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[1.1.2] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) 1.2.12


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56 minutes ago, Enceos said:

There's another mod which causes a kerbal replication bug, just so everybody knows. Kerbalism mod currently doesn't play nicely with Kerbals spawned on the ground via contracts from Contract Configurator packs.

Thanks for the note.

I've created a wiki page to track incompatible mods. Btw, you're welcome to vote up for fixing one of the issues (please, don't vote for multiple - I can only work on one at time). If there are many people affected I may consider putting aside features/bugs work and switch to fixing the incompatibility issue.

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56 minutes ago, IgorZ said:

Thanks for the note.

I've created a wiki page to track incompatible mods. Btw, you're welcome to vote up for fixing one of the issues (please, don't vote for multiple - I can only work on one at time). If there are many people affected I may consider putting aside features/bugs work and switch to fixing the incompatibility issue.

I say bugs first, features second. Upvoted the Reroot feature :3

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Just now, Enceos said:

I say bugs first, features second. Upvoted the Reroot feature :3

Ah! Thanks for noticing it.

Correction: you're also welcome to vote for any logged bug or feature in Github :) As well as you're welcome to log your own issues there. I have a vision on what should be implemented first but your input may change my mind.

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2 minutes ago, IgorZ said:

Ah! Thanks for noticing it.

Correction: you're also welcome to vote for any logged bug or feature in Github :) As well as you're welcome to log your own issues there. I have a vision on what should be implemented first but your input may change my mind.

That's flattering. I have yet to discover the bugs that bug me  : D 

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4 minutes ago, IgorZ said:

Whatever works for you is fine. Basically, any reaction on a bug is a signal :cool:

I remembered another bug I encountered. In 1.0.5 I had an EVA parachute which I equipped when jumping out of plane then clicked it on kerbal's back and deployed. In 1.1 the parachute looses a link with kerbals body after deployment and floats away. Kerbal falls unhindered.


Here's the config which adds the parachute part. Would you please try it out an tell if it works for you?


 name = EVAparachute
 module = Part
 author = NovaSilisko / V8Jester

  model = Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk2-R/model

  scale = 1
 rescaleFactor = 0.25
 node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
 buoyancyUseCubeNamed = PACKED
 sound_parachute_open = activate
 TechRequired = survivability
 entryCost = 2800
 cost = 400
 //category = Utility
 subcategory = 0
 title = EVA Backpack Parachute
 description = For those times you actually do care about those brave Kerbals you carelessly tossed out a hatch and 20,000 feet.
 attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
 mass = 0.1
 dragModelType = default
 angularDrag = 3
 crashTolerance = 12
 maxTemp = 2500 // = 3100
 emissiveConstant = 0.7
 breakingForce = 100
 breakingTorque = 50
 bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
 stageOffset = -1
 bulkheadProfiles = srf
  name = ModuleParachute
  invertCanopy = true
  autoCutSpeed = 0.5
  capName = cap
  canopyName = canopy
  semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeployLarge
  fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeployLarge
  stowedDrag = 0.22
  semiDeployedDrag = 1
  fullyDeployedDrag = 500
  minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
  clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
  deployAltitude = 1000
  deploymentSpeed = 0.12
  semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5
  chuteMaxTemp = 650
  name = ModuleTestSubject
  useStaging = True
  useEvent = False
  situationMask = 8
   type = ATMOSPHERE
   value = True
   type = SPEEDENV
   test = LT
   value = 200
   prestige = Trivial
   type = SPEEDENV
   test = GT
   value = 100
   prestige = Trivial
   type = SPEEDENV
   test = LT
   value = 100
   prestige = Significant
   type = SPEEDENV
   test = GT
   value = 50
   prestige = Significant
   type = SPEEDENV
   test = LT
   value = 50
   prestige = Exceptional
   type = SPEEDENV
   test = GT
   value = 20
   prestige = Exceptional
   type = DENSITY
   test = GT
   value = 0.2
   prestige = Trivial
   type = DENSITY
   test = GT
   value = 0.1
   prestige = Significant
   type = DENSITY
   test = GT
   value = 0.02
   prestige = Exceptional
   type = ALTITUDE
   test = GT
   value = 1000
   test = GT
   value = 4000
   prestige = Trivial
   test = LT
   value = 8000
   prestige = Trivial
   test = GT
   value = 2000
   prestige = Significant
   test = LT
   value = 4000
   prestige = Significant
   test = GT
   value = 1000
   prestige = Exceptional
   test = LT
   value = 2000
   prestige = Exceptional
   type = SPEED
   test = LT
   value = 300
   body = _Home
   type = SPEED
   test = LT
   value = 1000
   body = _NotHome
   value = ALWAYS
   prestige = Trivial
   prestige = Significant
   value = ONCEPERPART
   prestige = Exceptional
  name = ModuleDragModifier
  dragCubeName = SEMIDEPLOYED
  dragModifier = 1
  name = ModuleDragModifier
  dragCubeName = DEPLOYED
  dragModifier = 58
 name = ModuleKISItem
 shortcutKeyAction = equip
 equipRemoveHelmet = false
 volumeOverride = 0.004
 equipable = true
 equipMode = physic
 editorItemsCategory = true 
 equipSlot = jetpack
 equipMeshName = jetpack_base01
 equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01
 // Shift L/R ,Shift Up/Dn, Shift F/B
 equipPos = (0.06,0.04,-0.05)
 //ROT Up/Dn, ROT L/R, Spin
 equipDir = (170,180,0)
 //runSpeed = 0.8



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14 minutes ago, Enceos said:

I remembered another bug I encountered. In 1.0.5 I had an EVA parachute which I equipped when jumping out of plane then clicked it on kerbal's back and deployed. In 1.1 the parachute looses a link with kerbals body after deployment and floats away. Kerbal falls unhindered.


160430T005634.204 [WARNING] [Part.SpawnIVA] [Part]: kerbalEVA (Jebediah Kerman) holds crew but has no interior model defined!
160430T005637.177 [WARNING] [KIS.KIS_Shared.CouplePart] Missing source attach node !
160430T005637.177 [WARNING] [PartJoint.Create] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!
160430T005702.493 [WARNING] [KIS.ModuleKISItem.OnJointBreak] A fixed joint has just been broken! Force: 5.1537

In physics mode part is attached to the kerbal with max breaking force 5. In Unity 4 breaking force 5 was a rather big value, in Unity 5 it's nothing. Bug created. Now you can vote :) As a workaround try changing equip mode to "part". Not sure if it will work as a chute, though.

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19 hours ago, IgorZ said:

It's what I did for my parts: made Unity to calculate attach nodes for me :) I tried to come up with a universal solution to fix all the parts on the fly but eventually gave up. The code becomes too complicated.

Basically, what you do is moving at some distance in direction of the bottom node (like 100), and then cast a ray in the revers direction. The first collision point with your part's collider is the position of the right attach node.

Do you have a picture or two demonstrating this? I'd like to fix a few colliiders that I think are still causing issues.

Thanks! :)

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I figured out my problem, unfortunately it was located between my chair and my keyboard. I had inadvertently put KKS inside another mods folder, leading me to believe I had removed it, when I had not.

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Supposedly, if KSP.log is to be believed, there are 3 sounds missing from KIS (or something):


[LOG 10:53:31.430] Loading UI sounds for KIS...
[LOG 10:53:31.430] Loading clip: KIS/Sounds/bipwrong
[ERR 10:53:31.431] Cannot locate clip: KIS/Sounds/bipwrong

[LOG 10:53:31.431] Loading clip: KIS/Sounds/click
[ERR 10:53:31.432] Cannot locate clip: KIS/Sounds/click

[LOG 10:53:31.432] Loading clip: KIS/Sounds/attachScrewdriver
[ERR 10:53:31.432] Cannot locate clip: KIS/Sounds/attachScrewdriver

However, .ogg files for all 3 of those are indeed located int hat directory... is this meaningful or something to ignore?

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Inventory range? Is there any limit? Ive forged a cargo rover with one of those KIS contaiers (3.75m). One that looks like if will fit a truck. Problem with it is that it seems like I can access inventory close to center of its mass. Rather than whole container being focus of access, only middle section  is. This makes it hard to use it as cargo rover part.

For some reason it seems that my response did not make it: IgorZ: Nope, regarding my last comment - no errors in log. Up till now, KIS/KAS is up to the task.

Edited by baranowb
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7 hours ago, dlrk said:

I figured out my problem, unfortunately it was located between my chair and my keyboard. I had inadvertently put KKS inside another mods folder, leading me to believe I had removed it, when I had not.

Did you have latest KKS? I think  saw a post on their thread saying the problem is fixed. If not then KKS should be returned to a list of incompatible mods.

8 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Do you have a picture or two demonstrating this? I'd like to fix a few colliiders that I think are still causing issues.

Thanks! :)

I wasn't working with Unity UI, it was done in the code. You may significantly simplify the code by making tests in predefined conditions. In may case I was testing parts laying on the ground at the VAB launchpad. Under this conditions world's direction `(0, -1, 0)` is "down". So, you take part's position, go in that direction at some distance (e.g. 100), this new position and the part's position allow constructing a ray. E.g. in the end you have something like this (not a real code):

    var downPos = new Vector3(
        part.transform.position.y - 100,
    var ray = new Ray(downPos, part.transform.position);
    var hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, 100, 0x7fffffff);
    foreach (var hit in hits) {
      Logger.logWarning("Found hit with {0} at point {1}", hit.collider, hit.point);
5 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Supposedly, if KSP.log is to be believed, there are 3 sounds missing from KIS (or something):

However, .ogg files for all 3 of those are indeed located int hat directory... is this meaningful or something to ignore?

If it shows up at the very beginning of the game start than it's fine. I was going to fix it one day. Created a bug to not forget.

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15 hours ago, IgorZ said:

In physics mode part is attached to the kerbal with max breaking force 5. In Unity 4 breaking force 5 was a rather big value, in Unity 5 it's nothing. Bug created. Now you can vote :) As a workaround try changing equip mode to "part". Not sure if it will work as a chute, though.

Hey. I just tried the absolute same thing. Physics mode breaks the joint. I think I can work around that by making the deploy time really slow, but it's not ideal. It also look weird because the chute does not move with the kerbals bones properly.

equipmode=part works if I am standing on solid ground. I can arm the chute while standing on the VAB or on a landed vessel and jump off. However, when I jump out of an aircraft, I can not get a right click menu from that chute while I'm falling. Im actually fallig in a controlled way. I can even turn on RCS and stabilize, but still no right click menu. The rightclick menu on the kerbal itself works.

equipmode=part would really be the prettier option, but it's not working the way I expected. Maybe there are some intended restrictions when the equipped parts can be used? I suspect it could be a feature rather then a bug. :wink:

Edited by Chaos_Klaus
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3 hours ago, baranowb said:

Inventory range? Is there any limit? Ive forged a cargo rover with one of those KIS contaiers (3.75m). One that looks like if will fit a truck. Problem with it is that it seems like I can access inventory close to center of its mass. Rather than whole container being focus of access, only middle section  is. This makes it hard to use it as cargo rover part.

The range is measured between positions of the active kerbal and the container. I.e. actual object boundaries are not considered. If the distance is too long then you cannot access inventory. You may override distance via settings file.

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5 hours ago, IgorZ said:

The range is measured between positions of the active kerbal and the container. I.e. actual object boundaries are not considered. If the distance is too long then you cannot access inventory. You may override distance via settings file.

Yes, I dug that option, thanks. WRT positions. I have said rover, with 3.75 container. Trick is that WHEN I stand next to bottom part of it( rear end of truck/rover) I cant access it inventory. I have to walk under, closer to center of mass of container, to access it - that is, with standard. This is what I meant by "focus point". It  seems like containers are being treated like they are singular points, rather than bulky objects?

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1 minute ago, baranowb said:

It  seems like containers are being treated like they are singular points, rather than bulky objects?

True. As I have mentioned before only position is considered, not the part's boundaries. I.e. if our hypothetical inventory part is a sphere of radius 3m then there is no way for a kerbal to access the inventory with default settings (3m for range limit). It may sound odd but that's a limitation of a simulated world: checking distances for bounds of the objects is rather expensive task.

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7 minutes ago, fireblade274 said:

Is the most recent version of KIS/KAS stable at the moment in 1.1.2?

To the best of my knowledge there were no breaking changes in 1.1.2 comparing to 1.1.0. I.e. the versions should be stable. If you find any bug (except the known ones), please, report it right away!

Edited by IgorZ
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Ach, well, missed that. anyway, just for reference: KIS/settings/EvaPickup.maxdistance 

Well, currently weird stuff I face:
 - attaching K&K landing foot can lead to explosion.
- if there is that landing assist block connected to planetary central hub. it seems to be ignored as connection worthy, when I try to attach garage adapter.

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26 minutes ago, baranowb said:

 - attaching K&K landing foot can lead to explosion.

Exploding landing legs is a known problem.  Squad knows about it and has no clue how to fix it.  There are multiple writeups in the BugTracker

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1 minute ago, Apollo13 said:

Exploding landing legs is a known problem.  Squad knows about it and has no clue how to fix it.  There are multiple writeups in the BugTracker

Good to know, thought it has something to do with placement( K&K ore tanks and that modular block) - though it is weird, spaceengineers, ksp and one other, landing gears/legs are a problem.

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1 hour ago, Festivejelly said:

So I changed the target version in the .version file to try and get KIS to run on 1.1.2 but no cigar. i still get the version warning. Any tips?

Does it actually not work?  The warnings are just that, warnings.  Every mod I've ever used still worked even with the warning, unless the update actually broke the mod.  I beleve the DLL needs to be recompiled for the warning to go away.


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