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  1. This mod is meant to work in conjunction with real chatter which still works with 1.12.3, and is meant for RSS or you can use it for stock as well Lines will include Custom starship chatter and coms checks (voiced lines) Custom spaceX marbase eva, chatter and coms checks (voiced lines) Lunar eva and coms checks (voiced lines) Various chatter and coms checks (voiced lines) for moons of planets orbital chatter and coms checks (voiced lines) A whole bunch of new beeps, including the spacex com check beeps on the dragon real space x coms checks (non custom) Real nasa chatter and coms checks (non custom) Staticy sounding mars base chatter and coms checks (voiced lines) non staticy mars base chatter and coms checks (voiced lines) orbit chatter and coms checks (voiced lines) space station generic chatter and coms checks (voiced lines) and more!!!! Heres an example of a mars Eva that ive recorded for mars not exactly perfect (far from it) but i will be going over that as I polish the first release up. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fzYmpLgX1h_dTpG9LOhPozJ7cSBKeRHa/view?usp=sharing also another one, spaceX com check https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tj-EhRgnog-1aEjZRaqPlkCix48ItezU/view?usp=sharing I am the only one voicing them so far, I have recorded and edited 100+ lines so far, there a various methods of voice acting such as doing different accents, southern, midwestern, etc and I have changed the pitches of the voices along with adding static, communications breakups, etc to make them all diverse and less generic sounding. Future lines and plans will include chatter and coms checks (voiced lines) for all stock planets an moons 500+ lines More voice actors besides me (people that I know) which are in progrees with collaberating with me on onther mods. My release date is planned for less than 2 months away, around the end of june.
  2. (With RSS/RO/RP1/RSSVE ) When I go to tracking station and click on saturn there are no rings but if i pan down so that i'm on the same plane as the rings there is this strange shading bug which shows just a little bit of the rings and they keep flashing in and out of existence this is the same if i'm in a rocket. https://imgur.com/JCkLJiH
  3. Recently I created a new 1.10.1 modded install that uses the following (significant) visual and other mods: RSSVE v1.6.1-RC1 Quarter Size Real Solar System v1.0 Scatterer v0.0723 EVE v1.8.0.2 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 I have the problem where the sun appears way (and I mean blinding amounts) too bright. The issue occurs only when the sun is inside my FOV. I've included a link to multiple screenshots so you can see what I mean. I'm guessing it has something to do with the full size sunflare not getting rescaled back down to quarter size, but other than that wild guess I have 0 idea where to look or what to do. https://imgur.com/a/9znHnzW
  4. Hello, I just installed realism overhaul with rp1 in ksp 1.8.1 (according to github guide on ckan). Without any additional mods the game runs fine. But when i install additional mods such as eve,rssve, scatterer,procedural fairings the game just gets stuck at loading screen i even restarted but nothing happens. Please help...
  5. Hey guys, I changed now to RSS/RO and I like the realistic mechanic BUT I have some problems. First of all the rocketbuilding center. When I want to seset something with "ctrl" and "z" parts remove change their place and also hover in air.... and often the nodepoints disappear. Second I have installed RSSVE but the clouds and citylights are not there. The texture is red see picture: And third when I load a save data while I am in flight veeeeerrry strange things happen im not able to control anymore and the camera view is not avaible anymore. See also Picture the ship is there but in stage settings left many parts are gone..... I use for this Mod KPS version 1.8.1 I hope someone can help me or can somebody give me a good working package to download via drop box or sth else mabye also in a higher KSP version ? Best regards Muddyblack
  6. Here is the problem: https://imgur.com/z6bUaQD https://imgur.com/FJuZLMu The First Picture was took on 2019_9_14 and the second one was tooken recently I want my visual look like before,but i don't know how did i do that and i have those add-ons about visual:eve scatterer rssve planeshine distantobject Here's my modlist: TexturesUnlimited CTTP DistantObject EnviromentalVisualEnchancements Kopernicus KopernicusExpansion KS3P KSCSwitcher ModularFlightIntegrator PlanetShine RealSolarSystem RSSDateTime RSS_Textures RSSVE-Textures RSSVE scatterer I instal the RO/RSS And there is a whitesun problem too Sorry about my english,not a native speaker Any skybox will be fine too
  7. So I'm trying to start up KSP, but it stops halfway through, specifically at the stock jet engine for some reason. Is there something wrong with this part? Are there any conflicting mods? Mods I'm using: Realism Overhaul and Real Solar System including their dependencies as seen on the GitHub page. (https://github.com/KSP-RO) Real Solar System Visual Enhancements including its dependencies.
  8. My RSS save has a huge graphics error on Earth. I'm using KSP 1.3.1, scatterer 0.0320b, Kopernicus 1.3.1-3, and RSSVE 1.3.1-6. Below is what it looks like in DX11 and regular (I believe DX9?) Here is all my mods too:
  9. I am trying to get an RSSRO install going with RSSVE in KSP 1.3.1 and I am running into a rather annoying issue. At various points during flight the Scatterer layer seems to turn off and on without any rhyme or reason. As seen in the images below, up until 95ish km everything looks just fine, but at 135km or so in altitude the Scatterer layer just turns off. It then gradually starts to re-appear at about 247km in altitude, but it only lasts for a short while. When in orbit the effect turns on and off every 5 minutes or so. My installed mods can be seen here: If anyone knows how to resolve this issue I would be very thankful.
  10. @Phineas Freak's forum topic for the Real Solar System Visual Enhancements mod seems to be locked with the message "This topic is now closed to further replies" displayed where you would usually type a reply at the bottom of the page. I could not find a post by a moderator telling that the topic was closed. Instead, it looks to me like the topic was locked mid-conversation when @softweir explained to a user that you need to upload files to a file-sharing service to be able to link them in a post. If this locking of the topic is deliberate, then it would be nice to see a short message from one of the moderators explaining that the topic is closed. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this or if this belongs in Kerbal Network. If it's wrong, please move it and forgive me.
  11. Hello! Today I encountered a weird issue when using RSS Textures, RSSVE and Real Solar System along with Procedural parts. This is all using KSP 1.2 So I downloaded a newer version of Remote Tech which came with ModuleManager.2.8.1. The game loaded fine, then I noticed there were more procedural parts than I usually notice, RCS tanks and other parts. These I had never seen, so I am assuming the new modulemanager triggered all of the parts to work. The only problem now is that even when using older versions of modulemanager with the 2.8, RSS texture do not load, and I'm stuck with the default Kerbin textures. Has anyone else experienced this at all? am I missing something super obvious? Thank you!
  12. I installed RSSVE using ckan, and when i load the space center the sky is always black(day and night)
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