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KSP IVA Editor Station SETUP To create a functioning workstation for editing KSP IVA's and props, follow this installation manual EXACTLY and everything WILL WORK. STEP 1: DOWNLOADS Download the following files from the internet. Names and versions are PRECISE. a) Unity Hub - Install current version from website, register and login. b) Unity (Main Editor Program) "Unity 2019.4.18f1" c) PartTools_AssetBundles_2019.4.18f1 d) TextMesh Pro Release 1.0.56 - Unity 2017.3 e) ImageMagick - download installer from website STEP 2: INSTALLATION If all pre-requisite software has been downloaded, begin with installation of the main UNITY program. Confirm installation success and note installation path. Next, open UNITY HUB and select "INSTALLS" from left Menu. Select "LOCATE", and show "UNITY HUB" where you installed the main UNITY program. "2019.4.18f1" should now show on the list. Now navigate back to the "Projects" menu. Select "New Project" button, and select "3D Core". Give your project a name under "Project Name", and select "Create Project". Unity will now launch. Minimize Unity, and launch "ImageMagick" installer. Upon completion, close "ImageMagick" if running and return to Unity window. STEP 3: Modding UNITY With the UNITY window open, select "Window" from menu bar, and select "Package Manager". Scroll down the list and find "TextMeshPro", highlight it and select the "remove" option. This gets rid of the version you DO NOT need. Allow un-installation to finish and close "Package Manager" window. Now select "Assets" from menu bar, and select "Import Package > Custom Package". Select your download of "TextMesh Pro Release 1.0.56 - Unity 2017.3". When extracted it will be a "Unity Package File". Click OPEN. Now an "Import Unity Package" window will open. Make sure everything is selected and hit "Import". Now select "Assets" from the menu bar again and select "Import Package > Custom Package" again. After the "Import Unity Package" window opens, select your "PartTools" download after extraction, and once again check that all boxes are checked and hit "Import". Now you will see a new entry on the menu bar called "KSPAssets". Now on the bottom navigation window, make your way to the following path: Assets > Plugins > KSPAssets. Check that BOTH "KSPAssetCompiler.dll" and "KSPAssets.dll" have the checkbox "Validate References" UNchecked. To check, highlight the .dll and look at the info that shows up on the right menu panel. "Inspector". (WITHIN UNITY) CLOSE UNITY. OK now you're done setting up the tool. STEP 4: Setting up your KSP content. Install a fresh copy of KSP In a folder of your choice just note the installation directory. Within THAT particular installation of KSP, now add any mods required if the target you are trying to edit is part of a mod pack. Dont worry about mod pre-requisites for functionality, just put the mod that contains the IVA and PROPS you want. This will be your "UnTouched" GAMEDATA folder. Now create a new folder somewhere you can find it, this will be your "Modded" GAMEDATA folder, and copy the GAMEDATA folder into your new "Modded" folder. After this point only work in/on the "Modded" GAMEDATA folder. Carefully go through the stock and mod folders and trim as much as you can. Most things can be deleted except the "Spaces" and "Props" folder. Just keep in mind the IVA you want to modify has to BE there. AND all the stuff you want to use prop wise has to still be there as well. When done trimming, return to the root of your "Modded" GAMEDATA folder in file explorer. In the file explorer address bar type CMD to get a command prompt window to show up within GAMEDATA. Copy and paste the following command. (assuming you DID IN FACT install ImageMagick as instructed) FOR /R %f IN (*.dds) DO mogrify -verbose -flip -format png "%f" Now the textures of all things you are about to work on will show up in Unity. All your content is now setup to work. Open Unity Hub and you should now see your project listed by name. Open your project and select from the Unity Menu Bar, "Tools > KSP Part Tools". Drag and drop the "Part Tools" window over to the right beside "Inspector". (common usual location for it) Now click "Set Data Dir" and select your "Modded" KSP GAMEDATA folder. You should now see two menu columns labelled "Spaces" and "Props" populate. INSTALLATION COMPLETE Tested in 2022 on KSP 1.12.2 Now you can spawn any IVA or prop and re-decorate it to your hearts content! Have fun!
o7 everyone, I'd like to make IVA mods, for custom build cockpits, especially I'd like to implement a F4 Phantom II cockpit (and fuselage parts, using a custom fuselage section profile, like MK0,MK1,MK2 and so on) in KSP, MAS IVA + BDAC implemented. (something like this) I have close to 0 expirience in Unity/coding in general(I can read error logs relatively well,have some bash/fish knowledge, and can write a calculator in python but form coding persepective thats practically it) However i have some expirience in modeling and texturing, UV wraps and some other stuff, I can confidently make the infamous donut in blender and texture it without any help, for example but im an amatuer in that field as well. I'm more or less a total noob in modding, from mod dev side of things, I can def make a simple value change or update the .dll plugin with some assistance, but thats practically it. So introduction is over, and I would like to ask expirienced modders those questions: Which skill sets 'd be required for achieving something like this? How complicated it'd be to implements BDAC functionality, such as a custom RWR, radar and IRST instruments? How complicated is it to make custom MAS flip switches (both with a safety cap and without) and add warning audio? Which guides should I deeply research? I have yet to find a BDAC implementation guides, but I've seen it done more than once, tho I am aware of MAS/RPM guide for moders and reading it. Obviously im not going for 100% recreation , I'd like to make a rather, simplistic, version of the cockpit but with enough detail to make it feel full and functional at the same time. P.S. If there are free to use texture/model resources for KSP mods (non commerical obviously) where could I find them? Thank you very much for your assistance!
- IVA modelling
- iva cockpit
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I love the OPT J "HT" cockpit. It feels awesome to use but it has a very specific design niche that's near-future spyplanes and spaceplanes. It's not exactly a design you'd imagine would fly civillians or common cargo around. Still, it has very immersive flight instrumentation thanks to MoarDV's ASET upgrade/patches and edits. Are there any other cockpits and IVA mods that are not on CKAN (I searched) and might not be obviously indicated on the forums? This is the flight instrument panel I'm looking for, including the radio dials for picking a nav beacon to give you VOR, ILS and DME. I'm fine if it has no MFDs at all:
- iva mods
- iva cockpit
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Once upon a time, I started an IVA-only playthrough, which was strongly disrupted by the lack of interactive IVAs for the stock parts, and the lack of MAS IVAs in general. Having found none suitable, I recalled a certain maxim: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Thusly, I set out to make my own. These may not be the prettiest or most well-planned cockpits imaginable, but they exist now, and that's good enough for me. Obligatory screenshots: Download from GitHub: Depends on MOARdV's Avionics System, for obvious reasons. Not included.
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- rasterpropmonitor
- iva cockpit
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Hello everyone, please allow me the pleasure of posting enthusiastically for the first time on the forum. I have ~300 hours in KSP 1 and I can say I have a basic understanding of what the stock game has to offer. I have recently started exploring the community mods. I started with visual improvements and sound effects (chatterer, rattling etc.) - a journey which allowed me to discover this video about an IVA journey to the Mun using the DE IVA Extension and hull cams. I have to say I am so, so, so very impressed with the immersive experience provided by interacting with the HUD, ship parts and map mode instruments directly from the cockpit. I think that experiencing a take-off or landing from a first-person view, hearing the internal stress sounds of the hull and and alarms ringing while pressing the buttons and checking cameras, or seeing a new planet or moon out the cabin windows is just next level game play. So after this (hopefully) short introduction, I have just a few questions related to KSP 2 (or maybe it's a request from like-minded players) for the devs and the community: 1. Please, are we going to get awesome flight decks that integrate HUD, map view, part interaction elements and hull cameras as instruments? 2. Can we experience how it would be to remotely control probes through an instruments interface similar to IVA? 3. Could we have a first person view multiplayer experience by flying co-pilot alongside friends? Could they also have their own (specialized) engineering / science decks inside the capsules? 4. Can we explore the internal cabins of the ships we build first person? Is there a possibility to have a first person EVA view mode? Please make IVA mode epic. KSP is amazing. Thank you for reading.
hi ! I'm currently working to change the cockpit "mk2CockpitStandardInternals", I use it a lot in carrier mode right now to go explore all the anomalies of kerbin with a VTOL plane. I wanted a cockpit a little more complex. I redone the instruments to my taste always on a basis DE_IVA extensions, added one seat behind the two originals seat. redone the lighting with props aset same function as with MK1-3 cockpit. for InternalSeat and seat transform name i use : Seat1, Seat2 and Seat3 for portraitCameraName i use : PilotCam1 .. 2.. 3. all this compiles well no error in ksp but ......... the male kerbals do not interfere with the instruments, only the ladies and this on the two places in front, on the other hand these gentlemen can activate the instruments of the rear place. So I have no idea why and how !!!, this only happens on this iva, I took over the cockpit settings mk1-3 re-test the MK1-3 no problem this only happens with the new mk2CockpitStandardInternals. If you have any suggestions I thank you in advance, I have already spent a certain number of hours only on this problem without result.... steph.
I have a weird thing going on with my new space station. When i put SAS in prograde, and then go into IVA mode on any of my kerbals, the SS starts spinning until it stops in a particular position. FYI, this doesn't happen with my other space station. Any Suggestions?
In my view KSP 2 should feature advanced IVAs. I would see: - Interactive Cockpits: Fully interactive cockpit with functional gauges and instruments panels. One should be able to conduct a full mission within the IVA view. - Ability to move around and explore the interior of the spacecrafts: what’s the point of having large spacecrafts and colonies if you cannot move around and explore them? I feel that just better graphics, larger ships, colonies add “width” to the game. What we need is also a bit more depth to the experience, adding another level to the experience of spaceflight.
I'm building the IVA for my ship hull mod. Are there any resources for creating IVAs? I'm looking for tutorials, RPM tutorials, props (tables, chairs, etc) and notes on scaling. The hull is going to have a mess hall with all the passengers/crew eating snacks and the bridge part will have... well, the obvious bridge crew. This would be my first IVA.