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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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Thanks for this mod! I've been having lots of fun with it!

Just got my Aptur landing done, was interesting trying to avoid getting sucked back into Kerbin's SoI while trying to get the encounter


Also, Just in case anyone was wondering, since it's a little dark, here's a better view of my flag :D


Edited by Space Pandas
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Serran is proving tougher than I expected :) I'm trying to land a probe there and return it to Kerbin in preparation for a Kerballed mission and I've had plenty of safe landings but still not gotten back into orbit afterwards. My last one I lost control during the ascent, so now I'm doing a whole new design that's more rocket-shaped.

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Heh, yeah, Serran is actually quite challenging :) High atmo is thin wafer thin, and blue side in particular doesn't let you land with chutes alone. Low atmo is just dense enough to mean you have to land something that's aerodynamically shaped - which generally means either it'll fight you on the way down, or on the way up, depending which way you designed it to fly ^^

Considering having a go with a spaceplane... hopefully anything that can make Kerbin orbit can also make Serran, if refuelled. Question is whether it'll have enough lift to get off the ground, and is there a flat patch... That crater on blue side looks inviting.

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Question for the creator.

I was trying to figure out whether I wanted the Outer Planets Mod over the stock system or this. I decided, why not both?

I'm currently trying to throw together a compatibility patch between this and the stock system with OPM using Kerbal Galaxy as a mediator; the idea is to keep the stock system with OPM and throw New Horizons copies of the stock planets to put in its own solar system, also orbiting the black hole. (I'll also set up a launch site on NH's Kerbin if I can.) The only problem is that throwing New Horizons copies of the stock planets, as far as I can tell, requires me to edit the configs NH has to shift around the stock planets, hence publishing the compatibility patch would require me to publish edited versions of those configs.

Is this okay?

EDIT: Another similar situation's probably gonna happen with the EVE configs.

Edited by Whovian
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Question for the creator.

I was trying to figure out whether I wanted the Outer Planets Mod over the stock system or this. I decided, why not both?

I'm currently trying to throw together a compatibility patch between this and the stock system with OPM using Kerbal Galaxy as a mediator; the idea is to keep the stock system with OPM and throw New Horizons copies of the stock planets to put in its own solar system, also orbiting the black hole. (I'll also set up a launch site on NH's Kerbin if I can.) The only problem is that throwing New Horizons copies of the stock planets, as far as I can tell, requires me to edit the configs NH has to shift around the stock planets, hence publishing the compatibility patch would require me to publish edited versions of those configs.

Is this okay?

EDIT: Another similar situation's probably gonna happen with the EVE configs.

Me and KillAshley are working on something pretty similar to what you are proposing

here's the link


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Question for the creator.

I was trying to figure out whether I wanted the Outer Planets Mod over the stock system or this. I decided, why not both?

I'm currently trying to throw together a compatibility patch between this and the stock system with OPM using Kerbal Galaxy as a mediator; the idea is to keep the stock system with OPM and throw New Horizons copies of the stock planets to put in its own solar system, also orbiting the black hole. (I'll also set up a launch site on NH's Kerbin if I can.) The only problem is that throwing New Horizons copies of the stock planets, as far as I can tell, requires me to edit the configs NH has to shift around the stock planets, hence publishing the compatibility patch would require me to publish edited versions of those configs.

Is this okay?

EDIT: Another similar situation's probably gonna happen with the EVE configs.

You can do that, sure, provided that any adaptations of New Horizons you release are under the same CC-BY-NC-SA license New Horizons is, and you are careful to not closely combine it with anything under an incompatible license.

But New Horizons already supports OPM, the Outer Planets will be added beyond Vanor with their orbital inclinations matching the NH system.

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dude, seriously love your screens, shows lots of love for the pack :cool:

Thanks for this mod! I've been having lots of fun with it!

glad you're enjoying it so far dude, let me know if there's any issues

Question for the creator.

I was trying to figure out whether I wanted the Outer Planets Mod over the stock system or this. I decided, why not both?

I'm currently trying to throw together a compatibility patch between this and the stock system with OPM using Kerbal Galaxy as a mediator; the idea is to keep the stock system with OPM and throw New Horizons copies of the stock planets to put in its own solar system, also orbiting the black hole. (I'll also set up a launch site on NH's Kerbin if I can.) The only problem is that throwing New Horizons copies of the stock planets, as far as I can tell, requires me to edit the configs NH has to shift around the stock planets, hence publishing the compatibility patch would require me to publish edited versions of those configs.

Is this okay?

EDIT: Another similar situation's probably gonna happen with the EVE configs.

should be fine, just remember to stay in lines with the license i distribute under, as cantab said;

You can do that, sure, provided that any adaptations of New Horizons you release are under the same CC-BY-NC-SA license New Horizons is, and you are careful to not closely combine it with anything under an incompatible license.

But New Horizons already supports OPM, the Outer Planets will be added beyond Vanor with their orbital inclinations matching the NH system.

so feel free to edit whatever you like, as long as you stay within the license requirements! Also remember that if you distribute altered configs, they may fall behind as updates for NH come out, so it's usually a lot easier to just use MM patches where possible :wink:

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Doing a fun little mission orbit the Sun and then pop back. Just wanted all the easyish to get science. Holy cow did I get a lot (relatively speaking). Something like 600, which is funny because the mission is easy compared to the manned landing/return from Serran (which netted about 280 science).

Also, Bill is now a 3 star... Me thinks I'm gonna have to make a huge ship just to send all my kerbals into Kerbol orbit so that they get to level 3. :P

In other news, I miscalculated the delta-v needed for getting off of Serran and Jeb had to go rescue them in a epic Rendezvous (before they ran outta supplies). Was fun and the first Rendezvous/docking that I've done in this save.

Oh and did I mention that the return transfer got seriously botched (I'm looking at you flight computer, or maybe Jeb) and they ended up hitting Kerbin atmo at 3700m/s with a Periapsis of 39k... Yeah, that was insanely scary.

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Doing a fun little mission orbit the Sun and then pop back. Just wanted all the easyish to get science. Holy cow did I get a lot (relatively speaking). Something like 600, which is funny because the mission is easy compared to the manned landing/return from Serran (which netted about 280 science).

Also, Bill is now a 3 star... Me thinks I'm gonna have to make a huge ship just to send all my kerbals into Kerbol orbit so that they get to level 3. :P

In other news, I miscalculated the delta-v needed for getting off of Serran and Jeb had to go rescue them in a epic Rendezvous (before they ran outta supplies). Was fun and the first Rendezvous/docking that I've done in this save.

Oh and did I mention that the return transfer got seriously botched (I'm looking at you flight computer, or maybe Jeb) and they ended up hitting Kerbin atmo at 3700m/s with a Periapsis of 39k... Yeah, that was insanely scary.

lol cool, glad you enjoy it...I'll tone down the far sun science in the next update, seems it's something i overlooked considering the difficulty leaving sonnah vs landing at on of it's moons! thanks for letting me know!

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dude, seriously love your screens, shows lots of love for the pack :cool:

Well, yes. That, and if I can get more people hooked on NH, they'll come up with good ideas for stuff that I'm not smart enough to do on my own :] I got a 2-man SSTO around all of Sonnah's moons (essentially) - now it's time for someone else to show me how to land on Serran cheaply :P

You know, I was thinking earlier that NH must make solar panels less useful, since Kerbin is about twice as far out from the sun but... after 2 hours faffing around with configs (and failing to change anything), I compared it to stock, and solar panels generate a bit MORE power in LKO than they do in stock. I'm both annoyed (at my waste of time) and confused by how the heck this works. I'm guessing you already accounted for that in a config file somewhere but I'm dashed if I can find it :P

...and there goes my excuse for not using ion probes :/ Apparently I thought they were more useful than they ever actually were. Inner solar system only, unless I can find a good power generation option somewhere in Near Future Technologies...

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idk what im doing wrong but for some reason after starting a new game i cant see the space center...its just a dark skybox with nothing else. plz advise ... or if someone could send me a screencap of the proper install setup that would be greatly appreciated.

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idk what im doing wrong but for some reason after starting a new game i cant see the space center...its just a dark skybox with nothing else. plz advise ... or if someone could send me a screencap of the proper install setup that would be greatly appreciated.

Sounds like Kopernicus didn't find something it was looking for. Make sure ModuleManager.2.6.6.dll and New_Horizons are directly in GameData. Also make sure you have Kopernicus installed.

Also, if you have other planet packs, that could be causing issues.

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idk what im doing wrong but for some reason after starting a new game i cant see the space center...its just a dark skybox with nothing else. plz advise ... or if someone could send me a screencap of the proper install setup that would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like Kopernicus didn't find something it was looking for. Make sure ModuleManager.2.6.6.dll and New_Horizons are directly in GameData. Also make sure you have Kopernicus installed.

Also, if you have other planet packs, that could be causing issues.

Other planet packs shouldn't give that bug. Nor should lack of ModuleManager or NH.

First off, try not making bug reports your first post.

Second, here's the Sigma method of solving planet pack bugs!

Try doing this:

(this is a tip that can be applied to every kind of bug and is very quick to do)

1- go to your KerbalSpaceProgram folder

2- Rename the GameData folder to GameDataOLD (or something similar)

3- create a new folder and name it GameData

4- move the Squad folder from GameDataOLD to the new GameData folder

5- install Kopernicus

6- install NH

7- make sure you have Module Manager (I always forget this part :D)

8- load into the game and see if you are still experiencing the bug


report it


some of your mods is interfering, you could try adding one mod at a time and check when the bug comes back

then report it.

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After a successful install I booted the game up... and nothing. It didn't work.

Perhaps the quantum artificulater is out of resonance with the planck covariation converter hub. ;)

What happened, precisely? After installing this it seemed to me as if KSP had frozen for awhile, waiting for the menu screen to pop up, but that only happened the first time. It did eventually load up and run, and I believe it had to do with loading all the new planets and the menu screen.

Edited by Randazzo
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Perhaps the quantum artificulater is out of resonance with the planck covariation converter hub. ;)

What happened, precisely? After installing this it seemed to me as if KSP had frozen while waiting for the menu screen to pop up, but that only happened the first time.

I just Installed it like any other mod. And put the files into the Gamedata folder. Booted up the game and none of the new planets showed up. Pretty much like I hadn't installed it in the first place.

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I just Installed it like any other mod. And put the files into the Gamedata folder. Booted up the game and none of the new planets showed up. Pretty much like I hadn't installed it in the first place.

My guess is that you overlooked the Kopernicus dependency. It's a separate download.

- - - Updated - - -

If you use ATM, then New Horizons will definitely cause a big spike of startup time on the first run - let it do its thing compressing textures, exit at menu, and re-launch and it should be snappy again :)

I don't use ATM, and this happened after the progress bar was complete and the menu was trying to load it's backdrop scene.

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@Randazzo this is because on first load Kopernicus has to generate the .bin files for each planets, causing the hang up before the menu appears. This only happens on first launch an/or when the .bin files are removed from the directory. It's perfectly normal don't worry :wink:

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@Randazzo this is because on first load Kopernicus has to generate the .bin files for each planets, causing the hang up before the menu appears. This only happens on first launch an/or when the .bin files are removed from the directory. It's perfectly normal don't worry :wink:

why don't you just include the .bin files?

(this may be a stupid question :) )

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