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What are your craziest dreams?


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Hello, forums!

We all have experienced the brain phenomenon in sleep that is known as dreaming. The thing is, dreaming can get pretty absurd. So what's the weirdest dream you ever had?

Well, for me, I was on an aircraft. Perhaps an A320 or something similar-looking. I heard the news about Jupiter being destroyed from a probe crashing to it (I know it's incredibly inaccurate!) , and debris from it was going to produce a meteor shower.

So.. I was in the airport, nearby a balcony. The meteor shower started. It was full of KSP-like asteroids in flames, raining down in clusters. And it was about the same size of the Moon from eye perspective. It was going by slowly, and it was very clear to see. It was beautiful, although morbid, because one of the most beautiful gas giants in the Solar System was gone.

Then I was awake.

What about you guys?

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I used to have ferrets as pets, 8 of them. I would lay on the floor eye-level with them and watch them play. I used to have dreams I was a ferret, romping around with them. Then there were the dreams of flying ... too many hours spent in Flight-Sim. No space-walks with Jeb yet, but I'm getting there.

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I was on a near empty Concorde-like plane when it just turned its engines off without the pilots permission, and he could not override the autopilot, so everyone EJECTED out. I landed at a nice cafe and started sipping tea and reading newspaper, when the empty plane engaged afterburners and flew away.

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My weirdest dream is a true doozy.

It was about fifteen years ago, I was working in a restaurant and I could not stand my boss' gay lover and I was close to a nervous breakdown. I was seriously overworked.

One day I dreamt police breaking down my door and dragging me from my bed in cuffs. My boss' gay lover had been murdered and I was the prime suspect. I REALLY got the hump. I didn't do it. Somebody beat me to it.

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My craziest dream is so stupid it is incredible. Brace yourselves!

So the teletubbies were on top of their hill dancing and whatnot when a UFO comes out of nowhere and abducts all of them except the purple guy. As the UFO flies away, getting quieter and quieter is "Where did everybody go? Where did everybody go? Where did everybody go?"

The end!

I was five or something like that, okay? :P

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I was in this appliance store, there were these really high tech appliances with touch screens, I think there was a food replicator, like from Star Trek, I don't really remember this dream at much except for a teal-blue oven-like appliance with a screen on top with some kind of bar thingy.

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Space Station... running on low power... Xenomorph hive was somewhere in the bowels of the place. This was decades ago but I can still vividly remember looking down this one passageway made of cheap metal, at a square opening in the floor and thinking, "They could come out at any second."


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Baystation alien mode in a nutshell.

- - - Updated - - -

  vger said:
Space Station... running on low power... Xenomorph hive was somewhere in the bowels of the place. This was decades ago but I can still vividly remember looking down this one passageway made of cheap metal, at a square opening in the floor and thinking, "They could come out at any second."


Baystation in a nutshell.... kinda.

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I was a peregrine falcon(yes, I remember the specie). I don't remember very well, by I think I was chasing someone, within another game I have(boom blox). I remember dashing, mario style, on the top of a medieval tower.

don't ask.

Also, it was on a school trip, at the subway(the vehicle, not the place where you can have food). Where I live, there is two lanes at each station: one for each directions of travelling. All the students were jumping from one land to another, because why not? I remember that one of the student missed his jump and landed on the rails(without falling over). fire came out of his mouth.

Finally, I remember there was some sort of passage on the rail, just before the beginning of the "tunnel"(well, the tunnel inside the station, which is underground) which you could use to travel from one lane to another; but you had to be careful about arriving subways because nothing warned you for that.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry about necro. I just have sonething I really find odd.

After saving the world from tentacle faced aliens or something, I walked up to a staircase with a doorframe next to it. Standing there was a lower leg. Disembodied, no blood at the knee, just a round skin coloured thing. Then, it flew at an unspeakable location that was slightly painful.

I woke up, but then found the leg was in bed with me. You can probably figure out what happens next.

After that I finally woke up. I don't remember when it happened.

I've had tonnes of awesome dreams, like flying and trains and asteroid apocalypses and deadly swimming pools and floating glass dome restraunts and underground zombies and exploding weird tent things and trains and train stations and trees and underground pipe fish and lots more.

I've also had some horrorfying dreams. I don't find them scary any more. Things like seeing something horrible in an alien hospital or someone turning into a zombie on an aeroplane.

I also got a weird one where I was flying to minimus and there was just these huge globs of minimus floating around. I crashed.

Edited by JebKeb
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On Lucid Dreaming:

I never really believed my friend who said he had so-called "lucid dreams". He would say "If I was being chased by a monster in my dream, I would just imagine I had a gun, and there it would be."

The reason I didn't believe that he had concious control over his dreams was because if you had total control of your world, and were being chased, well my first thought wouldn't be a gun, it would be to solidify the entire universe into solid quartz, give myself the ability to walk freely through it and dispose of said threat at leisure. I figure he had vivid dreams but wasn't really in concious control, as he was still limited. Or maybe he did dream lucidly just without much imagination :)


On Worst dreams:

Had my fair share of nightmares, the usual stuff. But there was one outlier, it was one that recurred every so often in my childhood (not happened for a long time). Nothing particularly scary happened, it would be quite abstract in fact, visually/experientially. But there would be an intense feeling of pure dread permeating the dream and I would often "half-wake-up" and be unable to tell the size of my surroundings - IE: "Am I in a bedroom or am I in a tiny tiny box that just looks like a bedroom from the inside.

It terrified me.



I have died in my dreams, so that myth is busted. It was definitely a death, a nuclear weapon went of right next to me. I experienced it as everything going white, and I woke up after this occurred.

Get blown away by the wind quite a lot in my regular dreams. Also occasionally get in fights where my punches are completely ineffectual (classic anxiety dream I think).


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  On 3/31/2015 at 1:21 AM, daniel l. said:

I was a cat


I can understand you. Once I was a human.

(Oops... Haven't read the date.)

  On 6/7/2016 at 11:18 AM, p1t1o said:

Nothing particularly scary happened, it would be quite abstract in fact, visually/experientially. But there would be an intense feeling of pure dread permeating the dream


Exactly. Nothing visible, but a feeling of something absolutely hostile and hating, a handful in size, once playing with a paper on the floor, once flying through the door, another time located under the window.
Meanwhile zombies and other such staff are mostly harmless and have no interest, just stupidly gazing.

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  On 6/7/2016 at 12:45 PM, kerbiloid said:

Exactly. Nothing visible, but a feeling of something absolutely hostile and hating, a handful in size, once playing with a paper on the floor, once flying through the door, another time located under the window.


Gah! That just gave me goosebumps...too real.

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