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[Plugin][0.90] (Semi-)Saturatable Reaction Wheels v1.8 (Apr 9)


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  Crzyrndm said:

So I got bored and made a module with gyroscopic effects as well... (note there are zero control inputs given in this video)

Whoa interesting what purpose or use would this have? Uncontrolled stabilization? Also would like to ask just for the window to have an x or close button on it. Sometimes I activate it with a larger RW that gets discarded and can't always find my small RW to click to toggle the window quickly. I can deal with only opening it with the Rclick just would like a close button on the window.

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  Svm420 said:
Whoa interesting what purpose or use would this have? Uncontrolled stabilization?

1) It's interesting and I was bored

2) With a bit of pre-planning the stabilisation effect can be extremely useful (notably vessels without SAS capability)

Also would like to ask just for the window to have an x or close button on it. Sometimes I activate it with a larger RW that gets discarded and can't always find my small RW to click to toggle the window quickly. I can deal with only opening it with the Rclick just would like a close button on the window.

Oh, did I add that after the release? I'll have to fix that.

- - - Updated - - -

v1.7 released

  • Window has a close button
  • RW's are grouped by vessel in the monitoring window

Note: this doesn't include the above effects

Edited by Crzyrndm
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Tried it, and ill say it does make the wheels behave much more realistically. That said, i really see no reason to even bother with this since i basically need RCS fuel to do any sort of continuous rotation (many very large vessels end up needing over 1 minute to do a 180 degree rotation). At this point (and the fact that i dont get much use in atmosphere on planes either) means the reaction wheels are so limited in their useage, that im better off utilizing monoprop systems and just dumping teh extra mass/part count of the wheels. Now i tend to stay away from monoprop thrusters outside of docking as they both use more fuel (its already hard enough to get over 5000 dV from a SSTO), and are laggier then reaction wheels with super massive part counts.

Not a bad mod for those seeking uber realism (although real reaction wheels need to be desaturated 100% manually, there is no decrease over time thing), but i think the extra complexity isnt really my thing (+ it makes my craft have higher part counts/mass, where im already sitting on the very edge of playeability with so much lag generated by multiple 200+ part ships in formation).

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  Crzyrndm said:

NOTE: Atmospheric flight often requires a constant torque input, causing wheels to rapidly saturate. It is recommended that you disable reaction wheels prior to launch and re-enable them in the upper atmosphere.

Idea: when in atmosphere/thrusting with a gimbaled engine/using rcs why not have it auto despin the wheels and turn them off?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I have a (possible) bug report:

When using the ExceptionDetector, there are quite a lot of exceptions thrown when placing some parts in the VAB. For example the AR202 from MechJeb, the Command Pod from Taurus HCV, the Deployable Skycrane from Dr. Jet's Chop Shop. They all have in common, that they are command pods, with reaction wheels and built in thrusters.

The exceptions are only thrown if RW Saturatable is installed.

Depending on the part, the exceptions vary.

ModuleEngine.CalculateThrust for the Deployable Skycrane from Dr. Jet's Chop Shop,

Part.GetConnectedResources for the Taurus HCV command pod and something else for the MechJeb AR202 as well.

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Thanks for the heads up. I'll have a look when I get back to dev PC (sounds like it could be a nasty one though :/)

- - - Updated - - -

Hang on, in the editor you say? Nothing even happens in the editor...

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Fixed, update being pushed now


This is the sort of thing that makes exception detector annoying. It's good for showing that a problem exists, but it should never be considered information for reporting/debugging (This case is a perfect example, the very first error told me exactly what the problem was, the rest were just junk caused by the first fault causing all sorts of other errors). Had I had access to a log file, I would have been able to fix this and push a release without even testing it (ie. hours ago while I was at work)

Exception Detector doesn't replace logs

Edited by Crzyrndm
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I realy love this mod, especialy combined with a persitant rotation Mod and some MM tweaks which reduce the power of all reaction wheels by 80%. It makes thrusters actualy usefull and give me the feeling I'm in space.

Edited by FreeThinker
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I feel like I am getting the old issue where I have no torque in space. This is on version 1.9. I can enable logging and get a log to you if you need otherwise I didn't notice anything in logs to indicate a reason. Hope this isn't just me as I am always stumbling on rare mod interactions it seems. Mods are such a blessing and curse. Hope that helps!

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  Crzyrndm said:
What does the window show for torque levels?

Had a 15kn RW was at about 8-6 on all axes. On a tiny 2-300ishkg sat. I even tried hyper editing directly inspace after staging at least once so even with full RWs.

As I pressed the KB to rotate in an axis the torque would drain with no movement from the sat other than idle drift.

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