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What are your craziest dreams?


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Oh, BOY! Finally, a weirdness repository!

Incident One: A recurring dream, from when I was 3-4 years old, where I would be clinging to the edge of an infinitely long concrete drainage ditch/arroyo/whatever. My mom and my preschool teacher were sitting on the edge, and my grip would fail, and I would start falling down the slope until I woke up in the middle of the night.

Incident Two: My house had been transformed into a pizza parlor, and it was full of bees I was keeping as pets. There may or may not have been a fire pole.

Incident Three: Giant flaming Doritos falling from the sky destroyed my friend's house.

Incident Four: I was sitting next to a fridge, with some sort of tubing curled around my waist, and then with a hiss it would retract and trap me, squeezing until I woke up.

Incident Five: There was a subway I never knew existed, and the train was like one of those kiddie rides at lame theme parks... you know the type, it goes at two mph and it travels around in a giant circle around the perimeter of the place before arriving back at the Wild West-themed station. So, we got in and before it could start moving there was a power outage, and we had to get rescued by electric trucks painted green.

Incident Six: My house caught fire because of some... spinning radiator thingies... and before we could escape, our path was trapped by giant tarantulas.

And now that I've started playing KSP, it's only a matter of time before...

Incident Seven: I'm in a capsule. Why am I in a capsule? With a jolt I lift off. There's a gut-wrenching shockwave and I see an explosion out of the corner of my eye before the rocket tips over. And then... I wake up. I'm in a capsule. Why am I in a capsule? With a jolt I lift off. There's a gut-wrenching shockwave and I see an explosion out of the corner of my eye before the rocket tips over. And then... I wake up. I'm in a capsule...

EDIT: And all of my other dreams are totally, completely, normal. Not plausible, just normal.

Edited by Confused Scientist
Why did it copy and paste itself five times?
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2 hours ago, cubinator said:

With a lot of practice, you should be able to rewire your neurons enough to actually make your mental field of view a volume instead of a plane, and thus be able to truly visualize 4D shapes. I think that imagining being able to see in all 3D directions at once should help with finding a vector perpendicular to all of them.

Pretty sure it doesn't work like that. You're trying to change a way of thinking that you've used your entire life (eyesight, that's 2D). When you get old enough to understand the basics of a hypercube you're already too old to try to change that.

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1 hour ago, Aperture Science said:

Pretty sure it doesn't work like that. You're trying to change a way of thinking that you've used your entire life (eyesight, that's 2D). When you get old enough to understand the basics of a hypercube you're already too old to try to change that.

Cubinator is a big fan of Cubic Rubik in all its manifestations.
So he just describes a reduced, 4D, case of his usual world vision.

Edited by kerbiloid
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I know I've had some crazy dreams, but my problem is I NEVER remember them, even when I've just woken up.  I know they were crazy dreams, but couldn't tell you what they were to save my life.

My boss, on the other hand, remembers ALL her dreams, and she's had some crazy ones.  For example, in one dream, a co-worker handed her her morning cup of coffee, and there were a bunch of one-eyed, blind cave crickets dancing on the rim of the cup.  Before diving in and continuing the dancing.

No, she's never seen Joe's Apartment... but she compared the dream to the old Esther Williams movies, with the synchronized swimming "dance" scenes in them.

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9 hours ago, Confused Scientist said:

Incident One: A recurring dream, from when I was 3-4 years old, where I would be clinging to the edge of an infinitely long concrete drainage ditch/arroyo/whatever. My mom and my preschool teacher were sitting on the edge, and my grip would fail, and I would start falling down the slope until I woke up in the middle of the night.

Incident Two: My house had been transformed into a pizza parlor, and it was full of bees I was keeping as pets. There may or may not have been a fire pole.

Incident Three: Giant flaming Doritos falling from the sky destroyed my friend's house.

Incident Four: I was sitting next to a fridge, with some sort of tubing curled around my waist, and then with a hiss it would retract and trap me, squeezing until I woke up.

Incident Five: There was a subway I never knew existed, and the train was like one of those kiddie rides at lame theme parks... you know the type, it goes at two mph and it travels around in a giant circle around the perimeter of the place before arriving back at the Wild West-themed station. So, we got in and before it could start moving there was a power outage, and we had to get rescued by electric trucks painted green.

Incident Six: My house caught fire because of some... spinning radiator thingies... and before we could escape, our path was trapped by giant tarantulas.

And now that I've started playing KSP, it's only a matter of time before...

Incident Seven: I'm in a capsule. Why am I in a capsule? With a jolt I lift off. There's a gut-wrenching shockwave and I see an explosion out of the corner of my eye before the rocket tips over. And then... I wake up. I'm in a capsule. Why am I in a capsule? With a jolt I lift off. There's a gut-wrenching shockwave and I see an explosion out of the corner of my eye before the rocket tips over. And then... I wake up. I'm in a capsule...


Are you sure that you were sleeping in those cases, rather than sleeping now and dreaming about KSP forum?

Edited by kerbiloid
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I was rolling on my bed, in my dimly lit bedroom, too lazy to move, when suddenly, my little sister is already besides me and grins at me. Confused, I don't have time to think before suddenly she jumped on me and start gnawing at my face. I tried to resist and kick her away, only to be shocked when I realized my kick disintegrate her into a cloud of nanomachines that start eating my body en masse and convert my biomaterials into more of them. I screamed and cried without being able to do anything and  only awakened as they start swarming on my eyes, seeing my room is still dimly lit, but without nanomachine sister. I feel relived it was just a dream, and I realized, I was falling asleep while playing KSP on my bed, with my laptop still on in front of me. Turns out I was sleeping while my new SSTO is still ascending through kerbin atmosphere, and when I'm awake, it's already on escape velocity

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I don't know what caused this, but when I was 6 or 7 I saw my room door cracked open and my little brother standing there. The reading light I had on illuminated him, by dimly. I say his name with no reaction. Flick on my ceiling fan light and my brother disappeared 

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All my nightmares (dreams ? it's too often) until when I was quite younger were about falling and rolling endlessly (not like rolling down a hill, but more like roll stablization or something). The weird part is, the rolling too often ends to occur physically, so I end up falling from the bed - but in the dream it feels that it comes about by it's own, not from myself. Sometimes I realize that I run out of bed (usually thanks to the hand dangling over the edge - how did I do them in sleep ?) and it's even more startling - I'd wake up very startled and scared (the other one got me hurt, if I didn't physically fell I only felt scared). Other days it could be nothing (which at one point I enjoyed thanks to the occurence rate of that falling-rolling dream). Nowadays it's more about dreaming something I saw (or think about) in the day. That falling still occurs a bit though - some position makes it feels like you're weightless and it'd startle me.

Maybe unconsciously I discovered the way NASA made those sleep-position induced zero-g ?

Edited by YNM
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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday i had a weird dream. I was in some kind empty gym space studio thing, and there was zero-G so i had alot of fun.

I want to Lucid Dream and be able to do the things i always wanted to do but never can.

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Finally both:
-Had a dream in which I realized it was a dream
-Remembered having said dream

I reached a contradiction while using a computer. Something like "Wait, how am I getting this data if I took the drive it's supposed to be on apart a week ago?"
Didn't actually go much of anywhere from there.

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A few days ago i had another one of those scary chase dreams. It included one of my biggest fears: Little Children who do dangerous things and not realize the danger of it. They threw rocks, no, not rocks BOULDERS at me. And thats not all, they threw them 50 meters into the air! 

They always say, "follow your dreams" problem is, none of my dreams nor nightmares make any sense at all.

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I was in a tank museum, and I was really happy to see a particular tank there, the heavy tank IS-6.

Next moment I was in it, and I was looking around and pressing the buttons.

When I woke up, in a half-asleep state I felt really happy to finally get to see this tank, and slowly as I woke up more I came across the obvious. I had never actually seen the IS-6, and I won't be able to, because they no longer exist. :(

Edited by V7 Aerospace
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I sometimes dream i would have a terrible day. This usually happends when something simple like a field trip happends, and the usual scenario is that im too late for the bus and our class leaves without me. It feels like a second change, it feels good.

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