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KSP Ultimate Air Tournament Mods include BDA Airplane plus B9 Aerospace NOT FAR Join at
so there's a thing that on weapons manager shows that on my machine gun has 0 ammo but i have an full ammo box on the plane with same caliber. pls help me!
BDarmoury was THE weapons mod for Kerbal Space Program. With a sequel coming up, it will be interesting to see what gets improved. The original mod was good, but the variety was a little low. Also, there were no space-based weapons or items, apart from that one missile (if you were going to add 1 thing specifically for space, why not add more?) One of the features I am most excited about adding to BDarmoury will be colonies. The potential the has is massive. Firstly, it will be possible to set up colonies, then go to war with others. This may add an interesting aspect to the mod, especially if unique mechanics are integrated to facilitate this. Another thing that is harder but wayyy cooler is extra structures for colonies that are military focused. Examples include: AA guns Ammo storage depot Long-range (perhaps interplanetary) Missile silo Short to medium range missile battery I don't know what could be added for interstellar travel integration, but it would also be interesting. It could allow for grand conflicts across multiple systems, with many Kegadeaths of casualties. For this to work, the tech tree must have a decent progression path for weapons/other equipment (unguided rocket goes to laser guided goes to active radar missile that impacts at retavitlistic speeds). Let me know if there is anything you would want for BDA 2.0
Why was the per-frame damage on buildings threshold implemented? It erases the fun that I had destroying the KSC with BDA weapons in 1.7.
Hello! I am using the Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X and I want to battle with it! I can fly but I want to fire guns/missiles (BDArmory) But I do not know how to set a button on the joysick to do that! Well I do but not how to set it to LMB(fire)! Thanks in advance! (KSP 1.9.0)
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Yesterday i downloaded my first mod BDArmory and i didn't work at all, it was like it wasn't there. I later tried installing another mod called VesselMover and it worked perfectly. I did some more research about why BDArmory wasn't working and i found out i needed ModuleManager and PhysicsRangeExtender. When i load up KSP now i don't see any difference in the building mode but when i try and fly a plane or spacecraft i see the BDArmory and PhysicsRangeExtender icons in the right corner and i can click on them and PhysicsRangeExtender works but when i click on the BDArmory button it says no weapons found. What could be the problem? GameData Folder
I'm currently playing with BDArmory installed and I really miss having a spectacular fireworks show whenever I shoot a plane down. I tried installing the current version of Destruction Effects Continued but it doesn't seem to work. Did I miss something or is there a master that works with the current KSP version?
This might be a change of pace for a lot of folks but I've been setting up a BDAc competition for a while now. It's going to be using a lot of the infrastructure that's been set up for Scott Manley's Runway Project but we're going to be, hopefully, setting up some infrastructure down the line for AI-run competitions so that at any time somebody could hop onto a stream and watch some entertaining BDAc dogfights. Add in some player/viewer interaction after the style of Salty Bets and that's the goal. Aside from the above, there will be regularly run manual tournaments (Live Tournaments) up until and after the backend and support are there for the rest of the system. We plan on starting a vote in the next couple days for the topic or "theme" of the first Live Tournament. Feel free to click the discord link below and drop on by, all comers welcome!
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- bdarmorycontinued
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This days i try to make something special based on BDAC rockets. The first idea: LAD(Low Altitude Dispenser) It's just an unpowered rocket And i try to make the ADS for land vehicles. My idea is to add a delay expansion collision box to the rocket,and it works. I'm still perfecting them.Any suggestions?
So I wanted to try a little space combat but after putting a craft with a browning 50 cal on 60 km orbit, I found that the shots are way off, as in they look like they are being shot from an empty space beside the spacecraft. anyone had this issue and maybe knows how to fix it?
I was Making a MiG-1.44 Replica And I used a Custom Bombbay, When I put it into a dogfight I had to Manually Open it, the AI will not fire a missile until it is open because the missile path is obstruced. Also, My F-14 Tomcat, when operated by a AI, Does not change the wing sweep regardless of the situation, it must be done manually. Is there a Way to Make the AI use the Infernal Robotics Joints Like the Cargo Bays for concealed weapons?
Hi! I was just wondering if anyone knows of a BDA release for KSP 1.6. Hopefully, you do! Bye! P.S. If there are no releases, I know how to get a previous KSP version and use BDA on that.
Ok so I installed BDA v2 and it works fine, but when I use a nuke, such as the Fat Man and MK 24, the explosion doesn't seem to appear, did I misplaced the explosions from the file? Because I feel like I did, but is there a way to place the explosions to a file where it is supposed to go? Because everything works great but explosions don't appear.
Welcome to the 7th Gen Fighter Championship There is 12 places left!!!! Rules: -Mods : BDArmory NO MORE -Maximum of three engines Phanthers only!! -Must have future look -maximum of 6 missiles -no guns ( turrets, canon, and stuff lioke those) -Must have a good speed -Need to be controlled by an AI but also need a Kerbal -Must be as light weight as possible but still able to reach the island's runway To Win, you need to : -Destroy the enemy -Be able to land back -The Kerbal must be alive and able to get out of the plane! To be in the championship you need to defeat my F-22 Raptor To Post your plane! : The Name Special Features ( optionnal ) Picture Download Link And a picture showing your plane destroying the f-22 Good Luck!!