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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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  Arte said:
Thanks for the reply! Also idk if it is this mod or not but my save is no longer saving flights in progress every time I restart ksp my probes and space stations are gone, so I have to launch them again.

I've got a similar problem to this. I noticed last night when I was trying this out (absolutely love what you've done with this :D) that my ships were no longer in orbit around Kerbin. But they hadn't disappeared, and had in fact somehow left Kerbins SOI. It seems that craft that were prograde with respect to Kerbins direction of travel had been ejected into a higher orbit in the Kerbol system, and vice versa. I'll get a full list of mods in using later as I'm not at my computer atm


  • Toolbar
  • ATM
  • EVE
  • Karbonite
  • DOE
  • Planetshine
  • KAS
  • KerbalEngineer
  • JointReinforcement
  • Hyperedit (only installed after the problem to get my ships back into orbit)
  • This
  • OPM
  • Fairings from KW
  • PFairings
  • MunarSurfaceExperimentPackage
  • NEAR
  • All NearFuture
  • PreciseNode
  • QuantumStruts
  • RealChute
  • SCANsat
  • TR
  • Trajectories
  • TTransferWindowPlanner
  • Tweakscale
  • VenStockRevamp

I only think that it is caused by this, becuase this is the same list of mods I used before I added this, just with mods updated to their latest versions on a clean install.

Edited by Chimer4
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hmmmm that is strange, it could have something to do with the fact that kerbin has been moved to orbit a different planet, but i can't be sure. I'll install the same modset as you and get testing, worst outcome is that i move sonnah and put kerbin back on it's own orbit, I'll let you know tomorrow as its 3am here atm...

regarding the mod sometimes not loading at all, im still looking into it, just been a little busy helping to retexture kerbol+ but I'm still looking for the cause. There was always gonna be problems with such a large overhaul mod, but i will get everything sorted to the best of my abilities, don't worry

Thanks for letting me know guys, it helps alot.

and now its time for sleeeeeeeeep..........

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ok the bug with ships dissapearing is definitely confirmed, just tested it, has nothing to do with other mods. Think it could be something to do with how the game loads the planets. I launched a series of ships at set intervals with hyperedit into kerbins orbit, and the only one ship was there upon reloading the game, the one that was at a 6700km orbit (edge of the soi). It seems that all the ships get loading in around sonnah instead of kerbin and the surviving ship was the only one outside of sonnah's atmosphere. I'll have to think of something tomorrow as i reeeeaaally need to sleep now (my curiosity got the better of me and i had to test!).

I might have to move Kerbin back into it's own orbit :(

Should it come to it, and theres no other way of fixing it, what do you think I should do with Sonnah, should i move it elsewhere (say...to laythe?) or should i completely get rid of it? hmmm decisions....

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Ok, so since updating new horizons to the latest version I can't seem to replicate the problem. I edited about 10 ships into various orbits around Kerbin and after numerous reloads none had their orbits changed whatsoever. Is it possible that updating to Kopernicus 1.3 fixed the problem? But whatever is causing it, I would still really like Kerbin to stay around Sonnah. It adds such a twist to the game that I love rather than having the same old Kerbin, Mun, Minmus system.

Also a couple of other things I wanted to ask. Is it possible to use the OPM patch along with K+, or is it one or the other?

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lol chimer4 you ninja'd me as i was typing! you basically can just edit their patch to include the New_horizons folder, or for any other planet pack's folder, but heres what i was going to write anyway:

ok so after not being able to get to sleep i toyed around with a few things to see if texture replacer was causing planets to not load, and yup it screws things up a little! apparently, OPM discovered this out a while ago and i found their fix and got it working for my pack (i forgot how nice some skyboxes are!)...SO! when i put up my next update to fix the dissapearing ships problem, I'll put the fix in the download by default, but for now, anyone using Texture Replace, please download this file and put it into your GameData folder


Any problems, please let me know!

and yeah i don't really want to move sonnah, if i can work out what exactly is happening to the ships then i might be able to find a way around it!

Edited by KillAshley
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Ok so with the disappearing ship problem, I'm still not sure whats causing this. I thought it could be a loading issue and forced the game to load Kerbin AFTER every other planet to see if that helped and nope! It only happens when you quit the game completely (to desktop) and start it up again.

So until i figure out whats happening, please quicksave before you quit and reload the quicksave when you start again. This brings back all the ships to how they were. Sorry thats all i have atm, but I'm working on some retextures too, get the planets looking a little nicer!

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Oh. My. God... THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! Great work KillAshley! When can we expect the science reports update? (Or at least, the first science report update?)

Also, just one little suggestion, I think you should add another moon to Sonnah, to enhance the early game in science mode. (When you add the reports.)

(Shameless Self Advertisement: It'd also be nice if you could add config files for my Minor Bodies Mod.:)(Linked in my sig.))

Edited by Nicholander
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  Nicholander said:
Oh. My. God... THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! Great work KillAshley! When can we expect the science reports update? (Or at least, the first science report update?)

Also, just one little suggestion, I think you should add another moon to Sonnah, to enhance the early game in science mode. (When you add the reports.)

(Shameless Self Advertisement: It'd also be nice if you could add config files for my Minor Bodies Mod.:)(Linked in my sig.))

I'm still hard at work on this mod, I'll have an update hompefully tomorrow or the next day with quite a few fixes, a few polished textures and the start of the ScienceDefs (as of right now i have 5 out of 16 planets done thanks to Dunrana whos helping me out!).

It'll probably be a while before after that before any more updates come out, as I'm currently busy trying to port the pack to the stand alone version of Kopernicus. Unless theres some catastrophic bug i don't know about....well, apart from the ship dissapearing bug :blush:

As for the extra moon around Sonnah, i thought about it, but was starting to get worried about how many bodies i was adding, lol. Thats not to say I'm done adding more, but it probably wont be for a little while. Oh, and I'll also chuck in the compatability for your mod too on the next release:D

Edited by KillAshley
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One thing I was wondering, is it possible in KSP to have double planet orbit around another planet? I'm guessing you would need a point for those 2 bodies to orbit around, which is in turn orbiting another body. So say have Serran + another planet, in a double planet orbit.

And could Nicholanders pack be used as potential comets maybe and some moons for Eve (it's so lonely :(). I remember seeing the alternis kerbol pack and that has an actual comet, which I have no idea how that works

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  Chimer4 said:
One thing I was wondering, is it possible in KSP to have double planet orbit around another planet? I'm guessing you would need a point for those 2 bodies to orbit around, which is in turn orbiting another body. So say have Serran + another planet, in a double planet orbit.

And could Nicholanders pack be used as potential comets maybe and some moons for Eve (it's so lonely :(). I remember seeing the alternis kerbol pack and that has an actual comet, which I have no idea how that works

yeah you need a body to act as a barycenter for the orbit, so you'll need an actual planet/giant/super small object/whatever with a big enough SOI to cover both planets. but that being said its relativley simple to set up, you can do it with moons and such around a planet! Or planets around a gas giant! PlanetFactory had a system with a barycenter that was a super small moon with insanly huge gravity to act as the anchor., so yeah there are multiple ways to do it!

Haha yeah Eve didn't recieve much love in my pack, i felt a little bad so i did give it a nice ring! Yeah that'd be a good idea, ill have to have a look in the morning at decent positions for his pack to integrate into mine.

Actual comets are a little tricky, but very possible, you just need to be able to muck around with the particle effects. This will be an even better otpion once i fully port over to stand alone Kopernicus soon, and then the fun really starts!

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I just quickly stuck some planets together in tthat kind of configuration. I stole Gilly and Eve and put Gilly into orbit around Sonnah, and then out Serran and Eve into orbit around Gilly to give me


So to make this actually work, Gillys SOI needs to encompass both Serrans and Eves SOIs?

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technically yes. im pretty sure it would be possible to do it without the SOI of the barycenter going to the planets, but if you want it grounded in reality in stead of fairy land you'll want the SOI to overlap them both by quite a distance. PlanetFactory's Bary system had a tiny planet about 10km across with huge mass & gravity so noone could land on it.

One thing to make sure its that the SOi of the planets are adequate for them, and dont overlap otherwise all sorts of weird things happen (i one miscalculated a moon and its eccentricity brought it so close to the surface that landed ships floated off the ground of its parent! lol)

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I've got the SOIs to work fine now I think, but I can't seem to give any orbital velocity to Eve/Serran. They are both stuck at 0.6 ms-1 and any change makes them fly off. It could be that its because i'm just messing around using hyperedit and if I messed with the configs it may work better, but I'll have to look into how to do planetary configs

Ok I'm stupid. I thought I was being clever taking away Gillys mass and gravity so that it looks like it doesn't exist, but planets need gravity to orbit. I was essentially trying to make a planet orbit a quaver.

Edited by Chimer4
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I'm pretty sure that problem with the disappearing ships is due to the fact that you moved the stock planets, and the game probably tries to load them up but when it finds Kerbin, it's not in it's original position, and the ship disappears. I actually don't know the cause, but I have noticed a pattern with old saves, and their tendency to fail once one planet is moved (yes, 1 planet/star, in the case with starsystems). Starsystems did this too.

Keep in mind that this is a theory, and not an actual fact.

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  Astrofox said:
I'm pretty sure that problem with the disappearing ships is due to the fact that you moved the stock planets, and the game probably tries to load them up but when it finds Kerbin, it's not in it's original position, and the ship disappears. I actually don't know the cause, but I have noticed a pattern with old saves, and their tendency to fail once one planet is moved (yes, 1 planet/star, in the case with starsystems). Starsystems did this too.

Keep in mind that this is a theory, and not an actual fact.

that is my exact thoughts about this, which leaves me with the dilemma of what to do about the problem, leave the system with the bug, or simply remove sonnah and bring Kerbin back to it's own orbit again. I'm not too fond of the idea of removing Sonnah, as it changes the entire atmosphere of early game mechanics so im hoping the stand alone kopernicus will do better with the issue. I'm currently in the process of upgrading to the latest dev build and seeing how it turns out.

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I just registered, because I think I might be able to give some useful information in this problem.

Recently not only the ships disappear (which isn't so much of a problem because it only happened upon loading of the savegame), but the missions also disappear, even leaving behind the experimental parts (so apparently they do not fail/complete). Sometimes only a few missions disappeared, sometimes all of them. Especially weird is the fact that the missions have apparently more opportunities to disappear, once they disappeared when I went from Mission Control to the VAB.

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first off, welcome to the forums! :D

yes, unfortunately the mission dissapearing bug is one thats know with kopernicus, the devs behind the mod are hot on the heels of the culprit but for now it reamain yet another thorn in my side :( They say it mainly occurs when switching scenes (from ship to mission control/Ship to anothership/etc.) but all i know is that it's extremely aggrivating!

When they find the solution I'll be updating immediately to the new stand alone kopernicus, which is a step in a much more stable direction. At the moment, it's still early days for my mod, and theres bound to be a few hornets flying around. Thanks for letting me know anyway, I'll keep trying to make this more stable, trust me.

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initial port to the stand alone kopernicus is done. I've been testing repetedly and it looks like the ships dissapearing bug has gone! I'm not sure what was causing the issue, whether it was KittopiaTech, or the older Kopernicus but I've been actually trying to make errors occur and they aren't.

There still alot of work to be done configuring the PQS mods properly, and the ability to add oceans is very limited at the moment, so will be a while before next update :(

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Great mod and so far only problems, other than the ones already warned about, ive encountered when in game time warping with kerbal contruction time and kerbal alarm clock, one of my satellites in orbit of kerbin got flung out of the SOI. This happened in game during time warp. I used hyper edit to put it back on its original orbit but the sattalite once again, when I started time warping left the SOI, any ideas on what this is?

Other than this, Im enjoying this mod so far, keep up the good work!

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