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  1. ==================================================================================================================== Restock Waterfall Effects 3.1.0 by AtomicTech based off of Stock Waterfall Effects by Knight of St. John and Waterfall Restock by Nertea. ==================================================================================================================== Restock Waterfall Effects contains a set of template and engine configuration files, that gives Knight of St. John's awesome waterfall effects to the stock engines. This is a config mod and does nothing by itself and is built from Knight of St. John's Stock Waterfall Effects, Nertea's Waterfall Restock, and Jet Sounds Continued. You need to install the dependency mods for it to work. =============================================== ENGINES INCLUDED (Differences between Waterfall Restock 0.2.3) =============================================== The Bobcat with its original Hypergolic Plume (SWE) along with a new Kerolox and Hypergolic Plume. The Cheetah with a new Hypergolic Plume and Kerolox Plume, along with the original Hydrolox Plume (RWE). The Thud with its Hypergolic Plume from SWE. The Swivel with its original Kerolox Plume from SWE. The Reliant with its original Kerolox Plume from SWE. The Skiff with its original Hydrolox Plume from SWE. The Goliath, Juno, Panther, Wheesley, Whiplash, and RAPIER's SWE Plumes all included. The Vernier (RCS) with its original Kerolox Plume from SWE. The Wolfhound with a new Methalox plume. The Vector with its Hydrolox, Methalox, and Stratzenblitz configs from SWE. Along with everything else from Waterfall Restock! ================================ DEPENDENCIES (RWE 0.1.0 - 0.3.0) ================================ Required: ModuleManager Waterfall B9PartSwitch Restock Waterfall Restock ================================ DEPENDENCIES (RWE 2.0.0 to RWE 2.2.0) ================================ Required: ModuleManager Waterfall B9PartSwitch Restock ================================ DEPENDENCIES ================================ --- NEW INSTALL/UPDATE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 3.1.0 --- 1.) If you have existing RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and/or WaterfallRestock folders, DELETE ALL OF THEM. 2.) Extract all of the contents of the RWE-Master folder (RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and WaterfallRestock) to your GameData folder. 3.) Update/install dependencies: ModuleManager, B9 Part Switch, and Waterfall. --- INSTALL/UPDATE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 3.0.0 --- 1.) If you have existing RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and/or WaterfallRestock folders, DELETE ALL OF THEM. 2.) Extract all of the contents of the RWE-Master folder (RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and WaterfallRestock) to your GameData folder. 3.) Update/install dependencies: Realplume, Realplume Stock Configs, ModuleManager, Waterfall, Smokescreen, and B9 Part Switch. 4.) Enjoy! --- UPDATING FROM 2.2.0 TO 3.0.0 (and later) --- 1.) If you have existing RestockWaterfallExpansion, JetSoundsUpdated, StockWaterfallEffects, and/or WaterfallRestock folders, DELETE ALL OF THEM. 2.) Update/install dependencies: Realplume, Realplume Stock Configs, ModuleManager, Waterfall, Smokescreen, and B9 Part Switch. 3.) Extract all of the contents of the RWE-Master folder (RestockWaterfallExpansion, StockWaterfallEffects, and WaterfallRestock) to your GameData folder. ============= INSTALLATION ============= Read the included instructions in the .zip. NEWS & UPDATES ================= - (Nov. 27th, 2022) Restock Waterfall Expansion (0.3.0, [The Titan Update](https://i.ibb.co/Hg4BCgc/Titan-Update.jpg)) is now in beta testing, release expected soon! - (Nov. 30th, 2022) Research has begun to create a full replacement for Restock Waterfall using Stock Waterfall Effects 0.6.3 & 0.7.0. - (Dec. 17th, 2022) Restock Waterfall Expansion 0.3.0, the Titan Update released. - (Dec. 18th, 2022) Restock Waterfall Expansion 0.4.0 (Modern Rocket Rockin') in development. - (Dec. 29th, 2022) Restock Waterfall Expansion 0.4.0 (Modern Rocket Rockin') development temporarily halted. - (Mar. 1st, 2023) Restock Waterfall Expansion 0.4.0 (Modern Rocket Rockin') cancelled. - (Mar. 6th, 2023) Restock Waterfall Expansion 2.0.0 (New Age, Old Thing) in development. - (Mar. 6th, 2023) Restock Waterfall Expansion 2.0.0 (New Age, Old Thing) released. - (Mar. 6th, 2024) Restock Waterfall Expansion 2.2.0 (Turbo Turbines) released. - (Mar. 19th, 2024) Restock Waterfall Expansion 3.0.0 (Stainless Steel Solids) in development. - (Apr. 25th, 2024) Restock Waterfall Expansion 3.0.0 (Stainless Steel Solids) released. - (Jun. 26th, 2024) Restock Waterfall Expansion (3.1.0, Aggie Engine Repairs) released. ========== LICENSING ========== This content is distributed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) (For the RestockWaterfallExpansion & StockWaterfallEffects Folder, for the license for the Waterfall Restock, see Chris Adderly's custom license below.) You are free to: - Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format - Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: - Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. - NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. - ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. - No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. ========================================== FROM WaterfallRestock BY CHRIS ADDERLEY ========================================== Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Adderley Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ========== PICTURES ==========
  2. Work in Progress mod about adding recolours to Restock and Restock+ mod, by @MrShelter,@UncleMateo, @Spartwo, and @PicoSpace Installation: Use https://spacedock.info/mod/3748/RestockRecolour and merge GameData folder, OR Download source code from github, grab TURD folder inside and put into GameData and merging with TURD https://github.com/likeproblem/RestockRecolour(most of the info is there, I'm too lazy to update this page) How much done? A half! 173/340 [50.88%] THE LIST HAVE BEEN MOVED TO https://github.com/likeproblem/RestockRecolour/wiki/Part-List, albums at home page Dependencies: -Textures Unlimited(latest version from either github or ckan) -Module Manager -Restock and Restock+ obviously, why wouldn't you? -TURD - obligatory now, for fixing "mistakenly" deleting configs for actually non changed models Known Issues: Some stuff doesn't like switching meshes properly, so after you switch variants you have to switch to Default and Paint again Mk1-2 pod can't color top hatch for some reason Just a silly issue, some parts such as TURD's jet engines and intakes, and radial science module, will appear transparent, however after you launch vessel return to VAB it will fix itself Honorable Mentions: -@UncleMateo, @Spartwo, and @PicoSpace for contribution effort -@Halban for TU fix -@ZZetho for amazing tutorial and help along the way -@Orbital_phoenix for inspiring to do the same We are open to any feedback, so don't hesitate to ask questions/request Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  3. I'm a sucker for Chinese rockets so I decided to give it my own spin. Mods: Restock+, Conformal Decals, Modular Launch Pads
  4. As you can on the picture, the schnauzer engine does not have a plume while all the other engines have. Does anyone know how to fix it? oh and here is my mod list:
  5. Hello, Got bored and decided to document a new KSP science play-through, which I am dubbing Atmos (a portmanteau of Atmosphere and Cosmos). It's mostly stock with some visual mods, QoL mods, and Restock. A return to simple roots, I'd say. Starting with the Skybound program, Jeb preps for his first flight in Skybound I. Sadly, without a ladder, the entire rocket had to be rolled back to the VAB to fit him back into the seat. Skybound II was a good step up, resulting in an extra-atmospheric trip. Sadly, Jeb would die because the engineers forgot to attach a decoupler to the capsule, resulting in a "lawn-dart"-like phenomenon, flattening him against the surface of the ocean at 500M/S. Valentina was more successful, and with a decoupler-equipped space capsule, she made a gentler trip back to the surface after an upper-atmospheric flight. I would like to keep updating this as I go. Hope you enjoy my simple little journey. Oh, and if you'd like a closer look at my flag, here it is.
  6. You have probably noticed that the waterfall configs for nuclear engines are broken. This configs gives them working plumes using the template provided by stock waterfall, specifically an older version of it. I have found this template used in the recycled parts mod for the kandl engine. Note that kerbal atomics also changes the plumes to its own which arent broken but merely ugly as well as add a LF mode switch which makes this incompatible with it. I do plan to bundle a fix for those too but i want include FFT in that fix and i would like to find a better plume for gas core rockets. Download via GDrive
  7. Ok so I got restock and restock waterfall config, deleted my old stock waterfall config. All the rocket engines have their waterfall effects but the rapier, whiplash, panther, goliath, wheesley and juno have not got them. (aka they have their rather ugly stock effects) even if I put back the stock waterfall config file in gamedata the air breathing engines still don't get their waterfall effects applied. anyone know how to fix this? Edit: i dowloaded the lastest stock waterfall config and it worked when i used a whiplash, but rapiers are weird, especially the closed cycle mode, the plume is missing
  8. So I wanted to make a space shuttle in KSP, I decided to inspire the design a bit from the Pathfinder in the series "For All Mankind" (great series 10/10 would recommend) So yeah, the booster layout is similar to Energia, and the 4 KS-25s are offset on the main core stage to the shuttle. The shuttle itself has 2 Nuclear Engines and one lower 2.5m docking port for.....expansion . Monopropellant on the "docking module" can be toggled for use because the flow is off by default ;-; Mods required are Restock+ and Restock probably I haven't really kept track which is restock plus and which isnt ;_; Any Recommendations to improve it helps ;_;)/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/182679-1111-restock-revamping-ksps-art-ksp-111-jan-31/ So there are three variants, the LEO for Low Kerbin Orbit payloads, Deep-Space for Mun and probably beyond if you can, and Tanker for refuelling operations in Low Kerbin Orbit Preview Images: Heres the craft Tanker: https://mega.nz/file/QMdm0TYC#A_ETQ3KJsRYQn6b4EO6hxuUt5N9NjYdoQtS-miSCMWk Deep-Space:https://mega.nz/file/MZdG3TDA#jX-v5S0HY64fc8ZvsspddbItKJozJy6PF4SN7jRx4mM Leo:https://mega.nz/file/VUUmTLYb#Vys8CM1XghFfgZq3ds0Fvi54Tqw93Qmc1ZIFtREyCpA
  9. Yes, it has (pretty) accurate staging. Mods: Waterfall EVE ReStock Reentry Particle Effects Renewed Tundra's Space Center Hope you like it!
  10. Kerbkosmos presents: The Mighty Ant! Mighty Ant is a Mid-size launch vehicle, consisting of a 1.875-meter diameter core, and 1.25-meter diameter boosters. It's capable of up to 3.6 Tons to a 100 KM x 100 KM orbit, though the 2nd stage will have over 1000 m/s of delta V left. * Oh, and also, it's partially reusable. Launch profile: This vehicle requires the Making History DLC, Restock, and in order to be reusable requires FMRS or other recovery mods. Download Link: Steam Workshop::Mighty Ant (steamcommunity.com) *The reason it can't get more payload into orbit is that the core 1st stage has a low TWR, though a more powerful engine would fix this problem.
  11. Today, when I opened ksp, I noticed that the Swivel and Reliant engine models have been changed, but their restocked effects have also disappeared. Later I found them in other categories (like stock parts). I also noticed that the bobcat engine had restocked effects. Last time there was nothing like this and I did not delete, update or add any mods. Here is image with engines and my GameData folder. Can I fix this somehow?
  12. Hello dear community! During my career games I have designed many crafts but few survived the game they were initially made. Today I present my LITHOPPER (the one which jumps on a big rock) in this video. It can be built with lvl6 technologies. You can find the craft in this shared drive. It will be posted later on in Kerbalx.
  13. The title says it all, I would really like reflections in one of my favorite mods so I don't have to choose between reflective but ugly our nice but not reflective.
  14. As the title suggests I tried installing Modular Kolonization Systems and Life Support by Umbra Space Industries yesterday, but for some reason some parts didn't show up in the VAB but they were there when I looked in the folder. So I tried uninstalling mods and reinstalling them to see which one was the culprit and apparently it was ReStock and Restock+. I don't know what causes this problem maybe a patch from Module Manager I don't know. If anyone has any input or any ideas so I can have all of these mods work together please let me know.
  15. After quite some time away from KSP, I'm wanting to get back to it with 1.3. I did dabble some with 1.x.x but never got around to updating the ReStock CFGs for later than .90. Here's a link to the last version http://partsbyemc.com/pub/ReStock90.zip What needs to be added to the CFG files to make them 1.3 ready? The biggest pain was SQUAD changing file paths every release, along with fiddling with node locations on a few parts, which required twiddling the numbers in ReStock CFGs that used those parts. What'd really be nice is for someone with a lot more knowledge of the inner workings of KSP to take over maintenance of ReStock. No coding or compiler etc required, just information and a text editor. What is ReStock? It's a pack of CFG files that references stock KSP parts and creates new parts by making changes to their size, often not scaling all dimensions the same. It also has parts combined from several stock parts, like the surface mounted 5-way RSC thruster and two sizes of liquid fuel drop tanks. ReStock 90 added even larger parts to fit with the Kerbodyne parts. The ThunderMaximus parts are HUGE, including a modifed version of the single to quad adapter which can mount up to nine engines in two sizes. That one is more than a simple resize. Extra nodes had to be added and their positions adjusted to make the engines fit properly. Unlike other parts packs or mods like TweakScale, ReStock only uses a bit over 100 kilobytes. Many parts were added since I adopted ReStock from its originator, PolecatEZ. You can see some of them in use in my old mission to Eve, done back before nosecones actually reduced drag.
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