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What are your craziest dreams?


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I had a dream once when I was little where I was playing with a Lego Bionicle on the floor, and one piece came off and tumbled just out of arm's reach. I froze and felt a sense of terror, knowing exactly what was about to happen. As I stared at the piece, it instantaneously disappeared into another dimension - the one where lost things go, the same one your socks always find their way into from the dryer. That's what it meant to "lose a piece" to me. I could feel the parallel dimension close to me, but it was unreachable. 

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The weirdest dream i ever had was a Super Saiyan dream.

The Dream - around Early June:

Well i was hanging around nearby my house when i met a video stealer irl - he was wearing a yellow shirt with some things in it - and it was my number 1 enemy - so i started fighting him, but little did i know that he was about to throw literal BOMBS at me! :0.0: But when he did throw a nuclear bomb, I was scared, knowing that everyone i know and love would evaporate. But the big twist happened: the nuclear bomb failed to detonate! We began wondering, but i had a crazy idea: absorbing the power of a nuclear bomb (the dream said that it was about 1 MT of TNT). And i did it, going Super Saiyan a few seconds after absorbing it. The video stealer said: "Are you blonde now?" and started laughing, but little did he know that i just became 50 times stronger - and i got to him in a blink of a eye. Then i throw him at a solid street pole and to my bicycle, again, in a blink of a eye. Then the video stealer was unable to move, i nearly killed him, and i decided that it was over, thinking that he learned his lesson and would never steal videos again. I returned to base form, and flied away.

Then i woke up, saying "What in the world just happened?", thinking about how wild this dream was.


I think that i may watched too much Dragon Ball.

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Sometimes I sort of doze off, but am still awake, and I dream/think about falling over or something, so I sort of lurch forward in my seat to try and re-balance myself but I just end up looking like an idiot who almost jumped out his chair for no reason.

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Last night I dreamt there was a small population of about 20 yetis living at the north pole, but they were imprisoned in an evil tower by a crazy priest, who killed all but one of them. I, a scientist and explorer, discovered the place and stopped the priest and attempted to save the remaining living yeti and recover the bodies of the dead.

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I was at Wal★Mart in a bathrobe, but I was still classy because I had a blue polo shirt underneath it. I was shopping for "the boys" (whoever they are) and I was trying to keep it all under $30 because that's all I had.

On 6/19/2018 at 9:28 AM, A Soviet Tank said:

Sometimes I sort of doze off, but am still awake, and I dream/think about falling over or something, so I sort of lurch forward in my seat to try and re-balance myself but I just end up looking like an idiot who almost jumped out his chair for no reason.

This happens to me all the time, in bed. I'll feel like I'm about to trip, so I'll jerk to avoid it. Also, can anyone else hear their thoughts as they fall asleep? I'll be imagining a conversation or something, and eventually I'll realize that I'm actually hearing those thoughts. But if I move or wake myself up a bit, it goes away.

Edited by MDZhB
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For the first time in a decent bit, had a vivid dream

Somehow started out with a super awesome sleeping bag (cause I was looking for one...). Something happened, then my mother came home with both of the guinea pigs we have. For some reason, she used them as actual guinea pigs in a biology experiment injecting some drug or something. (No idea why, mother isnt even a biologist....) However,she accidentally injected the one in the brain instead of the leg with maybe sleepy kinda thing (again, no idea why). This was (in dream time) a couple days ago. Then later in the dream, the one guinea pig died as I was holding it. Or I think it died.

Yeah that wasn't so fun.


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Well… i have had many dreams… changing into aliens, dragons taking revenge for killing my grandma on a space overlord, being the greatest villain there ever was, getting chased by wolves, being a gladiator and still many more…:wink:

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I dreamed just this morning about some kid who did something bad and was sentenced to jail time in the library at my local community college. That's the second time now that I've had a dream about that situation. It was someone different this time, and he ended up at the North Pole helping Santa Claus. Ol' St. Nick was considering moving his workshop to Jacksonville (Florida, Alabama, Texas, Illinois?) because of taxes or something like that, and downsizing his operation. Luckily MC was there to help spread Christmas cheer or something. Also, Santa was polygamous. Go figure.

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7 hours ago, munlander1 said:

Have you guys ever remembered something because you dreamt about it? Second time it’s happened to me.

I dunno, but I've been replaying Banjo-Tooie for the first time since I was really young, and it's really uncanny how some of the levels are similar to scenes I've been in in dreams. Every time I dream about a beach, there's a wall at the back and a narrow entrance at the left side when facing the water, and Jolly Roger's Lagoon seems organized really close to that. It's really weird what parts of the game I do and don't remember at all. I am almost certain I never beat the game as a kid, but several times when I've replayed old games I end up feeling like I remember the ending, even though I specifically thought I had gotten most of the way through, but not all the way through the game. It's happened with Super Mario Sunshine, Half Life, and Pikmin 2. 

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  • 3 months later...

Last night I dreamt I had just landed on Mars, alone, almost at sunset. I was safe for the time being, but there was a second ship full of supplies that was approaching the planet to arrive shortly after me. If it didn't land within walking distance I was in big trouble. I wasn't panicked about it, though. I guess I trusted the ships' systems, and myself enough to know I'd be able to make myself at home.

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I actually had a dream where I was browsing the forums and SQUAD released a new KSP:EE update. From what I can remember, it was something like "After several months of development, now console players can enjoy all the features of 1.5x and beyond!" They say that what you dream can come true, so I really hope this dream becomes reality! 

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Ah do dreams about KSP count? Because I had one recently about a mission in which Walt Kerman was stranded in a command pod in orbit of Kerbin. It had begun with a space station inhabited by Laika, for some reason (relevant I guess?). The command pod Walt was in became detached from the station by accident. Though I am not so sure why Walt was in space to begin with, really. The mission ended rather horribly, with the command pod's re-entry being too steep. It didn't overheat, but the G-forces from hitting the lower atmosphere and slowing down so quickly were very high. This has rendered a few of my pilots unconscious while playing KSP in real life, but in this dream the G-forces were so high that it caused poor Walt to die from burst blood vessels among other things.

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I dreamt that my left arm got cut off (in battle I think??? Probably by someone with a purple ax...), but I was able to have it sutured back on and it still worked fine. I thought the scar running all the way around my upper arm looked cool, and I also reluctantly decided that reattaching my human arm was better than waiting, having one hand for a while, then getting a less capable robotic arm.

I still  think having one robot arm would be totally cool, even with somewhat reduced control and feeling. I probably won't exchange my biological hands for one anytime soon, though. I have a lot of muscle memory stored in them that is important to me, and with current tech I would have to lose that and relearn everything. If I ever did lose an arm, I think I would be more excited than fearful anyway. I'd tell the doctors to get my nerves organized as best they can, then I'd build my system. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The other night, I had a dream in which I actually died.
I came across a bus which was stopped at the side of the road. Apparently its driver had been killed by an armed hooligan in one of the seats. Who was still in said seat, waving their gun around. So, in the infinite wisdom of a dream character, I decided that I needed to drive the bus… somewhere? It seemed reasonable—necessary, even—at the time. I got into the bus, hunched down in the seat and peered over the dashboard while the hooligan tried to shoot me. (Everyone knows the bottom of backrests are bulletproof.) After some time, the hooligan presumably ran out of bullets and decided to throw the gun at me. It seemed to be made of plastic, for some reason. After I straightened up, another hooligan (this one with a much cooler head) walked to the front of the bus and sat next to me. (Apparently my internal model of buses is somewhat lacking.) He had a gun, of course, and pulled out a phone to talk to someone, presumably an accomplice.
By this point, I was on the freeway. There was zero traffic. I decided that the bus now needed to stop. (I guess if driving the bus got me into the present situation, the cessation of driving must get me back out?) Conveniently, the freeway featured retractable spike strips… for lane enforcement, I guess? Since the hooligan was distracted by his phone (the call was not going well), I figured that the spike strips would be the best way to stop the bus. I ran over the strip once, but didn't stay on it long enough to trigger the spikes, so I ran over it again. The tires were torn to shreds, the bus screeched to a halt, and I looked at the hooligan with a smug grin. He gave an exasperated sigh…
…and shot me directly in the head.
My vision immediately shut off, except for a text message: "This incident will be reported to your superiors," which quickly faded. My reaction was a kind of nonplussed "well, crap." I tried to figure out what the text meant, until I realized that I was trying to figure something out while I was supposed to be dead. A little after that, I noted the sensation of breathing, and shortly thereafter I woke up.

While this isn't the first time I've dreamed about dying or almost dying, it's the first time the "dying" bit hasn't resulted immediately in waking up. Very surreal.

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