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Found 13 results

  1. I have an ultra wide 3440x1440 monitor and I play with GPP, and I always have this bug with glare from the sun: How to fix it?
  2. Hi, Before commenting suggesting to use AnyRes, use command line arguments, or to set the settings.cfg to read-only, I've tried it all and it does not work. I've run into a problem. My installation of Kerbal Space Program keeps resetting itself to 720p windowed. Whenever i try to set the resolution in the in-game settings menu, it works and even scales the ui correctly. However, whenever I click accept or cancel to go back to the main menu (and re-enable 3d rendering) it resets itself to 720p windowed. No matter what I try, no matter how many forum threads I search for, no one else has had this problem. Any and all help is gratefully appreciated. Additional context: settings.cfg shows the resolution as 1920x1080 fullscreen, but no matter what the game always launches as 1280x720 windowed. Link to my KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q98nxKZPKZzlNfVyyJv2-w8245ZIZnZV/view?usp=sharing Full modlist can be found within the log file. I have also since deleted the outdated version of ModuleManager, to no effect. RESOLVED: I hard restarted my pc after removing the outdated ModuleManager, changed the resolution in the main menu settings (to no immediate effect), then loaded into a save and entered the VAB. Once in the VAB, I used the AnyRes Menu to select the correct resolution, which finally worked.
  3. I know I am a few days early, but, I would like us all to have a thread where we can post our wishes and or resolution(s) for the New Year. Now, this thread does not have to be exclusively for just New Years 2021, but it can be for each and every successive new year starting now. You may leave a wish, a resolution or both in the thread! So allow me to start! My wish for 2021 is that we all where ever we live have a safe, healthy and happy 2021! I now turn it to you dear forum members and guests, what is your wish and or resolution for the new year? 090712252020
  4. After changine my screen resolution to 1920x1080 from 3840x2160 when I load up a save it automaticly changes back to 3840x2160 Im currently using a 4k display would it be the problem? Is there anyway to set it to 1920x1080 for better fps?
  5. Hello everyone! I have a quick question about scaling. KSP by default maxes out at 200% Scaling size, which is not enough for what I am doing. My Laptop (Dell XPS 15in 2-in-1) has a 3840x2160 resolution, which I have to say is CRISP as all get out, but no matter how crisp it is, I can hardly read anything on KSP While I had previously changed my Resolution to the next lowest with the same aspect ratio, I use a second monitor that is 1440x900. If I switch to my second monitor to look something up without going out to the Main Menu of KSP, it seemingly automatically switches me back to the Built-in res. Any help would be great!!
  6. I recently downloaded a mod that allows me to easily replace textures in my Kerbal game by just dropping them into a file. However, I have only been able to find textures for the sky-box and 1 for Kerbin. I was wondering if anyone had any idea where I could find more textures for other planets, in order to make my game look much better. (I think the textures need to be named something specific in order for them to overwrite the existing 'Squad' textures. For example the Kerbin texture came with two files: 'KerbinScaledSpace300.png' and 'KerbinScaledSpace401.png')
  7. So, I got really tired of having to constantly edit config files, and restart KSP every time I needed to change the screen resolution. I wrote this little plugin to end this once and for all: AnyRes v1.4.1 What does it do? It allows you to quickly and easily change the screen resolution and switch between fullscreen and windowed. You can use any resolution imaginable as long as it is positive number. How do I use it? In any scene, simply press alt + /, or click the toolbar button if it's available. It will automatically open up when you're in the settings menu. Pictures: Video: [removed] AnyRes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  8. Hi, I have a problem switching to 4k resolution, it's very similar to the initial post here: just I have a 4k monitor (now ) and can play other games in 4k resolution. KSP is switching the resolution back to 2560x1440 while the display (hardware) stays in 4k mode. Making screenshots I can confirm that the resolution actually is 2560x1440. I disabled all scaling and whatever overrides I did in the Radeon control center, also in game no anti aliasing and stuff. Modded KSP or freshly downloaded unmodded makes no differnce, 32 bit vs. 64 bit no difference. Windows 10 Game Mode switching also no difference. No difference switching between full screen and windowed. The window however is as big as the screen, wich is odd, since the window only is 2560x1440 but the screen is 4k. Forcing either dx11, dx9 or openGl makes no difference. [EDIT: Ah, I noticed now that the guy had a physical 4k display too. I was thrown off by the later post with the virtual super resolution, so it's actually very much the same problem here.] Windows: Windows 10, 64bit Graphics: MSI Radeon RX480 Gaming X 8G Display: iiyama Gold Phoenix (GB2888UHSU) via display port KSP Version 64bit: [config] build id = 01891 2017.10.05 at 23:08:08 CEST Branch: master language = en-us KSP Version 32bit: [config] build id = 01891 2017.10.05 at 22:01:28 CEST Branch: master language = en-us should be equivalent to 1.3.1. Output log: I just noticed this line: desktop: 3840x2160 59Hz; virtual: 2560x1440 at 0,0 How can the virtual resolution be lower than the actual resolution? Hope that's all and thank you for looking into it. [Giant browser-destroying log snipped by moderator]
  9. Hi folks, I hope you don't mind if I share a working script that sets a certain resolution in settings.cfg via bash (should work on mostly all Linux OS'es). This is just a small snipped but I'm not sure where else to put that Feedback is welcome! Regards EDIT: I have updated my shell script to start KSP make sure you read this info before something bad happens. You can grab the runKSP.sh here
  10. Ok. So here is the story, I run KSP from steam, and have done so since .21 came out. The game became super unstable at 1.1.0 and has crashed an entirely unacceptable amount of times, something around 15-20 times since then. The short of it is, I just removed KSP completely from my machine save for 2 save files which I have NOT YET re-integrated or even re-integrated my mods yet, so, I am for the moment unmodded. Prior to this slash and burn I was able to punch resolution up to 1920 X 1080 <had to do this as a work around for the obscenely large Nav Ball and Crew pics>. Well, I want to run my resolution back up to that as I got used to it. BUT, I can select 1920 X 1080, I hit apply then accept and go back to check, and its stuck at 1680 X 1050. Is there a reason I cannot push my resolution back to what I want and had prior to trying to get the game to become stable again?
  11. - Can't change vessel name that I have launched in space center after installation 1.1.2. But somehow can change the obj that I need to rescue from a quest. - It will be great if the game has 16:9 resolution setting that are less than 1920x1080. - Show only MNV ships in space center feature. Thanks for your great work. I really love this game.
  12. I'm still new playing KSP and I'm having difficulties with my screen resolution. I have a 4K screen and whenever I'm playing KSP, I barely can read the words in there. My screen makes the letters turn smaller. I tried to lower the resolution and it helps but the graphics is no good. Do you guys have any other method to solve this problem? Let me know. Thanks in advance.
  13. In a previous post I asked advice about the suitability of a 2011 HP EliteBook Mobile Workstation 8740w (17" WUXGA). They are occasionally offered on eBay for ~$400US. Replies were almost unanimously against the purchase but I went ahead anyway as I need a mil-spec notebook for my photography work. Don't have a SSD installed yet but am pleasantly surprised at the performance. I know it won't hold a candle to a cryogenically-cooled overclocked desktop but it's good enough for this space cadet You be the judge: https://youtu.be/IPHYUmI75iA Specs: i7 3rd gen quad Intel Q740 2.67GHz - nVidea Quadro fx3800M 1920x1200 16:10 Dreamcolor® display - 12Gb RAM - W7PRO - OBS,0.657 recording software
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