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FuelWings Fuel resources added to stock and B9/B9 Procedural Wings. This addon allows you to add and customize fuel types/quantities in stock wings, and automatically cross-feed between other parts! Also supports B9/B9 Procedural Wings. The intention of this is to improve weight & balance, reduce craft size, and increase aesthetics. More info & Credits in info.txt file. Current Note: ModularFuelTanks is no longer required, is now just a "default" option. Check changelog, swap out as needed. Shoutout to Critter79606! Installation: ialdaboath - ModuleManager NathanKell - Crossfeed Enabler taniwha - ModularFuelTanks azza276 - B9 support Critter79606 - Compatibility w/ other fuel mods Changelog: Download SpaceDock - v4! Github - v4! (Curse currently unavailable) All rights reserved @linuxgurugamer has been given full permission to modify/update/redistribute this mod as of Jan 24 2025, with credit the original author. See "LicenseAmendment.txt" on Github.
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- customizable
- wings
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Hello! This is the continuation to my first mod, Planes with Purposes. Unfortunately, I previously abandoned this mod because I was very busy with school work, but after 4 years, I can finally continue work on it. The purpose of this mod is to make Aircraft useful. Big thanks to @inigma for making the mod that inspired this one! His mod: Link to GAP Original PWP forum: Link to PWP The mod is by no means finished or bug free, so please report any bugs encountered in the comments of this forum page, the Github issues thingy or my discord (tudor69420) Known bugs: There are no bugs because I'm the best (Anyone that says otherwise will be given an internship at the experimental rocket testing program) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can download the mod on: SpaceDock CurseForge GitHub CKAN: (I don't think I can link to that, but you can find it by searching for PWP or Planes With Purposes) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependencies: Module Manager ContractConfigurator _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To do: Fix bugs Add rescue contracts Add more distance/flight time contracts Add KSC Airlines (transport passengers) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changelog: v1.0 Mod Released ---------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Fixed Bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.2 Added 1 stunt contract Added 2 flight duration contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.3 MADE SSTO CONTRACTS WORK!!!!!! Also added 2 sunt contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.4 Added more SSTO contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.5 Added Mach 9 Kontract Fixed bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.6 - Major Update Added Tourism Contracts Fixed some old contracts v1.6.1 Changed Contract Rewards (I don't know what I was thinking giving 500 Prestige for a Duna mission) Fixed Contracts Added a new contract Changed contract groups
Planes With Purposes v1.5 Hello! This is my first mod, Planes with Purposes. The purpose of this mod is to make Aircraft useful. Big thanks to @inigma for making the mod that inspired this one! His mod: Link to GAP The mod is by no means finished or bug free, so please report any bugs encountered in the comments of this forum page, the Github issues thingy or my discord (Tudor#8762) Known bugs: There are no bugs because I'm the best (Anyone that says otherwise will be given an internship at the experimental rocket testing program) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To do: Fix bugs Add rescue contracts Add more distance/flight time contracts Add KSC Airlines (transport passengers) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changelog: v1.0 Mod Released ---------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Fixed Bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.2 Added 1 stunt contract Added 2 flight duration contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.3 MADE SSTO CONTRACTS WORK!!!!!! Also added 2 sunt contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.4 Added more SSTO contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.5 Added Mach 9 Kontract Fixed bugs _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependencies: Module Manager ContractConfigurator _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can download the mod on: SpaceDock CurseForge GitHub CKAN: (I don't think I can link to that, but you can find it by searching for PWP or Planes With Purposes)
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Hi, I hope this is the right subforum to post such contraptions. I will keep updating this thread with some of the airplanes I build, airplanes that try to capture the charme and sense of adventure of a past that never was. As you can tell, I am quite fond of flying boats and float planes and a huge fan of old school open cockpits. I really, really whish there were more part mods to support such crafts. EDIT: Screw it! I'll make the mods myself, then. First up: the White Swan MK1
- 15 replies
- 9
- b9 procedural wings
- modded
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Good Morning to all of KSP Community, Now I want to speak about Airliners Challenges, they were my favorite kind of challenge and makes me sad to see they are not common nowadays, designing an airplane, having to balance fuel efficiency, passenger capacity and try to design the best plane for every category. I would like to host and judge a new challenge like this, but English is obviously not my main language and I am worried that my reviews of your planes and my writing of the rules can be extremely horrible to read and enjoy. I suppose that there are many of you who would like to participate in a challenge like this, and even some of you can help drafting the rules and judging planes. Right now this is more a desire and a hope than a challenge you can participate, but with your help we can get the airliners challenges back. Thanks to all KSP Community for reading this horrible message.
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New build just uploaded! (Mk.1e1) ---------- original OP ------------- So, I'm making this game: As the thread title says, the concept is basically what would happen if you took the stylish ambience of Crimson Skies, then put it together with the assemble-and-physics of KSP in an open world elite-like environment. It's a concept I've been sitting on for a very long time. Anyways - since I have a production budget of just about what loose pennies I can find under my seat cushions, this is an early-access release. Here we have a very first playable preview of what will gradually build up into the full game - It's free for now, as getting people involved with the project is currently the most important thing. Eventually there'll be a pre-order option and things should follow pretty much in the same lines as the sales method used for KSP. It's all about the player community, as we all know so well. Anyways, enjoy! Updates should come up very frequently in this early stage, so make sure to keep an eye on it!
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- flight simulator
- fantasy
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Hi, i want to make a ksp mod to simulate the proverse yaw effect caused by the bell-shaped lift distribution formulated by Prandlt. As a layman, i have no idea how to program and create a mod that do that. I am trying to learn a litle bit of the C# language but i think it will take a long time, so, maybe i can get some help. The mod would be very simple, just having a UI that allow you to switch from the elliptcall spanload to bell spanload, and vice-versa. This bell lift distribution create an effect the as you aply aileron to generate more lift on one wing you also generates more trust, thus yawing in the same direction of the turn. For understanding more of this you can search for the prandlt-D project that is made by NASA. I want to reproduce this effect on KSP to make better flying wings projects, i hope you can help me with this project! Here is a link for the NASA's Prandlt-d project:
Welcome to the Kerbobulus Aerospace Airliner Showcase! Here we have many airliners for many different purposes. Each has been thoroughly tested, but if you have an comments and/or concerns, feel free to post in the thread below. CURRENT AIRCRAFT Greyhound Liner DOWNLOAD KS-111 DOWNLOAD KS-111C DOWNLOAD KS-111LR DOWNLOAD KS-C1 'Humpback' DOWNLOAD KS-120 DOWNLOAD RETIRED AIRCRAFT KS-100 Family ---- DOWNLOAD KS-110 DOWNLOAD KS-110E DOWNLOAD KS-110P DOWNLOAD
I know the game is made to build rockets n stuff but i personally the 75% of the time i play is just to make planes, helicopters or space planes so i think some new airplane parts could be nice, like: - New Engine for planes -A new set of wings? (like the structural wings but more bigger) -some landing gears maybe -a new fuselage?! thats some thing i will like to see in the next big update (1.4.6) or even 1.4.7
Have you ever found the airplane parts in KSP severely lacking? Have you ever wanted to carry around passengers in KSP and buy and sell aircraft as they evolve from WW1 era biplanes to a380s? If so, then this DLC would be for you! It would contain: A LOT of airplane parts, ranging from basic wing pieces for early planes, such as the Wright Flyer and such, to humongous jet engines, like those on gigantic jets such as the a380 and 747. Also would include spaceplane parts. A new game mode, "Aviation Mode", which would be a little like career mode, but instead of building airplanes, you would buy and sell planes and configure them. What Aviation Mode would include: Buying and selling and configuring airplanes Airports all around Kerbin Planes evolving over time Being paid when "passengers" "buy" their tickets Hire and pay flight crew Compete against other airlines (powered by AI) Have the option to fly some flights and also have the ability to have the flight fly by itself: for the first flight to a place, you would have to manually pilot it, and could choose to pilot any flight or just let it fly on its own (useful for very long flights, such as between the KerbinSide North Pole and South Pole bases). Air races Procedural wings and fuselages Node-based autopilot system Stuff for dogfights Thanks, BottleRocketeer If you have any questions, ask down in the thread below. Also, please answer the poll after reading.
After several hours of gameplay on sandbox and testing my creativity, I decided to get more serious and start a new career mode. As an airplane lover I really felt a lack of utility on creating atmospheric aircrafts despite being useful on running short distances to gather surface samples on the very beggining of your career. I really saw no need on building those gigantic and awesome airplanes. It would be even more awesome building those on career mode, where you would to plan and desing a even more efficient and better airplane then your casual "sandbox jumbo". As a simple solution, I came up with the following idea: Main idea: Add "Airports" around the surface of Kerbin capable of picking up or delivering Kerbals. It doesnt have to be too complex, just a runway and a "terminal".Beyond the missons you receive form the Space center, you would have some "passanger kerbals"(as a new type of kerbal, like the Pilots, Engineers and Scientists, and now, Passanger) on standby. Each kerbal would have a unique destination, and taking him to the "airport" that he wants to go, would reward you with money. Further away the airport, more money you get. Purpouse: That would encourage the player to build a better, saffer, more efficient airplane and as a whole, creating an extra purpouse for atmospheric aircrafts. Canon(?): To make the Kerbal passanger transport make sense as a whole, it would be a cool thing if we added something more beyond taking those random kerbals around Kerbin. It would make more sense if those airport were added next to a cluster of KerbNet Antennas in order to, in theory, keep the maintaince of those antennas. Also, there would have some bigger airports, which those, would be larger and contain a science only building in it, so having more kerbals in it, would increase the income of science. Taking scientists to an airport, would increase the amount of science income, and taking engineers, would increase the efficiency of the antennas. Conclusion to "Canon(?)": Beyond transporting Kerbal passangers that would give you money for that, you would have the option to take Scientists and Engineers too. Taking scientists to an airport, would increase the amount of science income, and taking engineers, would increase the efficiency of the antennas near that airport.
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- suggestion
- airplanes
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Post your Engineering Marvels! Since the genesis of mankind, the human race has observed growth of monumental proportions. Engineers and scientist, invented and inspired others, to create the best solutions, to all of man's problems. That is exactly what we are doing here! Below, you can show the world your amazing creations, an exhibition so to speak. This will show everyone your engineering talents, whilst also providing inspirations to others, to accelerate the KSP engineering !
- 86 replies
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- post your craft
- rocket
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Hello experienced KSPers and fellow pseudo-aeronautical engineers! My question is about building sub-orbital aircraft. Specifically, is the functionality of elevons or control surfaces negatively impacted if the part is partially offset (i.e. clipping) into another part? For example, using the FAT55 stock wings and attached control surfaces, but part of the elevons are clipping into the engine housing (for aesthetic reasons). Does this occlude anything or prevent any range of motion? I'm playing on Xbox (otherwise I'd share screenshots). Appreciate the inputs!
I had a friend recommend KSP. I downloaded the demo, tried it and liked it, and got the full program. I've been playing about two weeks, and I have some not quite absolute beginner questions. I like the career game on moderate difficulty. I don't have the science to duplicate the launch vehicle in the training scenario. I've successfully made orbit and returned several times with a simpler and smaller vehicle, but my vehicles don't turn well in the early launch stages. Is being overpowered a likely cause? Getting around to do science out of the immediate area of the KSC is a bit tricky. I can do crew reports, temperature and pressure readings, EVA's on the ground, and the materials lab. What are some reasonable next steps? Airplanes at the earliest tech possible routinely crash. I've only had one make it off the ground yet and haven't managed to duplicate the feat. How do I calculate how much lift a wing will give? My apologies if these questions have been asked and answered many times.
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- making orbit
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Just completed a very fun bit of backstory explaining how Wernher von Kerman came to be a part of the Kerbal Space Program--paralleling the real world Project Paperclip that brought Wernher von Braun to the United States. Along the way we explained some of the lingering mysteries of KSP... or did we? The craft I used were loads of fun to build and fly, and so I'm sharing! First up, here's Der Fliegenstrudel, the saucer-like craft Wernher used to escape the evil mirror planet Kerbulus and journey to Kerbin. It features a single LV-N engine, a parachute, and landing gear. Disclaimers/ Restrictions: There is a lot of fuel, but no fuel lines--manual transfer required. The pilot can exit the craft, but he won't be able to get back in. Boarding is allowed only in the VAB. The LV-N does not typically survive re-entry. Launch system not included. However I have it on good authority that you can get it to space on top of a slightly modified W-2 missile (coming soon!)
Ok, so the words "Steam Controller" might have have killed interest in answering. Let me try one more time but ask a bigger question: Primary question: Does KSP allow for analog gamepad inputs? That is, does gamepad support allow partial control inputs or can joysticks only input full deflections as with a keyboard? I would like to fly an airplane without having to flick control surfaces to full deflection. Corollary: The official steam controller profile maps keyboard inputs to the controller's joystick. If possible, I would like to change this to analog inputs. Is that possible?