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[1.1.2] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) 1.2.12


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userguide reader is too tall for a Y=768 window. fortunately, the entire pane is grabbable/draggable, but that's not quite evident at first. had a panic moment when I openned the user guide

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is the lagging from the [grab build part|grab inventory item] decision system known? because it's really tripping me up in the editor, and the right click behavior is really jarring because it gets confused between the Right Click Expand Flyout Tooltip and right click Grab Inventory Item

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I just tried to attach a junior docking port to a ship with the help of KIS... my engineer basically instantly lost all speed and started falling straight down the surface. The part attached properly, tho... I experienced no problem attaching other parts (scientific tools, antennas, etc). No KAS installed just KIS. Happens whether the kerbal is attached to the ladder or just floating in space.

Edited by Flayer
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Forgive my ingnorance but why is allowed to put parts like Modular girder segment XL inside IMC 250 container if there no way to take it from once landed? A kerbal can carry only 300 L of volume.

Because you can place it straight from the container so you don't need to put it in your inventory.

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So, for mods which have KAS listed as a Requirement, can we just supplement it with KIS or both have to be used for all to work properly ? (confused a bit)

I am referring for instance to the Endurance Mod which uses Containers controlled by KAS (initially at least)

- - - Updated - - -

Edit: Let me rephrase that.

There are 2 parts defined as containers:

name = cargoContainer

name = box_small

Each part has of course .cfg file but the inventory sizes are defined in file MM_KAS.cfg like this:

name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 300
name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize = 50
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = True
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 45

As i understand, when i would like to redefine those 2 items as KIS containers instead of KAS, the changes should be in that file or even best directly in the Parts own .cfg file, changing name = KASModuleContainer to name = ModuleKISInventory and adding the relevant config parameters (volume, slots, etc) ?

I dont have an installation of KSP at the moment so cant test it and my coding skills are extremely rusted ;)

Edited by Jasseji
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Just getting started with this mod in career mode. Why is it that all the inventories of my Kerbals are empty, not even the book is in them. Is it possible to put items into the inventories of a Kerbal in the VAB/SPH already? :)

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yes all the command pods have a inventory when you get the book and tools open up you can click on a command pod and put stuff in the inventory there is a slot for every seat that seat gets what you put there :) happy building.

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yes all the command pods have a inventory when you get the book and tools open up you can click on a command pod and put stuff in the inventory there is a slot for every seat that seat gets what you put there :) happy building.

Thanks! :)

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So I have a question. I'm not sure if this will work as it used to. In the past with KAS I could use a ground pylon to then assemble something, such as a Rover. At the end the pylon could then be picked up and removed. I was trying this with the KIS pylon (concrete base) and while I could build on it like before, I was unable to grab or detach it at the end. When I attempted to grab it I would get an error that I could not because something was attached to it.

Is there a method to make this work?

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As a heads up to other mod developers, if you want to add your custom partModule to the stackables list, add the following as a modulemanager .cfg file in your mod's directory. (Not in the KIS mod directory.)

moduleName = Module1
moduleName = Module2


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Hi, I have been trying to rehabilitate one of the pods from the rescue missions, and I'm having no end of trouble with it. I'm not too experienced with KIS but I used KAS a lot. I have both now and have remapped the grab key for KAS. I wanted to carry a round-8 over to the pod but after hours of fumbling around, I have been unable to do so. I was able to bring smaller items like batteries and even a Spark engine, but I couldn't transport the round-8 either on my back a la KAS or in my inventory as in KIS. I also wasn't able to attach them anywhere on my own ship, and most of them went drifting off or flying away at high speed (and with some serious spin).

I thought about strutting the pod to the side of my ship, but as I have been unable to attach the round-8 anyway, I'm not sure that's going to help. Is there something obvious I'm missing? Any pointers?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Perry Apsis
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Hi, I have been trying to rehabilitate one of the pods from the rescue missions, and I'm having no end of trouble with it. I'm not too experienced with KIS but I used KAS a lot. I have both now and have remapped the grab key for KAS. I wanted to carry a round-8 over to the pod but after hours of fumbling around, I have been unable to do so. I was able to bring smaller items like batteries and even a Spark engine, but I couldn't transport the round-8 either on my back a la KAS or in my inventory as in KIS. I also wasn't able to attach them anywhere on my own ship, and most of them went drifting off or flying away at high speed (and with some serious spin).

Thanks in advance!

Are you doing it with an Engineer? Did you equip the screwdriver or wrench? Do you pay attention to yellow error messages on the screen? Did you read the guide included? Or at least watched a video in the main post of this thread?

Round 8 tank can't fit kerbals pocket. You can store it only in containers or snap somewhere outside your vehicle and detach when needed.

- - - Updated - - -

@KospY I've been fiddling with parts to find out why Kerbals get kicked into space after placing a part on something. I found that it happens only if the part was in their inventory. The sudden mass change of Kerbals after taking the part out from their pockets makes a physical kick on their bodies.

Maybe making the mass loss gradual will help? Or you could think of some way...

P.S. Current big container is carriable, but not clickable to open its inventory. Dropping it each time to get items from it is a hassle.

I think "equipMode = part" should be default for it.

[SIZE=1] {[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] name = ModuleKISItemEvaTweaker[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] volumeOverride = 1100[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] editorItemsCategory = false[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] carriable = true[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] equipSlot = jetpack[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] [B][COLOR=#006400][SIZE=2]equipMode = part[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] equipMeshName = jetpack_base01[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] equipPos = (0,0.21,-0.3)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] equipDir = (280,0,0)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] runSpeed = 0.8[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] }[/SIZE]


Edited by Enceos
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@KospY I've been fiddling with parts to find out why Kerbals get kicked into space after placing a part on something. I found that it happens only if the part was in their inventory. The sudden mass change of Kerbals after taking the part out from their pockets makes a physical kick on their bodies.

Maybe making the mass loss gradual will help? Or you could think of some way...

I changed the method for creating a part and the problem is gone on my dev build. I think the problem was related to the part being "packed" on spawn.

I need to do more tests but I hope that will also fix the explosion issues when dropping parts on the ground.

The bad news is I broke my implementation for mounting hooks on KAS winches with this change... Need another evening/night to work on it. :mad:

P.S. Current big container is carriable, but not clickable to open its inventory. Dropping it each time to get items from it is a hassle.

I think "equipMode = part" should be default for it.

equipMode = part is new since 1.1. I'm a little bit worried because containers will be used like giant backpack.

But well, you may be right as it's a pain to drop container each time (especially in space).

I wonder what other people think about that ?

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Kerbals are not infinitely strong (well, trying to carry 2t(? back in 0.25) on Minmus resulted in walking normally and unable to jump significantly), so why not allow containers to be used as giant backpacks?

I have a few feature requests:

1) allow parts to restrict which tool(s) can be used to attach them (it doesn't make much sense to use an electric screwdriver to put a stake in the ground, or a mallet (new KIS specific part in EL) to attach a solar panel to a ship).

2) minimum mass a tool can attach (if the mass is significantly lower than the tool's minimum, perhaps the part should be destroyed)

3) restrict certain parts from being attached to other parts (this was a nice feature in KAS that I used for EL's stakes)

4) (kind of goes with 1) allow certain parts to be attached without using any tool (I initially wanted this for EL's stakes, but I realized a mallet makes more sense anyway).

And a question: do you intend to allow containers to be stored in other containers? I ask because I need to know whether to bother making EL dig deeper into containers when determining build costs.

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Kerbals are not infinitely strong (well, trying to carry 2t(? back in 0.25) on Minmus resulted in walking normally and unable to jump significantly), so why not allow containers to be used as giant backpacks?

I have a few feature requests:

1) allow parts to restrict which tool(s) can be used to attach them (it doesn't make much sense to use an electric screwdriver to put a stake in the ground, or a mallet (new KIS specific part in EL) to attach a solar panel to a ship).

2) minimum mass a tool can attach (if the mass is significantly lower than the tool's minimum, perhaps the part should be destroyed)

3) restrict certain parts from being attached to other parts (this was a nice feature in KAS that I used for EL's stakes)

4) (kind of goes with 1) allow certain parts to be attached without using any tool (I initially wanted this for EL's stakes, but I realized a mallet makes more sense anyway).

And a question: do you intend to allow containers to be stored in other containers? I ask because I need to know whether to bother making EL dig deeper into containers when determining build costs.

Please, less complexity ;(

I like 4)

Maybe it can be added to the concept of Engineers having an 'integrated' swiss army knife tool to install the smallest parts without having to equip anything.

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And a question: do you intend to allow containers to be stored in other containers? I ask because I need to know whether to bother making EL dig deeper into containers when determining build costs.

Currently there are two containers, the big 20.000L one and the small 1000L. The big container can contain small containers. That's as deep as currently possible.

2) minimum mass a tool can attach (if the mass is significantly lower than the tool's minimum, perhaps the part should be destroyed).

Bad idea imo. People don't like their parts destroyed for insignificant reasons.

3) restrict certain parts from being attached to other parts (this was a nice feature in KAS that I used for EL's stakes).

Yeah, I would also like to disallow some parts from being attached to other parts. For example, make a part only attachable on ground.

4) (kind of goes with 1) allow certain parts to be attached without using any tool (I initially wanted this for EL's stakes, but I realized a mallet makes more sense anyway).

- I would add a mallet as crude a tool which anyone can use to attach very light parts 0.05t and less.

- Or another option, is to make a mallet attach things only to the ground. Very realistic.

In both cases I really like the mallet idea.

Edited by Enceos
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Enceos, thanks for the reply. I'm afraid the answer to all your questions is the correct one (yes engineer, yes read the manual, etc.). I did not mention that I got error messages many times while trying to re-attach the round-8 to my craft, though. Not always, and not always the same one, but I was never once, out of many attempts, able to get it to stick on, even though I had been able to with other parts. Maybe I'll try it with the Oscar B and see how it goes.

KospY, I'm very excited about the EVA tether. I think that will make zero-G work much easier.

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