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Why do we crave post count?


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Post count, I believe, makes one feel involved and dedicated, important. Persuasive. Authoritative.

The same goes for reputation.

For me there came a point where post count ceased to matter... around 1,000, I think.

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Rep is generally the biggest measurement of your MagicalInternetPoints on the KSP forum.

But on forums where they don't have rep, like... *shudder* the ROBLOX forums, post count is really the only variable distinguishing users. It can, in theory, make for a nice little community since you have to remember people by name or avatar, but it usually just creates post count hoarding.

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I couldn't care less about post count or rep when it comes to how much I respect or value a forum member. I mostly do it based on their writing style, username, avatar, signature, etc. For example, if someone is talking in text speak (i.e. how 2 reach orbit?), capitalizes every word (i.e. I Am A Pro [the-game-that-shall-not-be-named] Player And I Am God At PvP!), or seems extremely arrogant and condescending (i.e. Check out my AWESOME spacecraft company featuring epic and quality crafts! *clicks* *they're generic ships that anyone can make in a minute or so*) then I don't nearly treat them as well as someone that speaks in a normal way (not counting those whom English is not their first language). Also, if their username or avatar is generic or has any relation to a-game-that-shall-not-be-named, I don't like them. Bad signatures are also usually my pet peeve. I absolutely HATE when someone goes full arrogance in their signature or post or begs for rep. I don't want to name names but I know tons of people that do this. Also, massive spacecraft company banners are ridiculously annoying. Some spacecraft companies are already annoying enough (not the good ones, I'm talking about the bad ones that feature "quality crafts" that are obviously made in only a few minutes and claim to be "replicas" when they have obvious design differences.), but these huge images waste bandwith, distract users, and aren't needed. Including what I previously stated, I also take into account my previous experiences with whoever I'm looking at. If they have previously shown to be incompetent and brainless (i.e. derailing a forum thread or thinking that they're the smartest person on earth by saying something that sounds factual that's actually wrong and persevering to think that it's right, especially on mod threads that add crafts based on or are (ACTUAL) replicas of real life crafts.), then I simply ignore them.

EDIT: Sorry for the poor grammar and wall of text. I wrote it while half asleep :P.

Edited by mythbusters844
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I couldn't care less about post count or rep when it comes to how much I respect or value a forum member. I mostly do it based on their writing style, username, avatar, signature, etc. For example, if someone is talking in text speak (i.e. how 2 reach orbit?), capitalizes every word (i.e. I Am A Pro [the-game-that-shall-not-be-named] Player And I Am God At PvP!), or seems extremely arrogant and condescending (i.e. Check out my AWESOME spacecraft company featuring epic and quality crafts! *clicks* *they're generic ships that anyone can make in a minute or so*) then I don't nearly treat them as well as someone that speaks in a normal way (not counting those whom English is not their first language). Also, if their username or avatar is generic or has any relation to a-game-that-shall-not-be-named, I don't like them. Bad signatures are also usually my pet peeve. I absolutely HATE when someone goes full arrogance in their signature or begs for rep. I don't want to name names but there are quite a few people that do this. Also, massive spacecraft company banners are ridiculously annoying and makes me want to ignore whoever has it. Some spacecraft companies are already annoying enough (not the good ones, I'm talking about the bad ones that feature "quality crafts" that are obviously made in only a few minutes and claim to be "replicas" when they have obvious design differences.), but these huge images waste bandwith, distract users, and aren't needed. Including what I previously stated, I also take into account my previous experiences with whoever I'm looking at. If they have previously shown to be incompetent and brainless (i.e. derailing a forum thread or thinking that they're the smartest person on earth by saying something that sounds factual that's actually wrong and persevering to think that it's right, especially on mod threads that add crafts based on or are (ACTUAL) replicas of real life crafts.

This. So much this.

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I couldn't care less about post count or rep when it comes to how much I respect or value a forum member. I mostly do it based on their writing style, username, avatar, signature, etc. For example, if someone is talking in text speak (i.e. how 2 reach orbit?), capitalizes every word (i.e. I Am A Pro [the-game-that-shall-not-be-named] Player And I Am God At PvP!), or seems extremely arrogant and condescending (i.e. Check out my AWESOME spacecraft company featuring epic and quality crafts! *clicks* *they're generic ships that anyone can make in a minute or so*) then I don't nearly treat them as well as someone that speaks in a normal way (not counting those whom English is not their first language). Also, if their username or avatar is generic or has any relation to a-game-that-shall-not-be-named, I don't like them. Bad signatures are also usually my pet peeve. I absolutely HATE when someone goes full arrogance in their signature or begs for rep. I don't want to name names but there are quite a few people that do this. Also, massive spacecraft company banners are ridiculously annoying and makes me want to ignore whoever has it. Some spacecraft companies are already annoying enough (not the good ones, I'm talking about the bad ones that feature "quality crafts" that are obviously made in only a few minutes and claim to be "replicas" when they have obvious design differences.), but these huge images waste bandwith, distract users, and aren't needed. Including what I previously stated, I also take into account my previous experiences with whoever I'm looking at. If they have previously shown to be incompetent and brainless (i.e. derailing a forum thread or thinking that they're the smartest person on earth by saying something that sounds factual that's actually wrong and persevering to think that it's right, especially on mod threads that add crafts based on or are (ACTUAL) replicas of real life crafts.

Myself I dislike the current train obsession in a space building game but each to their own I suppose.

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I would say rep-to-post ratio is a good indicator of average post quality.

But it's not. First of all, if you spend time in the space lounge, or science lab, then while posts can be repped there, you don't get post count.

Second, some areas of the forum are more rep-happy than others. Not by much, of course, but just enough to make a difference.

Third, Green Iron Crown and Christmas. (people were VERY rep happy around those times), and in the starting days of the forums, people barely used rep at all.

"But Norpo!" you say, "Surely it must be SOME indicator of quality?" And yes it is, but you need to take it with a MAJOR grain of salt. There are examples I could use that say it does work, and examples I could use that say it really doesn't work, here's one of those;

Look at me for example. I made the Titan Engine mod, and basically other than that just made witty comments and went to Green Iron Crown and was around on christmas. rep divided by postcount gives me: 0.9277 as my rep ratio. Now, chances are if you use mods, you've heard of RoverDude, or at least used one of his mods. (Umbra Space Industries? MKS/OKS? Sounding Rockets? Karbonite? Any of those ring a bell?) Apparently not; he has a rep ratio of 0.2537, despite releasing some of the highest quality mods out there, and used in countless saves.

Skewed somewhat, I imagine, due to support posts, so you could argue that his 10 (or so) release threads are nothing compared to his 5870 posts that are not release threads. So while it might be a representation of average post quality, by no means is it always a representation of what they've done for the community. ESPECIALLY if they hang around in space lounge/etc.

In the end, just decide for yourself, if they're good posts in your eyes, then they're good posts. No need for confirmation. If it seems like someone should be beaten in the head with a stick, don't give them rep. If they made a good post, give them rep. It's that simple. /rant

EDIT: I imagine some people are going to ask for examples of good posts and bad posts, well..

It's not much, but i'm proud anyways, I made a Minmus hoverbike! (picture) It's not easy to use, but it's definetely fun :D

Note the picture, in the right thread, and the witty comment. There's a typo, but at least you can understand what they're saying.

hy i a minimus thin' haha ! ; )

ha jab tak rid ??? ; ) ; ) haha (broken picture link, if you copy the URL it's a Windows directory) rep ???

Speaks for itself. Or maybe not. Can you read it? I can't. Between the question marks, failed attempts at smiley faces, "haha", "minimus", and "rep ???" you'll have a hard time even understanding it. Oh, and it's in the wrong thread, and they made a post JUST for it. Everyone is scratching their head if something's supposed to be a support thread, or what.

Obviously there can be bad posts that DON'T have typos.

How do I install the mod?

Well, the mod creator had a tutorial on how to do it in the OP, but obviously bad poster missed it. Now, good mod creator has a history of, er, "Snark Diplomacy". Not that's a bad thing, considering obviously Bad Poster is asking a trivial question that nobody with common sense would ask considering it's 2015 and Google is a thing, here's his reply:

Bad poster, not the brightest bulb, replies:

Huh?? How does this help?

Well then, obviously nothing flies over Bad Poster's head, his reflexes are too good. Mod creator replies:

It was humour. When you google it, there's like 7 different tutorials on how to do it, but i'll just copy and paste one here: (in-depth tutorial, no snark, just details)

Okay, Mod Creator decided to reply despite bad poster being a needy guy, that's nice of him. However, Bad Poster isn't so appreciative.

Why didn't you just TELL ME!? You're a ..... And I STILL Don't Know how to do it! Just GIVE ME A TUTORIAL!

Uh oh. Bad poster is mad. Mod Creator, being sick of this, even though he linked a tutorial, just doesn't reply. He's gone through this a dozen times with a dozen different people, and he knows well enough that you can't underestimate a moron. 'Tis the life of a mod creator.

Obviously Bad Poster could of just googled it. The irony? Bad Poster actually has a higher rep to post ratio, because he mainly hangs around in space lounge. Yeah.

Edited by Norpo
examples and I had to blow off some steam
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Myself I dislike the current train obsession in a space building game but each to their own I suppose.

I had this train signature and avatar before the hypetrain became a thing because I just...er...like trains (I've been thinking of changing my signature or avatar but I haven't gotten any good ideas :P). To be honest, I also really dislike this hypetrain stuff and feel that people have gone much too far with it.

...Third, Green Iron Crown and Christmas. (people were VERY rep happy around those times), and in the starting days of the forums, people barely used rep at all...

Agreed. I remember there was someone that whined how the Space Shuttle main engine FX in a Space Shuttle mod was supposed to be blue, not red, and was persistent even though I posted pictures of SSME exhaust that was CLEARLY red and others told him why it was red. Later, I saw him with like 4 rep bars, and apparently he got that all from the Green Iron Crown thread.

Edited by mythbusters844
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I had this train signature and avatar before the hypetrain became a thing because I just...er...like trains (I've been thinking of changing my signature or avatar but I haven't gotten any good ideas :P). To be honest, I also really dislike this hypetrain stuff and feel that people have gone much too far with it.

Agreed. I remember there was someone that whined how the Space Shuttle main engine FX in a Space Shuttle mod was supposed to be blue, not red, and was persistent even though I posted pictures of SSME exhaust that was CLEARLY red and others told him why it was red. Later, I saw him with like 4 rep bars, and apparently he got that all from the Green Iron Crown thread.

I must have missed this 'green iron crown thread', anyone got a link?

Fair enough about the train thing although it's hard to look at it and not think 'hypetrain'...

EDIT : Myself I first thought about rep when I started getting some then forgot about it soon after. Then the 'light green group' thread started and I started thinking about rep because IIRC at the time I was about 50 from a light green bar. Now I have one I've stopped thinking about it again.

I look more at when someone joined the forum and base things more on that than anything else, the people who were here in the earlier days (and are still here) just seem a bit more committed to the forum being a nice place and the game in general. It's not a totally hard and fast rule and there are exceptions for sure but it's an indicator.

One person, who I shall not name, joined the forum a while after me and posted A LOT. Initially they acted like a pseudo-mod, pulling people up on errors and answering every question that got posted, then they just made loads of posts in the support thread. Over a year they averaged over 10 posts a day and had over 4500 posts when they just stopped posting 13 months after they joined the forum. They got a lot of rep in a short time but now they are gone. If ever anyone talks about 'gaming the rep system' I always think of them.

So, as I say, someone who has been posting for a while and still continues to post will carry more weight for me than someone who posts a lot or someone who has a lot of rep bars. Of course, someone with a lot of rep bars, who has a high post count AND has been active on the forum for a long time is someone who would get me to think about their post far more than someone else.

edit 2 : rep ratio 0.232 (540/2329)

Edited by John FX
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My rep to post ratio is 1/7

The majority of those posts have been in discussions or support requests, which you would have thought would give a lot of rep.

(And forum games, which probably wouldn't. They don't seem to count, however.)

EDIT: And the mod in my signature is run my me and Blspblackdeath.

Regarding the OP, probably because you want to be seen as a forum veteran who knows what they're doing?

Edited by TheMoonRover
too many typos spoil the both
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Some forum members are bound to do things that annoy each of us. It's unavoidable. Please do not turn this thread into a discussion of how much we get on each other's nerves, because that isn't going to be pleasant for anyone.

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I don´t actually crave post count, the last time I watched it was when I reached 333 posts. But I´m always happy about more rep, and I really like seeing the number grow. I guess it´s because it gives me the feeling that I have done something good. So currently my rep/post ratio is rather high (0,7) because I try to avoid totally unneccessary posts.

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