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To speak in a fashion similar to an upper-class person of british origin


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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I do say, chaps, this thread is rather spiffingly good, mmmmyes indeed! Splendid!

I must away, caribou are nibbling at the croquet hoops, cheerio, old teapots, cheerio!

Oh lobbocks, I just might have to go to the loo.

Oh, poor taste, good sir, poor taste. Very bad form, one must call it a lavatory, if one is indeed to call it anything, what?

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You, sir, are indeed correct. Lavatory is the correct term for the chamber that gentleman was talking about.

In my opinion, we should start to work on the prosperity of our great homeland and, indeed, to please our queen. If you excuse me, I shall now leave to conquer and cultivate other worlds with my dear green friends from Kerbin.

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How have such uncouth ruffians not heard of the Water Closet? Ah, but I fear I may have answered myself with that last question.

Also what the blummin' 'eck are you lot doin' thinkin' a British accent always 'as to be one of them airy fairy arty farty posh cockney accents? Ye think we all went t'same school as James flippin' Bond?

Norverners represent. Or summat. Aye.

Edited by technicalfool
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How have such uncouth ruffians not heard of the Water Closet? Ah, but I fear I may have answered myself with that last question.

Also what the blummin' 'eck are you lot doin' thinkin' a British accent always 'as to be one of them airy fairy arty farty posh cockney accents? Ye think we all went t'same school as James flippin' Bond?

Norverners represent. Or summat. Aye.

Oh look, a commoner, how quaint.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Speakin' Wut ? ... y a k"now when it's too darkout near the edge of space due too some windforge crea sign of life it might mean with salt and pay per plan:

E.T. sent Ori. that if you can't starbound clock'work yourself to the uniblock'verse like all terraria Mad-Stare just @t them and scale yourself to the MineCraft periodic enlightnement.

But who Care in the cart it's just a Pong and a few ping around that swing the multinternverse.

Shake spear 4ever outside the glassbox jar jar binks banks of hbsc pandor.

Bye Buy upper class you fly so low ;) now that even an ewok dr. who key laugh at you ;)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
Sorry if i under-stend nothing i m unlucky luke'ly born as french ;) & sorry for missing rom(s...) not enough ram ;)
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