as it can. This is because it is nuclear and has a TWR of only 0.38, and therefore cannot combat Titanus' surface gravity under about 3km/s of orbital velocity. However, it was doable. I had finally escaped Titanus. The docking was rather boring - the lander still had 2km/s of fuel left and easily docked to the mothership. Jeb returned to Bob and Val and a course was set to Ete, Titanus' closest moon The 'Victory' Lap Now I had been backstabbed by ReStock, another, more annoying problem had emerged - my own incompetence. The lander was initially meant to so a surface return from Tylo, but I forgot to add the external tanks to make this possible. On top of that, I did not have enough patience to haul it to LTO and then attempt a landing, unaware of how doomed it may be. So, after using the remaining fuel of the Titanus lander, the Tylo lander pushed on to Ete. Now Ete has it's own challenge - due to the proximity of Titanus, the SOI minus the radius of the moonlet is only 15km. This was overcome, and the lander safely touched down on the deep blue surface. The lander then rendezvoused with the mothership, with it then being ditched in Ete orbit. The 3rd moon is called Oree, and orbits retrograde around Titanus. The surface gravity was, however, only 0.02 g, so after a ballistic insertion the mothership made contact and the whole crew took a look at Titanus. The Return The return had its own share of problems, which became apparent after leaving Ete for Oree. Having been unimpressed with a recycled Jool mission conquering Titanus, New Horizons itself decided enough was enough and made several attempts to completely ruin the mission. This was displayed in phantom forces which pushed trajectories out of sync, the manuever nodes failing to cooperate and the planets themselves offsetting off their rails during timewarp. Thankfully, I had packed a slight excess (2500m/s) of fuel and after 10 years, the crew was home. The Aftermath Unfortunately, the surface sample was thrown out by RnD because it was a sandbox save. In summary, I enjoyed the mission, excluding the attempted sabotage by the game itself at the end. If anyone reading this has any mission ideas pls reply - I'm fairly new to KSP planet mods and would like to have a go at some other challenges. Thanks for reading. Mods used - Better Time Warp, Texture Replacer (for kerbals), Astronomer's Visual Pack, Astrogator, Re-Entry Particle Effects Renewed, Restock, New Horizons (duh), Planetside (solar panels have funky texture and this is my best guess why).
  12. Premise: Going places in ksp is always a quick afair, but in real life you often just see the launch then months or years later you hear of the result. This series will try to replicate that by not using time warp. The clock will be set to earth time and on game boot will be warped to the present, only allowing preplanned manuver nodes to be performed in the catch up period. If quickloading is needed due to bad piloting then warp can be used to get back to the previous point. The system will be the OPM Kerbol system at normal scale with no life support mods. High energy transfer will be used quite a lot here, even if transfer window planner struggles in that middle range between hohfmann and brachistochrone. Part 1: Fleas and Orbiters Jumping Flea Hammer stack Adding an upper stage to the hammer stack makes a good orbiter Most of the way there Landed on this steep hill. Part 2: Moonshot The Miku series rocket. A swivel and 2 reliants make a decent LV. throttle is needed at maxQ. The 2 side tanks provide enough deltaV for transfer, landing and 1 short hop. the tiny tank in the middle provides enough for return. Boosters spent, almost in orbit Going for TMI. the pug takes a while to perform this. Approaching the Mun A small step for kerbal, a huge leap for rocket. A hop to a different biome ended up landing in this rock. Returning to Kerbin. The upgraded Miku III going to Minmus. The second rocket went also to there and while it ended up arriving at the descending node by chance, the transfer was also suboptimal resulting in a 3 day transfer instead of the 18h transfer this one achieved. A forth rocket was also sent to the Mun piloted by a new recruit, if you can even call it that considering the probe is required for a scientist to fly it. A Moho transfer window opens in a week and a few other planets can be brute forced in that time frame. Question is how much i want to farm Minmus for science considering how OP each sea being its own biome is, and if i should do a kerballed mission before a probe arrives at the destination. It is very unlikely the Kerbin system alone will be able to unlock any far future tech since i upped the cost to 10K
  13. I visited various celestial bodies, both in stock and modded KSP 1, and yet Duna is the place I find myself always returning to: relatively small dV required to reach it, enough gravity for quick surface traversal, atmosphere thin enough to allow brutal reentries but at the same time just so thick enough to fly and even land planes. Pretty much everything I could do on Duna I did it: from simple fly-bys to non-refuelable SSTOs to even circumnavigating the entire planet on land With the release of KSP 2, total redesign of Duna and (future) addition of all the new game mechanics, I plan to again thoroughly explore the Red Planet. But, instead of doing it all myself, I decided to share the fun with others! Proudly introducing... The Mastery thread will consist of various challenges/achievements that you will need to complete in order to get on the respective list. Challenges must be done in order from start to finish. Depending on the future updates and new gameplay mechanics new challenges will be added, or the old ones adjusted. Rules might also be modified accordingly Rules: Usage of potential physics exploits is forbidden: no cheats or Kraken drives of any kind If you use any mods that affect stock gameplay (whether it is new parts, changed rigidity configs or otherwise), state them. These submissions will be marked as Modded General construction of the vessels is up to you: use any part you want, as long as you keep within the broad requirements of each challenge (satellites must have antennas, Rovers must have wheels, you get the idea) All crafts must be launched from Kerbin (unless specified) Post proofs of your mission: screenshots or videos. If you have a lot of screenshots, place them under a spoiler Don't mix up the missions: there must be one submission per mission and the missions must be flown one at a time State the Game Version that the mission was flown on If you have concerns or questions about the ruling - ask away! Let's get down to the Challenges. And before you ask: most of the Challenge names are inspired by various works of fiction about Mars 1. Destination Duna Pretty straightforward: build an Unmanned Probe and perform a fly-by of Duna. Very broad definition of "Probe" here: you don't need to have antennas or means to generate electricity. As long as it has a Probe Core and it fly-bys Duna - you're in 2. Otherworldly Connection Build an Unmanned Satellite and enter Duna orbit. Satellite must have an antenna strong enough to reach Kerbin and have means to generate power. Take Ike's SOI into consideration when you plan the orbit! 3. Transmitting Live From Duna Set up a Relay Satellite constellation in Duna's orbit. There must be at least 3 satellites in the constellation. Each Satellite must have a Relay antenna strong enough to reach Kerbin and have means to generate power. You can either launch new satellites or add some to the one you've sent in Challenge 2, as long as the Satellite from Challenge 2 satisfies the aforementioned requirements 4. First Landing Launch an Unmanned Lander (like Viking) and land it intact on Duna. Lander must have an antenna that can reach the Relay satellites, means to generate electricity and some sort of landing legs. Whether you choose to use already provided lander legs or make some of your own from structural parts is up to you 5. Desolation Road Design an Unmanned Rover, send it to Duna and demonstrate its functionality by covering some distance in it. Rover must have an antenna that can reach the Relay satellites, means to generate electricity and at least 3 wheels 6. Bring It Home Design an Unmanned Lander that can land on Duna and then subsequently return it intact to Kerbin. If the Lander is multi-stage, the stage with Probe Core must be returned. Otherwise the requirements are the same as in Challenge 4 7. Strangers in a Strange Land Land a Kerbal (or Kerbals) on Duna and then bring him (or them) back. The method (Direct ascent vs. Orbit rendezvous) is up to your choice. If you send multiple Kerbals, all of them must return home: leave no one stranded! 8. Come Fly With Me Design a Duna Plane and demonstrate its ability to navigate its skies. Plane must have wing parts and be able to land and take off horizontally. Plane can either be Manned or Unmanned. If Manned, all Kerbals must later return home (either via Plane or other means). If Unmanned, the Plane must have an antenna to reach the Relays and have means to generate electricity. Extra kudos if it can return intact back to Kerbin More to be added... Good luck and have fun!
  14. Kerbal Lawn Chair Program After a mishap around Duna, your space program's budget has been slashed. A lot. In fact, it was slashed so much that you can no longer afford any rocket or jet engines. The only parts that your agency could refurbish with their new budget are wings, a Chromebook and launch clamps. Oh yeah, and also an old lawn chair from Jeb's backyard. Goal: The goal of this challenge is to see how far you can make it away from the launch pad with only a few low tech parts. You might want to remember what you can do with the lawn chair's PAW . You will have to show a picture of your co-ordinates. You can get your co-ordinates through looking at the map view or by using mods. Whoever tries this challenge will be put on the leaderboard and may add a badge to their signature when I get round to making them. The KSC's co-ordinates are 0° 5' 50" S and 74° 33' 28". Rules: 1. Only parts allowed are the lawn chair, launch clamps, Probodyne OKTO and any wings. Jetpack and kerbal parachutes are allowed. Make sure to keep your craft stock. 2. Your craft must stay beneath 3500 3. Share your craft's cost and mass at launch and co-ordinates when landed. Pictures would be appreciated. 4. Please launch east towards the ocean, it makes it easier to judge who wins. 4. No Alt-F12 or kraken. Pretty self-explanatory. 4. Don't cheat, keep it fun for everyone . I won't be recreating your craft step by step to see if it works, so just stick to the honor system. Leaderboard 1. 2. 3.
  15. UKSA Challenge "All these worlds are Ours." I've always dreamed of this challenge, this ultimate goal of having at least one orbital and surface "Colony" on every planet and moon in the Kerbolar System, and then taking that to steps even farther beyond with life support, construction, shipyards, and even adding in OPM to truly push the boundaries of "Challenge" in KSP 1. So, here I am, sharing this with you all to see what you think. The Mission: Expand Kerbalkind's influence to the whole of the Kerbolar System and make the Kerbals a Multiplanetary Species that has exploited the resources of their entire home Solar System, Kerbol. Challenge Goals * One Orbital Colony per Celestial * One Surface Colony per Celestial Challenge Ruleset (Base) * SP / MP / Sharing: The "Default" setting for this challenge is a "Single Player" experience to push your knowledge of KSP, and of mods, to achieve a grand goal. If you'd like to share and go MP with it however, feel free to do so, you need only state that you've chosen to play MP with or without Save Sharing. in any posts. * FTL : Disallowed (See Difficulty Modes for Exceptions) * OPM: Required (See Difficulty Modes for Exceptions) * Life Support: Required (See Difficulty Modes for Exceptions) * Game Mode: Career Mode / Medium Difficulty or Higher (See Difficulty Modes for Exceptions) * Interstellar End Game: Special Rule - (See Difficulty Modes for Exceptions) * Ironman (No Kerbal Respawns): Optional * Mod List: Required - You must include the mods you're using in any post sharing your progression of this challenge. (Feel free to truncate the list of mods and make sure to spoiler the list in any posts.) * MODS USED MUST BE PUBLIC: Any mod you use must be available to the KSP community publicly. * Colony Guidelines: To Count, a "Colony" must be a "Base" that is either an Orbital or Surface Installation that has life support for at least 20 or more Kerbals. (seats in "Command" Parts do not count.) * Outposts: Outposts may be surface or orbital installations that are focused on logistics and operations and may be entirely automated. These could be "gas stations" or other facilities like "surface labs" for science gathering. Achievements Achievement: To Go Even Further Beyond - Swap out the Stock Solar System for KSRSS, A Rescale Mod of your Choice, or "Real Solar System." Achievement: Articles of Colonization - All your Colonies are entirely Self Sufficient Achievement: Harbor Grand Master - Build at least two fully operational Ship Yards that can produce vehicles in space using any mods of your choosing. Achievement: Colonial Fleet Command - Have at least one "Ship" in orbit of every planet. (Check Quote for Guidelines) Achievement: In a Galaxy Far Far Away - Swap the Stock+OPM system requirement with another planet pack + expansion if needed. The replacement system must have more than 20 celestials in total. (Check Quote for Guidelines) Achievement: Three Sisters - Colonize the Stock System with OPM as well as GPP Secondary and GEP (This pack turns Kerbol in to a Trinary Star System and removes the need for a /True Interstellar/ Mod.) Difficulty Options (For those that want to partake but have a more tailored experience with the challenge. Difficulty mode chosen must be stated when undertaking the challenge.) Very Easy * FTL: Allowed * Game Modes: Any / Sandbox Allowed * Life Support: Not Required * OPM: Not required * Kerbals in Command Parts Count towards Colony Size Easy * FTL: Allowed * Game Modes: Science or Career Mode On Easy * Life Support; Required (Suggested LS Mods for Easy: Snacks, USI Life Support) * OPM: Not Required Medium * FTL: Disallowed * Game Modes: Science or Career Mode On Medium * Life Support; Required (Suggested LS Mods for Medium: TAC-LS) * OPM: Required Hard * FTL: Disallowed * Game Modes: Career Mode On Hard or Science Mode Equivalent * Life Support; Required (Suggested LS Mods for Hard: TAC-LS)) * OPM: Required Very Hard * As Hard Mode + Add in at least one other Solar System and have at least one Surface and Orbital Colony in that system. How to Share Progress Please feel free to share screenshots, videos, and "blogs" / updates ni this thread of your progress if you choose to undertake this Challenge. Mod Suggestions: WIP Special Thanks: @JadeOfMaarFor feedback, support, and guidance. Also, for tolerating me talking about this challenge way to much... >.>
  16. Hi, this is not correlated to the topic, becouse i'm pretty desperate to fix a bug with opt, essentially the wings don't produce any lift, i don't know what could be the problem, as i don't have far installed, but the problem appears also with tundra exploration, do you know what mod could be cousing this? i can send the mod list if you want.
  17. Alright, my first challenge, but it’s an idea I’ve been tossing around for a while now. Excited to explore new star systems, the KSC has started work on plans for the K.S.S. Entkerbprise, the greatest exploration ship ever built. However, it has quickly become apparent the Entkerbprise will be far too big to land on and explore new planets and moons. So a design challenge has been sent out. Design, Build, and Test a Shuttlecraft. The ideal shuttlecraft should be able to transport crew from the Entkerbprise, down to as many possible planet surfaces, and return them to the ship in orbit. It needs to be reusable, refuelable, resilient, and versatile. Ideally, it will also be small and light to fit in the Entkerbprise to start with! Rules- 1) Build one craft that will be used for the whole challenge. (Multiple different craft entries per person are allowed and encouraged. But are completely independent from each other for scoring.) 2) Some moving and part clipping is allowed. But don’t abuse it to make the overall volume of your craft smaller. IE, clipping two cylinder tanks into each other a bit is allowed, but not to overlap more than the air gap still left between them. Usable parts, like fuel tanks, batteries, ext, can be clipped into ‘hollow’ parts, like nosecones. 3) The only changes that can be made to the craft between flights, are changes that could be done while docked to a mothership vessel. (I.E. you can change the fuel balance for different flights. Like filling methane tanks for a flight on Kerbin and emptying them for a flight on the Mun, or adjusting the amount of oxidizer in tanks.) Once you have your design, you can’t make any changes that can only be done in the VAB between flights, (Like moving, adding, removing parts.) 4) Optional attachments are allowed, as long as they are attached and detached by docking ports. (Hence, would be able to be added or removed when docking, undocking with the mothership.) 5) The craft needs to be able to maneuver and dock. (Though something like a separate docking tug that is left in orbit is also allowed.) 6) Everything you start with has to be brought back. Sub craft are allowed and can be left behind (like a docking tug) but must be collected and returned to the final orbit for each flight. 7) To demonstrate the craft can land on any given planet or moon, teleport using the Alt+F8 menu to an orbit, at least 50km above sea level, or 5km above the atmosphere. Then land on the ground (or in water), and take off, returning again to an orbit at least 50km above sea level or 5km above the atmosphere. This awards full points for that destination. 8) If the craft can land and take off, but needs to be refueled between. (IE, to test take off, teleport fueled craft to the ground and take off to orbit, separately from the landing.) This awards half points for that destination. 9) You only need to do a successful flight on the largest possible moon/planet without atmosphere, to also score credit for all smaller moons/planets without atmospheres. (So for example, landing on the Mun also scores you Dres, Ike, Bop, Minmus, Pol, and Gilly.) Atmospheres, Duna, Laythe, Kerbin, (Eve?) all each have to be done independently for credit. 10) You do not need to do a test flight for all or any specific body, only the ones you want to get points for. (No need to fly moons/planets you didn’t design for or know you can’t do.) 11) Kerbals must be able to get out of the craft and plant a flag or swim, and get back in. Craft will be scored in four categories. -Destinations -Crew Capacity -Weight -Bonus Points And, keep a save of your craft files, so all crafts can be given new updated scores after the addition of each new stock star system, to see how they perform with all the new added planets. The rules above will still apply, no added or removed parts, the only changes that will be allowed to tackle new planets added in the new star systems will be changing fuel levels in tanks. All new bodies without atmospheres will be slotted into the list as above, so you’ll only need to fly new test flights for ones larger than ones you’ve previously done. New flights will have to be done for any new bodies with atmospheres to qualify. Planets added in new star systems will be worth double points, as long as your craft is design, built, and entered before those systems are added to the game! Bonus Group Challenge Co-op - Let's see how many of the yet to be added new planets our fleet of shuttles can service all together. The K.S.S. Entkerbprise will only be able to explore planets and moons at least one of the entered shuttles can land on. Scoring Math – (You don’t need to do the math yourself if you don’t want to. Simply report what destinations the craft can fly to, crew capacity, heaviest weight, and applicable bonuses) -Destinations Add up points from all destinations the craft is qualified for. (Qualifying for a body without atmosphere qualifies for all below it too.) Full points for round trip, half points for needing to refuel on ground before taking off. With Atmospheres Without Atmospheres Jool* 8.00 Tylo 2.27 Eve 8.00 Moho 0.87 Kerbin 3.40 Vall 0.86 Laythe 2.90 Eeloo 0.62 Duna 1.45 Mun 0.58 Dres 0.43 Ike 0.39 Bop 0.23 Minmus 0.18 Pol 0.13 Gilly 0.03 *(Jool - Can dip down to touch the clouds and return to orbit, no points for one way trip down) -Crew Capacity Add one point for each of the first three kerbals a craft can carry. Add half a point for the next three kerbals a craft can carry. Add a quarter point for all kerbals after that. IE – 1 kerbal = 1 point, 3 kerbals = 3 points, 4 kerbals = 3.5 points, 6 kerbals = 4.5 points, 7 kerbals = 4.75 points, 8 kerbals = 5 points, 20 kerbals = 8 points -Weight Take the wet mass for the heaviest state of your craft, (heaviest fuel load for any destination), add the mass for all optional additions, sub craft, tugs. All parts of your craft and craft system, the weight of everything that would need to be carried by the mothership, fueled in their heaviest state you used. -Bonus Points Deluxe Cabins – All kerbals are sat within a proper capsule, cockpit, or passenger cabin, no external seats – 2 points. Seating for kerbals is in external seats, cargo bays, or farings – 1 point. Included Rover – Craft contains a rover that can be deployed and recovered, (or has wheels and is a rover itself) – 1 point. Complete craft, and all additional modules fit inside and can be deployed from any one cargo bay module without clipping. – 1 point. Complete craft, and all additional modules fit inside and can be deployed from any two cargo bay modules without clipping, connected or not – 0.5 points Final Score = Destination^2 x Crew x Bonus / Weight The Proof -At minimum, for each flight on each qualifying planet/moon, take a photo landed, and a photo back in orbit. Take a photo in orbit before going to land if you have any funky optional additions or sub crafts going on, not required if not. -Take a photo in the VAB with the engineer report open, with the craft in its heaviest state, most fuel, all addons ext, for the wet mass. If you’re applying for the bonus for fitting in a cargo bay, take another photo with the craft packed in the bay.
  18. Welcome to the Island Air Race! Take off from KSC, do a Touch and Go on the Island Airstrip, return to KSC. Rules: Start from any launch point at KSC. Touch the island with any part of your craft. Come to a full stop (<1m/s) back at KSC. Your craft must be fully reusable in its final condition. (No broken/dropped/single use parts) Scoring: Time will be validated by the in game MET timer. Make sure the timer is set to Mission Time. Videos are always nice, but at least get a screengrab of the Start, the island touch, and the finish (final time at <1 speed). Class Leaderboards: Whittle Drone This unkerbaled aircraft is powered only by a single Whittle engine. 1. @ralanboyle - 3:21 2. @18Watt - 4:12 3. Single Engine Jet This piloted aircraft is powered only by a single airbreathing engine. 1. @Audaylon - 1:54 2. @ralanboyle - 1:56 3. @18Watt - 2:48 Multi Engine JetThis aircraft is powered by any number of air breathing engines. 1. @ralanboyle - 1:56 2. @18Watt - 3:47 3. Unlimited Class Bring on the rockets. 1. @ralanboyle - 1:49 2. 3. Kraken Class This vessel does not include any parts from the Engine Menu. 1. 2. 3.
  19. So we all love to do this! I found a new Needle with the For Science! update. I'm trying it now, I'll screen shot or something if I can pull it off. Kinda wanna see if I can park a kerbin in this...
  20. GOAL: Build an asymmetrical aircraft that can take off and land horizontally. Use at least 10 parts and do not use any parts more than once. RULES: 1. You may not use any part more than once. This means no symmetry--no matched pairs of wings or any other item that has a right and left version. A right and a left lifting surface count as the same part (clarification: wings, rudders, elevators, ailerons etc). That goes for landing gear as well. 2. No reaction wheels or fly-by-wire. Internal SAS only, and bonus kudos if you can fly it with SAS off. 3. The plane must takeoff and land horizontally. No VTOL. 4. Anything else goes. All mods that do not alter physics are fine. 5. Keep in mind the spirit of the challenge. I cannot foresee every loophole. Be clever and innovative, but remember, this is about creating something unique using your building skill to achieve it. 6. Post photos, or if you can, video. 7. Impress your friends with this collector's item badge. The plane below does not technically follow the rules, since it uses some of the same parts more than once, but you get the idea of what is possible... It's on KerbalX if you are interested. https://kerbalx.com/Klapaucius/Pablo-Cubist-Dadaist-aircraft Also, check out @ZobrAz's FrankenPlane, which inspired me in my ventures into asymmetry in the first place. https://kerbalx.com/ZobrAz/abomination-Friday-13-FrankenPlane The video below that is some old footage of the Blohm & Voss BV 141, a German asymmetrical plane from WWII.
  21. Reqired RO&RSS Rules:No Any Cheat , Allow probe/command pod , Allow Non RP-0/RO parts , can use any mods about NTR , Can use Gas/Liquid/Solid Core , No other engines(Except RCS) , Allow other propellant (only of single propellant for NTR). Reputation: Landing Bonus (Except Earth):+50% Science Data Bonus:+20% Return Bonus:x2 Planet's Moon Bonus(Except Earth):+40% LEO/GEO/HEO:+10 Moon:+20 Mars:+40 Mercury:+50 Venus:+60 Jupiter:+80 Saturn:+100 Uranus:+120 Neptune:+140 Pluto:+150 Exoplanets:+10000 Reqires Screenshot or Record Video.
  22. Exploring Lagrange Points & Rectilinear orbits...Let's start with the Moon Retrograde Square Orbit Why explore this intriguing region of space in KSP with Principia & RSS? The upcoming ESA/NASA/JAXA Lunar Gateway DSL station & SLS Artemis III+ missions & the 'mind puzzle' of navigating the 'shape' of forces in this region of space. One simple way to start exploring the 'shape' of force potentials around the Moon gravity well in the Earth-Moon system is the DRO 'Lunar Retrograde Square': an orbit from near L2 towards L5, back near L1 then towards L4, & falling back towards L2... Update: Principia added an EML reference frame -- with the option to show equipotential lines for the sum of forces associated with gravity & rotation in the plane defined by the orbital of the Moon around Earth... These equipotential lines are shown for a single plane & for the 'current time' & do shift slightly with the Moon's distance from Earth i.e. the location of the equipotential lines will be slightly different when a craft actually reaches a given point on the Principia projected fuchsia or dashed paths... the shift is quite noticeable over time along the direction of an imaginary line say from L4 to L5. a visual explanation of equipotential in a video by Scott Manley The EML frame offers an insightful way to visualize the dynamics shaping the Lunar Retrograde Square Orbit... For example, for the 'square' orbit plotted in the MCI frame... see how a lower AP creates a more rounded 'corner' (e.g. see the AP on the L4 side of the orbit in the screenshots below); where as, traveling further towards L4 or L5 creates a sharper 'corner' (e.g. see the AP on the L5 side of the orbit in the screenshots below)... well, that is at least until you get close to a transfer to L4 or L5 where you will see a loop 'ear' corner instead. Note: To help interpret the craft path, I have added to the screenshots in yellow text approximate L point information...this is _not_ shown in game. The above animation shows the 'Square' orbit over 7 years in MCI (Moon Centered Inertial) frame (fyi...with the small vessel in this save the 'square' path persisted for about 18 years with no station keeping). Clarification: the Earth is traveling along the blue-ish arc counter-clockwise. Summary of Earth-Moon system Challenges: Challenge #1 (Beginner): "Get a feel for the dynamics that shape the 'Retro Square' orbit: Make a 'Moon Pentagon' orbit" Challenge #2 (Intermediate): 'Transfer to an Artemis III & Gateway Station type of Moon NRHO [pdf] (see animation & NASA graphic below)" Challenge #3 (Intermediate): 'Transfers along the 'Lunar Retro Square' to halo orbits around L2, L1, L4, L5' Challenge #4 (Advanced): "Moon L1 halo to Moon L2 halo transfer similar to the 2010 ARTEMIS-P1 mission (see NASA drawing below)" Challenge #5 (Advanced): "Create a 'Lunar Gateway (images post by NASA of the planned station) ' type station (module link sequence video NASA) (or a magic potatoroid mining station [Matt Lowne] ) in a long term 'Lunar Retro Square Orbit' (since a Moon NRHO might require more frequent station keeping) for ease of docked ship transfers to Moon NRHO, L2, L1, L4, L5" Challenge #6: Create an even better n-body related challenge & share it! Challenge #1: "Get a feel for the dynamics that shape the 'Retro Square' orbit: Make a 'Moon Pentagon' orbit" In the provided save, with a single less than 10s burn, turn the Retrograde "Moon Square" orbit into a "Moon Pentagon" orbit: Inspired by the @maccollo "Principia Mun Retrograde Square Orbit" during the afternoon of an 'at home from school not so well day', my son & I decided to see if a related "Square Retrograde Moon" orbit could be created in Principia RSS. Indeed, we found something similar that we could also manipulate purposefully with a single small burn at a specific time: In this 1st case, turn the "Moon Square" orbit into a "Moon Pentagon" orbit as shown in the images with a single less than 10s burn like we did (yes, that's a hint, & improvements welcome). We share this as an introduction of a thread to explore, discuss & share refined versions of this orbit as well as new saves of other intriguing orbits with the 'flight plan' of burns to reach them... Discovery either by blind fortune dragging Principia maneuver burn sliders or intricate use of KSPTOT 1.6.9 welcome! KSP version: 1.12.x Required Mods: Principia, RSS Optional Mods: RealScaleBoosters, SMURRF, KOS To load: download the "Moon Square Orbit" save create a KSP 1.12.x GameData with Principia, RSS load KSP & create a new save game, find the folder with the name you gave to that newly created save game on your hard drive & copy into that folder the "MoonSquare.sfs" Load the MoonSquare save as normal from the usual in game menu (e.g. from the Space Center screen) Find the craft in the Tracking Station & select it to fly. if you are unfamiliar with Principia here is a link to a post with some visuals & suggestions. Metrics: Orbit Uniformity & Stability (both improved revisions as well as your own original orbits welcome) Quality & Ease of the flight plan (the easier/simpler to execute the better) in the save you share discovery of a simple regular maintenance maneuver(s) would be a nice plus most importantly -- the fun factor: how much fun we all have exploring what you improve/create! Objectives: 1) Fun (with Principia RSS ;-) 2) hands on play with fascinating orbits, one barely new existed, with saves someone else took the effort to make 3) improve a save: create & share Principia 'flight plans' of maintenance burn(s) that make a given orbit more uniform & stable 4) make a new save (with a simplified mod list): and share your own flight plan for some type of cool orbit... Flight Plan to make the "Moon Square": requires RealScaleBoosters added to GameData in addition to Principia & RSS Related to Challenge #1: The recent SLS Artemis 1 mission made use of a Lunar distant retrograde orbit (DRO) [source link for animation below] (not square though ;-) The Principia EML frame is similar to the left 'Earth-Moon Pulsating Rotating Frame': Challenge #2 (Intermediate): Transfer to a SLS Artemis III & Gateway Station Moon NRHO: NASA explains why a NRHO vs DRO or low lunar orbit for Gateway station: https://www.planetary.org/space-images/near-rectilinear-halo-orbits Challenge #3 (Intermediate): 'Transfers along the 'Lunar Retro Square' to halo orbits around L2, L1, L4, L5' Challenge #4 (Advanced): "Moon L1 halo to Moon L2 halo transfer similar to the 2010 ARTEMIS-P1 mission" 2010 "ARTEMIS-P1 - The First Earth-Moon Libration Orbiter": Additional videos: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio 2010 ARTEMIS at Lagrange: "In this version, the satellite trails are are constructed in a lunar-centric inertial coordinate system so the trails reveal the motion of the satellites relative to the Lagrange points in INERTIAL space (fixed with the distant stars)" Some examples of additional orbits to explore: Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO) "KSPTOT LVD: (Tools -> Halo Orbit Constructor menu)" Arrowstar's post with details about this new tool (link) Lissajous orbit WMAP at Sun–Earth L2,[7] Earth-Moon L points Visual Data Mission ideas: place a station, gravitational wave 'telescope' (link), or comsat(s) at the stable Earth-Moon L4 & L5 Note: L3 is an unstable L point = requires small periodic maintenance burns. Images: source source source
  23. Hi, This a super submission for a discord challenge : send a reusable rocket SSTO without wings, airbreathing engines, or EVA pack to a destination and back. And Jeb choosed to go to Gilly ! As Jeb was disallowed to use his EVA pack, Kraken drives, or any mass drivers in any kinda of form, he resolved using a more traditionnal craft, instead of the tradionnal 3 parts rocket, usually used for such a destination... With uses of gravity assists, that thing could go anywhere really, Jool, Eeloo... Cheers !
  24. Hi ! I think I've hit a record while doing the discord challenge "Around the World in 80 seconds, more or less", since the closest I red about was Stratzenblitz with 19 min, please tell me if you know about any other time ! Goal is to circumnavigate Kerbin as fast as possible. As I explain in the video, it's far from perfect, and there's still a lot of room for improvements ! Cheers
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