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King of the Hill


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Incorrect default value. Ignored.
> The Minmus Derp
Incorrect default value. Ignored.
> reset hill
Hill is updated.
Undefined hill owner.
> set hill owner=autoban
Hill is updated.
Hill owner will be automatically banned.
Hill owner will be banned automatically.

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9 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Incorrect default value. Ignored.
> The Minmus Derp
Incorrect default value. Ignored.
> reset hill
Hill is updated.
Undefined hill owner.
> set hill owner=autoban
Hill is updated.
Hill owner will be automatically banned.
Hill owner will NOT be banned automatically.

I added the bold.

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3 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Incorrect default value. Ignored.
> The Minmus Derp
Incorrect default value. Ignored.
> reset hill
Hill is updated.
Undefined hill owner.
> set hill owner=autoban
Hill is updated.
Hill owner will be automatically banned.
Hill owner will be banned automatically.

Virtual hills are for losers. My hill is real and therefore uncomputerized.

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1 minute ago, kerbiloid said:

As this thread is about a virtual hill, this means that you have officially abandoned the competition.

As nobody can check "reality" of your "real" hill, everyone takes it virtually, so you lose your virtual real hill as well.

Oh? This thread is about a virtual hill? Ha, what an obvious fallacy. Of course the thread is virtual, but that doesn't mean the hill is! I simply can't accept that all this would be taking place over a mere virtual hill. In addition, there are so many hills that we could be discussing, that there is really no reason to create a virtual hill anyway.

It would seem that it is you who has abandoned the competition, my misguided friend. I will laugh at you from atop my hill.

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7 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

As I didn't take part in the competition, mostly advocating for destructive forces of Nature, I can't leave it.

But yes, I can hear someone's laughter on the top of a nearby volcano.

It was not a volcano before I stepped upon it. Think on that, advocate for destruction.

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