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[Mod Collection] Sigma Mod Expansions


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Sigma Mod Expansion v0.7.2

[TABLE=width: 950]


[TD]OPM Expansion v0.7.2

  • Updated SigmaBinary compatibility for Pluron-Khato
  • Fixed Wal textures to remove deformation at the poles






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[TD][TABLE=width: 200]


[TD=align: center]Full Download[/TD]



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[TD][TABLE=width: 185]


[TD=align: center]Mod Expansions[/TD]



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[TD=align: center]nRu896P.png[/TD]



[TD=align: center]QDGasot.png[/TD]







[TD][TABLE=width: 400]


[TD=align: center]Single Feature Downloads[/TD]



[TD][TABLE=width: 380, align: center]


[TD=align: right]6GpQ8ZZ.png[/TD]

[TD=align: center]h9Jy0Z7.png[/TD]







[TABLE=width: 380, align: left]


[TD=align: center]VGCpPAW.png[/TD]

[TD=align: center]1EOSm5A.png[/TD]






Enjoy :)


Using OPM Tilt, this is how the new north pole of Wal looks:


see that tini tiny white all in the middle? that's all the deformation you get now :)

(click on the image to get the full size)

Edited by Sigma88
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Sigma Stock Recolor v0.1

This is the first version of the Stock Recolor, I will add it to the main download later if I get good comments about it.

For now these are just Dropbox links, KerbalStuff links are coming soon.


Recolors Eve and Jool to be like their Real Life Analogues (Venus and Jupiter)

If you have cloud packs installed, the clouds will be recolored to match the new color.

If you have OPM, Neidon description will be tweaked to account for the different color of Eve.

Supports KSP-AVC


[sTOCK RECOLOR] (Eve + Jool)

[Eve Recolor]

[Jool Recolor]

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Sigma Stock Recolor v0.2

Added Features:

  • KerbalStuff download link
  • Changes in Science Definition and Planet Descriptions where color is mentioned
  • If there is a cloud mod installed, clouds except Auroras will be recolored
  • Compatibility with PlanetShine and DistantObjectEnhancement


[TABLE=width: 900]


[TD=align: center]Full


[TD=align: center]Single Mod


[TD=align: center]​Single Feature Downloads[/TD]




[TD=align: center]nRu896P.png[/TD]

[TD][TABLE=width: 380, align: center]


[TD=align: right]6GpQ8ZZ.png[/TD]

[TD=align: center]h9Jy0Z7.png[/TD]







[TD][TABLE=width: 190, align: center]













[TD=align: center]QDGasot.png[/TD]

[TD][TABLE=width: 380, align: center]


[TD=align: center]VGCpPAW.png[/TD]

[TD=align: center]1EOSm5A.png[/TD]







[TD=align: center]tV0Yh4r.png[/TD]

[TD=align: center][TABLE=width: 380, align: center]


[TD=align: center]MCbp3he.png[/TD]

[TD=align: center]FIE1nik.png







Enjoy :)


some screenshot of the new colors

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Edited by Sigma88
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Aww, I will be looking out for that! You are going to go for a kerbalized version, right?

There will be some Real life analogues of weird star systems which will be part of the base mod. Only stars for now, no planets.

And then the idea is to load different planet packs in different (brand new) star systems...

but we're still early in development

I'm not sure what you mean by kerbalized :)

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There will be some Real life analogues of weird star systems which will be part of the base mod. Only stars for now, no planets.

And then the idea is to load different planet packs in different (brand new) star systems...

but we're still early in development

I'm not sure what you mean by kerbalized :)

Kerbalized as in: Not overly concerned with realism. Have you decided on the type of star system already?

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Kerbalized as in: Not overly concerned with realism. Have you decided on the type of star system already?

The planets pack will be loaded around a normal star, probably like Stock Sun.

I will be a little concerned with realism, but in the KSP sense of the term. not in the RSS term sense.

and gameplay will come before realism if I need to make a choice.

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The planets pack will be loaded around a normal star, probably like Stock Sun.

I will be a little concerned with realism, but in the KSP sense of the term. not in the RSS term sense.

and gameplay will come before realism if I need to make a choice.

Yeah, makes sense. And I guess I will have to be surprised by the type of star system :P

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Yeah, makes sense. And I guess I will have to be surprised by the type of star system :P

ah right, forgot about that :)

well, let's say that a couple have already been spoilered, even if they will look different. but the basic concept is already out there.

and there will be other 2-3 which are still uncovered :D depending on how much I can get done ;)

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ah right, forgot about that :)

well, let's say that a couple have already been spoilered, even if they will look different. but the basic concept is already out there.

and there will be other 2-3 which are still uncovered :D depending on how much I can get done ;)

Take your time. I also saw that Sido is updating his Urania System to Kopernicus. Can't wait for that.

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I have just downloaded the Stock Recolor add-on and I have noticed something in Jool's description; It has "Jool is particularly known for being a rather large, predominantly green planet" for the first line of the description. I'm just pointing this out in case you want to change it.

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I have just downloaded the Stock Recolor add-on and I have noticed something in Jool's description; It has "Jool is particularly known for being a rather large, predominantly green planet" for the first line of the description. I'm just pointing this out in case you want to change it.

I had changed it :)

must have messed up somewhere :D

edit 1:

are you sure you downloaded 0.2.0?

edit 2:


it was a typo ;) my fault... I'll release 0.2.1 to fix it ;)

Edited by Sigma88
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I can't download the Stock Recolor because my computer keeps blocking it because it says there's a virus in the download. Anyone else have this problem?

from kerbalstuff or dropbox?

nope, double checked everything, nothing different from a standard mod.

Edited by Sigma88
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I already did that, but thanks anyways. I'm guessing Windows bug.

just out of curiosity, does this issue come up with both "single feature" packs? EveRecolor and JoolRecolor? (dropbox links)

have you tried downloading any other of my mods from the dropbox link?

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