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  1. Artemis Construction Kit | V1.4.0 | Stockalike Orion Spacecraft & Space Launch System Artemis Construction Kit contains parts inspired by NASA's Artemis program, specifically the Orion Spacecraft and Space Launch System Block 1, 1B & 2, as well as lunar lander parts based on the Lockheed single-stage lander proposal. Key features: Highly detailed recreation of the Orion capsule & service module in a Kerbalized style Space Launch System Core Stage, ICPS (courtesy of Bluedog Design Bureau), Boosters (courtesy of Photon Corp) & Main Engines (courtesy of Rocket Motor Menagerie) Exploration Upper Stage & other SLS Block 1B parts SLS Block 2 advanced boosters (BOLE) Modular abort system, including boost cover, abort motor, jettison motor and solid-fuelled attitude motor Lockheed lander-inspired Kerbal Landing System Full capsule interior Highly customisable, including multiple colour variants for the capsule and length variants for service module Adjustable sweep solar arrays with built-in 'selfie' cameras (requires Breaking Ground DLC) Waterfall support Neptune Camera support Craft files provided Adapters to standard sizes (2.5m, 3.125m and 3.75m) Capsule available in white, black and reflective silver foil variants Variable sweep solar arrays Fully functional Abort system with waterfall plumes Custom drogue and main parachutes - available both as combined parts to fit the capsule, and standalone parts for your own creations. Translucent shaders provided by Shaddy Detailed custom IVA Download: SPACEDOCK Secondary Download (GitHub) Dependencies: This mod has B9PartSwitch, Animated Decouplers, DeployableEngines, Community Resource Pack, Simple Adjustable Fairings and ModuleManager as dependencies, all of which are bundled with the mod. My mods Benjee10 Shared Assets and HabTechProps are also bundled - these contain the parts for the docking port/OMS engine and props for the IVA respectively. Waterfall is fully supported, so if you have this installed you will get much nicer plumes all engines/RCS parts included! Configs were created by Rodg88 - the abort motor FX are particularly spectacular! Shaddy and Shabby will give the parachutes much more realistic translucent shaders. Compatability: While this mod is designed for KSP 1.12.3, it should be backwards compatible with previous versions, though I will not be providing official support for any issues prior to 1.12. If you are using a previous KSP version you will need to find version-appropriate downloads of the required dependencies. This mod uses parts from other mods, namely Bluedog Design Bureau, Photon Corp, and Rocket Motor Menagerie. If any of these mods are installed a MM patch will ensure compatibility and prevent conflicts. You can safely install and uninstall any of these mods, as well as pruning parts of this mod out. Recommended mods: Conformal Decals for slapping that giant red worm logo down the side for some reason ^ amazing screenshots by @Pioneer_Steve - thank you <3 Future plans: TBC Credits: Orion Spacecraft by Benjee10 SLS core stage & EUS by DylanSemrau & Benjee10 ICPS & RL-10 engine by CobaltWolf & Zorg RS-25 Main Engine by EStreetRockets Waterfall configs by Rodg88 Additional mesh work by InvaderChaos Community Category Kit implementation by Lennon All rights reserved. Dependencies bundled under their respective licenses.
  2. The Nova Strider is a shuttle placed on top of an SLS. That's it, it is capable of going to low lunar orbit (KSRSS) and back with around 20 tons of payload to LLO (or 50 tons to LEO)
  3. reDIRECT | V0.10.1 | Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicles Revival of my old Shuttle-Derived launch vehicle mod for KSP 1.4.1. The mod has been completely rebuilt from the ground up, with new models & textures. It will not replace older versions of the mod to avoid conflicts. Principally, the mod adds STS-style 5m fuel tanks, and 2.2m Solid Rocket Boosters. Adapters and decouplers are also included! These can be used to built Space Shuttle (STS) stacks, or the Jupiter rockets from the DIRECT proposal that this mod takes its name from. Screenshots: Part variants are included! PHASE I: Jupiter STS External Tank. Jupiter Stack Parts, including adapters, separators and thrust plates. Shuttle 4-Segment Booster Parts 5-Segment Booster 2 & 3-Segment Boosters (for SRB-X) Jupiter Upper Stage Parts. PHASE II: Orion Orion Capsule & Associated Parts. Orion Service Module Parts PHASE III: Constellation/SLS SLS Parts Ares I Parts CHANGELOG 0.10.1. PUBLIC RELEASE - Fixed broken normals maps for 1.8+ - Added normals to RL10, Orion LAS, Jupiter Upper Stage - Fixed SRB nosecone orientation (may break existing craft) - Fixed emissive on Orion capsule 0.10.0. PUBLIC RELEASE - Release to coincide with Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit - Adjusted STS External Tank CoM offset 0.9.10. DEV RELEASE - Adjusted thrust transforms and values of SRB nosecone for cleaner separation - Adjusted decoupling force of SRB decoupler for cleaner separation - Increased fuel values of Ares I parts for better balance (will need to rebuild existing craft to see the effect) - Added stack node under Shuttle External Tank 0.9.9. MAJOR RELEASE. Warning: may break existing craft files. - Re-bundled craft files. - Fixed tags for multiple parts. - Fixed B9PartSwitch errors. 0.9.8. DEV RELEASE - Improved normal maps across all parts. - Added Space Shuttle External Tank Decoupler. - Added Space Shuttle SRB Decoupler. - Added PlumePart plumes to SRBs. - Added nodes to SRBs to allow attachment to SRB decouplers. - Added node to Jumbo External Tank to attach to ET decoupler. 0.9.7b. DEV RELEASE - Bundled Benjee10_sharedAssets. - Moved KJ10 engine into sharedAssets. - Reduced SSME mass to 1.2t. - Added gimbal to KJ10 engine. - Rebalanced Shuttle/SLS tank masses & volumes. - Added whitelist for ReStock SSME. - Fixed most NREs with texture switching parts. 0.9.7a. DEV RELEASE - Overhauled RL10-B-2 engine model. - Bundled DeployableEngines. - Tweaks to balance & SRB thrust curves. - Tweaks to node placements on various parts. 0.9.6d. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Replaced all engine/RCS plumes. - Bundled PlumeParty. 0.9.6c. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Complete rebalance of all LH2/OX tanks, engines, & SRBs. 0.9.6b. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Added SLS ICPS part. - Added Orion Fairing Base. - Added short 5m orange tank to lengthen SLS. - Added RL-10B (fixed nozzle) - Modified RL-10B-2 (expanded nozzle) model/texture. 0.9.6a. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Added SLS 4x adapter. 0.9.6. 1.6.0 update - Re-release for 1.6.0 compatibility. - Bundled updated version of B9PartSwitch. - Fixed some errors/typos in part descriptions/names. - Fixed UV-layout accidentally overlaid onto adapter texture. - Bundled craft files. 0.9.5. 1.5.1 update - Re-release for 1.5.1 compatibility. - Removed duplicate geometry on 5-segment SRB which was creating Z-fighting. - Removed fairing from Ares I upper stage engine plate's editor icon. - Added 5m -> 3.125m adapter. - Added 3.75m -> 3.125m adapter. - Added SLS-style 5m -> 3.125m adapter. - Bundled updated versions of B9PartSwitch and Community Resource Pack. 0.9.4c. Minor iteration on Ares I parts. - Finished textures for Ares I parts. - Added normal maps for Ares I parts. - Added built-in decoupler for Orion Launch Abort System. 0.9.4b. DEV RELEASE OF ARES I. - Added Ares I parts: - Small & Large LH2/Ox Tanks. - 3.125m thrust plate. - 3.125m->2.2m adapter. - 3.125m avionics ring. - 3.125m stack decoupler (with built in RCS). - 3.125m fairing base. 0.9.4a. DEV RELEASE OF PHASE III. - Added K-2X "Jackdaw" cryogenic rocket engine. 0.9.31. Hotfix. - Fixed model for inline STS tank not appearing in game correctly. - Added placeholder IVA to Orion to allow crew portraits. - Fixed incorrect gimbal transform on KL-10-B-II Engine. 0.9.3. - Added Orion Parts. - Rebalanced all tanks & engines to use LqdHydrogen/Ox. - Migrated all mesh/texture switch functions to B9PartSwitch for 1.3.1. compatibility (and for more features in the future). - Rebalanced all parts to be in line with stock. - Tweaked SRB thrust curves. - Updated .CFGs so that all parts now have consistent manufacturers & feature tags and a description. - Bundled B9PartSwitch & Community Resource Pack. 0.9.1. BETA RELEASE. - Added KD75k "Monsoon" five-segment Solid Rocket Booster. - Added KD25K "Thunderstorm" two-segment Solid Rocket Booster. - Minor SRB texture improvements. - Minor Tank Endcap texture improvements. - Added Jupiter Upper Stage parts (fuel tank and engine mount). - Added new upper stage engine, KL10-B. - Rebalanced to be closer to stock values. - Added placeholder KS-25B "Rainstorm" engine (uses Stock SSME model) to account for increased mass of fuel tanks. 0.9.0. BETA RELEASE. - Initial release of Phase I. Download link: SPACEDOCK DEV RELEASES SpaceDock is hosting only the last stable release. On my GitHub you will find the latest development versions: GITHUB This features the newest parts and updates but may not be properly balanced or stable, and will frequently be updated which may result in craft files breaking. Use at your own risk! This should work correctly with 1.3.1 and up. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks to HooHungLow & Tyko for sponsoring the Orion section of the mod, and to Beale for allowing me to use his fantastic solar panel texture. If you like what I'm doing and you'd like to donate something to keep me motivated & well caffeinated, consider making a one-off donation via PayPal:
  4. This is a parts pack that adds a stock alike version of the SLS in 5m size as well as a few Space Shuttle specific parts that will allow you to build the Block I SLS with the complete Orion Spacecraft (CM, SM, and LAS), as well as a full Space Shuttle stack with an External Tank and SRBs that are 5m and 2.25m respectively to be in scale with the Mk3 Spaceplane parts. Note: Delete your old ShadowWorks Install before installing all Updates. Version Waterfall FX Compatibility Updated to Version 2.0!!! A whole lot has changed with this update. Since it took me so long to motivate myself to finish the Jupiter (DIRECT) and Altair Lander parts, and seeing the progress of a lot of other mods I decided that the mod as a whole could use a facelift. With the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 I was inspired to finally finish the Jupiter and Altair, and complete a near total overhaul of the mod. Nearly every part has been remodeled and retextured, and I have made use of the stock Part Variant module for mesh and texture switching, throttle-based animations to animate the extending nozzle of the RL10B, and the new mapped specular shaders to provide a mirrored Orion capsule. I have also gone through and properly given most (if not all) parts an alias taken from the ancient Egyptian pantheon. I figured, you don't see that very often, so why not. Below is the Change Log for version 2.0, which is extensive, but I may have missed a couple of things. Changes ------------- * Re-added the Connected Living Spaces compatibility patch after accidentally leaving it out of v2.0.5 Changes 2.0.5 ------------- * Added Waterfall FX compatibility patch - converts all engines and RCS thrusters except for SRBs to Waterfall FX. * Fixed texture issue with the 5m Amun-Ra (SLS) Fairing. The texture will now appear correctly in 1.12+. * Updated the SSMEMount part to use transform-based attachment nodes. Changes -------------------- * Added Connected Living Space (CLS) Compatibility (will only work if CLS is installed) Changes 2.0.4 -------------- ISS SAW Fix thanks to @Hachiro * Re-exported the ISS SAW (Solar Array Wing) part * Now uses a single attachment node (no longer surface attach) * PAW text updated for easier readability and more informative operation * Deploying the Array plays the full deployment animation once, while the panels won't actually rotate independently and collect sunlight until they are activated. * Should remain deployed regardless of a packing/unpacking operation, so no more having to redeploy after the game packs and unpacks the vessel. Changes 2.0.3 -------------- Hotfix * Re-exported the following parts to add a basic flat normal as KSP apparently no longer gracefully ignores no normal map for "Bumped..." shaders. * EUS * EUSDecoupler * ICPS * DCSS5m * DCSS5mDecoupler * DCSS4m * DCSS4mDecoupler * AresI * AresIIU * AresIDecoupler * Pyrios * PyriosNoseCone Everything should be back to looking normal. Changes 2.0.2: ------------------------ * DDS texture encoding changed to DXT5 from DXT3, so textures should show up again! * Removed duplicate TGA textures that have DDS versions in the SRBs folder. * Removed the SLS Engine Mount as a separate part, as it really isn't needed any longer. Changes 2.0.1: ------------------------ * Altair Landing Legs will now show up in the career tech tree under "advLanding" Changes 2.0: --------------------- Removed: * External Tank Nose Cone * External Tank * External Tank End Cap * These three were replaced with two tanks (see Additions) * File: "_ShadowWorks_RealChutes.cfg" Removed * File: "_ShadowWorks_FSTextureSwitching.cfg" Removed * SLS 5m - 3.25 m Adapter (Orion can be attached to the EUS using the SLS 5m Fairing Base No Payload variant. Additions: * MOARdV Avionics Systems compatibility patches adding functioning MFDs and other controls to the Orion and Altair IVAs. Also adds a camera and docking radar to the NASA Docking System (NDS) 0.9375m docking port. * ModulePartVariant: * SLS Core Stage * Bare Orange Insulation * Black and White Painted * ICPS Decoupler * Bare Orange Insulation * Black and White Painted * EUS * Bare Orange Insulation * Black and White Painted * EUS Decoupler * Bare Orange Insulation * Black and White Painted * External Tank Liquid Fuel Tank * Bare Orange Insulation * STS-1 White * Jupiter (DIRECT) Liquid Fuel Tank with Engine Mount (Mesh) * External Tank Oxidizer Tank * Bare Orange Insulation * STS-1 White * Jupiter (DIRECT) Oxidizer Tank (Mesh) * Shuttle Orbiter Radial Decoupler * Bare Orange Insulation * STS-1 White * Orion Pod * Mirrored * White * EFT-1 Black * Orion CM Cap * Mirrored * White * EFT-1 Black * ICPS * ICPS (Mesh) * DCSS 5m (Mesh) * SLS 5m Fairing Base * Orion attach nodes to accommodate the Altair Lander * Orion attach nodes for no/small payloads * Orion attach nodes for tall payloads * Jupiter (DIRECT) Upper Stage Tank * Earth Departure Stage Tank * Jupiter Upper Stage Engine Mount (6x symmetry) * Earth Departure Stage Engine Mount (1 engine & 2 engine variants, uses ModulePartVariant) * Earth Departure/Jupiter Upper Stage interstage decoupler * Altair Ascent Stage (w/integrated RCS and ascent engine) * Altair Decoupler (w/airlock for crew EVA) * Altair Descent Stage (w/integrated engines) * Altair RCS Quad (rcs quads for the descent stage) * Altair Landing Legs (must set to "Gears" Action Group to use the "g" hotkey) * SRB Aft Separation Motor (mounts on aft skirt of 4-segment, 5-segment, and Black Paladin SRBs * 4m Delta Cryogenic Second Stage * 5m Delta Cryogenic Second Stage (ICPS without the Orion adaptor) * Delta IV Medium decoupler * RL10A * Shuttle Orbiter radial decoupler * 4-segment/5-segment SRB radial decoupler * External Tank Oxidizer tank * External Tank Liquid Fuel tank * Ares I Payload Fairing Base Updates: (Nearly Complete Overhaul) * Orion Launch Abort System was separated into two (2) separate parts, the Abort Motor, and the Jettison Motor. * Orion Pod: Remodeled to add detail. * Orion CM Cap: Remodeled to add detail. * Orion Heatshield: Updated model, given mirrored finish * Orion Chutes: Made into single chute part that is attached to the Orion Pod directly. * Orion CM Decopuler: Remodeled. * Orion Service Module: Remodeled to add detail. All RCS pods have been integrated with the SM, and attach nodes added for easier attachment of solar panels. * Orion Solar Panels: Added attach node for easier attachment to SM * Orion SM Decoupler: Remodeled to add detail. * Orion SM Fairing: Remodeled to add detail and improve staging of the petals. * ICPS: Remodeled, 5m DCSS is a variant of this part, added flag decals * ICPS Decoupler: Remodeled to add detail. * SLS Core Stage: Remodeled to add detail. Integrated the SLS Engine Mount. * Exploration Upper Stage: Remodeled to add detail. * Exploration Upper Stage Decoupler: Remodeled to add detail. * 4-Segment, 5-Segment, and Dark Knight SRBs: Remodeled to add detail. * SRB Nose Cone: Remodeled to add detail. * Pyrios Nose Cone: Remodeled to add detail. * Delta IV CBC: Remodeled to add detail. * RS-68: Remodeled to add detail. * GEM-60: Remodeled to add detail, and a gimbal-able nozzle. * RS-25: Remodeled to add detail. * RL10B: Remodeled to add detail, and add an extendable nozzle. * RL10C: Remodeled to add detail. * F-1B: Remodeled to add detail. * J-2X: Remodeled to add detail. * Pyrios booster: Remodeled to add detail. * Ares I Upper Stage: Remodeled to add detail. * Ares I Adapter: Remodeled to add detail, added integrated separation motors. * 2.5m and 3.75m to Orion Adapters: Remodeled to add detail. * SLS Fairing Base: Remodeled to add detail. Added integrated decouplers, 1 for attaching payloads that is not activated by staging, and another for the Orion that is activated by staging the fairing. Added attach nodes for the Orion SM Fairing. * Delta IV Payload Fairing: Remodeled to add detail. Added a payload fairing for the 4m DCSS. NOTE: The 1.25m base of the PMA is a docking port, you do not need to attach a CBM to dock the PMA to other CBMs Download on SpaceDock: Also available through CKAN (or so I'm led to believe) A review of the mod by @jd9921 (Gemini10 Gamers on YouTube) Osiris Capsule showing off the mirrored finish Amun-Ra (SLS) Block I Amun-Ra Block IB Amun-Ra Block II Bastet IV Heavy flying EFT-1 Bastet IV Medium Amunet Space Shuttle Parts Hathor (Jupiter DIRECT)-130 Hathor-246 MOARdV Avionics Systems IVAs for Osiris and Horus Recommended Mods Bacon Labs Stockalike Ariane and More (Dead link) - I provided the Ariane and Vega launchers for this pack, and it uses a modified version of the Shuttle SRBs from this mod Tantares Stockalike Soyuz and Mir - a great mod by Beale adding Soviet/Russian spacecraft and launchers Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, & More - Awesome stockalike historic American spacecraft and launchers License: ShadowWorks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
  5. Space Launch System Part Pack DOWNLOAD: REALISM OVERHAUL: Craft Files: Small fixes between updates: Mod Recommended: Hangar Extender Space Launch System Parts Pack is a modification that adds to the basic game section dedicated to the SLS program. Package contains: SLS Block 1, SLS Block 1B, SLS Block 2 This mod is distributed under the GPL3 license.
  6. Frontier Aerospace Background: In his high school years, Matthew Kerman founded an aerospace club. He and his team completed many projects with model rockets and high-power rockets. In his senior year, the team successfully launched a space shot mission. He broke a record with the first high school to send a rocket into space. Matthew then got many scholarships and finished college with a master's degree in Aerospace. He then got hired by NASA to work on the Space Launch System. Years later, he proposed a plan to replace the SLS with a clean sheet HLLV. The proposal was called the Jupiter MHLV (Modular Heavy Lift Vehicle). It is composed of many companies like SpaceX, ULA, Boeing, and most importantly... Frontier Aerospace. Matthew left NASA to form Frontier. The team is composed of former SpaceX, ULA, Boeing, and Blue Origin Employees, and even some of his friends from high school. Their goal is to help NASA explore, build transportation for the public, and explore planets like Sarnus or even Plock. Current date: September 2041 Previous launch: Rhea Ia Mass Simulator Next Launch: Rhea Ia: Space Launch Carrier 1 Before I started this mission report, I had many Frontier saves (Frontier was called "Nano Hex" before switching). I have always conceptualized replacements for the SLS ever since I had an interest in space exploration. Thanks and inspiration to: @Blufor878 @GoldForest for Dreaming Big @Jay The Amazing Toaster for Kānāwai: Ares to Mars @Poodmund and @CaptRobau for making OPM And all the modders that contributed to making them
  7. The SLS was planned to have a large upper stage called the Exploration Upper Stage(EUS). This would take the SLS Block 1 to the SLS Block 2, needed for a single flight lunar architecture. However, the multi-billion dollar cost for development of a large upper stage from scratch means it’s unlikely to be funded. NASA is proposing a solution using the Starship making separate flights. But this plan takes 6 flights total or likely more of the Superheavy/Starship for the Starship to fly to the Moon to act as a lander. One look at this plan makes it apparent it’s unworkable: Actually, it’s likely to be more complex than portrayed in the figure, needing 8 to 16 refueling flights. This is what SpaceX submitted to NASA in proposing the plan, requiring 6 months to complete the Starship refueling: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk details orbital refueling plans for Starship Moon lander. By Eric Ralph Posted on August 12, 2021 First, SpaceX will launch a custom variant of Starship that was redacted in the GAO decision document but confirmed by NASA to be a propellant storage (or depot) ship last year. Second, after the depot Starship is in a stable orbit, SpaceX’s NASA HLS proposal reportedly states that the company would begin a series of 14 tanker launches spread over almost six months – each of which would dock with the depot and gradually fill its tanks. … In response to GAO revealing that SpaceX proposed as many as 16 launches – including 14 refuelings – spaced ~12 days apart for every Starship Moon lander mission, Musk says that a need for “16 flights is extremely unlikely.” Instead, assuming each Starship tanker is able to deliver a full 150 tons of payload (propellant) into orbit after a few years of design maturation, Musk believes that it’s unlikely to take more than eight tanker launches to refuel the depot ship – or a total of ten launches including the depot and lander. https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-elon-musk-starship-orbital-refueling-details/ Everyone, remember the Apollo missions where we could get to the Moon in a single flight? In fact, this would be doable with the SLS given a large upper stage. Then the suggestion is for the ESA to provide a Ariane 5 or 6 as the upper stage for the SLS. It would save on costs to NASA by ESA paying for the modifications needed for the Ariane core. As it is now ESA is involved in a small role in the Artemis lunar program by providing the service module to the Orion capsule. But it would now be playing a major role by providing the key upper stage for the SLS. The argument might be made that the height of the Ariane 5/6 is beyond the limitations set forth by NASA for the EUS. However, if you look at the ca. 30 m height of Ariane 5 core compared to the 14 m height of the interim cryogenic upper stage now on the SLS, this would put the total vehicle height only a couple of meters beyond the height that had already been planned for the SLS Block 2 anyway: See discussion here: Budget Moon Flights: Ariane 5 as SLS upper stage, page 2. https://exoscientist.blogspot.com/2013/09/budget-moon-flights-ariane-5-as-sls.html Coming up: ESA also could provide a low cost lander for the Artemis program. Robert Clark
  8. ► Download Chaka Monkey 161 ◄ Chaka the monkey supports Test Shot Starfish: https://soundcloud.com/testshotstarfish/tracks Chaka Monkey Exploration Odyssey is a space program based on NASA and Boeing proposals for future missions. Part models from a wide variety of authors have been licensed, and new original models made, then combined with all new textures, sizes and configurations, to create craft files depicting the proposed missions. This project is modeled at 75% real scale. ♦ Recommend installing this pack into a clean KSP install for the first time. ♦ Latest version of Raster Prop Monitor needed for IVA function. Link included in download. ♦ Copy everything in provided GameData to your GameData ♦ Copy VAB folder to Ships ♦ Copy Subassemblies to your save (optional) ♦ Please remove any previous version files before installing! Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems includes products commissioned or licensed from the following authors: Winston & Kickasskyle - KW Rocketry https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Alexustas - A.L.C.O.R. Pod https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Alexustas - ASET IVA for Monkey Rover and Mk1-2 Pod https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Bobcat, Ind. American Pack - all rights reserved and belong to BobCat, expressed written permission from Bobcat for American Pack components to be distributed with Chaka Tiberion - NovaPunch https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau - all rights reserved, expressed written permission from Normak and CardBoardBoxProcessor for components to be distributed with Chaka Lionhead Aerospace https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Sumghai - SDHI Service Module System https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Alexey Volynskov (Keramzit Procedural Fairings) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ BahamutoD - RS-68 Engine - All rights reserved - expressed written permission from BahamutoD for components to be distributed with Chaka Sumghai / Fustek / Nothke - Habitats https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ LandeTLS - SLS Block I fairings https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ TALISAR - Talisar Large Upper Stage https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Porkjet - Habitat IVAs - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ and expressed written permission from Porkjet for components to be distributed with Chaka Blackheart612 - Aerojet Kerbodyne https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ expressed written permission from Blackheart612 for components to be distributed with Chaka Kommitz - Chaka Nuclear Thermal Engines https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Nertea - Octo-Girder Argon Segment https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ NoOneSpecial - NOS Altair pod and lander https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Hanson Ma / xxhansonmaxx - CST-100 Parachute, Dock Port, and CST-100 pod IVA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ CXG2827 - CXaerospace Station Parts - All Rights Reserved (Models and Textures are permitted for modification and distribution by YANFRET in Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems) Chaka the Monkey would like to extend a special thank you to these developers. They worked very hard to make these parts and we have organized them for Monkey Exploration because they are excellent. Also, Chaka wishes to thank our awesome 1.3 beta test team: @Space Kadet , @OV-102, @Jarlgnarök, @davidewei , and of course @MeCripp for putting in many hours of science which made the quality of this release possible. Special thanks to @rsparkyc for updating Procedural Fairings to 1.3! Monkey Rover Wheels provided by: BMW, AG Chaka the monkey supports using Raster Prop Monitor by @MOARdV LICENSE Unless otherwise specified, all materials available for download on this page are copyrighted and released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Included plugin licenses: Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is licensed to be distributed only with Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems on express written permission from Ferram4 due to specific critical requirements. Distribution of Kerbal Joint Reinforcement from this download is expressly prohibited: KJR License is GNU GPL v3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html For the latest version and updates to KJR, please visit http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55657-1-0-2-Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement-v3-1-3-4-27-15 KSPAPIEXTENSIONS is licensed via Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81496-1-0-2-KSPAPIExtensions-V1-7-4-Utilities-for-shared-mod-use-1-May CC BY terms (attribution) Procedural Fairings is licensed via Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512-0-25-Procedural-Fairings-3-10-payload-auto-struts-%28October-11%29 CC BY terms (attribution) Animated Decouplers ( Starwaster ) is licensed via Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) https://github.com/Starwaster/AnimatedDecouplers http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
  9. Kertemis Program Warning! Orion's Crew Capability Down to 4 Kerbonauts. Please Check Your Save Before Download This Mod! DOWNLOADS Spacedock | Github Dependencies: reDIRECT B9 Part Switch Community Resource Pack Simple Adjustable Fairings New! Animated Decouplers (Orion SM decoupler) New! ASET Props(Orion IVA props) Highly recommend: Bluedog Design Bureau (For RL-10 engine) *Note: This mod is designed for BDB's RL-10 engine, but still can work with reDIRECT's RL-10 engine. Parts: Exploration Upper Stage tank and interstage. Universal Stage Adapter for crew mission and cargo mission. There are 4 size for Adapter: 3.125m, 2.5m, 1.875m and 1.25m. New feature: Orion spacecraft retexturing. Block 2 "Discovery" booster. I am not English speaker, but i will try my best. If there are any spelling or grammar mistake in this topic or mod, please point it out. Appreciate! Enjoy this mod!
  10. I made the SLS of NASA's Artemis project with stock parts only for KSP Version 1.12.1 if you are Interested on it Click here for the Download (KerbalX) Details Type: VAB Class: ship Part Count: 73 Pure Stock KSP: 1.12.1
  11. Release v0.14 (Beta) Since I started to play KSP (i don't even remember when...) I really wanted to make some things on "my way", probably, like all modders do. So, I was working on this mod on my weekends for the past few months and now, i think it's "shareable". I am really grateful to all the people who helped me a lot with tips and shared the knowledge! This mod contains my understanding for Lockheed Martins MBC and some other features like: - MBC (Mars Base Camp) - MBC - Orbital ISRU - MBC - Orbital GreenHouse (WIP) - Orion (Capsule + parachutes +Service Module + Criogenic Propulsors) - SLS (boosters + core stage + petal adapter ) - Altair Lander - MMSEV (credits for NASA Modelers! Just worked on it to compile) MMSEV - Orbital config! Know Issues: Interiors are all WIP Orion Interior Kerbal Screens are all black (don't know how to fix it yet... ) - FIXED! MMSEV loses orientation on reload... (what a hell....) - FIXED! -Altair lander collider - FIXED! News: RealPlumes compatibility files on this release. Bug Fixes for 1.4 Other stuffs and info's: All config's are as close as I guess to stock, if you guys find some of them a little "cheaty", plz let me know! The suit model on MMSE and on the bridge from MBC are from @BobCat's mod! The MMSEV original model where downloaded from Nasa's shared content. All other one's are from my own work. Download Link (Space Dock - v0.14 is rdy to roll!!): https://spacedock.info/mod/1615/[1.3] Capsule Corporation Endeavour (Mars Base Camp) Next release's: - IVA's - Moon Village Project (WIP link bellow!) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Hope you all enjoy!! You can follow the new parts and development status on this thread: - New release for CC - MADV (Mars Ascent and Descent Vehicle). You can get it here: - The LRE for long journeys
  12. Hi guys!! Here's some work i'v beem on this weekends! It's some "compact" version of a moon base fully functional, with few parts and functional as hell!! Only have 3 models until now, an Science Lab, a Mining Facility and GreenHouse (because its pretty, that's all... ). This is the ESA concept for a moon base that i really enjoy and like how it looks! Modules: "Interactive Interiors": Science Lab: GreenHouse: Mining Facility: Ground Solar Panels: Altair Lander - "Big Boy"! (Up to 8 Kerbals) Almost there... solving the last bug (that I found...)
  13. With the new SLS in the latest update, I thought it would be boring to not mount the Orion like it should be right in the SLS. So I decided to make a pack that symbolizes the Orion also as a practice of my modeling skills (This is my first modeling project.) I figured that SDHI already has it perfect for the service module so I made this as an extension of it and NASA mission pack. Spacedock Mirror RSS Stuff: FennexFox is working on something related over here Installation: Unzip the file Copy GameData to root folder. Taurus Parts are on TaurusExtras Folder, just remove it if you don't have Taurus mod installed. The rest are just tweakscaled. SAVE BREAK WARNING! You need SDHI along with its dependencies Untested Version! Changelog: Aerojet Kerbodyne 1.0 Initial Release 1.1 Added FX on LAS, LV-900 and HG-10B Added Emissives on LV-900 and HG-10B Rebalance of some parts 2.0 Added and fixed FX for some other parts 2.1 Rebalanced costs Update for 0.24 3.0 Taurus Parts: Complete Remodel -Added Service Decoupler -Added Service Heatshield (Custom fit with Taurus Bottom) -Added Aerocap for Taurus -Added 2-sizes for Launch Abort System Mk1-2 Parts: -Added Service Decoupler (Custom fit with Mk1-2 Bottom) -Added Service Heatshield Tweakscaled Parts: -Added HG-10B-2 Liquid Fuel Engine -Added LV-900 Orbital Maneuvering Engine -Added AK10-118J Liquid Fuel Engine -Added Upper and Lower ICPS tank -Added Service Module to ICPS Adapters -Added ICPS Tank Adapter -Added ICPS Extender -Added LH-KM-2N RCS Thruster -Added Dual Linear RCS Port -Remodel of Previous RCS Thruster Taurus Parts 1.0 Initial Release 2.0 Added Service Module -Launch Abort System Jettison Cone -Launch Abort System Main Motor -Aerocap -Service Tank -HG10-B2 New Engine -S3 Adapter -Tri-Cover Fairing Parts of 3.0 Mostly: License: *Smokescreen in contained in package is made by Sarbian (and the rest of the developers that helped him, credit goes to them) as well as Virgin Kalactic, Firespitter, modulemanager and modulefixer.dll files, those aren't mine. I only take credit on my parts. Thanks: Testers: DasBananenbrot Sippyfrog MaverickSawyer likke_A_boss wasmic Tons of Help: stupid_chris - he made the rebalance! Nathankell Cpt. Kipard A couple other modders Supporters on the development too.
  14. is their any mods available for SLS and ORION for ksp 1.10.1?
  15. This mod is, or will be when it's complete, a set of SLS parts for realism overhaul. Now this isn't the first Space Launch System project for KSP, so to avoid that situation where I spend several months working on the whole thing and then burn out with nothing to show for it I decided to approach it part by part and get the mod out there as soon as the first part was functional. Well here it is! Download: http://spacedock.info/mod/434/Spice%20Launch%20System All the parts nessesary for launching are in, although some lack textures. How to launch Block 1B: SLS can be a bit tricky to launch if you aren't used to launching with inadequate low TWR. This video illustrates a proper launch profile for a 40 ton lunar payload. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNtLzxzo0gg The Orion capsule and service module and spaceX booster setup uses parts from external mods. Orion requires the RO version of Chaka monkey exploration system and the F9 quad booster setup requires LazTek SpaceX launch pack. License: All Rights Reserved
  16. W.I.P. ver. 1.3.1. First part of a exploration Vessel from the NASA. Nautilus Exploration Starsystem for travel. Command Modul : Reactor : Tank Modul : Atomic Engine : Complete Vessel
  17. UPDATED 29/04/18 FINAL PATCH WHILE WORKING ON NEXT MISSION! This is a basic mission that let's you head up to the International Space Station with the new Orion Module, not yet operational by NASA yet, transfer crew and return safety back to the KSC. I hope you all enjoy! DOWNLOAD HERE! Rookie
  18. Mod is @Sobol's SLS mod. Go check it out.
  19. I would like to share with you all a little mod that I working on. The MOD contains: Orion+Service Module, parachutes for Orion, Extensible Docking Port, a Petal decoupler, Altair Lander and a MMSEV. The MMSEV's model and textures are from Nasas 3D's Sharing. I only worked on a little things here and there. Now im correcting some bugs and working on better textures to be more Stockalike Hope you enjoy!
  20. The purpose of this mod is to make building a stock size Space Shuttle and SLS easier, with less parts and without using much more memory. Using Module Manager by @sarbian it duplicates several parts, and then resizes and enhances them. The engines have been re-balanced for the Shuttle as that is the least dynamically stable of the two designs. But that also makes a quite capable SLS possible. If you have Firespitter you can also have orange tanks. There are two example craft [pictured above], the Shuttle can take a 18t+ payload to 100km+ and the SLS can take a 70t+ payload to 100km+, that should make them quite flexible for most needs. Requirements Module Manager Optional Firespitter Download MIT Licence Parts Shuttle Main Engine (Vector) @maxThrust = 700 Shuttle Booster (Kickback) @maxThrust = 2000 Shuttle Main Tank Shuttle Medium Tank Shuttle Tank Adaptor 1 Shuttle Tank Adaptor 2 Shuttle Tank Nose SRB Nose Cone Shuttle Tank Bottom RS-25 Engine Cluster Flying the Space Shuttle In the video below you can see me pilot the Space shuttle with an 18t cargo to an ~100km orbit and return. Launching Pull back slightly straight away and slowly try and nudge it towards 45' by the time the SRB's are about exhausted, the closer they are to spent the smaller your adjustments should be as they are closer to overwhelming the SSME's I am not making any other adjustments here except nudging the pitch, and I advise you to do the same, deviating will result in instability. Orbiting Once the SRB's have gone you have more control but again I am leaving everything except pitch alone, the lighter the tank gets the twitchier it will be. Once I have reached an AP of 100km I switch on the OMS engines and rotate the shuttle upright to make control input easier. As I circularise you can see the shuttle become harder to control right at the end. Once you have a stable orbit, ditch the main tank and use action group 1 to switch to OMS mode. This disables the gimbals on the vectors and enables the internal OMS tank. You now have about 300-400ms of dV for rendevous and de-orbiting. Re-Entry Once you have disposed of your cargo set your re-entry manoeuvre well, there is no flight extension in this craft, you have to glide right into the runway, it is tricky. Set yourself to prograde and level the wings then set to radial-out, this will keep the shuttle belly on to the air and reduce your speed fastest. At some point equilibrium will be lost and the shuttle will start to deviate from radial-out, click prograde again and level your wings. Now it is up to you. Landing You need to keep your speed up above 50ms or you may start to lose authority. if you need help getting the nose up or recovering from a spin hit the brake, this will deploy the rudder in airbrake mode and help you stabilise the craft. In the video below you can see I overshot the re-entry and had to try for a circle and land on the grass. I was flying with the keyboard and as the speed dropped it got a bit unstable, as soon as I deployed the rudder brake it stabilised again.
  21. Hello, everyone, and this is a continuation of the SLS repaint mod, originally by @nothke, later re-released by @MeCripp, and now re-released by me. What this mod does is adds new textures for the Rockomax parts and adds Firespitter Texture Switch 2 configs so you can interchange between textures on the parts. This is a snippet of my upcoming mod, Kerbobulus Space Program. I added some of my own textures to the mod, like for example a texture that turns the Rockomax X200-16 tank into the ICPS upper tank. So, lets get to the mod itself! KNOWN PROBLEMS: INSTALLATION DIRECTIONS: Install Module Manager* Extract the "nothke-2015_SLS_CDR_textures" and "Kerbobulus Space Program' folders into the Gamedata folder together with "Firespitter.dll" If you find any problems, please report them in the thread below CREDITS: @DirtyFace83 Creator of the kerbalized American flag on the ICPS @nothke The original creator of this mod @MeCripp For releasing a 1.0.5 compatible version @TheShadow1138 For making the EUS-style orange texture Licensing: This mod is licensed under a CC-BY NC SA license All dependencies licensed under their own licenses Dependencies: "Module Manager" by @ialdabaoth, maintained by @sarbian, licensed under a CC-BY SA license "Firespitter" by @Snjo, maintained by @RoverDude, licensed under a custom license , which states: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Install MM version that is the right one for your game version, 2.8.1 for KSP 1.3, 2.7.6 for KSP 1.2.2, I WILL IGNORE A PROBLEM IF THE MM VERSION IS FOR 1.3 AND YOU ARE USING 1.2.2 Same Applies to Firespitter DOWNLOADS: Spacedock _________________________________________
  22. One wise kerbal once said, " Reach for the stars, and you will be successful." So, the KSP took it literally and decided to reach for the stars with their "amazingly awesome" spacecraft. The Challenge: Do the Orion missions listed below Orion Command module should be accurate and have 3 seat for stock, 5 seats for modded if possible. Following bonuses apply to all: Chute-O-Matic 3000 -- Have three main chutes and two drogue chutes, just like the real Orion does. * + 15 points * If using mods, and restricted to less, please note that in your submission post. Then, I may give you an exception. If not noted, but in the aforementioned situation, you WILL NOT get the bonus Note: You must complete previous mission to continue on to the next one. EFT-1 Badge: Go into a highly eccentric orbit of Kerbin to test high speed reentry Exploration Mission 1 Badge: http://imgur.com/a/PIVJx Build an SLS Block 1 launcher and mate an Orion Spacecraft to it. Then send them to the Mun (Orbit Only). Europa Clipper Build the SLS Block 1B Cargo and launch a probe to fly-by Laythe multiple times. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deep Space Gateway (DSG) Mission Objective: Assemble a ship to go to Duna using the SLS in elliptical polar Munar orbit with AP above Munar south pole. Also, develop the SLS Block 2 Cargo and Block 1B Crew. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISSION OBJECTIVE (REQUIRED) +50 points ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHASE 1 EM-2 to EM-5 PHASE 2: EM-6 to Duna mission More Missions Coming!
  23. Done in pursuit of Doing It Orion Style: My three intrepid explorers, preparing for the first crewed launch of the glorious SLS! Pad view. Since this is the first crewed test, I'm starting with a little pad abort... All clear so far... Fairing and LES jettison. Drogues out... Popped the mains. Success! Reverted to the pad. SSME ignition! SRBs ignited; up, up and away. Nearing Max-Q, and... Whoops, aborting again! Couldn't resist doing a max-Q abort. Dropping nicely. Nominal splashdown. All right, for real this time. Majestic to be sure! Quite a clip. Heating up and leaning over. SRB jettison! High enough now to get rid of the LES. If you look closely, you'll see that I used a three-segment fairing. Burning very gingerly now. As usual, the SLS can make LKO easily on the core. EUS separation and ignition! Fairing jettison. Only a tiny burn to get up into LKO. Circularized! Orion's SM has solar array deployment. Now, here's where it gets messy. The current NASA plan calls for the EUS to place the entire stack -- DSG component & Orion + SM -- in a high Earth orbit with a period of approximately 24 hours. After this orbit, Orion will separate from the stack and enter its own free-return trajectory, while the EUS places the DSG component in a lunar flyby. I had to plot a couple of orbits ahead to get the timing right. Burning to raise Ap. Done! You can see that the second node appears, after this orbit. Set up for a free-return. Hanging out at apoapse! Orion separates on the way back in. Lost the old maneuvering node, but that's okay. Putting Orion where it needs to go. Extending solar arrays on the Power & Propulsion Module as I swing around the dark side of Kerbin. Setting up the escape-trajectory flyby for EUS disposal. First clear shot of the Deep Space Gateway Power & Propulsion module. Note docking port for refueling, hexagonal probe core, and "airlock" up top for experiment storage, as desired. Orion flying free with the EUS in the background. Finally back at Pe, and burning for the flyby! Switched over to Orion; burning for the free-return. Free-return complete! Separation from the EUS. The EUS will continue to a munar flyby and escape. Testing the engines on the DSG. In reality, the four smaller ion engines will be on special gimbal arms, but KSP doesn't have that capability. Here's what the current disposal trajectory looks like. Firming up the flyby. In reality, the DSG will be assembled in a halo orbit around L2, but since there are no Lagrange points in KSP, a polar Mun orbit will have to do. The Kermans are excited for their flyby! Setting up my node for munar capture. Thanks to the scaled-up ion thruster, I can do the capture burn easily. Orion is inside the Mun's SOI. Nearing Munar Pe; starting to throttle up. Full capture burn! Capture complete. Closest approach on free return. Goodbye, Mun! Set up a node to fix inclination. Inclination fixed! Getting ready to lower Munar Pe. What a beautiful shot! Reached my terminal orbit. Meanwhile, Orion is coming back in toward Kerbin. Service Module jettison. Starting to get entry heating; SM visible in the background. Took quite a long time, really. Through re-entry; drogues popped. Jettisoned heatshield. Mains popped, drogues cut! Splashdown! That's a wrap.
  24. Since 2015, NASA has publicly released images with an unpainted SLS, which also had beautiful orange and gray stripes on the SRBs. Even before that, they were planning to leave the tank unpainted. But, Squad still left the SLS parts black and white. In my opinion, they should add some sort of texture switch so you can use both new and old color schemes for the SLS. So, my opinion is overall yes. What is you opinion? Vote in the poll above! Also, please explain why you made that choice below in the thread! Thanks, Bottle Rocketeer
  25. Hi, can somebody please make an EUS style texture for the small 3.75 m tank in the style in nothke's SLS recoloring mod? Thanks, Bottle Rocketeer 500
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