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Hi, I've been messing around lately, and I would like to try applying a texture to an already exsiting IVA : Example : taking the Mark 1 stock comand pod, and replacing its "background interior textures" with ones extracted from a 3D model, like this one : What would be the steps for that ? Note that blender and me do have a pretty spicy relationship (I'm quite new to this, and texture work in general). I guess deleting the stock textures and replacing them with ones, but I'd guess I'd need to convert those 3D model to PNGs ? As it's what I'm seing in most internal folders... Anyways... gonna keep diggin' Thanks for your help !
In the preview videos, maybe the reflection ratio of texture is too high and lacking detail, they just look like plastic toys. What do you guys think ?
I've been working on a planet pack for quite some time now. I've made many planet textures by stitching together images from Google and Wilbur, but I can't figure out why they don't look as good as some other planet packs. For comparison, here's an image of a planet from my planet pack Precursors.... (Sorry about the's much brighter in-game). And here's a picture of one of@Gameslinx's planets.... From a purely surface-based standpoint (subtracting EVE and Scatterer), Gameslinx's planet seems much more detailed and much larger when compared to my planet. Maybe it's just me, but is there something I'm missing that would improve the level of detail in my planet textures (aside from EVE and Scatterer)? Should I use higher-res pictures when making my textures, or...? Any suggestions are highly appreciated!
Hello everybody, so I have been playing KSP for quite a while now and I decided I want to make my own rocket mod,but unlike others I wanted to make it correctly and realistically (most of the parts). I am no mechanical or aerospace engineer or rocket scientist either so I wanted to ask the engineers and the scientists who play KSP if the way I design and modelled some parts were not realistic. So the project future rocket will consist of a 5 segment SRB lower stage with a top mounted Cryogenic Upper Stage and a payload fairing just like the Ares I cargo configuration. However the upper stage will be a hybrid between the single engine Centaur and Atlas V core stage and Ares I's J2X (skiff) powered upper stage. The issue I am having right now is figuring out how to make things appear realistically. Where are the upper stage flight computers located on common orbital rockets and what do rocket upper stage flight computers look like ? (I tried google but I could only find the Saturn V's very very outdated analog computer inside a ring like housing). Should I allocate the flight computer parts inside the forward skirt of the upper stage? Or, inside the fairings just below the Payload Attach Fitting and why ? Do rocket upper stages have feed lines and do they also house and connect wires and other equipment or do they just act as feed lines for oxidizer/fuel ? In KSP we have decouplers to separate different stages. Do interstages act as decouplers/separation system ? I mean do they separate the stages like the way decouplers in KSP do or do they just serve as Structural Support and housing for the upper stage ? Also, are interstages made of composite or aluminium ? Why are Payload Attach Fittings shaped like conical shells and are Payload Fairings attached to the PAF or is there another mechanical deployment mechanism they are attached to ? These are overviews of the cryogenic upperstage project I am working on. It currently has the Payload Fairing and the payload attach fitting and the tank is a 5.6m tall tank. The current configuration has the flight computer sitting just below the PAF and the flight computer is slightly raised by a spacer so it doesn't clip with the payload fairings. Next step of the project will be adding an RCS module integrated with monoprop tanks at the aft section of the upper stage tank for attitude control. I currently am UV mapping the parts that are ready for texturing but I am still learning how to texture.
Hallo allerseits, Ich lerne gerade Blender. Nach meinen ersten abgeschlossenen Projekten möchte ich das Modellieren, Animieren und Texturieren verbessern. Daher möchte ich meine Unterstützung beim Erstellen von Modellen für KSP-Add-Ons anbieten. Wenn jemand Interesse an meiner Hilfe hat, können Sie mich gerne kontaktieren. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt, studiere Technik und arbeite in meiner Freizeit mit Blender. Früher habe ich viel KSP gespielt, aber jetzt habe ich mehr Spaß beim Erstellen Dies ist meine ArtSation-Site: Freundliche Grüße Christian [Moderator Added Translation] Hello everybody, I am currently learning Blender. After my first completed projects, I would like to improve modeling, animating and texturing. Therefore, I would like to offer my support in creating models for KSP add-ons. If someone is interested in my help, please feel free to contact me. I am 28 years old, study technology and work with Blender in my free time. I used to play a lot of KSP, but now I have more fun creating it This is my ArtSation site: Friendly greetings Christian
I'm currently working on a mod which will add components to make modular TOS-era Starfleet ships. I have most of the modeling for the parts I want to add into the game done, but I have realized that my texturing skills are... lacking, to say the least. If anyone would be willing to lend a hand with texturing some of the parts I would be greatly appreciative. If anyone's interested, here's an Imgur album of the models I have completed so far
I've been trying to make some lovely metal and mylar parts, but the albedo channel does literally nothing. I tried a number of different textures and even tried adding an alpha channel to my .png files, thinking that might be the issue. Nada. It's still a) a uniform color and b) white, no matter what color I input. Send rescue craft immediately,
Am in the process of updating some dusty *cough* *cough* parts; some have mbm, tga, png textures. Converting them to dds isn't an issue (flip-flip save) I want to know if can add normal / etc without having to fire up blender(doesn't work on my machine)/unity? can I generate the normal and attach in the part.cfg using texture = ? how about other types of textural enhancements?
Hi folks, it's been a while since I've been on. For a little background, I'm a senior in high school. I've been in a program for three years now called Science Research, where students are given the opportunity to conduct original research, culminating in the writing of a research paper, as well as a variety of science fairs. For my project, I've been working on a design study for a single stage to orbit spaceplane (big surprise) that uses three modes of propulsion to get into orbit and back onto the ground. Here's an excerpt of my paper, to give a description of the craft itself: "The concept of this spaceplane is a hybrid three mode aircraft based on the design of the SR-71 aircraft. The aircraft is already optimized aerodynamically and structurally for high mach flights, and are proven designs. While it’s the basis for the design, the only visual commonality between the spy plane and spaceplane will be the bird’s-eye profile. From the side view of the SR-71, the design of the spaceplane will be different both above and below the chine of the fuselage. Below the chine, the fuselage will be squared, and covered with heat protective tiles. This has three purposes: one, to simplify the process of applying the tiles; two, to create a lifting body effect on the fuselage; and three, to increase the area inside of the fuselage for fuel. The wings will be lowered and thickened slightly, in order to meet the bottom of the fuselage, and provide more area for fuel. Additionally, the lift from the body will allow the wings to be shortened width-wise, creating a slimmer profile for more efficient high-mach flight. On the wings, housed in the nacelles of the Pratt & Whitney J28 engines used on the SR-71 will be pre-cooled turbojet engines, build to take the spacecraft from the ground to mach 6 and 20,000 meters. Halfway down the bottom of the spacecraft will be the intake for the scramjet, which will take the spacecraft from mach 6 to mach 17, and 70,000 meters. The scramjet will exhaust from the bottom rear of the spacecraft, with the engine also covered in protective tiles. Above the chine, the body of the spacecraft will be radically changed. The cockpit will be removed, along with the rest of the upper body of the Blackbird. In its place will be a large conformal tank, with a fuel and an oxidizer tank within. Between these two tanks will be a small cargo bay, with a 5,000 kg capacity. At the end of the conformal tank will be two Aerojet Rocketdyne AJ10 engines, proven as reliable vacuum engines over the past 60 years. (May be switched to one Merlin 1D vacuum engine)" I have the technology and math covered- what I need to do now is create a printable 3d model of it, both solid and cutaway. The images of the craft in KSP included are what amount to a rough sketch for me, as I have no skills in actual sketching on paper. (I don't remember how to embed albums, oh well). I'd really appreciate it if y'all could help me create models of this craft, as it would both aid my presentations at fairs, and provide a really nice final product for all the work I put into my research over the past three years. Thanks!
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Hello there ^^ I'm wondering what programs/tools I should use for texturing parts to a semi-realistic standard (i.e. have metallic areas look metallic, and so on), preferably open source/free (but not trial software). I've heard of procedural texture generation, should I try something like that after I practice making a few basic cute little engines like in @Beale's part tutorial? I think that hand-drawn textures are nice, but I feel it may get overwhelming trying to do stuff like it for more detailed parts once I get the hang of modelling parts...
Hi everyone, As I continue developing my mod Intergalactic, I'm starting to wonder... what's the best method of texturing a planet? Procedural? SpaceEngine? Or simply drawing it from scratch on programs like Gimp? I'm just asking for your opinion on how I should go about doing this.
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I want to make a modular engine mod. The idea is to add a group of parts made up of engine nozzles, combustion chambers, engine base plates, and some other engine parts which function as one engine when assembled. I know how to model and add new parts to the game, but I need help with getting the "combined engine" functionality working, hopefully without adding/coding plugins. Also, tips on texturing will help. Thanks for reading!
Hi guys! Recently i started on moddeling and im working on a version of the Altair Lander and Orion Spacecraft. Yes, i know that there's wonderfull mods with those, but i wanted something more stockalike and updated (for me, BobCat's the king and his versions is the best, but outdated and need some work to fit with the new versions and look on game). Said that, i started my own project but i dont know how to make the texture and action to change the windows color "turning the lights on" like other parts on game... Didnt found any tutorial either... Can anyone give me some tips? Thank you! Gabu
So with the preview of the new Making History parts by @RoverDude comes the most important thing to do after receiving a preview. It's time to give some critique and feedback. Now let me just open by saying this isn't a criticism of roverdude as a person he's an amazing driven developer and modder with a great work ethic, and morals that have encouraged shared assets and has only helped make the game more moddable. The point of this critique is to aid him in making the best parts he can for the KSP community that fit in best with the more recent additions to the part catalog such as the space plane parts. This is important because every new major body part that is added to the game that doesn't fit in like this would also need to replaced when the indefinitely postponed rocket revamp finally comes and it's feared that if there are too many parts that need to be replaced the revamp may never come. This Critique also refers to the Semi-official Part Overhaul mod by @Porkjet because it laid a great foundation of how rocket parts could be made consistent with the spaceplane parts while still preserving a distinct style for each manufacturer to allow easy identification in the part catalog. Finally this critique takes the form of the large preview image written over with notes, criticisms, and reference pictures to backup claims. So for the sake of not breaking the webpage on mobile with something super wide I've enclosed the image in the spoiler below.
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Hi. I'm trying to make my first part - it is supposed to be a Fowler flap. I've made a model in Blender, UV-mapped it with textures, imported into Unity editor and it seems more or less reasonable there. The way it is textured is far from perfect but I'd rather leave it for later. But when I attach this part in SPH editor, it looks weird - lower part of flap has texture only when looked from below. Sides and upper surface are transparent. I tried to recreate faces and re-texture them and it has no effect. What am I doing wrong? Unity render: KSP render:
hi everybody, more than a year I know the game now and I'm still stuck on and after so much time spent playing and enjoying the mods that have done for would give my help to those who need a designer to continue the wonderful world Kerbal Space Program leave a sample of my work on a small link (this very outdated but you can see something of my work). although not many samples I have a great experience in design for video games porfolio
hi everybody, more than a year I know the game now and I'm still stuck on and after so much time spent playing and enjoying the mods that have done for would give my help to those who need a designer to continue the wonderful world Kerbal Space Program leave a sample of my work on a small link (this very outdated but you can see something of my work). although not many samples I have a great experience in design for video games porfolio
I need to know wich map exactly Ksp support for his shader for better visual result with Substance Painter 2 and Designer 5. Base Color/Albedoe,Height,Roughness,Metallic,Normal,Ambient Occlusion,Emissive,Diffuse,Opacity,Specular,Glossiness,Reflection,Displacement,Etc Unity 5 use PBR, how we can use PBR in Ksp if we can. How many polygons for each models and collision mesh. My collision mesh can be multiple collision box ? How i can use Rescale Factor on X/y/z only ? How i can use dynamic material in Ksp ? I searched on forums but they look outdated for Unity 5.3
NOTE BEFORE I START: If anyone looks on my profile, they will see 2 failed modding attempts. The overwhelming reason for this is not that i lack commitment, that I have no clue how to use Unity, or other such things. I am simply, absolutely terrible at texturing. I am a decent 3-D modeler, but i can never make any textures that look stockalike. I have tried a hundred and one times and it is just terrible. So, i am reaching out to texture artists and other modders who might cooperate with me, for instance @Well who made the Kraken Science mod with only texturing, no modeling. Thanks to anybody who read this. Celestian Launchers My goal is to make stockalike upper and lower-stage parts that go together but can be used separately. For instance, the engine/skirt/mount on the lower stage could be used on another 2.5 meter-wide launcher, and the fuel-tank (It has 3-d fuel pipes on the outside, inspired by Atlas V. Too non-stockalike?) can also be used on other launchers because the stock tanks do not have any detail, and to be honest i don't know many mods that add tanks like that. My first goal is to make parts for payload launchers at 2.5, 3.75, and 1.25 scale. I am doing 2.5 meters first because that is what i use most. 2.5 First Stage: 2.5 Upper Stage: (Note: The upper-stage is meant to go in a fairing. The stacking would be like this: First Stage, Fairing Base, Upper-stage, Payload. 3.75 Lower Stage: 3.75 Upper Stage: (Note: The rounding thing on the top is the heatshield. The upper-stage is meant to be recovered. The lower stage also has the ability to land like the Falcon 9. I added landing gear and in the R.O/RSS configs the engines will have more than one ignition.) 1.25 Lower Stage: 1.25 Upper Stage: This is my progress so far! Roadmap! Stage One: Light Payload Launchers, Modeling 100% done, Texturing 0% done, Unity/configs 0% done. Stage Two: Manned Launchers. Stage Three: Service Modules and capsules Stage Four: Space Station parts Stage Five: landers. Goodbye and thanks for reading!
Hi, I with a couple of others are developing a space station simulator game with the same visual style as ksp, rendered in unreal engine 4 (we have an example of the ksp shuttle in the environment and a pod of our own construction also) but the problem is this, we have one textuer/modeler that works on his own models (the example pod is his) and then there is me, Im a modeller and absolutely pants at getting even close to the style e desire from the textur, so we are looking for a dedicated texturer to work with our team of 4 so we can maintain the style and hopefully boost productivity, should the game ever make it through dev there will of corse be a div of the money made but we would hope this would not be a primary concern!
I have recently been working on textures and experimenting with he best way to do this, and in blender a good way to texture is to assign multiple materials to one mesh and texture them independently. now i tried doing this and it worked very well until i put the models into the game and the said mesh is invisible, this leads me to wonder if it is myself at fault or can ksp not use meshes with multiple materials? Any help would be much appreciated.
I'm trying to duplicate the Big-S Delta wing part with a different texture. I make a new .cfg and have duplicted the part in game. I've been told to try adding texture=////{texture} in the model module of my new part, but I think the .mu file is referencing the original texture still. help?
Hello! This is my first forum post. I was wondering if it would be possible to re-texture the monoliths in Kerbal Space Program to remove the Squad logo? It was kind of an immersion killer when I found a monolith on the moon for my first time, and I saw that it had a monkey's face on it. I'm a huge fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey and I always felt like KSP was trying to connect back to that movie, so It'd be great if someone could point me in the right direction of the texture file for the monolith so I can edit it? I'm kind of a noobie at creating mods, but I've re-textured things before in Skyrim and Fallout 3. Thanks in Advance! David Bowie