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Found 8 results

  1. As part of the Apollo Applications Program, a manned flyby of Venus was planned by NASA in the 1960's. Similarly, the former Soviets had planned a flyby of Venus for their TMK-E variant rocket. Obviously, neither program saw the light of day. No worries! We can recreate what should have been our gloriously bright future in our currently not-so-glorious, mediocre present! KSC is proud to announce: KERPERNICUS : KER-MANNED MISSIONS TO EVE Challenge Tiers: [EASY DIFFICULTY] : Complete a flyby of Eve, take a screenshot in orbit, return your Kerbals safely, all in ONE GO! Your Reward: [CHALLENGE DIFFICULTY]: Complete a two-way crewed mission to Eve. Land your Kerbals, take a screenshot of them dancing alongside their flag, and return them to Kerbin alive! EXTRA POINTS if you encounter a Kraken-attack and successfully recover the mission! Your Reward: [IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY] : IN KSP2 PRE-PATCH VERSION (First release version of KSP2 Early Access) Complete a two-way crewed mission to Eve. Land your Kerbals, take a screenshot of them dancing alongside their flag, and return them to Kerbin alive. Your well-deserved Trophy: Post your screenshots and Mission Report in the comments! If you need a high-quality, background transparency version of the badges, let me know! Good luck!
  2. this challenge is actually how i land on the mun -plant a flag on the mun -SAS and RCS are allowed -stock -no spaceplanes or anything -no refueling -you have to orbit like this, if your 30 secs to the apoapsis go horizontal, then activate your engines, wait until you have a orbit -no small rockets, go BIG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -um hello this maybe an easy challenge so... k bai
  3. Browsing this forum before uploading my simple wing design, I was struck by how similar it is to @Cupcake... Vulture wing design. Whilst my offering is nowhere near as nimble as Cupcake's design, it is easy to fly and is, perhaps, of a slightly purer design. Flight demonstrates no untoward traits, except for perhaps a small amount of sideslip at low speeds, but it is only a small amount. Take off is simplicity itself - Turn on SAS and stage the engines, throttle up to max, and this wing will take off with no further input at around 70m/s. Action group key 3 can be used to toggle reverse thrust to slow down for landing. Download from KerbalX - https://kerbalx.com/Scarecrow88/Flying-Wing
  4. (This shuttle was built 100% stock! No mechjeb nor KER used) Built a shuttle this morning. Doesn't look anything like the US shuttle or Buran but it is nice looking. Smaller than I would thought it would turn out. Kinda cute. (Imgur album is jumbled. Not in order.) http://imgur.com/a/ElbpK It is a mix between the Buran and US shuttle in that it is a glider but it uses kind of an Energia style rocket to lift it off. It has one secondary engine. A skipper. Fully functional RCS system and a realistic docking port. (Inside cargo bay) I haven't found out its full payload capacity but I'm guessing it could take up a full orange tank. TWR of 2.5 to start with no payload. 33 ton shuttle and 455 tons with the rocket attached to it. Surely it could take another 36 tons into orbit with it! The orbiter has 1455 m/s of DV without a payload. Oh yeah and re-entry is a breeze. This legend beasts its way through the atmosphere at flippin' 40 degrees angle of attack. It also doesn't need wings on its bottom. I don't know why but it is very easy to control in the thick atmosphere after re-entry. Oh and it uses a fuel cell for EC charge but that seems to be bugged. Not generating EC when turned on. :/ Action groups: 1. Toggle skipper 7. Drogue chute 9. Cargo bay 10. Fuel cell Download: https://kerbalx.com/Firemetal/EasyShuttle Fire
  5. while making a save file on custom (harder than hard) i though of the question in the title. so like craft designed in hard are designed for it, making it work better in easy, not vice versa
  6. Does anyone have/know of a TAC LS cfg/patch file that makes the mod easier to use? I was trying to fidget with the settings but wasn't sure exactly what I was changing.
  7. Hey guys. I've been looking at some life support mods and I was wondering if there where any with only Oxygen with 1 or 2 tanks and some sort of way to produce it for stations. I don't want too many parts. If there is a mod that has more than that (like food, waste, CO2) that I could modify, that would be fine. Thanks in advance.
  8. What modeling program is the easiest for modeling KSP parts? I have a little modeling experiance, but that was ages ago. I have no idea how to get blender to work, but I'm trying to learn it. In the mean time, however, what would you suggest?
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