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An itch to press the spacebar?

Does your thumb want to stage?  

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  1. 1. Does your thumb want to stage?

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Sometimes. I always forget stage lock is a thing! I am also quite afraid that if I ever engage it, I'm going to freak out when my rocket won't stage.

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This is why we should be able to set two button staging. Alt-Space.

I have used this technique on other games with great success but many people don't seem to get too enthusiastic about the idea. It really works well.

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I almost exclusively fly SSTOs now, when I need a rocket I have to remind myself to press stage and not just glide when the first engine is out of fuel :)

But if in doubt, remap it to a button far away like Insert or Page-Up; the sort of thing you just can't press by accident ^^

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I almost exclusively fly SSTOs now, when I need a rocket I have to remind myself to press stage and not just glide when the first engine is out of fuel :)

Same here; I rarely press the spacebar since all my engines are generally in one stage and I have them all toggle-able on action groups. To avoid confusion I reserve the same keys for all ships: 1,2,3 for various jet combos, 4 for intakes, 5 for main rockets, 6 for VTOL, 7-9 for utilities like solar and bay doors, 0 for science package.

When I do launch a rocket, it almost always leaves the pad with decouplers and engines assigned to random stages and me madly dragging things around before the boosters run out :)

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Same here; I rarely press the spacebar since all my engines are generally in one stage and I have them all toggle-able on action groups. To avoid confusion I reserve the same keys for all ships...

Lol, yep, that's about right. I find myself pressing 1 at 30km to change rapier mode - even when I've launched a rocket :P

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This happened to me once. With this, I destroyed a spaceship near Duna which I was just about to land.. didn't have a quicksave, so I ragequitted. It will never happen again. Never. I was filled with rage.

I bet the reason is "call of the void" it's the same reason why when you are looking over a big drop, you feel the urge to jump. It's caused by your brain thinking that it would be easier to do that than back away. Here is a page about it: http://travelingliz.com/2011/02/lappelle-d-vide.html

I always notice that when I'm driving my bike and get near the curbstone. I always tend to drive down there although it'd be better to turn to the other side.

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I had to not use a new mouse because KSP was treating one of its extra buttons as the same as one of my joypad buttons, and that was the button used for stage. One false move or slip with that mouse and it would have been curtains.

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I was horrible at avoiding accidentally hitting the spacebar since I also use Sketchup quite a bit which uses spacebar to cancel the active tool, so I found myself instinctively hitting spacebar every time I wanted to cancel an action or close anything.

So I changed the staging key to the tab key and life has been much better for my kerbals ever since.

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Not that long ago I spent a few days playing Homeworld. In that game, spacebar brings up the 3D area map.

Back in KSP, I started a transfer burn to Duna, then opened the map to have a look at the trajectory.

Except I didn't open the map. Fortunately the Duna lander had enough to get back to Kerbin on it's own, though the landing was skipped.

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My very first mun landing attempt came to an unfortunate end when I decided it was time to return, and instinctively hit the space bar when it came time to launch. Sadly, this wasn't a two part LEM type lander, so the capsule dropped its engines and fuel, and then just sat there.

My next two or three landing attempts were all impactors, must have gotten lucky with that first landing.

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I've had to have stage lock on lately because my thumb seems to want to hit the spacebar all the time... it's strange and uncomfortable.

How about you?

I just pause the game and press the spacebar a few times when I get that itch. It seems to do wonders for getting it out of my system... :)



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