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My wife would not play KSP 1 due to vague tutorials, so I took a special interest in them here on launch day. First, I want to applaud the obvious effort put into the tutorial system thus far. They are far superior to what I expected (even with the hype). However, after encountering bugs in the first few, I built a data set of 20 views. Results are as follows: Tutorials (twenty views each, number of each issue instances given as fraction within the set of twenty) Space is the place #2 Launch a Test Rocket: The Pitch control portion occasionally does not register when the rocket has returned to the correct orientation (after following all instructions), preventing the tutorial from moving on. (8/20) · Possible solution: add dialogue indicating a minimum angle to reach before pitching back to 0, as often (but not always) this would occur with shallow maneuvers. Space is the place #2 Launch a Test Rocket: The windowed example graphic of the Kerbal using W/S controls remains persistent. It remains on the screen when continuing beyond the next tutorial, when restarting this same session, after leaving the training center, and even when backing all the way out to the main menu! Complete re-launch of the game is required to remove artifact. (14/20) Space is the place #6 Staging: Hitting “continue” in the dialogue window (which calls for using the actual command) can stage the rocket too soon, triggering the “your rocket needs all its parts to continue” failure result. (6/20) Missing the Ground: No issues detected (20/20) Orbits are Weird: No issues detected (20/20) Orbital Transfers: No issues detected (20/20) Suggestion: allow the spacebar/enter to be used as an alternative to clicking “continue” on the screen when prompted. Recommended Tutorial Topics (to add for more complete on-boarding of new players): · Introduction/overview of Engineer’s report · TWR, ISP, COM, COT, and Delta-V concepts in construction/flight · Intermediate parts (trusses, fuel lines, etc) · Advanced parts (servos, etc)
Hola, hace unos días subí un par de videos a la plataforma de YouTube, estos videos enseño cuales son las herramientas del programa y como usarlas para construir un cohete y también enseño los controles Tutorial del VAB (parte 2) Espero que les guste Saludos desde México
Asparagus Staging is an easy way to save fuel in KSP. Here is how it works: All engine will feed from one tank, for example, lets say its two side boosters supplying all the engines. When the side booster tanks are depleted, the tank in the main booster is still full, just now your higher up instead of just sitting on the launch pad. To do this we use fuel lines (as seen in figure 1.1) In this example with the two side boosters, we will run a fuel line from the side boosters fuel tank to the main tank. To do this click on the fuel line part in the selection of parts click on the side boosters fuel tank where you want the line to start. Then pull it over until your mouse cursor hovers over the middle boosters fuel tank, then click (oh and remember symmetry. You can use the symmetry button or just press X on your keyboard to cycle through the types). It is important that you click on the side booster first, because the fuel needs to be flowing the right way. You can double check by looking at the fuel lines. The arrow indicates the flow direction. Figure 1.1: For ships with 4 or more side boosters, you need to run the fuel from one pair of boosters, to the other ones, and so on until your out. Then just run fuel from the last booster to the main tank, like in Figure 1.2 (arrows indicate fuel flow direction). It is important to remember that if you want to add more than two, instead of using for example 4x symmetry, use 2x symmetry twice. You can still use the number of symmetry of the number of booster you want, but its less efficient. Figure 1.2: Booster need to be jettison in the order the tanks run out, as demoed in figure 1.3 (you don't need to color code them I just added that for simplicity). Figure 1.3: You can use Asparagus staging for more than 4 boosters, just remember that the fuel needs to go the right way, and the stages are staged corrected. That all I really got to say. Now go out there and practice the arts of epic explosi- i mean space exploration.
How to Get Into Orbit. When playing KSP you want to aim for other planets and the stars beyond. But when your rocket first launches it doesn't get into orbit. It just go up really high. The back down. So, how do you get into orbit? Every KSP mission starts with the orbit. When building a rocket your rocket should have at least 2,000 dv to get into orbit. I personally think that 3,000 dv is enough if you want to prefect your orbit or do some inclination changes. First build your rocket and make sure you have at least 2,00dv. Then launch your rocket up. Slightly tilt at 5,000m to about half way to the 45 degrees maker. Then continue going up. At 10,000m tilt to 45degrees over time. If you do it immediately your rocket might crash. Go to the map screen and see if your apoapsis make is about 80,000m. Cut your throttle and make a maneuver node at the apoapsis maker. Drag the prograde maker until your periapsis raises above 70,000m. Warp to your node and burn until you get a orbit free of going through the atmosphere. Well done your in orbit. Do all of your science experiments or whatever you need to do. Point to the retrograde maker () and go full throttle. When your have a path of a crash course decouple and point your heatshield retrograde. Wait until you hit the atmosphere. When you the parachutes signs are gray and white release all of your parachutes, jettison your heat shield and land safely. Then recover your craft. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— How to Get To The Mun. Biuld your rocket that will take your ship to the Mun. Launch that rocket into orbit. Look for the Mun on the map screen. Make a munuver node and drag the prograde all the way out to the Min’s orbit. You may get a encounter immediately. If not move the miniver node to another part of an orbit or adjust the mover node using the makers. When you get a encounter burn and finish the node off. Then warp to your mun encounter. Burn retrograde at your Mun Periapsis unto you get a Mun orbit. Look for a good Lang in spot to land on the mun. Burn retrograde until your path goes on the land spot. Warp closer to the Mun To 8,000m. Then burn retrograde to kill your velocity. When you over the surface of the Mun make sure you are landing at 3m/s to avoid any damage to your craft. Do science and plant a flag. And head home. Launch your lander out and make a mun orbit. Than leave the Mun and use miniver nodes to get back on Kerbin. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— How to Get to Minmus. Minmus is Kerbin Ss Spence moon. It very small and has large mountains and flat plains. It also has very low gravity making it the ideal place to land. First bike your rocket then launch it into orbit. Use the menuver nodes to get an encounter with Minmus. Burn for Minmus and at Minmus periapsis burn retrograde to a stable Minmus orbit. Then land on Minmus. Plant a flag and make a Minmus orbit escape from Minmus and plan a a crash course to Kerbin. Renter Kerbin atmosphere with heat shield first. Deeply parachutes and land and recover vessel.
I just started making custom parts, I would love to have a detailed guide on making parts like solar panels and engines from start to finish. I have basic experience with blender, But I am lacking in texture skills (I know how to do it, I need more info). I would need a in depth Guide to making detailed textures. My focus will mainly be engines, I need to know how to make animations for engine gimbal and solar panels, and how to make engine shrouds. I would also like a guide to making part variants, They are so cool but so hard to understand in Blender/Config files As for config editing, I am fine with everything but part variants. Any replies is amazing appreciated
When I go into the tutorials especially the Mun ones I get to a point where the dialog box freezes and I can’t interact with it and continue the tutorial Im playing on Xbox one ive tried refreshing the tutorials and nothing happened and so I don’t know how to get to the mun and all my 42 attempts have all failed without getting close to the mun Plz fix this.
Welcome to Mission Complete where I post the missions I have done with pictures, tutorials and the craft I use for download. The way the forum works is the earliest missions are towards the start (eg pages 1, 2, and 3) and the missions done nearest to the time of reading are at the back (eg pages 25, 26, and 27). Happy Reading!
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Cough cough. **Starts speaking in a dull narrator voice This mission report documents the history of the Automated Space Program, lead by none other than the fearless HAL 9000, the A.I designed to run a space program. Why didn't a Kerbal of remarkable talent step up to the plate instead of this automaton? Because the Kraken banned space travel from kerbals. If a single cell of kerbal flesh escaped the upper atmosphere, then the Kraken would slaughter the population of Kerbin! Or so our several hundred mages/witch doctors/wizards kerbs state after coming out of intense trances huddled together in their holy places. Everyone knew that they spoke the truth. After all, they said that sensibility was an evil not to be practiced, which we have followed up to the extreme. We have NO cities whatsoever, and yet we built a magnificent space center. There are literally no other structures on the planet, except those which were related to the space program of the distant past. Also, our mages/witch doctors/wizards have spawned in green monoliths in random places, because they were being insensible in accordance with the Kraken's laws. Anyway, enough backstory, lets get into the meat of this story. **Changes to a scholarly voice, full of appreciation for his subject I have been messing around with the KOS mod for a little while, and I have decided to create this mission report series so that I will practice this to hopefully great effect. I will make this series primarily about the substance, that is, how I programmed X to do Y and not Z, but pop in the occasion joke, as seen above. I will launch NO kerbals, not one, doing everything with KOS. I will use kerbonauts inside the atmosphere, and rescue them from orbit, but nothing else. My install of KSP is 1.4.4, so mods that work for me probably won't work for those in KSP 1.5+. I have installed a fairly large mod pack, roughly 30 mods, seen below. And with this, I wish all comers, Happy Explosions!
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Hello All, Ok, I am very, very new to the forum, mostly lurked and read various threads. Had to start commenting on some very good content however, so needed an account. I have also thought about the Mods out there and especially Kopernicus, I have looked at the various Star Systems available and have been very surprises that something I have not seen available. So I would like to learn how to use Kopernicus to create this Star Systems and once complete share it with everyone. But first I need help, can any who can or are willing point me in the direction of tutorials (on or off the Forum) that will allow be to understand and learn how to use Kopernicus to fulfil my goal. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. I would also update this post with a list of the recommended tutorial as well. [If this is in the wrong place, again any advice would be appreciated]
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Introduction Hello everyone! As promised in my self-introduction to the forums, I am starting a video series on YouTube about almost anything to do with KSP. As such, I welcome any feedback, suggestions, requests and I may remake videos if necessary or add written clarifications for details that do not warrant starting from scratch. The goal is to provide an up-to-date set of videos that cover just about anything you need to know about to play KSP and in more details than the game's KSPedia. I will be posting major updates in here as well as updating this post with any new content. Videos Written Guides Craft Files Upcoming: Soon(tm) Let's Play Episode 9 Kapsule video: Planes and spaceplanes building tips Later How to use KER to its maximum potential Let's Play Episode 10 Updates: Jan 4, 2017: OP Jan 12, 2017: Posted 3 new videos, one more going up tomorrow, updating the list Jan 17, 2017: Posted a new video, 2 or 3 more should be up by the end of the week. Started work on a written guide/collection of resources. Jan 27, 2017: Still posting videos, editing post with upcoming topics. March 30, 2017: Still posting videos!
A lot of people come here for help. The Tutorials Forum should carry these sub-forums. Getting into orbit. Rocket Design Spaceplane Design Lander Design Intercepts. Landing Docking Orbital Construction Space Stations RCS Explained SAS Explained KerbalNet Explained Science Explained To make this forum Noob Friendly, there should be sub-forums in the Tutorials Section for all these things. I would be happy to post tutorials too but the current section is a jungle and finding anything is difficult at best. The more people that are interested in KSP then the knock-on effect means more patches, updates and of course mods. Everybody wins.
Bonus Tips : A Random Guide to PartModules A year ago I started to delve deeper into C# and Unity's API as a hobbyist programer. I've learned a lot since then and now I'm giving that information to you, in no particular order. Random Tip #1 - KSP PartModules are Unity Game Object Components Any class in C# that inherits from the Unity Monobehaviour class is a Game Object component. This is more a conceptual cornerstone rather than a practical tip. KSP's API already has a bunch of ways to get at its many different classes and structs, but keep this in mind. You can always use Unity's vanilla methods regarding component Adding, Subtracting, Destroying, Instantiating, and the like regarding your own PartModule class as well as other KSP Classes which have inherited from Monobehaviour. Random Tip #2 - Don't Forget About Unity KSP's API is built on top of the Unity API. Unity has pretty vast documentation and StackOverflow style Unity Answers. Don't forget to use these resources. Most of the progress I've made modding KSP has come from going through Unity tutorials on Youtube. Random Tip #3 - Don't Listen to Anyone Older than One Well, maybe listen, but certainly don't blindly trust. There is a lot of information out there about Unity and a good amount from 2011. Much of it is obsolete now that KSP is built on Unity 5.4. For instance, did you know that Unity 5 now automatically caches Transforms? Yeah it does, when you access a Transform through a method search like Find() Unity will automatically cache that transform in memory. However in 2011 you had to assign the Transform to a variable within your class if you wanted to keep that Transform available in memory. So, don't fully trust information older than a year. Random Tip #4 - How to Lerp Using lerp functions is actually very easy. Lerp or linear interpolation is a way to return the incremental value between two bounds at a given time assuming a constant speed. Think of an animation clip. It has a frame at the beginning, Frame 0, and a frame at the end, Frame 60. Frames 0 through 60 represent 61 units of time. Now imagine we want to animate the position of a game object on the Y axis from 0 meters to 1 meter. We set the value of Y for the first frame to 0 (Frame 0, Y = 0) and the value of Y for the last frame at 60 to 1 (Frame 60, Y = 1). Imagine we scrub to Frame 30 in the timeline, what will the value of Y be? Yes it's 0.5, because the value of Y is progressing in a linear fashion. So, how do we use the lerp function. There's a couple of things to keep in mind. A lerp function will only ever return a single value, it's just an equation. Lerp isn't meant to be used as an easing function. It can be, but that's just a hack. Because it only returns a single value at a given time, all lerp functions need to be used in a loop of some kind. Preferably in a Unity update method, like FixedUpdate(). Let's lerp: public Transform t = somethingWeWishToMove.transform; public float startTime = -1f; public bool isLerping = true; public void FixedUpdate() { if(isLerping) { if(startTime == -1f) startTime = Time.time; t = new Vector3(0f, (Mathf.lerp(0f,1f,startTime/Time.time))*TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime, 0f); if(Time.time >= 60f) { isLerping = false; startTime = -1f; } } } That's it for today, I'll be posting more again soon. Next time we'll be delving into the Delta of Time. Till then, Happy coding
I'm currently working my way through the docking tutorial and I have some questions. I'm not approaching it wringing my hands and begging someone to help me feel better about myself....I get that docking is one of the most difficult procedures to grasp at first. Instead I'm trying to pull the tutorial apart so I understand what's actually going on. 1. Getting to a coplanar orbit: Gene says target the stranded vehicle (no questions there) then set up a maneuver node on the ascending or descending node pulling the magenta handles to project a coplanar orbit for me (Val in the rescue vehicle.) a. Why does the rate of change in degrees vary so much? b. Why is it often impossible to zero out the degrees without moving the maneuver node? c. Why does the zeroed out coplanar orbit often change after the maneuver is complete and I remove the node? d. What level of accuracy do I need to achieve, plus or minus 0.1 degrees, or dead on? 2. Achieving intersecting orbit within 5 kms: set a maneuver node that gets me within 5 kms of the stranded vehicle by accelerating prograde; a. What do the two color intersect markers actually indicate and why are there two of them? Is it where the two vehicles actually meet in orbit? b. What is the relationship of their movement to the position of the node and why do the figures and positions jump round so much? Note that I often feel like even using some sort of hyper-acurate measuring device my margin of error is often between 4,6 kms, and 2043 kms. Am I also racing the actual change in the positions of the two craft in the time it takes to position the node and change the prograde vector? When a tiny change of position causes one of the two dotted lines to jump to the other side of the orbit or disappear altogether....what has just happened? c. Why does moving the node or the prograde vector seem to take separation in one direction...then suddenly the other with no apparent rhyme or reason, and why is the rate of change in either direction not even close to constant? d. When conducting maneuver nodes in docking, do I use the pink target mode Icon or the blue maneuver node icon? Is it both? If so when do you use them? This is as far as I've gotten in the tutorial. Conducting the actual docking should be no worse than maneuvering a Kerbal back to the airlock after a spacewalk compared to making sense out of setting myself into position with maneuver nodes. I've done that from being out of visible sight of the's all a matter of flying towards the positional reference on the screen and not panicking before I get there. Or is there something I don't know yet...? Kerbal Space Program General Discussions
Hi, I am in the process of making a planet pack called "Extrasolar." It adds the star Valentine in orbit around Kerbol as well as adding planets that orbit around the new star. I am in no way a pro at modding, and I can't seem to figure out how to put oceans on my planets. Could somebody explain to me how to do this? Please go into as much detail as you can. Thanks!
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